Feng Yanmo has filed a divorce lawsuit with Tong Lian. He no longer has anything to do with any other woman. She also has her own career. She is not an orphan. She can confidently and boldly fall in love with him and stand at the same height with him, without any need to kowtow to him.

Nianen's face is slightly red, and his eyes are wet and staring at Feng Yanmo. There is endless amorous feelings inside, which makes Feng Yanmo itch.

He took a deep breath, leaned over her, gnashing his teeth and said, "you goblin, you've taken my soul away. I don't care. This time you are really responsible for me. I tell you, I depend on you. No matter whether you want me or not, I will never let go of you! "

"Well, if I married someone else, would you like to marry with me?" Nian en teased him with his long eyelashes.

Feng Yanmo mercilessly pulled on her face, "you dare! Who are you going to marry? Now that you are here with me, you dare to think about such impractical problems. It seems that I have to teach you a good lesson and let you know the price of provoking me! "

He said, a hungry tiger jumped down, Nian en screamed, Feng Yanmo blocked her mouth with his tongue.

Nian en gasped for mercy, "no I don't play. I know I'm wrong. I said something wrong. Ooh Two young, let me go. "

"It's too late to know it's wrong. If you don't clean up your work today, you dare to talk nonsense. " He patted her on the hip twice as a punishment.

Just when Feng Yanmo is ready to have a great influence, the mobile phone in his coat suddenly trembles.

He didn't want to take care of it, but the mobile phone kept shaking and his clothes were shaking. Read en see his face angry and helpless appearance, can't help laughing out, Feng Yanmo helplessly answer the phone.

After a short call, he put down his mobile phone, the flame in his eyes had already turned into a black pool.

He said to Nian en, "today's punishment is owed first. I'm going to take you to a place, but promise me that no matter what I do, you can't object

Nianen was a little curious, "you kill people, and I don't care?"

She had deliberately picked an extreme topic to amuse Feng Yanmo, but she didn't expect Feng Yanmo to reply solemnly, "yes, even if I kill people, you can't do it. If you can agree, I'll take you. If you don't agree... "

Nian en raised her eyebrows. "Are you going to drive me out of the car?" She said, and stretched out her toes and stepped on Feng Yanmo.

Feng Yanmo felt that half of his body was stiff, and he swore, "then I will tie you! Then stop your mouth

Sitting in the co pilot's seat, nianen looks at Feng Yanmo on his side. He is a little thinner, and his spirit is good. Because he has just vented his anger, he still has a light aftertaste in the corner of his eyes, as if he had been dyed with peach blossom.

He belongs to the kind of man, the older he is, the more tasteful he is. Since the age of 20, many women have been around him, but few can really communicate with him, because they can't stand his bad temper.

His face was clearly smiling, but his words were as cold as ice.

Such a man, no one wants to get along with him for a long time.

Except for her

"What are you looking at?" With the light to see that Nian en is peeking at him, Feng Yanmo can't help asking.

"How do you know I look at you if you don't look at me." Nian en propped up his body and his head tilted on Feng Yanmo's shoulder.

She is very popular when she is good. Of course, she can also make people angry when she is angry. Feng Yanmo felt that her heart was softened by her, and said with a smile, "well, my wife looks so beautiful, of course, I have to see more."

His words suddenly silenced Nen.

She thought of the promise she had made to Tong Lian. If she was entangled with Feng Yanmo again, she would not be able to die.

"What's the matter? Why not? " Feng Yanmo was sensitive to detect nianen's displeasure, and thought that she was caring about Tong Lian's identity, so he continued, "I have submitted a lawsuit to the court. If there is no accident, I will be free in three months. The marriage between me and Tonglian is based on lies and threats, which has no legal effect."

"I know I'm not upset about this... " Nian en thought for a while and told Feng Yanmo what he had said with Tong Lian again.

This time, for Feng Yanmo silence.

He didn't believe in fate and other topics. Once upon a time, his fate was up to him and not to heaven. But after experiencing so many things, his ideas are also changing imperceptibly.

If there is no destiny, what is the power that makes us separate and meet without reason, love and fear?

He was afraid of losing grace again, which made him prefer that there was a power in the world that could control everything, and this power was always evil.

The car sped towards their destination, and soon drove out of the border of H city and officially entered the scope of s city.At noon, the black car, like a ghost, drove into a remote abandoned industrial factory on the outskirts of s city.

Feng Yanmo and nianen get out of the car. Feng Yanmo walks forward a few steps. Suddenly, he stops and turns back. Facing the unreasonable nianen, he says in a deep voice, "if there is such a thing, I mean there is retribution, then all the retribution should be on me. Even if the God wants to hit people with thunder, it is also on my head. I will bear all your sins

"So, Nian en, no matter what kind of promise you have made, don't worry. Those bad things will not fall on you. With me, nothing can hurt you! You just Just stay with me. Don't think about it, you know

Nian en nods hard. Feng Yanmo's words are enough for her. She seems to be full of strength. She is not afraid of anything. As long as she stood by the man, she was fearless and fearless.

The interior of the old factory building is very dark, and the dazzling sunlight is blocked by the stacked corpses of Parthenocissus tricuspidata outside the building. Nianen follows Feng Yanmo and hears their footsteps echoing in the open corridor.

She can't help but feel a little scared. Holding on to Feng Yanmo's palms, Feng Yanmo comforts her and says, "don't be afraid. It's coming soon."

On the top of the dangerousness, Feng's iron head was suddenly rusted on his sleeve

A man who was not tall but was very strong did not know when he arrived behind nianen, with a black gun in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was on nianen's waist. Feng Yan Mo Wen voice immediately turned back, will read grace in their own back, "is my person, where is your boss?"

The man saw Feng Yanmo, pulled the gun back, raised his thick black eyebrows, and said in a deep voice, "the boss has been waiting for you for a long time. Go in."

The more you go inside, the more frightened you are. What is this place? Why is the corridor flanked by separate rooms, each with a metal gate used by the prison? There is a camera on the wall every few steps, and the dark lens looks at every corner of the corridor coldly.

Nianen has many questions to ask Feng Yanmo, but she wisely chooses silence. Looking at Feng Yanmo's solid and tall back, she suddenly no longer feels afraid, because she knows that no matter what happens, he will stand in front of her, and all she has to do is follow him and blindly believe in him.

"Are you here?" The cold female voice sounded in the room full of electronic instruments and monitoring screens. Feng Yanmo stood still and said with a smile, "yes, it's a little late. I'm sorry."

"I hate waiting for people. Don't let me wait next time."

Feng Yanmo stepped aside. Nianen was surprised to find a girl in her early twenties standing in front of her. She was wearing black tights, her long hair was curly, her eyes were very bright, and her eyes were very light gray. When looking at people, her eyes were very sharp. With a small remote control in her hand, she was dissatisfied with Nian en's curiosity and said, "take care of your woman. Don't let her look around."

Feng Yanmo touched nianen's head and whispered to her, "she doesn't like people staring at her. You sit down and have a good time for you to see."

The more capable the man was, the more frantic he became. Nian en sat quietly on the only tattered cane chair in the room and closed his eyes.

When the girl saw her so obedient, she was surprised. She bumped Feng Yanmo with her shoulder. "She's much more obedient than your wife. You have a good eye this time."

Feng Yanmo said modestly, "it's OK. I've made you laugh at me."

"I see. I've been beating almost all these days. It's almost the last step. I'm calling you to come today. You can see for yourself."

Slender fingers are flying fast on the remote control, and soon a frightened face appears on the display screen that forms a wall.

When Nian en saw the face, his pupils tightened.

Liu Xiaomei walked back and forth in the small dark room like a trapped animal. She was much thinner than when she saw her last time. Maybe it was because she was so thin that her skin relaxed and she looked a few years older.

Her hair was scattered and her clothes were stained. As soon as she heard the sound of the key turning from the iron door, she felt like a dog smelling meat and bones, and her ears stood up.

As soon as the iron gate opened, Liu Xiaomei rushed forward at an incredible speed, but the visitors were ready. She rushed to the door and was pushed back. Liu Xiaomei gave out a short and sharp cry, "what are you going to do! Who are you? Why lock me up here! Let me out

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