Dungeon Core Online

154 Chapter 154

Chapter 154

It had been roughly an hours since the battle on the FoB had begun, and about an hour since James had sent Z his message. So far, it seemed to have been working, though much slower than James would have preferred.

"Ah, come on." He growled as he watched the essence bars continue to slowly fill. Within the spawn area on the FoB for his side, there were essentially large terminal type statues that depicted the various summoning options. They glowed faintly, and by focusing on them, James could actually see how much essence had been put into them. The more essence in one, the more it glowed.

So far, he had watched countless players come and go. Most went immediately toward the mob summoning option, and as Rue had predicted, summoned a dicken for themselves. While the joke got old quick, James had noticed that the dickens that were summoned onto the fields of battle via the summon option at least seemed to have all of James's upgrades to them, as well as seemed to scale to the level of the player summoning them. Meaning they were not a wasted summon…and also meaning that most of James players were forming a dicken calvary of mounted players…. Seriously, it seemed his crazy dungeon floor options was creating a massive instance of trolls.

After summoning their gallant mounts, players generally quickly went over to the larger totems, seeming to consider their options for their remaining 2 essence points. After all, they had to split their valuable essence across either summoning boss mobs, world bosses, or dungeon avatars. And while they knew what the first two options were, the avatars were a very expensive mystery. Plus, with all the dickens running around, there was on option that seemed to instantly gain an essence from the players…Charles the Dicken.

Currently, the Charles the Dicken summon option had 1653 of 2000 needed essence to summon. While it was guaranteed he was going to be summoned soon, the players were at least being cautious. So far, it seemed both sides were still hesitant about the actual battle on the FoB. Other than some tentative launching of ranged attacks from the siege weapons, there hadn't been any actual clashes. Instead, players seemed to be taking their time grouping, and preparing their strategies. Which was probably for the better. James could only imagine how chaotic the scene below him was going to become, once the battle kicked off in full force.

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Next to Charles, all of James's bosses were steadily gaining the needed essence to be summoned. Old Man Jenkins was actually just a few essence away from being summoned. Shortly behind him, B.L.U. and the Terminus were working their way up. Grandma Jenkins was lagging behind, probably because of her cost, and the fact not many of James's players knew what she was capable of. Which was also likely why his M.I.N.E. Craft had barely any essence in it. Well, that, and the note that it was being limited. Not even James knew what exactly was being limited on it, though he could guess. However, no player was going to waste resources on something that was already being claimed to be nerfed in some way shape or form.

From there, it came down to the Avatar. 5,000 essence just to summon one of the two dungeon avatar options. Currently his players had dedicated about 3,000 essence towards the Core Avatar option. Annoyingly, the fairy option had 3685 points. James figured that came from the gamers wondering what exactly the fairy avatar would look like. He couldn't' blame them though. It happened constantly in games, player curiosity outweighing logic. Besides, this was just the third day of the dungeon war. They had the fifth day to strategize. For now, players probably wanted to see what the dungeon fairy would look like. Especially considering that even according to DCO, all dungeon core instances were run by a core AI, as well as a fairy AI, in order to keep with the theme, set forth by the early Dungeon Core Novels. And, while many of those had annoying fairies…they all, with only a few exceptions, were usually scantily clad, attractive fairies…if they were humanoid of course.

"Ha." Rue was grinning as she watched another group of players step up towards the Avatar Summon totem. A second later, 5 more points of essence went into her option. She, just like James, had caught on to what was happening. And the blood crazed pixie was squirming with excitement. She wanted to join the battle just as much, if not more, than James did.

"I can't believe you're going to get summoned before me." James grumbled, watching another group head towards the pillar. Once again, Rue's points jumped, though this time, one of the players had given James a single point.

"It's because I'm the lovable fairy. You're just the clueless core." She stuck her tongue out at him, before darting away as he swung at her with a tentacle. Freaking pixie.

"You do know the stereotype you're playing into, right?" James regretted saying it the moment the words left his…err…mouth?

Rue grinned and waived a hand, removing her battle armor to reveal herself as a barely clothed fairy. She looked up at him, her lower lip quivering slightly. "I'm, I'm just here to help and do my best." Her voice was soft, eager. Yup, she knew exactly what stereotype she was playing into. As James sent another tentacle flying towards her, she reequipped her armor, fire appearing in her eyes.

"I'm going to play up the battle raging fairy." She said as she easily dodged his attack. "You've still got to think up your cover story, for when you get summoned."

That was something that they had both just learned. Shortly after James sent his message to Z, he had received a Private Message from Xander. Seeing that message had made James nauseous. He had been worried that the developer had somehow learned of his message to Z and was going to use it try and kick James from the game even sooner.

Surprisingly though, the message didn't mention anything of the sorts. In fact, it was addressed to both James, and BLANK. In it, Xander had simply reminded both sides that their existence as human players was to be kept a secret at all times, and that they should develop a persona for themselves while they were on the battlefield. Additionally, they needed to create titles befitting of their dungeon for their Avatars, for if and when they were summoned.

It had honestly been quite the rather formal, proper message from Xander. In fact, James had almost wondered if Xander had actually been the one to send it. However, the PS at the bottom, mentioning to BLANK to ensure they completely wiped the floor with James, confirmed it was in fact the asinine developer.

Rue, who was actually an AI, had been rather quick to come up with her perceived persona for her avatar, as well as the name. And James had to admit, it was quite fitting for the form and class she had decided upon.

The White Beast of Chaos. Considering her beastkin form, that of a massive humanoid white tiger, and the berserker barbarian class options. Well, it fit. And he already knew she was going to be rather animalistic on the battlefield. James was pretty sure Rue was really looking forward to roleplaying a ruthless, bloodthirsty barbarian. Considering how she acted sometimes, he had to wonder if she was actually going to be roleplaying, or simply revealing her true colors, and teeth.

James, on the other hand, was having a hard time trying to figure out what exactly he wanted to portray himself as. He really hadn't thought about it. And the fact he needed to create a believable personification for the avatar, as well as a fitting title, made him worried a bit. He couldn't play off of his Glyax title. Otherwise, he was certain some of the players would recognize his username. After all, the Warlock Glyax wasn't just some random player in WoW Universe. So, his favorite username was out the window. What's more, he needed to come up with something that would make sense for his dungeon.

Easier said than done. After all, he was a random dungeon. Nothing in it made sense. It was literally built upon random, chaotic shenanigans. Someone would have to be mad in order to try and create a persona that would fit…. Oh. And like that, James had his idea. Now, he just needed to flesh it out. Which was fitting, because just as another group of players headed towards the avatar portion of the starting area, the entire battlefield shook violently.

In the distance, a loud, booming voice echoed. One that James had heard before.

"My Gumdrop Buttons!" He turned to look off towards BLANKs portion of the Fields of Battle. Currently, James could only see his half of the FoB, and any areas populated by his players. Everything else was covered in a strange fog, likely to keep him from trying to spy on the enemy side before he was summoned.

However, a form was moving rapidly through the mist. A massive, gigantic form. Its footprints were what was causing the very ground to shake. Moments later, James, Rue, and the small group of players from James's side that were patrolling the middle of the battlefield all stared in wonder, and fear. A group of BLANKs players burst into line of sight of James's players, dragging behind them a group of gumdrop buttons. Behind them, the massive gingerbread boss mob. Oh no.

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