He understood that she had been so timid and stubborn since childhood. Obviously she likes it, but when she sees others like it, she won't argue.

In fact, she can't be blamed for forming such a character. It's rare that she can live heartless under the shelter of a host. Nian en just wanted to protect herself. She was not wrong. It was him.

He always makes an invitation to her, but he forgets to make a promise. If Feng Youtian nods his head and agrees, the guy will be bolder, right? At least, would you be more comfortable with him?

Feng Yanmo is full of joy. He throws a seal in his hand twice, and his face shows a rare straight smile. Since losing his mother, he has rarely really wanted anything. Nianen is an exception. She should not have appeared in his life.

But when she came, he didn't want her to miss it. The thought of her filled him with a sweet feeling. The corner of the mouth couldn't help rising.

For many people, when happiness is near, they can't see what it is. Do not know how to cherish, do not make a choice, only when it left, they feel the heartache of the place, suddenly realize: originally, we have been so close to happiness.

But Feng Yanmo is not such a person. He has seen clearly what he wants. He has never known his goal as clearly as now. He wants to get the girl, whether it is her body or her heart.

Nianen helps Feng Youtian to his bedroom. Feng Youtian's wine strength comes up. He grabs nianen's hand and mumbles something in his mouth.

Feng Youtian and Liu Yuexi have lived apart for many years. To the outside, they sleep separately because they snore too much and are afraid to disturb their wives. But only the two of them know the reason.

Nian en wants him to lie down in bed. He is old. It will be hard for him to drink too much wine. Besides, Feng Youtian is not in good health. However, no matter what nianen said, Feng Youtian seemed to recognize it, but refused to let Nian en go.

His hand was very strong, and it hurt a little bit. Nianen took a breath and squatted down. He coaxed Feng Youtian like a child and patted him on the shoulder. "Uncle, I can't hear you clearly, or you lie down and I'll listen to you slowly, OK?"

"Qinghuan Huanhuan You came to see me... " Finally, he heard the name of Feng Youtian, but he was stunned by lightning.

Hao Qinghuan is her mother's name.

She had not heard her mother called by her name for many years. When she thought that she had gradually forgotten the terrible accident, Feng Youtian suddenly stirred up the thread of memory.

That's enough to make her cry.

The most painful thing is that the thing disappeared, it will never come back, but it will leave a thin and sharp needle, has been inserted in your heart, has been unable to pull out. If it wants you to hurt, you have to.

Mom, Dad, sister Three familiar but never likely to appear again flashed in front of her eyes. Nianen was still in the memory. Feng Youtian continued to whisper, "Qinghuan, you've been away for so many years, why don't you come back to see me? You and nianyuan are still together, are you ok? Your daughter, Nian en, I raised her up. She looks like you, but you don't love to laugh. I raised her as my own daughter and didn't let her suffer. You know, every time I see her, I think of you. This is God punishing me, punishing me for doing something wrong, Huanhuan, I'm sorry for you I would rather die than me Why don't you talk? Why don't you answer me? Are you blaming me? So you don't want to talk to me? "

A warm wet feeling came from the back of her hand, not her tears. It's from Feng Youtian.

Feng Youtian is a real man. During the past few years in Feng's family, everyone tells nianen that Feng Youtian only bleeds, not tears.

But now, he cried, and big tears fell from the corner of his crow's-feet eye directly to Nian en's hand.

Nianen is shocked by Feng Youtian's recollection of her mother and her strange feelings. She was 15 years old when her family had an accident, and some things could be seen. Although she did not know what kind of story was between her parents and uncle Feng, she could also see that Feng Youtian liked his mother. This kind of love is based on respect and appreciation, which is very clean.

I like to know clearly that the person she loves is not herself, but can still bless her, and still willing to take care of her children for her after her death.

However, Feng Youtian buried this feeling deeply. Nianen even felt that his mother might not know his feelings for her. But now, Feng Youtian suddenly pour them all out. Nianen doesn't know how to comfort him. She can only let Feng Youtian hold her in her arms.

"Qinghuan, Huanhuan, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone to you. I shouldn't have disturbed your peaceful life. Huanhuan, what can I do to forgive me? You have been away for so many years. Every day, I wait for you to come back to see me. You scold me, you beat me. As long as you can forgive me, I can do whatever you want. Don't go any more, OK? Stay, stay with me, I'll be nice to you It's better for you than a yuan... "Feng Youtian said, holding nianen's hand and dropping a very gentle kiss on her arm. Nianen seemed to be under a spell. She didn't dare to move. Her mind was full of roaring thoughts.

Feng Youtian must have mistaken her for her mother. She should have pushed him away, but in that case Would he be sad? He has been carrying self blame for these years. He needs a chance to be forgiven. Feng Youtian is a good man. Nianen doesn't want to hurt him.

After a moment's hesitation, Feng Youtian's kiss has already spread to her shoulder. The strange and hot breath of the man spreads on nianen's naked skin. He sucks hard, just like gnawing. The strong alcohol smell makes Nian en very uncomfortable.

No! no way!

The next second, nianen tries her best to push Feng Youtian away with both hands and feet. Feng Youtian is pushed by her, and nianen doesn't care to see if he falls down. She quickly escapes.

As soon as he went out and bumped into each other, Feng Yanmo grabbed nianen's body, which was still shaking. "Hey, how are you hiding here? It scared me Reading? Are you crying? Why are you crying? Who bullied you? "

His voice rises abruptly. Nian en pulls Feng Yanmo away from the room. The more she blocks him, the more his doubts expand. He pushes Nian en aside and rushes into Feng Youtian's room.

Feng Youtian lies on the carpet and falls asleep. His breathing is steady and can't be seen.

Feng Yanmo took nianen's hand, looked her up and down several times, raised her jaw, and said coldly, "what's wrong with him? Why are you crying? Read en, tell me the truth, tell me the truth, I have the right to know! "

Nianen doesn't care to wipe the tears on her face and shakes her head desperately. She knows what happened between her and Feng Youtian. She can't let Feng Yanmo know. If Feng Yanmo knows No He can't know. If he knew, he would fall out with Feng Youtian. This is Feng Youtian's birthday party. There are many important government officials in the dance floor below. Feng Youtian has always been a disgrace. His official voice is excellent. If Feng Yanmo quarrels with him because of this, the Feng family can't afford to lose this person, nor can Feng Youtian!

"No, nothing happened! Don't think about it! What can uncle do to me! You think everyone's just like you? My uncle just told me something about the past when I drank too much. I was very sad when I heard about my father and mother. I don't want to listen to it any more, and then I will run out. Don't worry about it. Really, there's nothing wrong with it. " Her action is fierce and he explains, the tears on his face let him see, do not know how much heartache.

"I see. It's worth crying like this? The sky is falling apart. I thought he was a hooligan to you Feng Yanmo wiped the tears on his face with his big hands.

Nian enqiang squeezed out a smile, "don't talk nonsense, Uncle Uncle is not that kind of person. "

"Cut, hypocritical. If he wasn't such a man, where did Feng Chenglin come from. You stay away from them anyway. I tell you, men don't have good things. Do you hear me? Don't be so stupid that you don't want to... " Feng Yanmo asked nianen with great care. He didn't care to put himself in the category of bad things. After he said that, he thought about it again. He still didn't feel relieved and said, "no, why don't you move my apartment in the city? Don't live here. I'm not at home. You've been bullied. I don't know. You live under my nose. I don't care. If you want to go to work, you can When I go to Caixing, I'll make you a chief manager in front of the imperial court. Can't you think of it? "

"The chief inspector in front of the imperial palace is all the work of eunuchs. Don't talk nonsense. I'm ok. There are many guests downstairs. I'll go down first. You can carry your uncle to bed. The ground is too cold and you'll catch a cold." Nian en is not in the mood to talk with Feng Yanmo. Seeing that he seems no longer suspicious, he runs away in a hurry.

Feng Yanmo's sight fell on her back in a hurry and suddenly became sharp as a needle, and her pupils tightened up.

He saw a small, dark crimson mark on her bare shoulder.

A seal that has not been printed by talents for a long time, a seal that can only be left by talking, and a kiss mark belonging to other men!

Once again, his eyes fell on Feng Youtian. As soon as he thought of the flustered look of reading grace, Feng Yanmo's eyes immediately set off a black storm. He clenched the chicken blood stone tablet in his hand and threw it out with all his strength!

When the seal hit the wall, it immediately made a clear sound, leaving a hollow hole in the hard stone wall and falling to the ground in pieces.

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