Seeing that Nian en is so open-minded, Tang Jianying always shows a trace of rare smile on her indifferent face.

The third cup.

Nianen raised his hand and poured the wine down without blinking his eyes. He was afraid that if the speed was slow, the liquid in his stomach would gush out, which would destroy the expensive handmade suit of young master Tang.

She put the glass down. She wiped the corner of her lips with the back of her hand, and said with a smile, "I'm finished. It's Mr. Tang's turn."

Tang Jianying raised her eyebrows again. Before he opened his mouth, Liu Xiaomei screamed, "Oh, do you still want to drink Tang Shao wine? Too much for you, too? Who do you think you are, Tang Shao... "

"Get out." Tang Jianying points to the door with a long wave.

Liu Xiaomei seemed to be stuck in her neck. Her mouth was wide open and pointed to herself, "you Are you saying to me

"Yes." Tang Jianying cherishes words like gold.

Liu Xiaomei also wanted to make a distinction. Rong Kuan was afraid that she would not be able to accomplish anything but fail. He pulled her with a smile and said, "Tang Shao, you must not have a common understanding with her little girl..."

"And you, go out together."

Finally, the room became quiet again. Nianen leaned back on the sofa dizzy and paralyzed. She could not see everything in the room, but saw a tall figure looming over her.

"Your name is Nian? What do I think you look so familiar? " Tang Jianying lifted her jaw with two fingers. He has a good memory, almost never forgetting. He must have seen this woman before.

Nianen's pale brown eyes were full of tears. She looked at him like an ignorant kitten. After a long time, she frowned and said, "Mr. Feng is on his birthday. Tang Shao is wearing a thousand bird's style of Givenchy..."

She is the housekeeper of the Feng family. She remembers every guest who comes to celebrate their birthday.

What's more, not everyone can dress Givenchy in such a smart way, so nianen can't help but look at it.

As soon as she reminded her, Tang Jianying was suddenly enlightened. It turned out that she was the adopted daughter of the Feng family who had been standing beside Feng Chenglin. She was the eldest son and daughter-in-law of the Feng family. How could she have been reduced to such a state after not seeing her for several years?

"Why do you mix up with Rong Kuan? Feng Chenglin doesn't want you? " Tang Jianying didn't mean to expose nianen's scar. He was just curious. After all, he is not worthy of carrying shoes to Feng Chenglin.

People have classes. This kind of class has nothing to do with money. It's all about family background. People like Rong Kuan and Liu Xiaomei want to climb to the class of Feng family, but they are afraid that there is no hope in their life.

Reading grace did not answer, slightly impatient will take the glass, "Mr. Tang is to check the household registration, or drink to have fun? If it's the former, I'm afraid I can't help you. "

"Oh, I have a good temper. I'm not happy to say a few words. " Tang Jianying was stabbed by her, but was not angry. She took the cup from nianen's hand and replaced it with half a bottle of whiskey left on the table. "Blow it directly to the bottle, so it hurts faster."

Nianen was in a daze at half a bottle of foreign wine. She didn't know what would happen if she poured all these wine down. Would she die? If you don't die, you'll have half your life, right?

But even if it is, what?

She chuckled, even if she died here, who would care?

"Tang Shao, I drank the wine, and I hope you can fulfill your promise."

"Wait, What promise?" Tang Jianying blocked her.

Niann staggers out of his arms a contract that rongkuang gave her as she approaches the room.

Tang Jianying took over the contract and gave it a cursory glance. She always had a playful smile on her calm face. "I have a big appetite. I'm afraid I'll die if I eat so much It's not impossible to give these projects to him But... "

He deliberately went to hang nianen's appetite, nianen opened his eyes, "but what?"

"But He seems to have overestimated your value... "

"What do you mean?" Nianen frowned and grasped Tang Jianying's wrist with her hand.

With a woman's physical strength, her hand strength is really not small, and there is a thin cocoon on the palm of her hand. It seems that she has been living a very bad life in recent years.

"I mean, it's impossible for me to sign this contract just by drinking a bottle of wine..."

As soon as Tang Jianying's voice fell, he suddenly felt that there was a force leaning towards him. He was unprepared and fell on the sofa on his back.

"So Is that all right? "

Nian en straddled his waist. Her skirt was so short that she lifted it to her thigh. Her long hair was a little messy. Her thick black hair was half hidden in front of her body. Her small and delicate cheek was not stained with lead dust. Her eyes were as bright as stars. Among them, alcohol gave her a few faint blushes, such as peach blossom in March.

Maybe he felt his crotch was a little bit awkward. She rubbed up and down and finally sat down on his muscular abdomen.There is a restless restlessness in Tang Jianying's abdomen, blood can't stop flowing to the body, "down."

His voice was hoarse and low, with the authority of a long-time superior. But Nian en was not afraid of him at all. She giggled, like a innocent little girl playing with her favorite toy. "I'm not heavy, don Shao. What are you afraid of? I won't crush you. "

Alcohol gave her a lot of courage. She had only one voice in her head at the moment, satisfied him and asked him to sign the contract.

The days with Feng Yanmo are not in vain. She knows how to make a man so excited that he can't control himself. These men who value desire more than feelings are the same.

"Don't do things you regret." Tang Jianying is quiet. Only he knows how much willpower he has to use to control himself and not let him suppress her on impulse.

He always felt that there was something wrong with the girl. He still remembered her six years ago, like a bird that had just left the nest. She was clean from head to toe. Women like her are the most attractive to men like them, because the darker it is, the more they yearn for light.

But now, the purity in her eyes is no longer, instead, people can't see through the fog, even her hoarse voice, he felt extremely sexy, can't help but want to get close to her.

"Regret? Why should I regret it? " Nian en asked him. Long fingers ran across her red lips, stained with alcohol saliva, and then across his chest.

Tang Jianying's breath was stagnant. She felt that her fingertips were like a flame. She lit him up.

His breath was slightly disordered. "Do you know how dangerous you are doing? If I still refuse to sign the contract after I take you. "

"That way..." Nian en's hoarse voice hesitated, and then there was a white light in the air.

She felt a thin and sharp fruit knife from somewhere. The silver blade ran away from him and finally stopped between his legs.

"In that case, I will castrate you." As Nian en said this, he tapped Tang Jianying's hard iron twice with a knife.

Tang Jianying's face almost turned blue and blue. He even felt the cold from the knife. He was afraid that if she was not careful, his sexual happiness would be destroyed in her hands for the rest of his life.

He was a little annoyed, and no one ever dared to be so presumptuous in front of him. Tang Jianying raised her upper body with her arm and looked at Nian en equally, "but what if I'm not satisfied with your service?"

Nianen really didn't think about it. While she was leaning her head and thinking hard, Tang Jianying stood up and suddenly overwhelmed nianen.

The fruit knife in her hand was thrown aside by Tang Jianying. The alcohol made Nian en's brain turn into a paste. She could not understand why she suddenly changed her position with Tang Jianying. She opened her lips slightly, and her lips looked like a half opened and half closed flower, which made people want to pick them.

They were very close, close to the temperature of the breath in nianen's mouth. Tang Jianying could feel it. Suddenly, he felt a little hungry, and nianen was like a plate of fresh baked delicious snacks, which made him stir his fingers.

He bent down, half punishment, half coercion with his own weight on her body, watching her frown uncomfortable, he said in a good mood, "it doesn't matter if you can't think of the answer, just try it. Big deal, whether satisfied or not, I will sign a contract with you. Is that all right? "

As he said this, he went to kiss Nen's lips. Nian en saw that his face was expanding in front of his eyes. A pair of dark and narrow eyes were shining with unfathomable light. She was a little afraid and wanted to escape, but she suppressed all her fears and forced herself to close her eyes.

When the two lips were about to touch each other, the door of KTV compartment was suddenly pushed open.

"My people, Tang Shao also want to rob?"

As soon as Nian en opened his eyes, he saw a lotus blossom on the roof. She rubbed her eyes and sat up to find that it was a chandelier shaped like a lotus flower.

Strange rooms, strange beds, and strange men's shirts

Nian en got out of bed with an iron nail in her head. She let out a wail and squatted down again. I closed my eyes and endured for a moment. I didn't feel so bad. Then I stood up again.

There was nothing but a men's shirt. The shirt was so big that it looked like a skirt on Nian en. There is enough heating in the room, and you won't feel cold just wearing this one. Besides the hangover, there was no other abnormality in her body. Was Tang Jianying a silver spear and wax head? If he can't, what about the contract? Do you want to sign it?

As soon as she got out of the room, Diane smelled a sweet smell in the air. She followed the smell all the way to the kitchen.

In the clean and tidy open kitchen, there is a figure who is busy. It is not Tang Jianying who looks at her back.

Nian en gave a slight cough, and the man turned around immediately.

I'm sorry Director Bai Why are you here? "

Bering Wen was wearing a big red apron with the heads of three jubilant pigs printed on it. He also held a wooden spatula in his hand. The thick purple rice porridge was cooked in the pot on the gas stove. The fragrance came from there.

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