In the silent night, Feng Youtian's voice becomes more and more bleak. He knows that his time is running out. He doesn't want to see his son and repeat his mistakes.

Feng Yan said without expression, "I'm not you. I won't let her suffer, but it's impossible for me to let her go. For six years, everyone is changing. She is not the only one who grows up. I won't let others bully her. What she wants and likes will be realized for her. Dad, she asked me today why she didn't die, because all the people she loved died. But she doesn't know, what's the difference between me and her. "If you're not here, then I'll just have her She is the only one I love How can I make her leave me again I can't... "

The unique good things in the world must be exchanged with the unique bitterness in the world.

He knew what road he had chosen, but he did not regret it.

Feng Youtian knows this son too well. He knows that Feng Yanmo has made a decision and will never repent. Therefore, he will stop talking nonsense and only concentrate on talking about his own affairs behind him.

Their father and son were talking attentively in the room. They didn't notice a black figure. They stayed outside the ward for a long time

Nianen learns of Feng Youtian's death almost at the same time as receiving a lawyer's call.

She applied for a secretary training class these days. She had half a day's class every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. When she didn't have a class, she would stay at home reading and be in a daze. She did it. When the Secretary class finished, it was the time for her to spend all her savings and start working again.

Chen Erdong always comes to her when he has nothing to do. The way they get along with each other is very environmentally friendly. One reads a book and the other studies a model. He doesn't say a word all day and doesn't feel uncomfortable.

On Saturday, Chen Erdong and Nian en's first day of Ramadan. It's just that there are a lot of people who break the fast this time. Seeing Shen Ke and Bering Wen Qiqi appear outside the old building of nianen's house, nianen is surprised and says, "brother Shen, how did you get out in broad daylight."

"What's that? Am I a ghost and must slip out at night?" Shen Ke gives nianen a white eye.

Nian en smiles. Shen Ke is a person who often goes to entertainment weekly. His evil face and a pair of peach blossom eyes are his exclusive marks, and his recognition is very high. It was the first time for him to go out in front of passers-by like this.

When Bering heard of it, he stabbed him and said, "it's good intention to read en. I'm afraid you'll be photographed by paparazzi. "

"I'm like lotus on my face and snow on my heart. I'm afraid they're just a few chinchillas? Come on, read Xiaoen, come closer and let me have a closer look at you. " Shen Ke takes a long arm move, nianen ha ha, laughs and blesses Wanfu. Shen Ke looks at her face with exaggerated expression, and then says with satisfaction, "it's good. The longer it grows, the more it looks like a panda. Nian Xiaoen, if you go on like this, you will soon be able to squeeze out the national treasure and replace it with your body."

Nianen's giggle turned into a dry smile. She always couldn't sleep well. Even if she took sleeping pills, it was difficult to sleep a night. Nightmares haunted her body and her eyes were black and blue.

Seeing her appearance, Shen Ke lost her temper. He poked her forehead with his finger and hummed, "what are you doing standing there? My father is hungry. Do you want to starve him into adulthood?"

"How dare you, can you eat instant boiled mutton?"

Shen Ke's eyes are shining, "genuine copper pot charcoal fire?"


"What are you waiting for, brothers, get up!"

The eaters always have some inexplicable soul, like them. They come from different origins. They live in a world where there is no intersection. They gather together to eat instant boiled mutton, but they have no sense of peace. Bering heard that he was as silent as ever, but his speed of eating meat was not slower than anyone else. Shen Ke was the only one who could communicate on the table. He took off his silk tie, which cost ten thousand yuan, on his neck. While wiping sweat, he said, "this taste is really authentic. You have to eat copper pot to rinse meat. Ah, Chen Erdong, what do you say you do? "

"I don't have a regular job. I do some chores. Now I'm running with the crew." Chen Erdong takes some potatoes out of the pot and puts them into Nian en's bowl.

Nian en likes to eat these potatoes, taro and sweet potatoes. When she was in the Feng family, Feng Yanmo always laughed at her as a mouse born child.

"Oh? Which crew? " Shen Ke's eyes turned, he always felt that this man was not as mediocre as he showed. He smelled the smell of wild animals on him. He was a little worried that nianen was with him.

Chen Erdong casually gives a name, and Shen Ke nods, "it's the grassroots group under Wan Hezhong. There's no way out for this kind of troupe. It's better to Come to my company? "

Sheng Tian is famous for his high salary and many good opportunities for welfare. If he can be employed, it will be good for Chen Erdong's future career. However, he seems not to care. He waved his hand and said, "I don't intend to do this all my life. It's just a temporary living. I don't have to worry about it."

The more he refused, the more he tried to invite Shen Ke. When they pushed each other forward, Nian en suddenly stood up.

She went to the TV set on the wall of the private room and pressed the sound button to its maximum.“…… Feng Youtian, an outstanding party leader and former Ji Secretary of H City, died of illness at 11:00 a.m. on the 13th... "

The warm atmosphere in the room instantly cooled down. Everyone's eyes were focused on Nian en. Nianen asked with a smile, "why do you all look at me?"

She didn't know when her face was full of tears. She just felt oppressed, and her chest was like a huge stone, so that she could not breathe.

Has not already said, no longer with the Feng family entanglement? So what happened to the Feng family? It has nothing to do with her? But Why did she still feel so sad when she heard the news Uncle Feng is gone She didn't see him again before she left

Life has so much time, why she has to meet.

Chen Erdong gets up and hands nianen a paper towel. Nianen doesn't know how to pick it up. Chen Erdong wipes the tears from her face in person. "If he goes away, he won't suffer from the pain any more. For people like him, let him live on the verge of death, it's better to give him relief..."

She knew the truth, she knew it all, but she just couldn't get over it. Feng Youtian was always very kind to her. He took her away from the orphanage. She still remembered what Feng Youtian said to her when she first met him.

He said, Nian en, don't be afraid, you are no longer alone, uncle found you, uncle took you home.

When she was unhappy in Feng's family, she always thought of his words.

She finally had a home, she was not willing to leave it, but in the end, this home, abandoned her.

The phone ring suddenly rang, read en saw the strange number on the screen, hesitated to answer the phone.

"Yes? I'm Chen Heping. Do you remember me? "

"Hello, Lawyer Chen." Chen Heping is a private lawyer of the Feng family. In the past, he often visited the Feng family because of some legal affairs. Nianen is a nodding acquaintance with him.

Chen Heping's voice sounds very calm, but there is a bit of deep sadness in the calm, "Nian en, do you know the news of Mr. Feng's death? He left a will, and I hope you will listen to it

Nian en held the phone hand tightly. She didn't want to go, but she didn't know what came to her mind. She finally said, "OK, please tell me the time."

"Now? The place is in the old house of the Feng family. Everyone else is here, just waiting for you. "

"I see. I'll be there soon, trouble them, and wait for me another half an hour. "

Feng's house is in the outskirts of H City, the bus has been stopped at this time. Shen Ke sent Nian en without saying a word. On the way, neither of them talked.

At the door of the Feng family, Shen Ke stopped the car. Instead of the glib talk he had just met, Shen Ke's face was more calm and shrewd. He said to the words of gratitude, "no matter what they say, don't rush to respond. Think about the pros and cons before you make a decision. Don't give others a handle on it. Don't let people look down on it. OK?"

Nian en nodded, got out of the car and didn't go far, and then turned back, "brother Shen, can you please go with me?"

Shen Ke knew something about the Feng family. He thought that Nian en was afraid of the Feng family's wolf like things. He said with a smile, "what a little girl, can they still eat you? Brother Shen will not be bullied with you. "

Nian en smiles and doesn't speak. When she came back to this place, her memory came to her like a tide. She was not afraid of the Feng family, just The past is too ferocious to look back on.

There are traces of her life in every corner of the house. She takes care of the garden by herself, the corridor she walks through, and her favorite kitchen. Feng Yanmo likes to kiss her when she is cooking. He avoids people's eyes and gives her a hot kiss. He seems to be very addicted to such games like cheating There are many, many

Without Feng Youtian, the family will be scattered.

Feng Yanmo, Feng Chenglin and Liu Yuexi can't even be calm when they are together. Feng Youtian devotes his whole life to the hope that his children will be harmonious and his family will be harmonious. In the end, this is just his extravagant hope.

There was no one in the hall on the first floor. The stranger servant led Nian en and Shen Ke to the large study upstairs.

When passing through Feng Yanmo's room, nianen can't help but look inside. The furniture in the room is covered with cloth. No one has lived in it for a long time. The cloth has been covered with a thin layer of dust.

Yes, he married Tong Lian and had his own family. Naturally, he would not return to this place.

This place full of memories about them, she was the only one to pay homage to.

She moved her eyes away and did not take another look. Nianen walked firmly toward the study. She heard Liu Yuexi's sharp voice a long way away. "Why did the old man of the Feng family pass away, but asked us to wait for an outsider? She didn't have a surname of Feng either

"You don't have a surname of Feng. You talk nonsense and force me. If you don't want to hear it, get out." In response to her, Feng Yanmo was not polite at all.

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