A cold man stood at the front door, eyebrows locked, eyes like a deep pool staring at Nian en and Feng Chenglin.

"It's the second. You two are so predestined that you can meet each other after a meal. Ha ha, you go quickly. I'm going to take peanuts home and go to bed

Feng Chenglin patted Nian en on the shoulder and turned away with a crutch.

Nian en trotted to the door. "Why are you here, eating with your friends? Is it over Ah, Feng Yanmo, why? "

Without saying a word, Feng Yanmo took nianen and walked to the parking lot angrily. He was tall and had long legs. Nianen had to trot to keep up with him. When they came to Feng Yanmo's car, nianen was out of breath. She didn't know why Feng Yanmo was angry. Just wanted to ask him, Feng Yanmo had already turned and pressed her on the door.

He said nothing, and began to kiss her crazily. He used a lot of strength, and soon sucked nianen's lips into pain. Nianen beat him with his fist. Feng Yanmo ignored her, and continued to kiss her. While kissing, he also put his cold hands like ice into her coat.

Nianen is cold and smart. She feels very uncomfortable. Feng Yanmo's behavior makes her very unhappy. She doesn't like to be forced. What he does now makes her think back to the unpleasant experience in the past.

She began to struggle, but Feng Yanmo seems to be in the evil, more and more violent action.

Feng Yan Mo a stuffy hum, hand a loose, read en pushed him away.

"What are you doing? What's the matter with you? What's wrong with that? " She rubbed her lips and felt the hot pain there. It should be broken by Feng Yanmo.

Feng Yanmo doesn't speak. He stares at her like a wild animal. His eyes are full of silent condemnation.

Too many things happened today. Nianen's mood was like riding a roller coaster. She felt very tired. She didn't have more energy to guess Feng Yanmo's mood and didn't want to encourage him to make trouble. She gave up her hand, "don't you want to say it? Then don't say it. It's too late today. I'm going back to the cast. When you want to say it, let's talk about it. "

"You are not allowed to go!" Feng Yanmo hugs nianen from behind, freeing a hand to open the door, and then throws nianen into the back seat and pushes himself in.

Nianen was thrown in front of a small star, she was embarrassed to get up, just about to speak, Feng Yanmo hugged her waist, let her not move, "you and Feng Chenglin together! You let him kiss you! You You You know that I don't deal with him, and you know what he thinks of you, and you let him touch you! Are you trying to piss me off? "

Nianen was stunned, just want to get angry, also can't say.

The world is too small. Feng Yanmo made an appointment with several screenwriters for dinner today. Unexpectedly, he met Feng Chenglin and nianen. As soon as he saw these two people, he did not want to talk to the screenwriter any more. He was as if he was in a bad mood. His eyes were fixed on them, and he couldn't hear what others told him.

Seeing Feng Chenglin touch nianen's face, Feng Yanmo feels a lot of pain in his heart. Then he sees Feng Chenglin kiss nianen. Although it's just on his forehead, Feng Yanmo feels that he can't even breathe.

Feng Chenglin knows better than anyone what ideas Feng Chenglin has in mind about nianen. When he was at the Feng family before, Feng Chenglin made obstacles to him secretly and made the old man dislike him. He could tolerate all these things, but he could not tolerate Feng Chenglin's desire to get involved in nianen.

Nian en is his, he's alone! Nobody can move her! Think it's all crime! At that time, Feng Yanmo would like to rush to Feng Chenglin and give him a blow to wake him up and let him see who the woman he touched. But he tried not to do so, because he knew that if he did, it would only make Feng Chenglin's share in nianen's heart even greater.

He is no longer the one he used to be. For Nian en, he has no arbitrary capital. He dare not do anything out of the ordinary for fear of losing her again.

Once lost her taste, for him, has been enough for him to taste for a lifetime!

He tried to suppress his anger and called nianen. He didn't know how to vent his anger, but finally he did something inappropriate.

He didn't know how to explain, and he was afraid that Nian en would really go, so he had to lock her up.

Feng Yanmo felt that his simplicity was a failure. How could he be so useless that he used such naive means? Could he care about grace all his life? Now if Nian en really pulled down his face and said to him that she was going to leave, could he go against her will?

What should he do?

"You Are you jealous Nianen carefully touched the back of Feng Yanmo's hand. She wanted to laugh, but she didn't dare to, "you're so jealous. If I really have something with him, can I still do it in the light of the world? Do you think everyone is like you? There's something that the whole world wants to know. "

"Yes, I am mean, shameless and thick skinned. I knew you didn't like me Feng Yanmo growled in a low voice. His voice was indescribable. He was miserable and aggrieved. He was more aware of his temperament than anyone else. Knowing that he must have thought too much, he would say such self abandoning words.With a light sigh, nianen lifted Feng Yanmo's face with both hands and looked at him, "this is what you said yourself, I didn't say. I wanted to tell you a piece of good news when I went back. It seems that I don't need it now. "

"What's the good news?" Feng Yanmo hesitated to ask.

"Nian en raised eyebrows," I made it clear with my big brother today that I only like one person, and I want to marry him. Let him stop working hard on me and give up on me. "

"You You said that man He is... " Feng Yanmo, who has always been eloquent, suddenly stuttered. Because in terms of feelings, Nian en has always been very restrained and introverted. It is the first time he has heard such a "blatant" confession.

"What a fool." Nian en gave him a blank look. "Of course it's you! Is there anyone else Wu... "

Feng Yanmo kisses his red and swollen lips again, but this time, his action is gentle to the extreme, and he kisses the tiny wound of nianen's lips.

When nianen closes her eyes, she can feel Feng Yanmo's deep love for her. He is not a hypocritical person. Sometimes the way to express his feelings is more clumsy than her. He doesn't like to express himself in words. He is irritable and irritable, but he has been trying to change himself for her.

Because he didn't want to hurt her, he didn't want to keep her away from him because of his bad temper.

Although sometimes he didn't do well enough, it was enough for Nen.

"Nian en EN en I shouldn't have lost your temper But when I see him touch you, I can't stand it EN en What should I do? Do you hate me... " Like an aggrieved dog, he gently kisses her and mutters in a low voice.

Nian en deliberately stiffened his face, "well, I'm really a little angry. What should I do?"

Feng Yanmo's heart was cold, and then he felt something was wrong. As soon as he looked up, he found that nianen could not help laughing. He hummed twice, "OK, little thing, now even you dare to cheat me. How can I deal with you?"

"No! Feng Yanmo, let go! Itching! ha-ha! Let go

Feng Yanmo moves his big hands to nianen's armpit. Nianen is so soft that he can't breathe. After a while, he can't hold on. He asks for mercy and says, "I I know it's wrong Senior official, please forgive me... "

"I can spare you, but it depends on how you behave." Feng Yanmo grinned grimly and was close to Nian en.

The four lips stick together again, and soon the flame of love is kindled. Feng Yanmo was feverish all over his body. He leaned his head against nianen's chest and heard her heart beating like himself. He said in a hoarse voice, "Nian en, I want it. Give it to me."

"Here? You Can't you wait until you get home? " Nianen is a little embarrassed. It's dark at night, and I can't see the situation in the car, but it's outside after all. In case someone passes by and finds out

"I can't wait. I'll take it as you agree. " Feng Yanmo said, quickly untied the buttons of nianen's clothes. Nianen couldn't laugh or cry. He knew what he was saying, and Feng Yanmo would not listen to him. So he simply did not move and let him play with himself.

Feng Yanmo kissing read en, while saying, "call my name, en en, call my name."

Nianen is also about to reach the top of happiness. Her eyes are confused and she looks at him. Her brain is blank. She can only follow his actions and gently open her lips Feng Yanmo... "

"Ah! Well, I love you! No one will love you more than I do He growled.

Outside is the overwhelming darkness, but they two in the car, is bright like the spring warm.

Feng Chenglin stood in front of the glass of the private room and watched Nian en get on Feng Yanmo's car. The car had been parked in the dark parking lot for a long time. No one came out and the car did not leave.

He knew what they were doing, even if he didn't look.

However, the more he tried to get rid of them, the more he tried to get rid of them.

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