Fang Zheng stood firm, pulled up her loose sleeve with her hand, and said quietly, "how much I have, you will naturally know after marriage. What is it to win by sneak attack? "

If Fang Zheng was the second, he was afraid that no one would dare to be the first. As soon as his voice fell, Meng Qian didn't know what he thought. His face was red at first, and then he said angrily, "don't you understand the truth that war is always deceitful?"

"That's to the enemy. I'm not prepared for you because I don't treat you as an outsider. Even if I lose to you, I don't care. Besides, there's no win or lose between husband and wife, just to see who loves more... "

"Don't you want a face? Who and you are husband and wife? I didn't promise to marry you at all

"Why did you want to go on the boat and have a honeymoon with me? Don't be shy, little girl. I know you are thin skinned, but we should know about it sooner or later. Miss Nian is your good friend? Why don't you let Miss Nian do it? Miss Nian, what do you think? Can the schedule be arranged? "

A will nianen caught behind him, Meng shallow jump feet way, "which wants to marry you?! Stop talking to yourself! Well, don't pay attention to this snake disease. Let's go

The enemy is too strong, the skin is comparable to the city wall, Meng Qian consciously quarrels, but Fang Zheng, simply ignore him, he left.

"Is that a flight?" See Meng shallow oneself preemptive leave, Feng Yanmo lightly bumps with arm next read en, "I am looking forward to you to wear bridesmaid dress appearance."

Nianen rebukes him and turns to Fang Zheng who is looking at Meng Qian's back. "Mr. Fang, I'm really sorry. Meng Qian has a quick temper and a straight temper. Don't get angry with her. She is actually very good."

"I know, or I would not have chosen her." Fang Zheng said with a smile. "She's always hard spoken and soft hearted. I won't argue with children."

Meng Qian is five years younger than Zheng.

But I don't know why, when Fang Zheng and Meng Qian are together, sometimes they always feel that they are raising their daughter.

Meng Qian never knew how to hide herself. She was straightforward and could not be hypocritical. It was not because she was not smart, but because she was contemptuous.

Just the status of Meng family gives her too much proud capital.

But sometimes, her pride has become the target of others to hurt her. She is too direct. When she is good to others, she is like a sun. She would like to take out all she has. However, if she meets an object of disgust, she will not even bother to pass over the superfluous look.

For those who are open-minded, their contempt for her is only in awe, and there are not so many true gentlemen in this world.

In the dark, I don't know how many pairs of eyes peep at her with indescribable malice. She has such a high-profile temperament and never knows what the low-key word is. Fang Zheng worries about her from time to time for fear that she will be killed by someone when she can't take care of her.

In such a mood, I wish I could hide her in my pocket and take care of her anytime and anywhere, so as not to let those people have any chance to hurt her

However, this is only Fang Zheng's wishful thinking. Even if Meng Qian has not expressed it directly, Fang Zheng knows that she would rather be kept in mind as a target rather than accept his feelings.

Meng's daughter is really a headache.

Just like now, she said that she wanted to eat hot pot, but she sat down in the restaurant, and she began to be critical.

Either the red pot is too hot, or the clear pot is too light. Even the fresh organic vegetables with dewdrops that were just transported by helicopter in the early morning were also tossed by Meng Qian.

"No, no more! It's so unpleasant to have a meal In the face of Fang Zheng, Meng Qian is afraid of eating dragon meat, and she throws her chopsticks and mumbles.

Fang Zheng is as good-natured as ever. Knowing that Meng Qian is looking for trouble, she is not angry. She looks at her with a smile, just like watching a child get angry. She has a gentle face.

Peanuts do not understand, mouth was read full of food, still do not forget to answer the word, "no, it's delicious."

"What do children know? Eat your food well." Meng shallow didn't like to use the hand to pat peanut's cheek, "almost become a small hamster."

Peanut laughs and runs away.

"Didn't you say you were coming to have hot pot? Why don't you like it now? " If peanuts are children's words, Feng Yanmo is intentional.

Nianen kicks Feng Yanmo under the table. Feng Yanmo doesn't know how to restrain himself. A pair of wolf melons rub back and forth on her thigh, "isn't it? Am I mistaken? "

"I like it just now, but I don't like it now. Can't I?" Seeing that Feng Yanmo wants to see the opera, Meng Qian doesn't bite. He stands up from his chair, "I'm full, and I'm back."

"It's rare for everyone to get together. It's boring to go back so early. There's a casino downstairs. Do you want to play?" A long leg stretch, square Zheng block Meng Qian's way.

Meng shallow gritted his teeth and grinned strangely on his face, just like a fox staring at a chicken. "Mr. Fang really intends to gamble with me?"

"Why not?" Fang Zheng raises eyebrows."Then I'll be more respectful than to follow my life. I'll see you downstairs later. I'll go back and change my clothes first. "

As a member of the Meng Gang, Meng shallow's entertainment life from childhood was mixed in the underground casino. Fang Zheng didn't know if he would die and go down to the casino with her, but he hit the gun mouth.

Soon after thinking of his own will win Fang Zheng even underwear are not guaranteed, Meng shallow is not in a good mood, changed a big red low chest high fork dress, manly and boldly ran to the casino.

Fang Zheng and Feng Yanmo are swallowing clouds in the smoking room. From afar, Meng shallow is seen floating like a red cloud. The past single men Cast Hot / spicy eyes on her, and a bold Spanish man also blatantly whistles at nine songs and eighteen bends.

Seeing Fang Zheng's face is darker and darker, Feng Yan Mo deeply smoke, "this little girl can not be controlled by anyone, you must think clearly."

"It's never been so clear." Fang Zheng said calmly, "at least she is hard, hard in the open, but miss miss Niang It seems to be worse to deal with. "

Fang Zheng is not Meng shallow, men are more careful than women to remember revenge. Feng Yanmo immediately returned a military Zheng to the price.

"Ha ha, I'm here for each other." Feng Yan Mo teeth chuckled, thought even if two Meng shallow also can not make this man, I am afraid this time to bad food.

Meng shallow did not know that the two men had already secretly moved. She was in a good mood. She swayed her posture while walking on high heels. Long curly hair danced behind her, like a fire phoenix, and received the attention of the people around her.

"What about the idea? Why not get together? " Meng shallow looked around.

Feng Yan Mo replied, "she will accompany the children to rest."

"That's a pity. She's going to miss a good play." Meng shallow shrugged, his eyes shining the light that is necessary.

The casino on board is divided into ordinary area and VIP area. It takes more than 500000 chips to get admission qualification once purchased. Fang Zheng delivers large amount of chips to the ship. Meng shallow glances at it. "What does it mean? Look down on people? "

"It's absolutely not that interesting." Fang Zheng raised his hands to show peace. "It is my friendship to the local government. Please give me a face."

Fang Zheng has put his posture to the lowest level, but Meng shallow doesn't buy any account. He walks by gently, leaving a word: "the boat is Mr. Luo's of others. Which landlord are you? Don't rush to plug in the money for me, I'll take it myself. "

Three people came to the gambling table, Feng Yan Mo stood by the chair, Meng shallow raised eyebrows, "you don't go up?"

"How can I make trouble with the two world wars of the century?" Feng Yanmo seems to be a gentleman, but he is not willing to do it.

"It's just a game. Why be so serious, shallow, right?" Square Zheng interface.

Meng shallow smiled like a smile, "right? But I think even the game has a win or a loss, right? Mr. Fang is afraid of losing. Can't he afford to lose? If it doesn't matter if you are really scared, I allow you to leave now. And don't call me shallow. I'm not so familiar with you! "

"Then it doesn't have to be. Fang will not help any more, and will not do anything to escape from the scene. Miss Meng, please."

For the people they like, people always make concessions in the invisible, but this kind of concession also has the bottom line. The bottom line is the base. Although Fang Zheng likes Meng shallow, he does not like to be cheap again. Meng shallow is really not good to listen to. Fang Zheng sits down in a cold face.

In the first few games, Meng played in a smooth wind and water, and the chips in front of Fang Zheng were like running water and flowed to her side.

But with the passage of time, Meng shallow face color began to become ugly, Fengshui seems to suddenly turn to, his hand card is more and more ugly, winning face is also getting lower and lower, occasionally several times of risk-taking call, are caught by Fang Zheng, won the chips have lost long ago, even his millions of also entered the pocket of Fang Zheng.

Other not to say, just gambling skills, Meng shallow is not as good as Fang Zheng. Besides, men are born better than women to gamble. Meng shallow thinks she is a female hero, but he is afraid to suffer losses when he gets on Fang Zheng.

Can not call the dog will bite, Feng Yanmo in the side of cold eyes, very emotional, decided that he will not easily provoke Fang Zheng.

The gamble went on one game after another. Meng shallow turned his face from the first red run to pale. Losing money was not a big thing for her, but she couldn't afford to lose the man.

Fang Zheng also knew what she thought in her heart, he slightly shaked, whether to let Meng shallow horse, but soon was denied by himself.

If she can't bow her head once, he is afraid that it will be difficult to accept her later. She is his future wife. He doesn't want to worry about whether his life will be terminated by someone in the middle of the night when he goes to bed every night.

Meng shallow stared at the last chip in front of him, and gave a breath. He pinched its corner with his long finger and threw it in the middle of the gambling table. "I will follow."

"Bckjack." Fang Zheng put down his card, and there was a faint applause all around. Meng shallow frowned and got up and left the table.

Fang Zheng quickly followed her and grabbed her wrist. "Shallow, I said it was just playing. How do you care so much?"

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