Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in South Asia, but its annual drug consumption is as high as one billion dollars!

The Meng family is a gangster. They are not afraid of living meat. As long as they can make money, the Meng family will get a touch of it. But only drugs are strictly prohibited by Meng Zongze and must not be touched!

The dozen or so people killed by Meng Qian in Bangladesh were traitors who had defected from the Meng gang. They had been cleared out by the gang for their misdeeds. However, they were carrying the banner of the Meng Gang to commit crimes in Southeast Asian countries. How could the reputation of the Meng family be destroyed by these scum? Meng Zongze sent Meng Qian out. At first, Meng Qian thought that she would not let those people stop But when she got to the Mountain Tribe where those people were hiding, she found that

"To say that they are human beings is a great compliment to them. Do you know how the animals treat the local women and children? They force men to grow marijuana and poppies. If they resist, they will be killed. They treat women as prostitutes who don't want money. They bully and humiliate women wantonly, not only women, but also girls! Every dusk, they will pick out a few boys from the village and let them run in the woods, and they will carry guns to shoot behind the children, and regard them as moving targets and prey! "

Recalling those horrifying pictures, the corpse of a child hanging in the dense forest, Meng Qian shivered all over his body, "why can't I kill such a person?"

"This kind of animal can be killed by everyone!"

In her opinion, she only did the most right thing, but somehow, she became a murderous witch in people's mouth.

Those so-called upper class girls, even with her to eat at the same table are not dare to be swept by her, nine out of ten want to faint!

Meng Qian doesn't care what others think of herself, but if Fang Zheng is so provocative in person, she has no reason to let go easily!

It seems to feel her anger and excitement, ah Hu also "Wuwu" low voice roar, Meng shallow gently stroked its residual ear with his hand, "not only people, they even animals are not let go, ah Hu has four brothers, they are alive to open mouth skinned, only to lead AHU's mother to come out, peel and sell money."

"Ah Hu was lucky. He met me with only one ear and one eye destroyed. And his brothers are not so lucky. "

"Why don't you explain it to others?"

"Is it necessary? What's more, even if I said it, would anyone believe it? " For Fang Zheng's rhetorical question, Meng Qian ignored. Since she promised Meng Zongze that she would take on the burden of Meng bang, she had never considered how others would think of her.


"Nothing, but." He interrupted Fang Zheng rudely. Meng Qian said impatiently, "I've spent a lot of time talking to you for so long. If you're OK, just go away. Don't let me see you again, or..."

She bent down, and her long, soft hair brushed her cheek. "I'll kill you. "

for many years after the event, Fang Zheng always remembered that scene.

The girl's long black hair fell down, her skin was healthy chestnut, and there was a long scar on her arm. The scar didn't recover for long, and it looked ferocious. But Fang Zheng didn't think it was terrible. She just felt distressed.

He knew her identity and the story that belonged to her. She had made her words very clear. If he was smart, he should roll away as fast as she said, and the farther he rolled, the better. He would not have any entanglement with her.

He knows everything in his heart, but he can't move his feet.

It's like being pinned to something invisible.

Twenty years of chaotic time, it seems at that moment suddenly clear and clear, born in the Fang family, food and clothing, his life has never been so eager to grasp anything, he has always been willing to become the most ordinary son and nephew of the Fang family, but at this moment, see her, suddenly have an idea, like a bud in early spring and March, put all his strength, out.

He wanted her.

He wanted this girl, dangerous, savage, trampling on all the secular dogmas.

Meng Qian of Meng family, he wants her!

When Fang Zheng returned to the reception hall of the main house, those young talents of the Fang family had already said hello to Meng Zongze. He walked up to Meng Zongze in the eyes of all the people.

In the face of the man, who was called Meng devil, he said, "I want to marry your daughter."

The reception hall was quiet for a moment, but it was too late for the elders of the Fang family to pull Fangzheng back. They watched him standing in front of Meng Zongze in mud and said that he wanted Meng Zongze's only daughter. They didn't even dare to blink their eyelids, for fear that in the blink of an eye, the fangzheng would be torn apart by Meng Zongze and eaten alive!

But to our surprise, Meng Zongze didn't get angry. He even laughed and said, "Oh? Want to marry my daughter? Well, when a girl is old, she always wants to get married. However, my daughter, Meng Zongze, can't be married casually. "

"I know. So please give me five years. When I become the head of the Fang family, please marry her to me. "As soon as Fang Zheng's voice fell, the quiet reception hall suddenly became lively.

"Fang Zheng! Come back! Don't talk stupid! You can covet the position of the master of the Fang family? " Sincerely for the square Zheng good elder, immediately drink scold way.

The Fang family is a big family, like an old tree. Although all the family members are surnamed Fang, their hearts are not necessarily in the same place. Fang Zheng now speaks directly in front of these people what he wants to be the head of the other party's house. The unintentional will only laugh and say that he is beyond his capacity, but if someone with a heart listens

I'm afraid the future of Fang Zheng will be very difficult.

Fang Zheng doesn't know the worries of his elders, but he wants Meng Zongze to remember him more than those conspiracies and calculations in the future.

He wants to marry Meng Qian, even if he has no desire for the position of the other family leader, but he knows that this is the only way to get her. No matter how difficult it is, he will go on.

So for the elder's dissuasion, Fang Zheng didn't explain a word for himself. He looked at Meng Zongze calmly. He couldn't see any light in his eyes.

"Ha ha, young people have drive, I like it." After a while, Meng Zongze clapped his hands and laughed, "then I'll give you five years, Meng will wait for you for five years."

Five years later, Fang Zheng and Meng Qian are sitting on a luxury cruise ship sailing on the Atlantic Ocean.

The sun is still burning, but Meng shallow, has not remembered him.

Since the day he left the Meng family, he has been like a dry sponge, constantly absorbing knowledge. He studied quickly, learning all the knowledge necessary to be the master of the Fang family.

He and Fang Xian are brothers of the same father and mother. If Fang Xian is a child prodigy, how can he be a mediocre school?

He has always been willing to be ordinary, but he did not find something worthy of his efforts.

But now it is different. Meng Qian appears in his life, like a lamp, dispelling the darkness and illuminating his world.

I don't know where I'm going.

"It's gone." Fang Zheng's eyes are so affectionate that Meng Qian feels empty. She wants to take back her arm, but Fang Zheng holds her wrist with her back hand.

Do not like to be touched, Meng shallow frown, a little bit of force, still did not get rid of the square Zheng.

Is considering whether to use the other side's Zheng, but listen to Fang Zheng continue, "how do you know I don't have scars?"

"Where? I don't see it every day. Do you think I'm a child Meng shallow dissatisfied, think square Zheng is cheating her.

Fang Zheng laughed and spread out her palm. Then she pointed to the broken lines in her palm and said, "the repair doctor's technique is good. I'll introduce it to you later."

"This Isn't it a palm print? " Meng Qian doesn't believe it. He takes Fang Zheng's hand and looks at it carefully. He forgets that he has to get rid of him.

"It looks like it, but it's not." Fang Zheng let her look, the smile on her face is more profound, "it was hurt three years ago, at that time I was chased, I really can't hide, so I had to take the blade with empty hands, although my life was saved, but my hands were useless."

"But I think you play the piano well."

"Cheat layman, nerve has been injured, hands no strength, at most play a serenade."

"Cut I don't forget to pretend to be injured like this. " Meng Qian, a layman, threw away Fang Zheng's hand. After a while, he whispered, "can't you recover?"

Hearing of the concern in her words, Fang Zheng raised her mouth slightly and held Meng Qian's hand firmly in her hand again. "The time lost is a little good. I'm afraid it's not easy to recover completely. But there's no big problem in daily life. Hey, don't show that kind of expression, otherwise I can't control it..."

He said and leaned forward and pulled Meng Qian's hand and her people into his arms.

The alarm bell rang, Meng shallow want to get out, it is too late.

"What are you doing?" She widened her eyes and asked him, the tiny pity in her eyes had long vanished, and the rest was vigilance. "I warn you, don't be presumptuous

At first, she mistakenly thought that Fangzheng, like the children of the aristocratic family, were all vases that could not be seen and used. It was indeed her fault, but it did not mean that after knowing him, he could make a move on her!

"It's just a hug, isn't it? Why are you so nervous?" Seeing her whole body's hair blow up, just like ah Hu in the swimming pool at the beginning, Fang Zheng thought it was very interesting, "you will be my wife, I don't think it's presumptuous."

"Bah! Who is your wife! No more flower Mania Meng Qian was very angry, so she lifted her legs and swept her crotch. She hated others taking advantage of her, and Fang Zheng made her taboo.

Fang Zheng frowned and avoided Meng Qian's attack. Her face was not worried. "How can you use such a sinister trick to deal with others as a girl?"

Meng Qian's foot is full of strength. If she really kicks her, he will be destroyed in the second half of his life!

Meng Qian took the opportunity to get rid of Fang Zheng's hand and sneered, "since you know what kind of person I am, stay away from me! Dare to touch me again... "

She said, five fingers close together, hard wave, "you don't think you are the people of Fang family, I dare not move you!"

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