Duke, Please Repent! chapter 12
3. Train travel with the Duke (4)

It's because I'm usually good at seeing people...

This is a lie.

It's rarer that first impressions match real personality.

The moment I met the Duke for the first time. I don't know why, but the first thought that struck me was that it was different from the rumors that were being heard.

" it sounds like an excuse, but I'll listen.

Please continue.

Serpens said leisurely with a look like, 'If you're going to try it, try it.'

At first, I didn't know what it was. It's true that I was terrified because of that unknown distance.

It still looks the same today.

As he said. I tried to calm myself down as much as I could, but my pounding heart wouldn't stop.

I've been living my life as a lie

Unlike Serpens, his acting skills are also poor.

"Isn't everyone like that when you encounter wild animals that are originally wounded and set up thorns around them?"

So, the lack of acting skills has no choice but to cry.

What if you can't hide your feelings? If you add another meaning to that feeling, that's enough.

" A wound? Is that what you need now?"

With an expression of not knowing what Serpence is talking about at my words,


Are you pretending you don't know, or is it that you don't even know that you've been hurt?

'Does it matter either way?'

Either way, he deserves sympathy.

I sympathize with him, and I want to help him somehow because I feel sorry for him.

Let's think so.

It's natural to be threatening and frightening to be vigilant with a sharp edge. But at the same time, it's sad and sad.

It's natural to hear a sound, isn't it?

What does that have to do with the current situation... Don't obfuscate the point with useless talk.

Serpens looks at me with a flawless smile.

It's like he's never been hurt by anyone. It seems that he grew up entirely in love.

Even in this situation right now, he makes up an innocent expression.

Don't turn away. If you let it go, it will rot someday. You didn't notice it at first, but now you know.

The dry voice trembled and cracked again.

If there is only weakness in a perfect serpent, it must be 'feeling towards himself'.

You just couldn't feel it yourself. The duke's attitude and eyes are telling. The fact that you were hurt. No matter how much you try to hide it and decorate it with lies, the pain you can't hide.

I don't have any of that.

Serpence answered firmly, as if there was nothing more to hear.

Duke, what the hell happened to you?

was there? Why are you killing yourself and suppressing yourself?"

Sir Rivelon.

Serpence, who was leaning against the table, stood up and straightened his posture.

The corners of his lips, which had risen in a gentle curve, drooped down, and his relaxed eyes sank heavily.

His expression hardens.

Let's stop talking nonsense.

No, I'm not bullshit and I'm going to keep talking.

Serpense's face couldn't harden, and the expression slowly disappeared.

Even the word expressionless was not enough to express it. No emotion remained.

Because it was too beautiful, it even felt artificial. I don't feel like a living person.

Like a well-carved statue, I couldn't feel even a hint of warmth.

What is driving the Duke like that? Why are you making such sacrifices? Why are you covering yourself up without crying while in pain?


One by one, he poured out the questions he had built up over and over again.

As I was talking, I felt really sorry for him and so pitiful. Without realizing it, my emotions intensify, and tears flow.

I have a vague idea of what you've been through. From a very young age that I can't remember, you've been weighed down with responsibilities, you've been forced to restrain yourself. You've been limited by all your desires, haven't you?

Look straight into the eyes of Serpens, who is making a numb expression like a doll.


If not. If my guess is wrong, tell me where I'm wrong.

No matter how good your eyes are, you can't tell.

Especially if the other person is used to hiding my thoughts and feelings like Serpense.

It was even very specific and accurate.

With a little thought, you will realize that it is not something that can be determined by simple guesswork.

' But Serpens pointed out that

I can't.'

The moment I pointed it out, it would be like admitting everything I said.

Even if you think about it yourself, it's cowardly.

Why don't you tell me you're sick?

"What is so scary?"

Why didn't you ask for help? No, no. That's right. Did he even ignore him?

Serpense's expression was still calm.

Is it that he doesn't even have the time to make up his face, or that it's not even worth it?

'Did you not feel anything about my words? Then why is he neither in denial nor in anger?'

\With a dry face that doesn't seem to have any emotions. With a terrifyingly expressionless face. No answer. I just watch it silently. just waiting quietly J

There was no expression or word. I just remembered the description I had read in a book when I saw him sitting quietly.

He seemed to understand the meaning now.

'Maybe Serpens wanted to be angry back then... .'

Unlike Humanus, who always smiled sincerely and could do whatever he wanted.

It must have been unbearable compared to the situation where he had to laugh with a pretense and ignore everything he wanted.

'You must have looked so miserable yourself.'

Humanus was putting me on the subject of self-proclaiming his friend and his own standards.

arbitrarily talking about yourself

He wouldn't like to see him.

But still, I don't know how to express my feelings.

at last. Humanus had given up on understanding him, and Serpens had given up on understanding him.

"Ha , the Duke doesn't even know how to get angry now."

It's so absurd, all the laughs come out.

Sir Rivelon.

After a long silence, Serpens finally spoke. His voice, which had subsided lower than usual, cried in the room.

it went

You understand me now. Are you saying that?

No, I'm just saying I want to understand.

"What do you know about me?"

I don't know. So I want to know.

What the hell do you want from me?

"I just I want to help you."

In the still air], the questions and answers between him and I continue to pile up.

"You want to help, from your shoulder ?"

He still seemed to doubt my heart, but at the same time, he looked confused.

A small expression appeared on his face.

"There is a wounded child in front of you, so it's only natural to rescue him."

* *

As a result, Serpens fled.

From my point of view, it was a secret room from which I could not escape, but not by his standards.

Even a rat bites a cat and runs away when it's cornered.

I was surprised to learn that you were jumping.

Serpens abruptly got up and leaned out the window.

Then, at a speed I couldn't even react, I stepped on the window sill and leapt onto the roof of the train.

I once compared him to a stray cat. Judging from the previous action, it seems that it was very appropriate.

Its appearance is close to that of a dog family, but if you look at its behavior, it is clear that it is a cat family.

What are you doing... ?'

I don't think I'll ever be able to say that I know about him again.

The expression he showed before he ran away was as if being chased by something, his usual calmness.

Couldn't find any at all.

It seemed that he was somehow perplexed, and at the same time, he seemed to be frightened.

'I feel guilty for nothing... .'

He took a deep breath and shook his head.

Maybe he's still on the ceiling, or maybe he's moved to another room.

It was evening time, and I opened the window and called for him to the ceiling, but there was no response.

'Still, come down when it's time to eat.

Would it not be?'

I thought it was , so I ordered 2 servings. I am not a Serpence, and there was no way I could come back for just that reason.

In the end, half of the meal was left chilled.

I asked him to remove all the empty dishes except for the meal that was his share, and put the rest on the table.

I also put a paper bag with cookies next to it just in case.

'I was too hasty.'

I don't know when and for what reason Zion will die.

So, somehow, I quickly got to know him, and he may have wanted to ensure my safety.

'That, rather than earning his trust, bought him suspicion .'

It was only then that, because of my clumsiness, I was able to drive him away.

It was a problem I had to run into someday, but it was too fast. I should have gone a little slower.

But I had no other choice.

There may have been a better way, but I didn't have the talent to come up with such a thing.

Anyway, the dice were thrown. Now we just have to wait for the results.

I just hope that Serpense doesn't make any more sudden moves.

'Even if you've done this, in the end, it's just a temporary expedient.'

He will still doubt me. Today, it is nothing more than to postpone the situation by poking a loophole.

'It would be better if at least I didn't push it away... .'

As No Ruth couldn't sit idle and wait, she pulled out a book from the bookshelf in the room.

I sat on the sofa and read a book, waiting for him to return.

At first, I was worried about the top of the ceiling, so the books I couldn't concentrate on went over one by one as time passed. slowly getting bored

At some point, he fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, the sky beyond the window was dyed with a deep lavender color.

Is it still morning... ?'

No matter how convenient a place is, the characteristic vibration of the train is unavoidable.

Still, I like the bed. There didn't seem to be any exhaust or anything.

Booth got up and checked all the beds over the partition, but Serpens didn't seem to return.

Looking at the sofa with the table, the bowl with food on the table and the bag containing the cookies are the same.

The papers Serpens took out yesterday were still there.

The book that fell on the leg of the sofa was probably the one I dropped while reading it.

" Why am I sleeping in bed?"

My mind is still dreaming.

When he came back, I tried to open the shower room thinking that maybe I didn't see him.

I know this isn't really the case, but just in case I was wondering, I crawled on the floor and looked under the bed.

Serpens were nowhere to be found.

"What the hell is this going to do?"

No wonder

But once you see me transferred to bed, they don't hostile me... Is it safe to look at it?

If I'm going to come and go, I'll take some cookies with me. It's ok more salty

- Druck.

I wanted to be a Serpent at the sound of the window opening, so I turned my head in the direction of the sound.

Someone who is all black is seen flying into the room with agile movements.

'intruder? assassin? If it were an assassin, I wouldn't be the target, is the target Serpence? But he's not here.'

Should I hide? Or run to another square?

He hesitated to himself like that, but he made no threat.

He removed the black hood he was wearing.

He took off the mask he wore inside, which barely pierced his eyes.

At the same time, the bluish-silver hair that was hidden inside the black mask flowed down, revealing the white face of Serpens.

'What is this situation?'

How the hell am I supposed to react?

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