Recently, Nian en always dreams, and there is only one subject in the dream. The man I don't know when it has become her nightmare.

In her dream, he was lingering with her. His smile and his embrace were so real and warm. He said that she loved her and liked her. All he did was for her good. He was so kind to her and extremely gentle. Let her reluctant to let go, reluctant to wake up.

But when it was morning, she would find herself alone in the cold single bed, pillow case has been wet with tears.

Nianen doesn't know what's wrong with him. He can only arrange his schedule to the full, so that he is tired to the extreme. He has no spare time to think about him.

It was not until one day, when Ruan Jiayuan was watching the news with her iPad, that Nian en found that the divorce between Feng Yanmo and Tong Lian had already become the headlines.

Nianen can't tell what she felt when she saw the news. When she saw Tong Lian marry Feng Yanmo in prison, although she didn't speak, her heart was dripping blood. In places that others could not see, she pressed her fingers against the wall until her nails were turned over and blood flowed. She felt better.

Now, only six years later, before it's itchy, the marriage has come to an end.

In this world, everything is changing, and people's heart is becoming the fastest.

In the news, Tong Lian seems to be in her early twenties. She can't hide her haggard look with Hei Chao. When she is surrounded by paparazzi, she loses her temper and goes to chase people with her purse, which makes the paparazzi take a lot of ugly pictures. Feng Yanmo, however, is romantic and heroic. Facing the camera, he still talks and laughs about the wind, which makes people can't see the anxiety of green overhead.

Sure enough, no matter who is strong or weak in marriage, it is always men who can laugh to the end.

A man can remarry after divorce. As long as he has a good family, there are always young girls to choose from, while a woman is no longer in her old age. It's hard to find someone to entrust her life to.

Nian en soon left this matter behind, because Shen Ke brought her a great surprise.

When Shen Ke brings Liu Haisheng to nianen, nianen is stunned for five seconds without speaking. When he sees a simple smile floating on his face, the tears in nianen's eyes finally burst down.

"Hai Sheng!"

"Read on!"

Nian en opens his arm and hugs Liu Haisheng, who is a head higher than himself. Tears fall down. Liu Haisheng, a man of seven feet, can't help but blush.

"Uncle Liu? What about Aunt Qin? How are you all? Where have you been all these years? Why don't you come to me? I miss you so much... " She couldn't go on, sobbing.

When nianen's home was not destroyed, Liu Haisheng's parents worked in Nianjia for a long time and had a good relationship with nianen's parents. When nian'en and his sister were born, Liu Haisheng's mother helped to take care of them. Nian'en and Liu Haisheng were good friends since they were very young. When they were young, Liu Haisheng often took nian'en to play on the tea hill behind the house. He was like nianen's brother, always right She cared a lot.

It was not until the fire that they were separated.

Nian en also wanted to find Liu Haisheng, but she never had a chance. The Feng family let her have no worries about food and clothing, but Liu Yuexi did not give her too much pocket money. She had no money in her hand, so it was inconvenient for her to do anything she wanted.

Liu Haisheng is a man. He doesn't cry at ordinary times, but now he can't help but wet his eyes. He wipes his tears with the back of his hand and sniffs his nose. "My parents are very good, and their bodies are very strong. They now own an orchard and grow fruit trees in their hometown. We have looked for you, but Mr. Feng said that you had a good life and didn't want to remind you of the past things. For fear that you would be sad, we didn't look for you again. Are you still in the Feng family? "

Feng family, Feng family again. Nian en shook his head. "I It's been a long time since I left the Feng family Where do you live? Give me your address and phone number, and I'll see you at the end of the week. "

"Don't wait for the weekend. Go now. I'll give you a holiday. You can come back before you go on the show. " Shen Ke sees nianen in tears, even if he knows that she is happy, he also feels heartache. She is on the top of his heart, he can't bear to let her aggrieved.

"Really? That would be great. " Liu Haisheng said with a smile to Shen Ke, "thank you, boss Shen. My parents have been talking about gratitude for several years. I will take her back. They will be very happy to see her

Despite Shen Ke's amnesty, Nian en got on Liu Haisheng's car after asking for leave with Bering Wen.

Shen Ke looked at her back and felt a bit uncomfortable. He knew that he was doing a stupid thing, a stupid thing that pushed nianen to others. He shouldn't have brought Liu Haisheng here. He should have kept nianen in the dark all his life. If he did, he and she might still have some opportunities.

But he can't There are some things that she should know

"When boss Shen called me, it was my mother who got the call. She was shocked. She thought that the star scout was interested in me and wanted to pull me to act." Liu Haisheng was as simple and honest as before. After a few words with nianen, he made Nian en laugh.

"Haisheng, if you really want to act, I can talk to Shen Ke. You can try.""Oh, Nian en, don't tease me. I'm not that piece of material. I tell you, the income of the orchard in our family is very good now. Thanks to Mr. Feng's help at the beginning, we would not know where to mix up now if it were not for him. "

"The Feng family Helped you? " This matter, Nian en has never heard of. But soon, Nian en was attracted by another thing. "What about my uncle and auntie? Have they been looking for me these years? I've always wanted to hear from you, but... "

Nianen's father is the only child in the family, but her mother has two brothers and sisters. Several families have also walked around on New Year's festivals. When she sees Liu Haisheng, Nian en thinks of them.

Hearing that Nian en mentioned the two families, Liu Haisheng's face immediately turned ugly. He hesitated for a moment and said, "ah Nian en, there are some things I don't know how to say Well, you'll come home with me. When you get home, you'll know all about it. "

Liu Haisheng's mother, Qin Cuiping, received a phone call from her son. She had been waiting at the gate of the orchard early in the morning. When she saw her son's car, she immediately stretched out her arms.

Nianen jumped out of the car without waiting for it to stop steadily, "aunt Qin!"

"Well, you are so old! Miss Qin! Let your aunt have a good look at you

Qin Cuiping held nianen in her arms and looked up and down several times. The two looked at each other for a moment and immediately cried.

Liu Haisheng followed him, "Mom, don't cry. Nianen has cried all over the place. Look at her eyes, they look like rabbits. If you cry again, you will feel uncomfortable at night. Let's go into the room quickly. Nian en told me that she would like to eat your fried noodles most. You can see that she is as thin as a piece of paper. You should let her eat more today

"Look at me. I'm so happy that I don't know what to do. Well, why are you so thin. " Qin Cuiping grabbed nianen's thin arm, and her tears came out again. "Haizi and I said that you're a big star now? You have to take good care of yourself. Don't neglect yourself just to make money. Aunt Qin has been thinking about you all these years, and I don't know what you've become. You see, you are more beautiful than you were when you were a child. You are a beautiful woman. If Xiao Xi is still... "

If my sister is still here, I will go to college this year. But She's no longer here, no more.

Nianen cried so much that she could hardly hold her own. Her long-term depressed pain and missing of her relatives broke out at this moment.

Only these people, they are her real relatives. They are the people who really live in her world. They share the same memories and the same pain with her. Only these people, they know how much pain she has in the end, how difficult it is for her to endure all these years alone.

"My God, look at you..." Liu Haisheng saw that nianen was crying so much that he could hardly stand still. He helped him and helped them into the room.

Liu Haisheng's family is no different from ordinary rural families from the outside. But once inside, you can feel the difference.

Home appliances are the most popular, home decoration is also very high grade, a look at life is very rich.

Qin Cuiping accompanies nianen and talks for a while. She cooks with her wife and offers a table of good dishes for Nian en.

While they were cooking, Liu Haisheng took Nian en to a room next to the main house.

Nian en allows him to lead himself to the computer and sit down. Liu Haisheng opens the computer and calls out a folder from it. He says, "Nian en, after the fire broke out in your house, a lot of things happened. I can't tell you clearly. You'd better take a look at this But you have to promise me first. Don't get angry. I think you are separated from Feng Jiasheng in this way? I don't know what's wrong with you and his family, but I shouldn't say that the Feng family is very kind to Nianjia Especially the second young master of the Feng family. He almost lost his life for you Well, you can see for yourself... "

There are several videos in the folder. Nianen points the mouse on it for a long time. She doesn't know what she is afraid of. She takes a deep breath and finally points to the first video.

In addition to nianen's relatives, several workers who worked in nianen's home were killed in the fire. This was news that Nian en had never heard of.

At the beginning of the video, some people with simple clothes and sad faces surround a young man. They shout something. Because the scene is too chaotic, nianen can't hear them clearly, but seeing the figure of the man is enough to make her feel shocked. Suddenly, somehow, one of them went out and knocked the man to the ground. Soon, many people surrounded him, and the camera fell to one side. The camera was dusty.

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