Nianen's luck was not very good. She came just in time to catch up with the most people. Recently, Caixing entertainment is planning to make a historical and war plot love blockbuster. Beringwen, a young director who has just won the Golden Palm Award for best director and is currently in the spotlight in China, personally selects roles. Many first-class, second-class and third-rate actors on the road get news and rush to Caixing, hoping that they can get into Bering Wen's eyes, even if they can't be the protagonist I'm afraid it's OK to mix the crowd actors with multiple scenes.

The front desk was in a mess, with all kinds of men and women sitting on the side of the sofa to make jokes.

Nianen went all the way to touch the front desk. The younger sister at the front desk knew her. Although she was on the phone, she immediately tilted her shoulder and held the phone with her, nodded with her smile. By the way, she pointed to the company and the ceiling, telling her that Feng Yanmo was in the company. If she didn't come, he would climb up to the top floor of Guangle international Yes.

Nian en also smiles at her, and then grabs the bag and rushes inside. When Feng Yanmo set up the company, the local tyrants occupied a whole floor, and the talent star occupied the whole floor. As soon as he entered the office, he was surrounded by a lot of people. The more he went inside, the more quiet he would be. The staff of Caixing were quietly working in their own cubicles. Occasionally, they were talking in a low voice.

Feng Yanmo's office is in the innermost part of the whole Caixing. Yuan mu, his private secretary, is standing at the door of the office. He doesn't know what to do. Nian en pats her on the shoulder from behind. Yuan Mucai jumps as if he is frightened. "Ah, nianen elder sister, it's you. Are you here to deliver the contract to Feng Shao?"

Nianen nodded, took the contract out of his bag and handed it to Yuan mu. Yuan Mu waved his hand as if those thin pieces of paper would burn his hands and said, "Feng Shao is seeing the guests now, otherwise Or wait for him to finish, you hand over to him, by the way, nianen elder sister want to drink something? I'll make you coffee

After that, Yuan Mu left immediately. Nianen felt that something was wrong with her, but she couldn't say what was wrong.

Taking advantage of Yuan Murong's coffee free time, nianen flipped through the colorful star magazine on the reading shelf. Feng Yanmo has great ambition. He wants to build Caixing into the first-class star making factory in China. Caixing's career is not only in the film and television industry, but also in the field of radio music creation and modeling. Now, 67 out of 10 legitimate male and female combinations in China are from color star entertainment.

Nianen looked at the photos of Feng Yanmo speaking on the board of directors in the magazine with great interest. The more he saw, the more he thought that although he was not good at all, he really had a good skin bag. If someone he didn't know met for the first time, he would be confused by his appearance.

Just looking at it, suddenly heard the sound of several heavy objects falling from the office. Nian en looked at it suspiciously, and then there was another dull sound.

Nianen didn't know what was going on inside. Thinking of Feng Yanmo's bad temper and fearing that he didn't agree with others, she knocked on the door a few times. After a while, no one responded, she opened the door --

"get out! Who let you in! You Nianen... "

The men and women in front of him are dressed in disorder, and their bodies are entangled. Feng Yanmo's shirt button is torn, and he lies on the ground with the ashtray and other sundries. The woman on his body is no other than Tong Lian.

Tong Lian's long hair was pulled loose, and the lip gloss on her lips was rubbed to leave a red mark on her cheek. Her tight skirt was pulled up high and high, revealing her slender and tight thighs.

Her appearance is very embarrassed, but still looks so beautiful, like a wild queen, despises the sudden break in of Nian en.

"Is that what you mean? The little fool who wants to climb into your bed Tong Lian nestles in Feng Yanmo's chest and says with a smile that her voice is not high or low, just so that Nian en can hear her.

Nianen felt that her hands and feet were cold. She wanted to tell herself that it was OK. It was all right. This was Feng Yanmo. This was the true face of Feng Yanmo. No matter what he said or did to her, it was just a whim. He is what kind of person he is! She is stupid, she is stupid, she should believe him, for she can

Why is she so stupid! It's useless! Who is he? Why did he change for her? From the beginning to the end, this is her wishful thinking, her heart, her like, he has never promised her anything!

But she knew everything, understood everything, could see through everything, but her sadness was still true. She couldn't believe the scene in front of her, so she forced herself to believe it.

She really wanted to ask Feng Yanmo, how could he do this? He said he would not let others bully her, but Tonglian said that about her, why didn't he protect her?

But she can't ask, because Tong Lian didn't say anything wrong, she is a dumb bar, she is the most stupid and stupid dumb bar in the world!

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