"Although there is no big deal this time, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis are not good omens. If this happens again, it will be very difficult to do. Stroke is not a trivial matter. Don't be careless." The family doctor of the Feng family packed up the diagnostic equipment and explained to Nian en.

Nian en nodded her head vigorously. She was scared to death. Feng Youtian's face was red, her eyes were closed, and she was short of breath. She thought he couldn't make it.

If something happens to Feng Youtian I can't think of such a thing She has always regarded Feng Youtian as her father's respect. If he is not here She really didn't want to taste the pain of losing relatives.

Since Feng Youtian fell, Feng Yanmo did not know where to go. His family became a mess because of him, but he did not know where to go. After all, Feng Chenglin was afraid that he would do something stupid in his anger, so he ran out to chase him.

Liu Yuexi stood by the bed, wiping her tears with a handkerchief, and glanced at Nian en viciously. Seeing the doctor out, she immediately stood up, rushed to Nian en, and gave her a hard shove, "it's all because of you, the broom star! At the beginning, you Tian said he wanted to bring you back, but I didn't agree! The whole family is dead, and you are the only one left. How hard is your life! But you Tian is soft hearted! Just brought you back! You see, I'll tell you something will happen sooner or later! Chenglin is such a good child that you're broken by abduction! Why don't you go? Do you think our family is not bad enough

Nian en was pushed against the wall by her, and her arm hurt. She bit her lip and swallowed all her grievances and sobs. She is not entitled to complain, even if Liu Yuexi said it worse, she had to listen and bear with it.

"You go, you go, go at once! You and the villain, go together! You two are stinky fish with rotten shrimp! Aren't you good? No one's in your way. You're going away! Don't pollute the rest of us Liu Yuexi's long fingernails were waving in front of nianen's face. If she was not careful, she could scratch her face, but nianen was not afraid at all. She didn't want to stay here, she just worried about Feng Youtian's health.

If Feng Youtian is OK, Liu Yuexi doesn't have to say that she has no face to stay at Feng's house.

"Liu Yuexi, I'm not dead. I can't talk about how you shout here. Get out." Feng Youtian doesn't know if he is awakened by Liu Yuexi's sharp voice. His voice is full of fatigue.

Liu Yuexi immediately screamed, "it's time for you to attack me? You don't see who's standing by you now! Who are your relatives! Do you think she really stayed at the Feng family because she wanted to repay her kindness? She is just greedy for Feng's property and Chenglin! I'm your wife. I've been with you for so many years. I don't care what people say about me. I only care about you, but you You are also... "

Liu Yuexi will never let go of the incident that she followed Feng Youtian without a name. Over the years, she has also gained her status and status. She has lived a comfortable life and cares more about the past. She always feels that those who call her Mrs. Feng actually look down on her in the heart. Just like Feng Yanmo, they all think that she is just a third party who is not on the stage, and is a bad woman who destroys Feng Youtian's marriage!

"Yuexi, I know it's not easy for you, but I don't want to talk to you about it now. Go out. I'm tired. I want to have a quiet chat with nianen. Please."

Liu Yuexi wails and caresses her forehead and leaves. Nianen sits by Feng Youtian's hand.

Feng Youtian seems to be over ten years old overnight, with white hair on his head and wrinkles on the corners of his eyes and lips, but his eyes are still as gentle as a loving father.

"Nian en, my uncle drank too much yesterday. He did something stupid and offended you. Don't be angry with uncle, OK? Uncle is really It's really... "

If Feng Youtian can't say anything, he can understand his kindness.

He just missed the person in his heart too much, and his thoughts became a disaster. Some people will always be engraved in the memory, even if they forget her voice, her smile and her face, but the feeling when I think of her will never change.

"Uncle doesn't know that you are with the second son. If he knows, he won't do it. Nian en, do you like the second? His man It's really Uncle is really worried that you follow him. Although Chenglin doesn't have him, he will please girls, but Chenglin really, he will fulfill his promise. And Cheng Lin should really like you, uncle and he just mentioned this matter, he was very happy to agree. Nian en, can you think about marrying him, even if you don't rush to get married, you can stay together for a while. "

His own son, he knows best. Compared with Feng Yanmo, Feng Chenglin is more mature and prudent. Maybe he is not like prince charming in a girl's heart. However, Feng Youtian thinks that Feng Chenglin is more successful in his career and more down-to-earth in life. He can give nianen a more stable life. If nianen marries him, he will not fail her.

But Feng Yanmo

No one can guarantee Feng Yanmo, especially after he said that today.

Feng Youtian loves nianen from the bottom of his heart, not only because she is Qinghuan's daughter, but also because she is nianen. He knows that he has done something ridiculous after drinking, and he regrets it very much. He combines Feng Chenglin and nianen together, not only because he wants to apologize to nianen, but also because he wants to give nianen the best he has.Feng Chenglin is the better of his two sons.

"Uncle, I don't blame you, I know you just miss your mother too much You don't have to look at me so surprised I know how you feel about her Your business is your business. I have no say, but Big brother and I... "

Nianen stopped. She couldn't go on. She didn't know how to refuse Feng Youtian. He showed her a way to the sun, but she didn't want to go!

Now, in front of so many people in Feng Yanmo, said so sad words, she still think of him.

She wanted to explain to him clearly. She wanted to tell him that things were not what he thought. She and Feng Chenglin were clean, and there were no dirty things he imagined.

He can't just throw a basin of dirty water on her.

She will not marry Feng Chenglin. She has never coveted Feng Chenglin's men or other people!

She is humble, but not mean!

"Chenglin is what kind of person, you should also be very clear, uncle is old, can't take care of you how long, uncle always want to find a suitable person for you, when uncle left, let him continue to look after you for uncle, read grace, you don't mind uncle too much?"

Big tears welled up from nianen's eyes. She shook her head vigorously, "of course not! I know my uncle is for my good, but I don't fit in with my big brother. I never thought about marrying him

"It's my uncle's fault. ok Don't cry. It's not beautiful to cry again. If you really don't want to, talk to Cheng Lin clearly. It's better to let him rest his mind on you. Uncle is tired and wants to sleep for a while. You go first. "

Out of Feng Youtian's room, Nian en finds Feng Chenglin waiting outside. His brow is locked and his face is uncertain.

Seeing nianen come out, Feng Chenglin said nothing. He took nianen's hand and went outside. He came to the small garden and released her.

"Big brother..." Nianen knows what Feng Chenglin means by bringing her here. In fact, she always wants to ask Feng Chenglin.

Feng Chenglin turned back, his face had returned to calm, and even hung a little smile, "do you know why I brought you here? The first time I saw you was here. At that time, you came to Feng's house for two months. I just came back from the United States. Because of jet lag, I always felt bad. When I saw you, you were helping the gardener plant flowers. When I saw me coming out, you handed me an aloe vera. I was still thinking about the local conditions and customs in China. When should I send Aloe Vera? Later, you explained to me, and I realized that you were asking me to apply my eyes. "

When Nian en came to the Feng family, she didn't know sign language very well. Neither did the Feng family. She was very inconvenient to communicate with people. She felt uncomfortable in her heart, so she didn't like to communicate with others.

When Feng Chenglin came back, he took the lead in learning sign language when he knew about nianen. Then he forced his servants to learn it. Bit by bit, he opened nianen's heart and integrated her with the Feng family.

His kindness will never be forgotten.

"Big brother I... "

"You don't have to rush to refuse me." Feng Chenglin shakes his head. He is a mature man. He is gentle and low-key. He is not as proud as Feng Yanmo. He knows how to make women fall in love with him. He just doesn't want to use some means to show gratitude.

Dean is a very special existence for him. It is not so much that he integrated nianen into this family, but rather that Nian en gave him a concept of home.

Because of his family background, Feng Chenglin was sent out of the country by his mother when he was young. Although he was taken back later, his relationship with Liu Yuexi was not very close. In his mind, the so-called home is just a building that can eat and sleep.

It was not until he saw Nian en that he realized that home was not just a place like this. Any house could shelter from the wind and rain. However, there was not a person in any house who would wait for you to come back, make breakfast for you, iron your clothes, and warm a glass of milk for you when he saw you working late into the night.

"I always felt that you should have something to do with the second To be honest, I was surprised to hear you admit it yourself... " Feng Chenglin laughed bitterly, "but Even if you know all this, I still hope you can choose me. I don't think I'm any worse than the second. Of course, I know that human feelings are not governed by reason. I just think you deserve better. I dare not boast that I will be the best husband, but compared with the second, I will not lose he

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