"How dare you work in such a small matter? Mr. Xu, I'll ask the company to send a car to pick them up." If Xu Mingguang sends it, it means something is going to happen. These men are like wolves and wolves. It's a hell to see a drunken little girl not to do it! Zuo Jing is not the first day out to mix, how can not understand the Tao inside.

She accompanied her carefully. She got up and dressed. When she passed by Nian en, she whispered to her, "you can watch them for me. You must get on our own car."

Nianen is older than those girls. She has a calm personality and is brought out by Zuo Jing. She is willing to discuss with her if anything happens.

Nian en had already drunk dizzy brain distension at this time, but also knew that one of the fierce, forced to endure dizziness and nodded.

As soon as Zuo Jing left, the men on the table seemed to peel off their skin, showing the truth of the devil. They pretended to be crazy by drinking, and they laughed at the girls around them. Nianen could protect one, but could not protect two. They were all sweating for a moment.

Fortunately, there was a knock on the door outside at this time. It was Sheng Tian's driver who came to pick up the person.

The driver seems to be used to such a scene. He takes one in each hand and takes the two girls out. Nianen is mixed with Ruan Jiayuan and wants to help another girl. When she turns around, one of Xu Guangming's men takes out a small bottle from his pocket and drips the colorless liquid into her cup while she is not paying attention.

When Nian en sent the people out and came back to pick up the clothes, Xu Mingguang's men raised their glasses and said, "Miss Nian, although it's the first time to meet, Xu always thinks you can be made. I want to have another drink with you. I'm not very happy today. I hope you will come out next time."

Xu Mingguang does not have hundreds of millions of money to Sheng Tiantou every year, and there are tens of millions of them. He is a real rich man. His face can not be refuted. In fact, nianen is almost unable to stand. She still clenched her teeth and lifted the cup. "Thank you, Mr. Xu. I'll trouble Mr. Xu in the future."

The wine in the cup is dried up and nianen is withdrawn from the private room.

Sheng Tian's driver drove over a car. There were four people lying in the car. Nianen couldn't get in. He said to the driver, "you go first. I'll take a taxi back."

Although this place is a bit biased, because of the good business, so the taxi often come and go. Nian en found a place with bright street lights and waited for the car.

The strength of the wine made her feel uncomfortable. She felt cold and hot, as if she had some strange disease. The skin all over his body was itchy. Nian en scratched it with his hand. The more he scratched, the more itchy he felt. The itch made his bones crisp and his legs soft.

Seeing an empty car from a distance, the ceiling light was bright and conspicuous in the dark. As soon as Nian en reached out to stop the car, he felt a heavy weight in his back neck, then his eyes were black, and he didn't know anything.

Xu Mingguang looked at the people holding Nian en, white as a woman's face raised a sneer, "take her to charm, pay attention, don't play dead." He paused, and then said, "if you die, deal with it clean and don't let people handle it."

Perhaps it is true that the old saying that he is frustrated in love and proud in the workplace is that Feng Yanmo has been in deep water these days, but the company's business is climbing.

At the beginning of the year, SARFT issued a new regulation that only one talent show could be released every quarter. Unfortunately, the quota fell on the TV stations cooperating with Caixing. Caixing got such a big advantage, Feng Yanmo should be very happy, but he couldn't laugh.

Nianen's heartbroken back when she left the Feng family and her resolute eyes when she saw her again in Shengtian were like a sharp knife, piercing into Feng Yanmo's heart.

He was always proud and never bowed his head to others. However, he fell a few big somersaults on her, which made him break his bones and tendons and could hardly get up.

But no matter how painful he was, the days would still pass day by day. The pain that no one could talk about and the yearning for grace were just like a poison, soaked in his bone marrow and made him miserable.

Most of the company's affairs are handled by his subordinates, but the cooperation with the TV station is an important matter for him to do in person.

The TV station's old greasy potatoes ate all the good restaurants in H city. They didn't have much interest in patronizing them. They decided to go to the ecological garden in the suburbs and eat abalone and wings under the banner of returning to the original.

Feng Yanmo sits with Mo WanChen and talks about the scene, but he has only one name in his head.

Thank you.

I don't know if she's living well now, but she's still with Shen Ke and becomes Sheng Tian's intern.

Is the entertainment industry so easy to get along with? How many beautiful men and women sacrifice their lives to seek honor, and finally they are swept away by the waves. She has been hidden by the Feng family for so many years. How can I know how many dirty things are there? She What should I do if I'm bullied? According to her temperament, she will never complain to others. She is so stubborn that she really wants to make her suffer But Will he feel happy when she suffers? Seeing her sad, he would be more upset himself.

Why did she refuse to listen to him say one more sentence? What others said was right. He said it was Hu Jie, that was to say, he was just worse than Dou E!"Mr. Feng, Mr. Zhang's toast to you. Go on. You can't drink just a few cups? You are so old. " Several Maotai bottles have been overturned on the table. Mo WanChen still has one open under her hand. She can't see feng Yanmo's restless appearance, and kicks him severely under the table.

If you want to throw away your soul at home, what kind of Saint of love is installed here? You don't look at the people on the table. If you neglect them, do you still want to hang out in the TV station?

Feng Yanmo was kicked by long and thin high-heeled shoes. He wiped his face and raised his glass again. "Come on, Mr. Zhang, I'll do it for you."

Drink, drink, drink these grandchildren, drink yourself, the world will be quiet!

Feng Yanmo's drinking capacity is very good. From his debut to now, he has not been drunk. Many times, a group of people rush to attack him, but he is the only one who can sit down. Quite a few people are drunk, I wake up alone desolate.

And his wine is good, too much will not talk, so many people are willing to drink with him.

After seeing off the director of censorship, who was clamoring to make friends with him, he managed to muddle through today's liquor Bureau. After sending Miss Mo Da to the car, Mo WanChen did not forget to hold his hand before closing the door. "Lao Feng, I know you are not happy, but you are not worthy of being a little girl. How about introducing some good sisters to you to ensure that you have big hips and big breasts, and you can live a good life, don't you think it is possible?"

"You get out of here quickly. You can go as far as you can. Don't make me confused." He threw Mo WanChen's door on, and the car was dusty all the way. Feng Yanmo stood alone in the night, inexpressibly desolate and lonely.

He's so drunk that he can't drive. Fortunately, there are several farmhouse entertainments behind the ecological park. Feng Yanmo decides to go and open a room, and he'll go through the night.

A few steps back, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

The heart is like being hit hard. In the silent night, you can almost hear its exciting sound.

Feng Yanmo is sure that he is not wrong. Even if he drinks too much, he will not admit nianen wrong!

He took two steps forward, only to find that Nian en disappeared. Feng Yanmo's brows closed up. How could he not be seen? He was just thinking about it when he heard a man's deep voice ring out, "don't let people see it. Be quick with your hands and feet. After a while, the medicine is getting stronger. I don't know what the hooves are like. Don't delay the time. "

The unknown cloud cage in Feng Yanmo's heart, he stepped back a few steps, retreated to a secluded dark corner, not long after, saw a man holding dizzy nianen from the corner.

Nian en's appearance is still so good-looking, alcohol dyed her face with two thin red clouds, her thick black half long hair spread over the man's arm, her eyes closed, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly with the man's walking. She curled up in a man's arms like a tired bird, looking like she was asleep.

Feng Yanmo knows that things are not so simple. His pupils are tight, and his eyes sweep to the red bricks left behind by the building blocks. He bends over to pick up a brick and weigh it in his hand. Like a hunting beast, he touches the man behind in the night

There is a bloody smell in his mouth. Feng Yanmo swallows the blood mixed with saliva, and the wound on his shoulder is bubbling with blood. The blood soon turns half of his body red. Feng Yanmo is biting his teeth, and his steps of reciting grace are not affected at all.

It was he who was careless. After knocking over the man holding Nian en, he only looked at whether Nian en was hurt. He didn't find that two more people were following him.

In recent years, he was busy with the company's affairs and neglected to exercise, so his skill was much worse. In addition, both of the other two were professionally trained bodyguards. One of them used a knife in the night, and Feng Yanmo was not aware of it for a while, so he got a hand!

But fortunately Or escaped Fortunately Nian en was not hurt

Feng Yanmo ran for a short time with Nian en in his arms. Before him, there was a large tiled house commonly seen in the rural areas of northern winter.

This is a farmhouse built by the owner of the ecological park to attract business. Since the decoration was not completed long ago, there were not many tourists living in it.

Feng Yanmo is as bloody as a murderer. He is afraid that as soon as he appears, those who want to do harm to the gratitude will rush to him again. He estimates that it is too late and there will be no more guests. He selects a large tiled house farthest from the entrance, smashes the glass on the door and opens the door.

Nianen carefully placed on the Kang, Feng Yanmo turned around to look for it in the room.

The house has just been decorated and the air smells of paint, but the water and electricity have been connected. Feng Yanmo did not dare to turn on the light. He found the toilet in the dark and opened the water tap. The back of the clothes have been soaked in blood, adhere to the skin, when you take off, it is like peeling a layer of skin.

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