Naturally, Feng Yanmo doesn't know that others are talking about him behind his back. Even if he does, he may not care. He has only two things in his mind. How can Nian en not regenerate his Qi and how can he cure this guy's leg injury quickly.

Some commonly used drugs are prepared in the office. Feng Yanmo takes alcohol cotton and safflower and puts them aside. He puts nianen on the bed and kneels down in front of her.

Put Nen's foot on her thigh, gently take off her sandals, and look carefully at the wound on her leg. Only then did she find out that she was hurt more seriously than she thought.

The scars were trodden out by the actresses waiting for the interview. The high-heeled shoes with an area of less than 1cm were just round nosed awls, which made Ian's calf a mess, and in some serious places, the skin was broken.

Feng Yanmo was distressed and annoyed. He took the cotton wool and wanted to put more weight on it and give Nian en some bitter taste. However, when it came to the beginning, his movement was even softer than that of a professional nurse. He wiped the wound with cotton and blew it gently, as if this could relieve the pain.

Alcohol killed on the wound is extremely painful, but nianen did not cry, nor did she cry for pain. She was quiet as if Feng Yanmo was not dealing with her leg.

However, some of her tiny movements still revealed how painful her forbearance was at this time. Her toes were tight, and her little toes were just clasped on the inside of Feng Yanmo's thighs and sank into the muscles. This is Feng Yanmo's sensitive belt. Feng Yanmo's body is stiff and takes a deep breath, forcing himself to focus all his attention on the wound of nianen.

The desire to cover it up.

The more he forced himself not to think, the more he could not help but glance at the feet of Nian en.

Feng Yanmo likes nianen's feet very much. Although he doesn't reach the morbid standard, he always likes to touch her feet when he is close to nianen. Nianen's feet are very beautiful. The skin on his feet is very white and delicate like that of a baby. His toes are small and arranged in order from high to low. The nails on his feet are also healthy and pink white. They are like small shells hanging on the beach, which makes people like them more and more.

Most heterosexual men have a strong interest in women's feet. According to the famous Swedish scientist savik, the foot is the most important part of the release of pheromone. This perception has a stimulating effect on some people who are sensitive to pheromone, and can also cause a preference for people's feet.

Feng Yanmo's favorite position is to put nianen's leg on his shoulder and love her severely.

In this way, he could not only see his big and thick things in and out of her body, but also her delicate feet, like a boat in the rough sea, swinging and bumping on his shoulder.

Some things can't think at all, just like a prairie fire, burning all over the body in an instant.

Feng Yanmo felt that he was so stiff and swollen that he almost hurt. He put the cotton ball aside and leaned down to kiss nianen's feet. From this angle, he could see her thin ankles, straight legs, small knees, soft curved thighs, and the lace of white underpants hidden in her half knee skirt

"Why don't you give it to me Feng Yanmo kisses nianen's calf with obsessed eyes, and rubs her delicate skin on his cheek. He used to like this action, because in this way, Nian En will be stuck by the stubble of his chin just emerging. She will smile silently, and her body will stand up like a dehydrated fish, laughing uncontrollably, and then gently pat his back with her palm Let him stop.

In the past, no matter how angry nianen was, with this move, she always made her laugh, or forced to laugh. But this time, Feng Yanmo kicked her to the iron plate.

Nianen looked at him without expression until his hand touched his waist along her beautiful leg. Suddenly, Nian en put out a finger against his chest, "Er Shao, if you want to do it, you don't have to ask me if I want to. Anyway, no matter how I answer, you will still act according to your mind. But before you do it, can you wear a condom? I I think you are dirty. "

She didn't use much strength, but every word was like a knife cutting through the skin on Feng Yanmo's chest, cutting through the muscles and bones all the way to his heart.

Pain, bloody pain!

"You think I'm How about it? " Feng Yanmo thought he was wrong, and stopped to ask to read grace.

Nian en gave a light smile, "I think you are dirty, special Special dirty, not only the body is dirty, but also the heart! "

"Yes! You stop! You know what you're talking about? Do you know what happens when you say that? " Feng Yanmo was so angry that he couldn't believe that she was so clever that she suddenly became so cruel. "Who made you say that? Shen Ke? How long have you known him? He told you to say that? "

"In your heart, I'm a fool with no idea and no heart, right? As long as I say something you don't want to hear, I'm inspired? Er Shao, although I am dumb, I am not blind! I know what I see

"Shit! Just because I was with Tong Lian just now, so you are criticizing me? I said, I did have a period with her before, but we have separated, read en, I don't want to quarrel with you, you angry I understand, but I and Tong Lian really nothing, we have made it clear, I just want to be good with you, you alone. I don't need anyone else. " Feng Yanmo takes a deep breath and forces himself to calm down. He knows that nianen is not happy that he is with Tong Lian. In a way, this is a good thing. Doesn't it mean that she also cares about him?"But I don't want to be with you, er Shao. Can you ask me what I mean every time I make a decision Nianen chuckled, left Feng Yanmo with his hand, propped up his body and met him face to face. "Since the words have already been said, I don't want to hide it any more. I don't want to be with you. I don't want to be with you from the first time. It's you who forced me to accept you. You don't think I like you."

The biggest advantage of maturity is that you don't want what you didn't get before.

She turned him down before he refused her, so that she would not feel sad any more.

"Nian en, do you know what you're talking about?"

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