Niann chuckled to herself, not noticing that someone was approaching her.

"I'm looking at these non nutritive things again. You really don't have a long memory." Feng Yanmo stretched out his long arm from behind her and easily copied the book in the hand of Nian en.

He glanced at the two men and women who were nestling together on the front page. He didn't even have the interest to look at them. He threw the book aside and said, "Oh, are you crying? Your tears are too worthless. Tell me what they have done, and it's worth your tears. "

He leaned down, and his rough palms scratched his face. Somehow, he just can't see her cry, her tears are particularly dazzling, let him see the heart feel very uncomfortable.

Nianen only thought that he didn't like his tears, so he quickly wiped the tears with the back of his hand and said, "how did you come back? Isn't there a financing meeting for Caixing? Is it all over so soon? "

"Well, if you sign it, it's none of my business. There's also a lunch party behind. A group of old people are chirping. I'm too lazy to attend. " Feng Yanmo sits next to nianen, taking a small rocking chair for two-thirds. He leans lazily against nianen like he has no bones.

Nianen unconsciously kneaded his shoulder with her hand, knowing that they often used the computer to get back pain. So she specially learned from the massage master for some days. Although the technique was not as proficient as that of a professional masseuse, she had a certain model.

Feng Yanmo was pinched by her, and his eyes narrowed with comfort. His hair was lifted by a branch when he went into the garden, so he was a bit scrawled. His tie was also loosened. After removing his glasses, the whole person relaxed. He did not look calm and hypocritical. He was like a big dog dozing off.

Nen's fingers went through his thick black hair and pressed them on his scalp. "Have you eaten yet? Are you hungry? "

Feng Yanmo has a good appetite. What he does is copywriting, but his work intensity is very strong. If he doesn't have a good meal, he will have a bad temper.

Today's breakfast can be regarded as a water drift. Although it's just past 11 o'clock, Nian en estimates that Feng Yanmo should be very hungry.

Sure enough, Feng Yanmo nodded his head, read en stopped, and scratched words on his shoulder, "then I'll make you something to eat, next bowl of noodles, OK?"

"Not good." Feng Yanmo opened his eyes, black eyes like a leap of flame hidden, "I'm too hungry, can't wait for you to do."

"Ah, what about that?" His eyes are too sharp, let read en inexplicably some flustered.

Feng Yanmo's stupidity and cute appearance makes Feng Yanmo's heart move. He turns over and presses nianen under his body and whispers in her ear, "I want to I ate you. "

Feng Yanmo is an absolute activist. As he spoke, he began to be ready to move.

OMG, what's the change of this person? How can you have oestrus once a year for 365 days? It's a fighter in the beast, VIP in the beast! Usually in the room, he will do whatever he wants, but now he is outside. In broad daylight, what is he going to do?

In nianen's heart, there were countless villains roaring by. She was really afraid that if a gardener or something came to see them, how could she live in the future? What face does she have to stand in front of the servants and give orders every day? If Feng Youtian finds out

No! Nianen can't imagine that Feng Youtian knows how angry he will be when he and Feng Yanmo mix together. Although Feng Youtian has not explicitly expressed that nianen is not allowed to associate with the sons of the Feng family, nianen intuitively believes that he would not like such a thing to happen.

Let me go! Don't be here! Nianen slaps Feng Yanmo on the back angrily. Feng Yanmo is a man with strong desire. He rubbed with Nian en for a while in the morning, but he didn't really do it. Feng Yanmo was already choking and about to explode. He finished the morning meeting in a hurry. He drove back directly without waiting for the driver. Now, Nian en is pushing things around here, making him unable to enter Hong Kong smoothly. Feng Yanmo thought she was making a small sex, so he was very impatient to appease him and read en, "don't make trouble. When I finish, I'll take you out to dinner."

What did he think she was and dismissed her with a meal?

Nianen twisted her body dishonestly. She was like a slippery little fish, which made Feng Yanmo unable to hold her. Feng Yanmo caught fire in his heart and held her arm up to her head, so that she could not move again. "What do you want to do? It's not dry enough? "

"Don't you have any sense of shame? Do you do the same to your other lovers? Is it the same with Tong Lian? "

After a stroke, I regret reading grace. She is really crazy. Why did she mention Tong Lian? She clearly knows that Feng Yanmo hates others to discuss his private life! This is just like a piece of his scale, no matter who can touch it!

However, what makes Nian en more afraid is not Feng Yanmo's anger, but her own. Why did she think of Tong Lian at this juncture? Is her head broken? What are you thinking?

Subconsciously, she even compared herself with those mistresses of Feng Yanmo. What was she doing?

That year, nian'en, who lost her family member and whose throat was smoky, was received by Feng Youtian to the Feng family. In that year, she gave her precious first time to Feng Yanmo.It was not a good memory, she was not voluntary at all! Feng Yanmo broke into her bedroom one night. He was full of wine and his eyes were red with alcohol. He went to her bed, pressed her on the bed and forced her.

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