"Well, come at me, then!" He yelled out, issuing a challenge to the massive ram.

Of course, with the level of the beast, it stood little chance against the man that possessed a growling stomach. In just a couple slashes, the giant ram was felled, prompting him to carry the spoils of his hunt into the cave.

"Alright…easy does it," he said with a strained smile.

It was definitely much more difficult to actually bring the body of the beast with him than it was to slay it, as he dragged its massive body into the cave.

As he reached the innards of the dark cave, he placed the giant ram down and huffed, wiping the sweat from his forehead before he glanced around.

"Fire…need some damn fire–for light and cookin this thing!" He said out loud.

Luckily, the flourishing mountain was inhabited by plentiful trees, which he chopped up for some wood before bringing back to the cave, tossing some into a spot and conjuring a fire by using his own skills.

"Huzzah! That's the power of magic, baby!" He laughed.

It felt more satisfying to use fire for this purpose than to burn enemies, as he gifted himself with a healthy flame.

There was a lot of effort that went into it, but he managed to properly cut up the huge ram and begin cooking it, having a hefty serving of meat for himself.


He bit into the harsh meat, tugging at it and chewing at it as he watched the azure sky from his spot in the cave.

You better have made it, fire-head. Things have gotten a whole lot more interesting here, he thought.

After finishing his meal, there was definitely a vital part missing from the necessities needed to survive:

"Damn, my throat's dry!"

I need water, dammit, he thought.

As he got up, he decided to pack up some of the leftovers from the beast in a makeshift container of leaves before heading out from the cave, beginning his descent down the mountain.

Pretty sure I saw some rivers or something sitting below, he thought.

Placing a blade of grass between his lips, he nonchalantly marched down the trail that spiraled down the mountain, chewing on the piece of grass while doing so.

The mountain was definitely not some untouched piece of land, as the trail wasn't something that looked naturally formed, but carved out.

What even is this place, anyway? We're in a tower, right? So why's it like…a whole world and crap? Pretty damn annoying–can't they explain shit to us?! He thought.

As he descended the trail, he came to a stop while his hands were tucked into his pockets, finding two figures sitting by a campfire on a piece of flat stone protruding from the side of the towering rock formation.

"Huh?" He raised an eyebrow.

Looking at the two, quite large men that were sitting around the campsite, he was definitely surprised by the size they were–they both were built like professional basketball players, dressed in armor formed of shells with raw hide beneath.

"Hey! Do ya two have any idea what's going on 'round here?" He asked.

Though as he called out to the two men, he felt his question was wrongly given as they noticed his presence, looking towards him.
They had sharp eyes; vertical slits like beasts and cheeks that had an odd texture, like scales. By their facial features, they both looked of chinese origin.

What's up with these guys…? They don't seem right, he thought.

By their equipment that seemed dated and unlike the uniforms usually seen of equip and the mysterious scales that covered some portions of their skin, it was clear that something was different about the tall men.

As they stood up slowly, he watched their hands move towards the long scabbards situated at their hips.

He didn't waste any time placing his hands on the handles of his sheathed blades either, staring the two, beast-eyed men down, "...Easy does it. I'm not lookin for a fight."

What's up with these guys? They're freakin huge and their outfits are different. I don't get the vibe that they're players, he thought.

It was only once the long blades the two men possessed began to be drawn did the System finally give away their information to him:

[Yinlong Soldier | Bowen: Level 22]

[Yinlong Soldier | Bambang: Level 23]

As he learned of their basic titles, he drew his blades in response, staying cautious as he watched the silent, stone-faced soldiers hold their blades up, squaring off against him.

"Yinlong Soldier"--the hell is that? They've got names…they're people–but, they're not people? Damn, I'm confused! He thought.

"Hey! I'm not really in the mood for killin humans right now, so let's call a truce, ya got that?!" He called out.

"Quiet, invader," the one named Bowen said.

"You can save your words for the dragon, once you meet him in the afterlife," the one named Bambang told him.

He was mistaken as some sort of intruder, but he didn't recall trespassing into any private land as he had simply been on the mountain this entire time. Though he didn't like the idea of having to fight fellow humans, it didn't seem he was given much of a choice.

"...It's yer loss then, not mine," he said quietly.

As he wielded both of his blades, the two, tall and burly men dressed in ancient armor that resembled B.C. era Chinese equipment charged at him with surprising swiftness.

Though the two native warriors of this unfamiliar land swung at him simultaneously, he managed to block both of their blades with his own.

"--!" Bowen and Bambang both looked surprised.

He smiled while holding both of their swords back, "...Surprised, aintcha? Well, no take backs! Ya started this, ya better see it through now!"

Summoning further strength, his muscles bulkened momentarily as he forced both of the warriors back with a mighty push.

"Raging Ox!" He yelled out.

Due to the nature of his special incantations used for his unique class, it bolstered his physical state–amplifying his strength and speed greatly.

The "Raging" is for amplification, and wind. "Ox" is used for complete, brute force! I usually stick with "Dragon" as that one brings out the strongest elements, but this'll do for chumps like this! He thought.

The nature of his skills worked differently than most. It wasn't as if one type of beast invocation summoned one specific element, but each were different tiers of strength, such as "Tiger" bringing out medium-power flames, but "Dragon" bringing out even more.

With "Ox", he brought out a medium-level amount of physical amplification.

"What's this strength?! Is he one of the 'Scarlet Wings'?!" Bambang called out.

"It doesn't matter! We must seize his head–for Emperor Jiao-Long!" Bowen yelled.

He grinned as veins pressed against his skin, "--I dunno who this Emperor Joe-whoever is, but just try and take my head!"

The comment from him sent the two warriors into a visible rage as they both launched towards him, beginning to strike at him with their lengthy steel as he deflected their slashes while still grinning.

"You'll pay for your insolence, invader!" Bambang yelled.

Just as the tall, ponytail-wearing warrior yelled out, a slash cut through his chest, stifling his words.

He laughed out, "Did anybody teach ya not to talk so much in battle?! Yer wide open!"

"Ghh!" Bambang winced as veins protruded against the grizzled warrior's forehead.

After getting the visceral slash against the warrior, he stepped back as a powerful overhead strike tried to take his neck, coming from the comrade of the man.

"--Stay focused, Bambang!" Bowen yelled.

"Right," Bambang straightened himself out.

To his surprise, the one he had just cut, who suffered a massive gash across his chest that bled heavily, was standing up with a focused expression, intently watching him.

Woah, woah now…what're these guys made out of? It's like he doesn't even feel pain! He thought.

"Let's unleash it," the warrior named Bowen said as his spiky, dark-brown hair swayed in the wind.

"Yeah," the warrior named Bambang nodded.

'Unleash it'? The hell do they mean? He questioned.

Suddenly, before his eyes, the two warriors began to shift; their muscles swelled and their limbs lengthened. The fingers they possessed stretched out as their fingernails shifted into sharp, claw-like shapes.

The dark-gray scales that were sparsely on their skin extended, spreading across their entire body as their bodies morphed completely.

It was such an abnormal sight that he was caught in complete curiosity, watching as the two shifted into seemingly entirely different species.

Tails sprouted from behind the men's backs; they grew in size enough, bulkening to such lengths that the armor over their upper bodies tore away.

They're…reptiles? Dragons?! He realized.

The two warriors still possessed humanoid physiques, but were clad in gray scales and their faces had shifted, now possessing snouts and fangs, still wielding their swords as their tails smacked against the ground.

[Dragonkin Bowen | Level 25]

[Dragonkin Bambang | Level 26]

"Come, invader," Bambang said in a deeper, scratchier voice.

"...We'll end you here," Bowen added.

They were certainly imposing now, if they weren't before; both of the dragon-men scratched a height of three meters, oozing a new, strong aura.

"Alright! Ya want me to come at ya this time?! With pleasure!" He yelled out with a smile.

As he crossed his blades, he silently invoked his next skill:

"Red Dragon, Green Rhino!"

The invocation of [Red Dragon] allowed each of his blades to be engulfed in raging flames, while the other invocation covered his skin in a translucent layer of mysterious amplification.

"Let's do this!" He yelled out excitedly.

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