Dual System: Ascension of A Nameless Nobody

Chapter 257 Epilogue: Ascension Of A Nameless Nobody

After an unknown amount of time in stasis within the light, he suddenly came to as he – blinked.

Opening his eyelids, he found himself staring at a monitor with a game interface–staring at the MMORPG he played endlessly before.

The familiar tune of the game met his ears as he sat there for a moment in total silence as if overloaded by the nostalgic senses.

"--" Jeong-Hui was silent.

As he looked around, scooting his chair back, he found himself rolling over a left over wrapper from a sandwich. It was his unkempt room.

Touching his left eye that had been previously destroyed, he found it to be perfectly healthy, on top of that, glasses sat on his face again. Stumbling out of his chair, he looked into a mirror, finding himself to be years younger, back to the point of his life he last remembered before Armageddon.

There was one last thing to check, most important of all:

"System…" He said as his heart pounded within his chest.


There was no voice that spoke directly into his head, and no digital interface that interrupted his vision. It was just him alone with his own thoughts, free of that combat-born phenomena.

"...I did it…" He slowly said in disbelief, "...It's over…"

As the birds chirped outside his window, tears strolled down his cheeks as he let his head rest against the way in utmost relief.

Still, he held his breath for the next few hours as he stayed by the window, watching the sky to make sure God's declaration of the apocalypse didn't return.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

As his phone vibrated against his desk, he looked over to find the contact displayed on the touch screen: ["MOM"]

It had been years since he'd heard her voice, bringing him to scramble towards his phone as he answered it with a teary-eyed smile.

[MOM: Jeong-Hui? Seriously, you worried me, kid…You've got to answer my texts.]

"Yeah, I know…sorry," he apologized with a smile.

[MOM: Are you alright? Well, you'll just say "yes" anyway even if you aren't. Anyway, how's your day been? Anything special happen?]

The question brought him to a pause as he parted his lips, unknowing of how to answer such a question as memories that felt fresh flooded through his mind.

"No, just same old, same old," he replied with a smile.

As he ended the call, he looked around his room, hearing the sounds of people casually talking in the parking lot and kids playing in the streets. It was something he didn't know how much he missed.
Going outside, which was a rare occasion for Jeong-Hui before Armageddon, he opted to take in some fresh air, racing down the staircase as he threw on a black sweater for the chilly weather.

As he descended the stairs and began roaming down the street, he saw a figure approaching on the sidewalk.

Dae-Seong…He realized.

It was a sight that brought tears to his eyes as he felt like calling out, though he stopped himself as he realized he'd only make himself look like he had a screw loose.

The silver-haired businessman spoke on his phone, adjusting his glasses as he seemed to notice the young man staring at him.

"What? Oh, nothing," the silver-haired man responded to the other person on the phone, moving past Jeong-Hui.

It was painful, but at the same time it was more than he could hope for, seeing the man living once more, unshackled from the endless fight of Armageddon.

Still, such a sight made him retreat into his home for the time being as he leaned against the closed door, finding himself on the verge of breaking down.

I thought I could handle it, but…I miss them all. I'm so selfish…I just want us to all be together again, he thought.

That passing thought brought upon an idea in his mind, one that swept away his tears and ignited a forgotten dream in his heart…

Rather than continuing the stagnate, dead-end life that was previously set for the dropout, after being given another chance at life, experiencing rock bottom itself, Jeong-Hui put himself forward.

Using what little money he had for himself set by an allowance, he bought ingredients, studying recipes online and high-end techniques as he slaved away in the kitchen, day-in, day-out.

In there, alone with the sizzling pan and scents of spices and seasonings, he found himself reminiscing the times he cooked for everybody, bringing a sparse light in their dim lives of survival.

I can do this, he thought, I won't be a nobody–not in this life.

[Two Years Later]

In the center of the city, a restaurant was presenting itself with a "grand opening"--being unveiled by the owner himself, a red-haired, well-put together, rookie chef.

"Thank you all for coming here today!" Jeong-Hui announced, dressed in chef garments, ditching his glasses and gelling his red hair back, "...Welcome to 'Gangcheori Grill'!"

Waiting in front of the establishment were familiar faces to the owner, though familiar only to him as they were left perplexed.

"I don't remember signin' up for this, but a free meal is a free meal," a scar-covered man with azure, spiky hair said, scratching his head as he looked at the invitation.

Yeong-Un, Jeong-Hui recognized.

"Me neither, but hey! I heard the owner, err…Jeong-Hui, I think, is a rising star in the culinary scene!" A hazel haired man said excitedly, standing beside Yeong-un.

Sol, Jeong-Hui saw.

"Izzat so?" Yeong-Un raised an eyebrow with a smile.

It wasn't just those two–he managed to find every member of Gangcheori through grueling detective work online, asking around the city, and sending out invitations posed as "random" wins.

"...Well, there is a pleasing aroma coming from it," a black-haired, icy-eyes woman said.


"Hell yeah! My stomach is roaring!" A burly man with black-and-white hair said excitedly.


As he looked around, he didn't see Dae-Seong there, though he waited a few extra moments, he feared losing interest from his friends that had forgotten him as he finally opened the doors to his restaurant.

"Alright, let's get this started!" Jeong-Hui announced.

A party veiled as a grand opening started; Ma-Ri watched in awe as Ma-Ri managed to eat much more than her size. Xiaodan tried to get his hands on alcohol, but was stopped by Jeong-Hui. Korain and Ho-Jun ravaged the buffet area while Yeong-Un pressured Sol into getting completely wasted with him.

"Another!" Yeong-Un slammed his glass down, "...And one for my new friend here, Sour!"

"It's S-Sol…!" Sol corrected him with cheeks flushed from the alcohol.

While he hesitantly served them more drinks, he heard the front door jingle as more guests arrived–though he felt his heart pause at who arrived next.

A silver-haired girl walked in with a muscular woman beside her, looking around the establishment for tables.

Kamou…Myung-Hee, he thought.

Following them moments after were the pair of siblings, Hyun and Ara–a sight that almost dragged the tears from his eyes.

"Err, where should we sit…?" Kamou asked quietly.

"I dunno! Anywhere!" Myung-Hee laughed.

Rushing over, wiping his hands with a rag before straightening his apron, Jeong-Hui greeted Kamou personally, smiling as he caught his breath.

"You received one of the limited invites?--Thanks for coming," he said with a smile.

"Y-yeah, of course…" Kamou looked at him for a moment as if studying his face, "...Odd, I feel like I've seen you before."

Those words pulled at his heart strings, as he stopped for a moment before catching himself, holding a smile.

"Really?...You must be mistaking me with somebody else," he told the girl.

"Oh, I see…" Kamou replied.

"Either way, welcome!" Jeong-Hui proudly said.

It was as he dreamed; everybody was there, laughing and enjoying themselves at his establishment as it felt like a scene taken from his dearest wishes.

From zero, the young man who was solely privy to the world-ending event began his life anew, reforging his relationships, even if he was the singular one to remember those bonds.

I think…everything will be just fine, Jeong-Hui thought, surrounded by his refound friends, serving dishes to their tables.

[This is the story of how a nameless nobody like myself ascended and thanklessly saved the world.]

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