Chapter 104 The symbol of bondage, the Super Demon Dragon Knight!!

As if you have a soul, the moment you draw this card in the game! A gentle and strong agitation came from the card!

Almost at the same time, the table game came to the side: “Another me, this card is?” ”

However, Dark Game didn’t look at this card!

Instead, directly transfer the card you just drew to your left hand! (Hand 1+1=2)

Then, raise your right hand and point out the card from the cemetery! This move confused everyone present! Why does the game not confirm the hand?

What is this strange move for?

Seeing this scene, the seahorse suddenly grinned and said, “Hmph, I didn’t expect to see something very interesting!”

Games, is this how you react when you face the limit?

Let me wait and see, how you will defeat You Feng’s strongest trump card! ”

Everyone’s eyes are focused on the dark game!

At this time, the cold and loud voice of the dark game also came: “The effect of launching the quick attack magic card [Soul Servant] of the graveyard!” ”

“Servant of the Soul], quick attack magic card, effect:

(2): You can only activate this card in the cemetery in the main stage.

I draw the number of “Guardian Priest” monsters, “Black Magicians”, and “Black Magic Girls” from both decks of the field and graveyards.

“There are [Black Magicians] on my field, [Black Magic Girls] in the cemetery, and there are a total of 2 types!

So, according to the effect of this card, you can draw 2 cards! ”

Dark Game raises its right hand again, amine above the deck!

“Do, do!” (Hand 2+2=4)

Just after drawing the card, the dark game immediately took one of the cards drawn and directly photographed it!

I didn’t look at it, as if at the moment of drawing the card, I already knew what the card was in advance!

“Activate the magic card [Fusion]!” (hand 4—1—1=3)”

“Use the monster card [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] in your hand and the [Black Magician] on the field as fusion materials!” (Hand 3—1=2)

At this time, the dark game pulled out the card, which had not been confirmed at all, raised it, and displayed it in his hand!

It is the monster card [True Red Eye Black Dragon]!! After the display, it was stuffed into the cemetery!

After doing this, the dark game began to chant: “The mage who is in charge of dark magic, absorb the true red flame that burns everything, and evolve into a super demon guide dragon knight!”

Fusion Summon, LV8, [Super Demon Dragon Knight – True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] Hearing this name, You Feng thought he heard it wrong!

Suddenly, he was surprised: “Super magic guide……… Dragon Knight?! ”

At the same time, in his eyes, he saw that a black dragon flame rushed into the sky from the graveyard of the dark game duel board!

Flying and circling, quickly swooping, the gorgeous and fiery flames that fell on the [Black Magician] on the field were burning and converging!

In the red dragon flame, the pitch-black dragon wings gently stretched and cut through the flames!

The cyan devil slash refined by the red dragon yan sharpened into a gold-edged slender devil

At the same time, the purple magic robe turned into a gold-edged dragon pattern battle robe, inlaid with real rubies, shining red, making people shudder red light!

【Super Magic Dragon Knight – True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight】Dark/Fusion/Effect/Magician Clan, 8 stars, ATK: 3000/DEF: 2500

As soon as it appeared, it exuded a king-like majesty, as if a new god had arrived!

Looking at this true red monster, Jouchi was stunned and said in surprise: “Too……… So handsome! Oooo That’s great!

My [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] and the game’s [Black Magician], after the fusion of the 2 super aces, hahaha!

It’s so handsome, domineering, and so high in attack! Hum hum! ”

Don’t forget to turn his head and glare at the seahorse, “Hey, seahorse!” Look at it!

After my [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] fuses and evolves, it is no worse than your [Blue-Eyed White Dragon]! ”

The seahorse snorted coldly with disdain, but his eyes unconsciously drifted towards the super demon guide dragon knight.

Even You Feng on the field looked at the monster in front of him with stunned eyes. The terrifying memories that had been taken away by a wave came to mind again.

Where is this monster!

Beat who is pregnant, fat beat all kinds of gods, specialize in all kinds of disobedience, more daddy than your dad!!

Respected by players: Red Daddy!!!

After a moment, You Feng, who came back to his senses, said helplessly: “Unexpectedly, the game, your final trump card, is actually the red father!” ”

Hearing the dark game of this name, the cold and arrogant face was slightly puzzled, “Red daddy?” ”

“Oh, it’s nothing, I mean, I didn’t expect that your final trump card was actually a fusion monster!”

“You Feng, this card represents a symbol of our friendship!

Behind me, not only Jonouchi supports me, but also Kyoko, Honda, and so on!

This card is also the strongest card we are bound to! With this card in, you can’t beat us! ”

Listening to the proudest declaration of the dark game, You Feng was moved in his heart… However, at this moment in the dueling arena, each other is an opponent!!

“Game, although your monster is strong, but!

My and your trump card fusion monsters have the same attack power of 3,000 points, and my evil blade necromancer will not be destroyed by combat effects!

So, no matter how many people stand behind you to support you, you can’t beat me

“Nope! You Feng, I have made up the conditions for victory! ”


Dark Game smiled slightly, waved his finger at the monsters on Youfeng’s field, and continued, “Enter the battle stage!” ”

“Nani?! Fight directly?! ”

In You Feng’s surprised eyes, he saw Dark Game holding up a card in his hand and shook it!

“Good! You Feng, this hand of mine will set my victory!

【Super Demon Dragon Knight – True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight】(attack power 3000)Attack [Evil Heart Hero – Evil Blade Death Demon] (attack power 3000)!

Super Magic Guide Black Yan Slash!! ”

The red father, who was shining with red light, raised the demon slashing knife in his hand and began to increase the magic light wave!

At this moment, the dark game also raised the card in his hand and shot down!

“At the moment of attack, Chain 4.4 launched a quick attack magic card [Black Magic Guide] strengthened!” (Hand 2—1=1)

[Black Magic Guide Enhancement], quick attack magic card, effect:

(1): The following effects apply to the number of “Black Magicians” and “Black Magic Girls” in both fields and graveyards.

More than 1: 1 Magician Clan Dark Attribute Monster on the selection field, and the attack power will increase by 1000 until the end of the round.

“My graveyard is asleep [Black Magic Girl], so, give the Super Demon Dragon Knight an increase of 1000 attack power!!

You Feng, your monster attack power is 3,000 points, while your LP only has 400 points left!

After this attack, your LP will be the first to become 0! This duel will be my victory!

Go, Super Magic Dragon Knight, attack! Super Magic Guided Wave Strengthening Black Yan Slash!! ”

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