Tears fall in the basin, a small ripple, hit Feng Yanmo's hand, let him have the illusion of being burned, he looked up in a hurry, with the towel to wipe the tears of gratitude.

Nianen cried more fiercely, and she was pumping.

Feng Yanmo was a little worried and said, "what are you crying about? Look at me. I always do something wrong with good intentions. En en, read en, don't cry, OK? You cry so much that my heart aches I'm sorry, read en, I'm sorry... "

He held her. She was thin again recently. She held her in his arms. Feng Yanmo felt that her chest was damaged by her, which was painful. But he didn't dare to let go, and he held Nian en in his arms and coaxed her in a soft voice like a coax.

"Well, I know I'm wrong. I've been wrong all the time. But can you believe me once, it's the last time. I really didn't do what I'm sorry about, you give me some time, not too long, at most one year! I will deal with Tong Lian's affairs, and I will give you an account. If you don't want to see me during this period, I will not bother you in front of my eyes, as long as you I just want this one chance, Dean. I promise. You don't know how I live these days. You ignore me. I'm like a walking corpse. I have no energy to live. After another year, if I can't promise you Then... "

"How about that?" Nian asked him, sniffing.

Feng Yanmo was ruthless and said, "that's me. Feng Yanmo is not lucky. I have no destiny with you in this life! I will never pester you again, never! Is that all right? "

Such an oath, for him, is only afraid to be more serious than what the day.

Nian en didn't answer, but her tears still couldn't stop. Feng Yanmo saw that she was still crying. He was anxious as if she was baking on the fire. "Why do you still cry? It doesn't matter if you don't agree. I'll promise you anything as long as you don't cry. I just can't stand to see you cry. Don't mention how hard I feel when you cry every time. Read en, do you think I have a heart attack

"Fart." "Feng wipe the towel to the side of my face

Feng Yanmo was scolded by her, but not angry. He laughed and took a towel to nianen's face and said, "experts have said that feet are cleaner than hands. Really, I've heard it. It's fragrant. It doesn't stink at all."

"Feng Yanmo, you hate it! Go away Nian en screamed to pat his hand, Feng Yanmo took the opportunity to hold her to bed.

Looking down at her, he saw that her pale brown eyes were still shining with water. Looking at her pitifully, Feng Yanmo lowered his head and gently kissed her crying red eyes. He said in heartache, "stop crying, I won't let you feel sad in the future. This is the last time, read en, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... "

He said many sorry words in her ear, until Nian en fell asleep and he didn't stop.

In the dream, someone said to her vaguely, I'm sorry, I love you.

Nianen thought, I love you too, I love you so long, you don't know.

But this is really the last time. If you make me sad this time, I will never forgive you.

As soon as dawn came to an end, Nian en, wrapped in a quilt, looked at the sleeping man behind her and thought, "what happened last night? Why did this guy spend the night with her?"?

When Nian en and Feng Yanmo arrive at the rubber garden again, the gate of the rubber garden is wide open. The person in charge stands at the door and talks with Feng Yanmo in English. After a few words, he asks a worker to call someone.

Diane heard a name in his mouth.


After a while, a thin and slender figure came from the depth of the rubber garden. Nalin was wearing the rubber garden overalls and a hat for shading.

Seeing her getting closer and closer, Nian en grabs Feng Yanmo's hand and involuntarily tightens it. Feng Yanmo pats her arm, indicating that she doesn't need to be nervous.

Until narin came up to them, she took off her hat, first smiling at the person in charge of the rubber plantation, and then the person in charge said something to her in Thai. Then she turned to nianen.

"Heathy Do you remember me? I'm my sister. " Nianen opened her mouth gently. The little girl in front of her was not very similar to herself when she looked closer. Because of her long-term outdoor work, her skin was tanned. A pair of eyes were somewhat similar to nianen, with narrow Phoenix eyes, slightly upward.

Na Lin looks at Nian en in a daze. When Nian en reaches out her hand, she steps back a few steps, as if afraid, hiding behind the person in charge.

Nianen looked at his empty hand with a little red eye. The person in charge quickly explained a few words to Feng Yanmo, who turned to read en, "he said her brain It doesn't seem very good. Although I'm 18 years old, my intelligence level is no different from that of three or four year olds. I'm a little afraid of strangers. Besides, she has been in Thailand for a long time, and her Chinese has long been forgotten Don't worry, you can teach them all slowly... "

Nian en nodded, "Meng Qian's friend and I have mentioned that I have psychological preparation. When will DNA testing be available? ""We'll have the results in two days. I've arranged for someone to send samples, but the hospital here can't do it without equipment. It has to be sent back to Bangkok. As soon as there is a result, you will call me. What are you going to do during this period? Do you want to stay here and stay with her, or do you want to walk around? "

"Stay here. When I see her, I'm not in the mood to wander about. " Said Nian, taking a step forward, she took out a piece of marshmallow from her bag, which was heathy's favorite before. She tried to smile, put the sugar in her hand and held out her hand to naleen.

This time, naleen didn't escape. She looked at Nian en, her face, and the sugar in her hand.

"Don't be afraid. I gave it to you. It's sweet. If you like it, I still have a lot in my bag Although she knew she couldn't understand Chinese, nianen was still patient enough to talk to Nalin.

Na Lin hesitated for a long time, and finally pulled out an arm from behind the person in charge. She grabbed the milk candy in nianen's hand at a very fast speed, and then turned around and ran into the rubber garden.

Feng Yanmo looked at her back and sighed, "the monkey in Emei Mountain is not as fast as her."

After receiving the threat of nianen, he said, "no, no, it's that she moves much faster than the monkey in Emei Mountain."

"You want to fight." Nian en raised his fist and suddenly thought that the person in charge of the rubber plantation was still watching. He was embarrassed to thank the man and asked himself and Feng Yanmo if they could stay in the rubber garden.

The man nodded happily, with Nian en and Feng Yanmo walking towards the depth of the rubber garden.

The rubber plantation covers an extremely wide area. The rubber trees grow vigorously in rows. The green branches stretch out into the sky to block out the sun.

There are not many workers in the rubber plantation before the rubber harvest season. The voice of workers asking each other will occasionally be heard from the silent rubber forest, and the gentle birds' chirping can be heard from the luxuriant branches.

The person in charge took nianen and they came to an open space in the rubber forest, where there were several humble wooden houses. Nalin was showing off the sugar paper in her hands with several children. When she saw the person in charge coming, she immediately ran over like a happy fawn.

She babbled and said something to the person in charge as if she were singing. The person in charge patted her hand and then pointed to read en.

Na Lin looked at Nian en, and then spoke a few words of Thai in a light tone.

Nianen looked at the person in charge with a puzzled look. The person in charge said with a smile in English, "she said that the sugar tastes very good. She asked you the name of the sugar, and if there was any extra sugar, she wanted to give it to her partner."

"Yes, there are many more. I bought some bags, but they can't be filled in them. They are all in the hotel. If you like, I'll bring it to you tomorrow Nian en turned out all the milk candy in her bag and gave it to Nalin with both hands. Then she said with a smile, "this sugar is called a big white rabbit. That's it, big white rabbit that can jump. "

Nian en compared the rabbit outlined in blue on the sugar paper with naleen. She didn't know whether she understood it or not. She still laughed innocently. Then she said something similar to "Kuo Kun." With the sugar, I ran to share the sugar with my partner.

Nian en knows. That means thank you.

Feng Yanmo has been standing behind her. Seeing her eyes obsessed with Nalin, he stroked her back and said, "as soon as we confirm that she is your sister, we will take her back to China. I know a good doctor outside the brain, and I will certainly cure her."

Nian en nods and says thanks to Feng Yan in a low voice.

The thanks were sincere. If it wasn't for Feng Yanmo, I'm afraid it would not have been so smooth.

Feng Yanmo heard that, his mouth almost didn't grin to the back of his head, "don't just say thank you. How are you going to thank you? I don't think you're good at anything, young lady. Why don't you agree with me? " He said, moving his hands and feet, "you see, if you say you don't pay attention to me, I and he have been hungry for so many days, you should take pity on me and let me have a full meal."

While he said, he did not have a proper way to bump nianen. Nianen pinched him two times on his waist, "what do you say? There are still people here."

At the moment, the person in charge had settled them down and went to work on his own business. There were only a few children left beside him and Nalin. He didn't know what to say.

"Ordinary kids, if they know anything, will be educated and enlightened. Besides, they don't understand what we're saying Feng Yanmo's original intention is to make fun of Nian en and make her happy. But I didn't expect to rub around. I really got angry.

The trousers were propped up into a big tent, but there was no hiding place. What is stealing chicken is not eating rice, he is learning.

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