When Nian en heard the man's voice, her body trembled. She didn't look up and knew who was coming.

Feng Yanmo nodded with Tang Jianying, "Mr. Tang, long time no see."

Tang Jianying has heard of the entanglement between Nian en and the Feng family. Tang Jianying is not very clear about the reason why Feng Yanmo appeared here. However, he can probably guess one or two from the strong hostility in Feng Yanmo's eyes.

Compared with Feng Chenglin, Tang Jianying thinks that Feng Yanmo is more aggressive. At least he doesn't look so sinister. However, judging from the current situation, the possibility that they want to drink and have a good time is basically zero, unless he gives up his gratitude.

But why did he do it? Nianen is his female companion. He has no reason to let go. Although he knows what Feng Yanmo will do, Tang Jianying still gets up, walks to nianen, hooks her shoulder with her hand, and laughs, "we bet big, but Mr Feng is small. It seems that Mr. Feng wants to be against us this time?"

Feng Yanmo didn't answer. He was staring at Tang Jianying's arm hanging on nianen's neck. He looked hard as if he wanted to burn two holes in it.

Tang Jianying a face calm, "since no one bet, then start."

"14 o'clock, big." The Dutch official reported the result in a flat tone and pushed the chips won by Nian en and Tang Jianying to them.

"Come again." Feng Yanmo's chips are taken away, but there is no ripple on his face.

"No more playing, no fun. If you want to go on, I'll go back to my room." Nian gets up from his chair and wants to leave.

Feng Yanmo stopped her, "won to leave, this is too boring?"

"I won the Dutch officer, not you. What does it have to do with whether I go or not?" Nian en has a headache. It has been nearly two hours since I left the room. Peanut should wake up. Although he left a note for her, Nian en was worried about the size of the boat. What should he do in case the peanut went wrong? Although there was no danger of being abducted, the crew on the ship were complicated. Who knows what will happen.

Don't want to entangle with Feng Yanmo again, nianen flashes to the side, but Feng Yanmo grabs his arm, "you're so lucky, you shouldn't waste it. Haven't you heard that you need to be happy when you are happy? "

He had a lot of strength in his hands. He was angry at the sight. Nianen couldn't help but feel funny. What kind of identity is he now losing his temper to her? Or jealous?

"I just know to stop when I see you. Different ways do not conspire. Mr. Feng, please let go. "

If he is not allowed to see his daughter, he agrees with what she said. He may be patient, but why does she want to be so close to Tang Jianying? She knows his feelings for her. Can't she see the desire in Tang Jianying's eyes? If she can be with Tang Jianying, why not with herself?

Once he is related to Nian en, Feng Yanmo loses his mind. He has not closed his eyes for more than 80 hours. His brain is completely out of control. He only acts on instinct, "I will not let go. As soon as I let go, you will leave me. You like gambling, I can accompany you, what you want, he can give you, I can give, he can not give, I can give! Nian en, don't go. You didn't have a good time just now. Why did you leave when you saw me? Do you really hate me so much? "

Hate him? No, she never hated him.

It's because she doesn't hate it that she has to stay away from him.

"It's a mess. I won't tell you."

Nianen and Feng Yanmo are entangled in each other. Tang Jianying holds her face and says nothing. She doesn't want to interfere and just waits to see a good play. Nianen is very upset, but she can't get away from her body.

When he was unable to do so, Nian en listened to the cry of surprise from the deck.

"Whose child fell into the water!"

Nian en's heart was torn, quickly shook off Feng Yanmo's hand, ran to the deck, Feng Yanmo a Leng, immediately also followed her.

At this time, the cruise ship passed through a very famous fishing area. The captain specially arranged to stop the ship for one day to give fishermen from all over the world a full experience of fishing fun.

The topography of the water area here is very complex. There are thousands of years old corals and a large number of vines like seaweed in the bottom of the water. Although the sea water is very clear, the visibility is not very strong because of the overgrowth of aquatic plants.

Nian en ran to the side of the boat and pushed aside the crowd. He saw a small sun cap of colored straw paper floating on the blue sea water with the sea waves.

"Peanuts! No Nianen screamed, almost paralyzed on the deck. When she turned around, she saw Tang Jianying not far away. She cried out to him, "it's a peanut hat! Go back to your room and see if she's there

Tang Jianying's eyes darkened, and immediately asked the waiter to check in the room. He quickly walked to nianen's side, comforting her and unbuttoning her shirt. "It's not necessarily peanuts. Don't mess with yourself. Maybe it's someone else's hat, or she accidentally lost it. I'll go down and have a look. You'll wait on it... "

Before Tang Jianying and nianen have finished, they can hear a sound from the sea. Feng Yanmo has already jumped down.Tang Jianying followed. Shortly after he jumped into the sea, the waiter who ran to the guest room to check came back in a sweat. She shook her head at Nian en, who fell under the deck.

"Miss Nian, we have released the Enlightenment of finding people on the ship. If someone sees your daughter, we will find her at the first time, and the frog man is ready. Please don't worry about it..."

The waiter is still saying something, but she can't hear a word. Her eyes are staring at the sea with layers of spray, and she doesn't even know the flow of tears.

Peanuts are usually very obedient and obedient. Without adults around, they will never approach the side of the ship alone. Moreover, the side of the boat here is not short. Even if children run past, as long as they don't climb on the side pole, they should not find danger. Why is this and why?!

"Now I know I'm afraid. What have you done? It's shameless for a mother who has time to have a good time with a man, but has no time to look after her own children! " The woman's sharp voice pierced into her ears, and nianen suddenly raised her head.

"What are you talking about?"

Maybe her eyes were so fierce that Ruan Jiayuan felt cold in her heart and took a step back. When she bumped into the coal boss's chest behind her, she realized what she had done. She sneered and steadied her step. "It's about you. If you hadn't hung up with the men and you were busy throwing the girl aside, how could your daughter drown?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Nianen suddenly stood up from the ground and rushed to him, "Ruan Jiayuan, don't be too extreme! Peanuts will be fine! If you dare to curse her like this again, be careful that I will be rude to you

Peanut's life and death are uncertain now, as long as people with a little conscience will not say anything like drowning to stimulate people, but Ruan Jiayuan doesn't care at all. She just finds the place where Nian en is most painful to tread.

Even the coal boss felt that she was a little too much, and gently pulled her sleeve to let her stop talking about it.

However, Ruan Jiayuan was infuriated by nianen. She jumped and said, "ha! What can you do to me? You can't look after the children yourself. Do you want to rely on others? You all don't know, Miss Nian is well-known in our city of H. before marriage, she was dirty with her brother-in-law, and after marriage, she quarreled with the big boss of several companies. Otherwise, if you were on the top so quickly, someone would help you. Do you think this kind of woman can be a good mother? "

Ruan Jiayuan's voice was so loud that she was afraid that others would not hear her. Some passengers had already felt that nianen was a little familiar. Hearing Ruan Jiayuan's words, she immediately remembered her identity. After Ruan Jiayuan finished speaking, there were bursts of discussion.

Nianen shivered and said nothing. Now that the peanuts have not been found, she has no mind to quarrel with Ruan Jiayuan!

But her silence, in the eyes of the public, has become a default, around the reading grace of the pointing more and more.

Ruan Jiayuan such as the winning rooster, proud, coal boss some can not see, "other people's children fell into the water, has been poor enough, how do you still say these words, go back quickly."

"What? Even you are fascinated by her. Do you want to speak good for her? I'll tell you, if you want to climb into someone else's bed, you have to weigh yourself! Miss Nian, I don't think much of you as a local rich man. All the people mentioned are new rich people who combine politics and business. Don't be a big one here! "

"Why do you speak so harshly? I just think she's pathetic. What do you like or not? " Although the coal owner is a bit rustic, he is not bad tempered. He has seen her true face with Ruan Jiayuan these days on the ship. At first, he thought Ruan Jiayuan was capricious because she was young. But now, she has a problem with her moral character!

"Oh? What's the matter? Do you really think of yourself as a green onion? I'll tell you, I've long been unhappy with you! Relying on how much money you have, do you really think you are prince charming? You don't look at you, look in the mirror, just you Ruan Jiayuan sneered.

She has really opened her eyes in the past few days on the ship. Why do they have to guard this local rich man when there are so many rich, powerful and elegant men in the world? The coal boss is just a springboard for her. Now that she has jumped onto the ship, she can no longer use the coal boss.

"You! Yuanyuan, I'll be angry if you talk like that! " Man is the most important face, Ruan Jiayuan in public to let the coal boss down, his black face bloated purple.

"If you're angry, you can go away without anyone stopping you. Don't worry. I'll give you back the money you spent and the things you bought. From now on, we'll have nothing to do with it. In the future, you'll go your way and I'll cross my log bridge."

Ruan Jiayuan is still here, and there is a lot of noise on the sea. Tang Jianying and frogman, who have just been launched, swim to the side of the boat with a small body.

Nian en's heart is tight, she quickly rushed to the side of the boat, from Tang Jianying to take the peanut, peanut face a gray, body ice.

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