Nianen was originally softer than Ruan Jiayuan, but now her eyebrows are slightly frowned, and there is a faint twinkle in her eyes, which makes people feel sad beyond words. "I thought that even if we didn't become friends, we could get along peacefully at work. It seems that I was wrong." She sighed, as if with great regret.

Hearing what she had just said to block her mouth, Ruan Jiayuan opened her mouth wide, and could not say a word of refutation. Almost did not vomit to death, want to scold do not know where to start scolding good.

"Even if you want to teach her, don't you? If you look at her face, how can the play go on? Do you know how much the company has to pay for a day off? Can you bear the loss for the company? " Director Zhao's heart felt upset to raise Ruan Jia Yuan. Ruan Jiayuan's face was swollen and he was crying and tears streaming down. The eye and shadow of the foundation were all in a complete mess. His face was covered with layers of paint.

Zhao Shigang's heart trembled, and quietly wanted Ruan Jiayuan to stay away from him. There was no reason for that. However, the casual suit he wore on his body, but he bought the world famous brand with his teeth and blood for the play. It would be a pity if he wore it once and got dirty.

But Ruan Jiayuan didn't understand his pain. She was crying hard, holding Zhao Shigang's death wail, and rubbing her face against him while crying. Zhao Shigang saw that the front of her suit was almost rubbed into a dirty rag by Ruan Jiayuan. She wanted to give her a slap and let her go far and far.

"No matter what reason you have, it's too much to do. You don't know the depth. Well, you should give Ruan Jiayuan a good apology. If she agrees to accept it, we will continue to shoot. "

"What if she doesn't agree?" Hearing Zhao Shigang's proposal, Nian en asked with a sneer.

Zhao Shigang choked, "that Don't shoot today's play! What else do you shoot with negative emotions? But don't be complacent. I tell you, you can bear all the costs caused by downtime alone! "

As a good director, of course, it's impossible for a good director to give a contradictory actor a break to reason and mediate atmosphere, but he will never deliberately add fuel to the fire like Zhao Shigang.

Nian en also saw that it would not be good today. He simply spread out his hands and said, "I don't think I did anything wrong, so I won't apologize to her. If she wants to apologize to me, I won't refuse

Seeing Ruan Jiayuan's mouth wide open and screaming again, Nian en continued, "if you can't shoot it, don't shoot it, otherwise it's a waste of film. As for the cost, Zhao can directly coordinate with the financial director of Donghuang. I think he will give you a satisfactory answer. Or, find Zuo Jing. "

Listen to Nian en directly mention the financial director and Zuo Jing's name. Zhao Shigang is also a little uncertain. Do ordinary little stars have such confidence? He didn't look away

"You What do you mean

"It means literally. If you don't understand it, you can go to the CFO on your own." Nianen is not going to waste time with Zhao Shigang.

She knew what Feng Chenglin was up to. If she wanted to let her suffer, she backed away. But she didn't want him to do it this time. She kicked the ball back to see what Feng did.

Others don't know, but Dong Huang's chief financial officer knows the relationship between her and Feng Chenglin. She doesn't believe that he can really let himself pay tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of expenses for this day. Moreover, even if he really lets her out, she doesn't care.

Barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes. When she married Feng Chenglin, she was almost penniless. These days, she stayed at home and didn't take the job. The figures on the account were pathetic. Even if they forced her with guns, she couldn't take out the money. What's more, when she and Feng Chenglin did premarital property notarization, the Eastern Emperor was not within the scope of notarization The emperor still has half of her assets.

Zhao Shigang was completely suppressed by the momentum of Nian en, and kept beating the drum in his heart. What is the origin of this woman? He won't kick the iron this time, will he? Is it the lover of the financial director of the Eastern Emperor? Or

His mind has been in a mess for a long time, and he finally accepted a decent play. He doesn't want his directing career to end here!

Seeing Zhao Shigang's face counseling, Ruan Jiayuan would like to bite him two times. Who was the one who swore to her in bed at the beginning, and later joined the production team, he covered it to ensure that she would not be wronged at all?! If she doesn't think she can borrow Zhao Shigang's identity to suppress her gratitude, why should she find this half old man!

Pooh! Sure enough, I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than men's mouth!

At the thought of yueshigang's flabby skin and short utensils, Ruan Jiayuan couldn't help feeling disgusted. She pushed Zhao Shigang away, and with the strength she got from nowhere, she sprang up from the ground and stood in front of nianen. "You can't just walk away!"

"What else do you want?" Nian en looks at Ruan Jiayuan coldly.

She was not afraid at all what Ruan Jiayuan would do to her. She felt ridiculous and pitiful for this crazy shouting and losing her manners.

This is a war game between her and Feng Chenglin. Ruan Jiayuan is just a chess piece arranged by Feng Chenglin. When Feng Chenglin finishes using her, as soon as the effectiveness of the chess pieces is lost, Ruan Jiayuan will be immediately thrown aside by Feng Chenglin, and her acting career will be quickly ended.Just like many stars who won the grand prize once, but then died away, Ruan Jiayuan will not go too far on this road.

If she is smart, she should try her best to keep a low profile and find a good home for herself because the popularity of the golden cypress award has not faded.

But she was so stupid that she thought the louder she called, the more she liked it. But she didn't know that her master had long regarded her as an abandoned child. The more she made fun of, the faster she died!

"You You... " Ruan Jiayuan couldn't say what she wanted to do with nianen. If Zhao Shigang supported her, she could force nianen to bow to her, but now even Zhao Shigang was withered. Nianen was calm and fearless to her. She didn't know what else she could do.

But she was not willing to let Nian en go like this. She was slapped by Nian en. Now her face is still hot and painful. She has lost all her face. She can't let Nian en go so easily!

"Get out of the way if you can't say it. Good dogs are not in the way." Nianen is not going to give Ruan Jiayuan a little face, she gently rebuked, bypassing Ruan Jiayuan.

So far, nianen doesn't care what Feng Chenglin will do to her when he knows what happened today. No matter what he wants to do, it has nothing to do with nianen's attitude towards Ruan Jiayuan.

How to repay good for bad?

When she was in Shengtian, Ruan Jiayuan and nianen lived in the same room for a long time. She felt that she knew nian'en very well. She thought that nianen was a little white flower. She would only hide and cry secretly when she was bullied, or find a man to show her a head. She never thought that nian'en would be so tough.

When she said that her face was red and white, Ruan Jiayuan saw Nian en and was about to leave. She reached out and patted her, "what do you mean to me? How dare you?! Don't think that if you have the support of the Feng family, I won't dare to move you! Today I.... "

She put her hand behind nianen, but Nian en didn't see it. When her hand fell heavily behind him, Nian en suddenly turned black.

Her body fell forward involuntarily, and was caught by someone as soon as she was about to fall on the ground.

"Isn't it love? How does it look like an action movie? Secretary Zhang, are we on the wrong set? " The cold and dignified man's voice sounded in nianen's ear. She felt that the voice was a little familiar and looked up.

Tang Jianying just bowed his head and looked at Nian en. Seeing the panic in her eyes, he felt a little happy and said, "Miss Nian, long time no see. Eh, you don't look very well, but you are a little fatter than before."

Nianen's face is still impressively printed with the palm print left by Ruan Jiayuan. One cheek is swollen like half a pig's head. How can it look good.

She heard that Tang Jianying was deliberately satirizing her. She tried to stand straight from Tang Jianying's arm and gritted her teeth and said, "thank you for your concern. I don't know what Tang Shao is doing here. "

It's really a bad time for me to meet Tang Jianying on such an occasion. Nianen thought that she would never have intercourse with this man in her life.

Seeing that she was struggling to get up, Tang Jianying put some strength on her hand, and held nianen's arm tightly, so that she could lean close to herself, "my sister is filming here, I'll come and have a look."

He said, holding out a finger to a group of actors, "Tangyuan, don't hide, you roll over to me."

From the moment Tang Jianying arrived at the studio, a 20-year-old girl with mushroom head began to slide towards the wall. She thought Tang Jianying would not find herself. Unexpectedly, just as she was about to run successfully, Tang Jianying suddenly called out such a voice.

Mushroom head stops, I don't know if it's time to go, or to continue to run away.

Tang Jianying sneered, while increasing the strength of her hand to make Nian en frown in pain, she said coldly, "if you dare to go one step further, I will break your dog's leg?"

"Don't be so cruel, brother? Dogleg is also a leg. It hurts to break it. " Mushroom head whole body a shake, bitter face trot over. "Third brother, why did you come in person? How can you have time when it's so hot and you have so many things to do? "

Tang Jianying turned a blind eye to her pathetic and ingratiating expression and pointed to a man behind him, "follow Secretary Zhang to get on the car and wait for me in the car. I'll take care of you later."

"But I haven't received the entrance fee today." Tang Yuan made a final struggle with his throat.

"Can you believe that I'll let you get the Bento now?"

Swept by the fire power of his monster three brothers, Tang Yuan immediately became honest, just like a punctured balloon, and followed his secretary dejectedly.

"Who are you? Who told you to point your finger on the set? What's your relationship with her? Didn't you say that all the people would go out? Who let you in? " Ruan Jiayuan couldn't vent her anger and yelled at Tang Jianying, who was wearing casual clothes.

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