Chapter 1002 Ace vs. Ace, God-killing Monster!!

“The trump card of the game? Isn’t it [Black Magician]? ”

The mind is tenacious, and the very large Jouchi looks puzzled.

However, the dark game soon fulfills the wishes of the city!

“Now, I have [Black Magic Girl] on the field, and I can activate the magic card of the hand:

【Sage’s Gem】!

[Black Magician] can be specially summoned from the deck! ”

The [Black Magic Girl] on the field raised her blue staff and drew a six-pointed star rune on the floor!

“Show up, as the strongest servant of my trump card, [Black Magician]!”

A black phantom leapt out of the magic array on the floor!

Holding a blue-black magic wand, a slender posture, and purple-black robes, standing in front of the dark game!

【Black Magician】Dark/Usual/Sorcerer, 7 stars, ATK: 2500/DEF: 2100

“As soon as the black magician appeared, he looked back at the dark game slightly! Then he nodded sideways at the black magic girl.

Almost at the same time, the black magic girl also turned her head sideways and nodded to the master!

This scene made You Feng, who could see the card spirit, a little envious.

While envious, You Feng’s heart trembled slightly!

After all, in front of you is a once-famous ace-level monster! [Black Magician] + [Black Magic Girl]!

Even the seahorse Seto showed a serious 850 face and said, “Hmph, God”

“After the fall, did you finally show your signature ace monster?

Game, I didn’t expect that you were also forced to such a point by You Feng! However, if you still lose to You Feng, huh…”

Isis looked at the figure of the [Dark Magician] and muttered, “This is… Pharaoh’s most loyal servant!

After 3,000 years of time, he still guards the side of the Pharaoh! Never betray the pharaoh and always guard the pharaoh! ”

Then, Isis’s eyes shifted to You Feng.

He muttered again: “The Pharaoh’s long soul journey is finally coming to an end…”

On the field, Dark Game draws the third card and holds it high!

“When I have 2 magicians on the field, I can activate this magic card!

Launch the magic card [Magician’s Combined Attack]! ”

【Magician’s Combined Strike】, usually magic card, effect:

(1): You can only activate if you have more than 2 Magician monsters on your field.

2 monsters are used as 1 monster, and the attack power of that monster becomes 3000.

(Note: This card is the quick attack magic [Cross Magic] in the original book, and the card name is OCG)

Staring at the card launched by the dark game, the seahorse immediately came to mind, calculating the value:

You Feng’s LP is 400 points, and after using [Magician’s Combo], the monster attack power of the game becomes 3000 points!

And You Feng’s 2 monsters, the attack power is the same 2600 points! As long as the attack is established, You Feng will be defeated!

However, there is still a Gaika on the maple field!

At this time, the eyes of the seahorse and the dark game were almost synchronized, scanning on You Feng’s backfield!

At this time, the [Black Magician] and [Black Magic Girl] on the field raised their magic wands in their hands together, shining with purple light!

However, the dark game did not hesitate and waved his finger at You Feng!

“Enter the battle phase!

You Feng, the long duel with you will now come to an end! Let’s go, the combined attack of the Black Magician Apprentice (attack power 3000) attacks [Kamen Hero – Acid Water] (attack power 2600)! Xiangtu is like one

Shining purple magic bullets, formed under 2 magic wands! Everyone in the audience held their breath and stared at You Feng!

Success or failure in one fell swoop!

The purple-black magic bullet exploded on the acid ice!


In the light wave of the explosion, I only saw that You Feng raised his hand and quickly flipped the gaika

“At this moment, the chain launched the covered trap card [Guard Wall]!”

【Guard Wall】, usually trap card, effect:

(1): It can only be activated when the opponent’s turn battle damage is calculated.

The battle damage to yourself that occurred in that battle becomes 0, and 1 card is drawn from your deck.

You Maple LP400→400! Unchanged!

In the nervous gaze of everyone, You Feng raised his hand, how much! (Hand 0→1)

Dark Game gritted his teeth, and the watch game next to him comforted: “Another me, don’t be discouraged!” We still have a chance! ”

Staring at the [chestnut ball] in his hand, Dark Game nodded and said, “Hmm! I believe in my deck! ”

Then, looking up, he said, “My round is over!” ”

Dark Game LP2000, Hand 1, Front 2, Back Court 1 (1 Table Side)

Now, the focus of the audience shifted to You Feng.

Lowering his head and looking at his deck, You Feng sighed a little.

At this moment, what he is holding in his hand is the magic card [Dark God Summoning]!

This card draw means that you can grasp further advantages and lay the opportunity for victory!

Defeat the strongest duelist in the DM era!

Dream of standing at the apex of the Duel City Competition! Now, one step away from this apex!

The thoughts in my mind flashed a trace of pictures.

You Feng closed his eyes and waved to draw a card!

“Now it’s my turn, Doro!” (Hand 1+1=2) Open your eyes and look at the card with the corner of your eye!

It’s a green magic card, [Hope of Act V]! Snap this card with your backhand now!

“Activate the Magic Card [Act V Hope]!”

[Act V Hope], usually magic card, effect:

(1): Select 5 “Elemental Heroes” cards from your graveyard and add them to the deck.

After that, draw 2 cards from the deck.

“Place the graveyard elemental heroes, Wildman, Blaze, Liquid, absolutely

Man Zero, and Sky Man who was first sent to the graveyard by [Codex Erasure], a total of 5 cards!

All back to the deck!

After cutting and washing the deck, draw 2 cards again! ”

“Doy!” (Hand 1+2=3)

Look at the newly drawn cards, which are trap cards and monster cards!

Seeing these 2 cards, your win rate can reach 50% steadily! Immediately, draw the magic card and shoot it!

“Activate the magic card [Dark God Summon]!

Use the [Evil Heart Hero – Evil Blade Demon] on the field and the LV8 Kamen Hero in the graveyard as fusion materials!

Perform the Dark Fusion Summon!

Go on, LV8, my strongest trump card, [Evil Heart Hero – Evil Blade Death Demon]!! ”

2 dark breaths spiraled out and rushed into the air! Condensed into a black core, a vicious demon was conjured!

The steel axe of the cross carrying the great sin, the tattered cloak, fluttering in the wind!

The hard armor like dragon scales, the black and silver mask of the demon horn, the powerful demon tail of Hongwu swinging, strong arms, black fist armor agitated!

As soon as he appeared, he had an evil smile and looked down at the magician master and apprentice on the dark game field!

【Evil Heart Hero – Evil Blade Death】Dark/Fusion/Effect/Demon Clan, 8 stars, ATK: 3000/DEF: 3000

Looking at this fierce-looking monster, everyone present was ashamed that it was a monster that had once killed gods!

During the 4th round melee, You Feng also used this monster to kill the dark game in seconds and grab the top!

They all began to talk: “Hmph, finally appeared, You Feng’s strongest ace monster!” ”

“It’s not good, after the game summoned the ace monster, immediately after, You Feng also summoned his own trump card!”

After the decisive battle between “God” and God, is it now an ace against an ace?! ”

“Fate has led me here to witness… Has the future changed? ”

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