Once did not take medicine to win the bid, he is simply a marksman. Feng Yanmo is proud of this secretly for a long time. If he has a tail, he will surely go to the sky. Every day when I go in and out of the company, even the elder sister sweeping the floor in the company can see that the boss is in a good mood.

This kind of good mood did not last too long. When nianen began to vomit, seeing that she was holding the toilet every day, she vomited faintly. Feng Yanmo scratched his ears and scratched his cheek, but there was no way.

"Don't go around in front of my eyes. It makes me dizzy." Nian en swallows his mouth and gargles with acid and astringency.

She had also experienced pregnancy vomiting when she was pregnant with peanuts, but it was not as fierce as this one. She vomited twice a day and vomited for ten hours.

"Do you want to take some medicine to press it? How can you bear to throw up like this? " Seeing that Nian en's meat was consumed by the little thing in his stomach, Feng Yanmo felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't help, so he had to worry.

Nianen smiles and rubs his pale cheek with his hand, trying to make some false images of redness. "Don't talk silly. What's the most taboo in early pregnancy is to take medicine in disorder. If you carry it, you can take me."

Feng Yanmo picked her up, gently put her on the bed, "do you want to drink some more water? What can I get you? "

Nianen shakes her head. She can only drink water but not vomit. She is full of water. She can hear the sound of water clanging in her belly when she walks. "Please bring me my mobile phone. After listening to the movie, I'll ask Shen Ke."

After returning home with peanuts, nianen rejoins Shengtian. Shen Ke comes to invite someone in person. Feng Yanmo doesn't like her to work with Shen Ke. However, his own entertainment company has just opened for a short time, so he can't receive large films. He doesn't want to be buried. He has to bear a sour heart and nod his head.

Nianen no longer receives TV dramas, but only films, and is not greedy for more. Once a year, if he meets a good film, he will take another one. Slowly with his down-to-earth attitude and increasingly exquisite album, he will gradually pull back the lost audience.

Movies make less money than TV dramas. Nianen is not in a hurry to spend money. Her family is more important to her. She prefers to spend her time with peanut and Feng Yanmo, rather than being busy making money.

Last year, Shen Ke bought a book from somewhere, and let Bering smell read it. They were just as evil as they were. They must make this film.

I read the script about a left behind woman.

A woman is a husband who goes out to work. She alone carries the burden of taking care of the elderly and raising children. It is not easy for her husband to earn some money, but she has contracted a dirty disease because of looking for a young lady outside.

In the process of taking her husband for treatment, the child was abducted by human traffickers. The old people in the family couldn't stand the blow and died one after another. The husband didn't know where he had gone.

The woman went to the road alone to look for children. She used her feet to travel almost all over China. She had done all kinds of work except selling and begging. After saving enough money, she went on and finally found her daughter six years later.

But the daughter did not know her, she called her daughter's nickname, the daughter ran back home.

The woman had no choice but to build a shack next to her daughter's village.

I live for 20 years.

The daughter married and had her own children. During the Spring Festival, the children who just learned to walk took a bowl of dumplings to the woman.

Women eat dumplings, tears fall into the enamel jar.

This story is sad and cruel. When Nian en read it, she felt uncomfortable. Shen Ke sat opposite her and watched her face change.

"I don't think this book is suitable for you, but Bering Wen said that you should have a try. He said you have the ability to play it well. What do you think of it?"

Nian en was silent for a moment and said, "I'll try."

For this story, nianen's feelings are very complex. She doesn't like it because the story is so cruel. What kind of things a woman cherishes is equally deprived. How much perseverance and tenacity does she have to support herself to go on?

At the same time, in this story, Nian en also saw his own shadow and lost everything, but he was still full of hope for life like a fool. He believed that as long as he lived, good things would happen and he would find back the tiny happiness that once belonged to him.

Before the audition, Nian en moved out of the Feng family villa.

It's too happy to be with her child and her husband. Nianen can't make herself feel the despair and bitterness of the woman in the script. If she can't grasp the character's psychology, even if she and beringwen have some private relations, beringwen will not let her break into the cast.

She has been in primary school for two years, because she has already caught up with other students of the same age, so she has been studying for two years.

Nianen didn't want her to work so hard, but Feng Yanmo said that if the child likes it and wants to jump, let her jump. Even parents should not let their own wishes override their children's wishes.

He said the right words, and after thinking about it, she agreed. However, she didn't know that Feng Yanmo said to everyone in the company how clever her daughter was. She jumped two levels. The origin of the prodigy must have come from himAs for Feng Yanmo's relationship with peanut, Nian en tried to explain it to peanut, but to her surprise, peanut said to her, I already know.

"Who I told you? "

"It's Dad Oh, no It's the old dad... " Peanut carefully looked at Nian en's face.

Nian en frowned. "When did he tell you? How did you get in touch with him? "

She didn't expect that peanut and Feng Chenglin were still connected.

"When I came back from America I sent him an email He said that he was happy for me and asked me to forgive what I had done badly before After talking about Dad And said Peanuts are getting louder and louder. "He also said that he hoped to keep in touch with me all the time..."

Nianen knew that her emotions had affected peanuts, so she could not help but soften her voice, "mom is not unhappy, mom is just a little bit of an accident."

"I shouldn't have contacted him without my mother. I just Peanut said in a hurry. "If mom doesn't like it, I won't get in touch with him again."

After all, it is Feng Chenglin who has raised a child for five or six years. Even if he is not good to her, peanut really treats him as his father.

Nianen didn't want peanuts to learn to hate others at such a young age. She patted peanuts on the head, "it doesn't matter. He is also half of your father. I won't stop you from contacting him. Peanut is a big girl. You can judge what to do and what not to do."

Although nianen doesn't have much confidence in Feng Chenglin, she has faith in peanuts. She believes that although her daughter is young, she has a strong heart and will not be easily shaken.

Just like for her leaving home for filming this time, peanut is more rational than Feng Yanmo.

Feng Yanmo didn't want to be separated from nianen for a minute. He wanted to become a conjoined baby. When he heard that nian'en was leaving, he immediately turned on the baby's splashing and rolling mode, holding on to the door handle and refusing to release it until the peanuts were dragged aside by him.

"Mom is going to work. Dad, you have to be good. Mom will come back after filming. You also want her to come back early, right?"

Peanuts speak with great care, and Feng Yanmo is educated by his daughter and is full of cattle.

The competition for casting is not fierce. Many famous actors give up the idea of audition as soon as they read the script, look at the salary, and finally look at the shooting conditions.

Nian en competed with two girls who had just graduated from the drama academy and was finally selected easily.

The really tough test is just beginning.

The location is in the valley of Gansu Province. There is no network, no cell phone signal, and sometimes there is no electricity. If you want to contact the outside world, you can only walk two kilometers to the neighboring village to borrow a phone.

As soon as November came, there was a howl of wolf in the low-lying mountains. Nian en had been shooting outside for two days, and two lumps of red were frozen on his cheek.

I can't even use the electric blanket when it's hot at night, because it's easy to sleep when it's hot.

The shooting conditions are extremely bad, but the crew members are enthusiastic. All the people who are willing to bear hardships come here. In order to make a good play, they are willing to tolerate what ordinary people can't bear.

He made an appointment with Feng Yanmo. He called home once a week. When he called, Nian en went by the donkey cart of his fellow villagers. He was dressed in the local cloth clothes of the shooting, his hair was long and thick, and his legs were skillfully together. A murmur and his fellow villagers talked about the harvest of the current season. Apart from being a little whiter than the local people, he could not see any difference.

Whenever the appointed time, Feng Yanmo and peanut will be in front of the phone, the phone rings, was picked up.

"We are very good here. I sent some potatoes back from the theater. Have you received them? Don't keep it. Let your aunt make it. The new potatoes are delicious

Nianen never mentioned how hard it was to shoot. He only said something interesting. Feng Yanmo knew what she was thinking, so he didn't ask her whether she was working hard. She just told her over and over that she wanted to eat well, wear warm clothes and drink more water.

Ten months later, the film was finished.

Nian en has an intuition. Such a film may not sell well. It is not sure whether it can pass the trial or not. Shen Ke and Bering Wen are determined to make it, for fear that they want to win the prize for the film.

Sure enough, after the film was handed in for review, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no news again.

It was not until nearly half a year later, when nianen vomited into darkness, that she received a text message from Shen Ke saying that the film had been reviewed.

The title of the film is "Spring Dawn", because the name of the woman in the film is Chunxiao. The time period of the release of "Chunxiao" is not very good. It happens to catch up with the Spring Festival. In a jubilant New Year's film, the poster of the gray and black tone of "Spring Dawn" becomes more and more gloomy.

Nianen picked a working day and went to the cinema near home with Feng Yanmo.

In the screening hall, when the film began to play, including them, there were only five audiences. During the screening process, one of the audience got up to answer the phone and never came back.

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