Dungeon Item Shop

Chapter 152: Unusually quiet

Fresh lays in bed, her entire body is wrapped up inside of her blue blanket, which she has cocooned herself into. The smell of yellow flowers is still present in the soft fabric. The new mattress is much harder than her old one and it holds her body temperature extremely well, without feeling sticky while doing so. Her head lays pressed beneath her pillow, rather than on top of it. Though she had poked her finger out of the side, lifting a little bit of the pillow up, in order to make a small channel for air. It is much later during the night now, many hours after they had gone to sleep.

The room is still dark and she can see Basil and Shamrock out of the tiny hole. Both are still asleep. Basil, the violent sleeper that she is, has kicked her blanket off, apparently. Shamrock lays there, limp as a dead man, as always.

There isn’t any particular reason that she has woken up. She just has and in reaction to that, Fresh closes her eyes, opting to fall back to sleep.

However, she doesn’t manage to last longer than two seconds before her eyes shoot open again. The girl, as heartbreaking as it feels for her, breaks free from her warm, soft hiding place and gets out of bed. Creeping through the darkness a few steps forward, she picks up Basil’s blanket and shakes it out quietly, before heading over and covering the priestess with it. Though, that is easier said than done as Basil’s hand flies past her face. Once covered however, Basil seems to calm down, at least for now, as the weight of the blanket seems to keep her settled.

Looking over further towards the balcony, Fresh stares at Shamrock, seeing that he isn’t covered as well. What’s with everyone? It’s like they want to get eaten by monsters in the dark. Everyone knows that blankets keep you safe from them. Fresh isn’t surprised that Shamrock ignores that sage wisdom, but Basil doing so does surprise her a little bit. It seems like something a priestess should know, simply due to the nature of their work. What were they teaching them, back at the church?

Though… she scratches her head. Covering Shamrock seems like an impossible task, not because of his size, but because he’s laying on his blanket. Fresh frowns, looking over her shoulder to Jubilee’s room. She isn’t sure how to picture the scene exactly, given her friend’s vague nature. But she’s going to assume that they have a blanket at least.

In order to quiet her mind, Fresh grabs her old blanket from her thin wardrobe and walks over to the man, throwing it over him. Satisfied, she goes back to her bed and crawls inside, pushing down the floating mattress as she tries to achieve that same sensation of comfort and warmth she had felt just a minute ago. But it just doesn’t feel the same now.

Despite that, she falls back to sleep.

The next day begins, all of them having slept in late. Jubilee put up a sign downstairs, saying they’re closed for the day. All four of them sit at the table, having just had a lazy breakfast just before.

Basil yawns, covering her mouth with her hand, a cup of steaming tea set down before herself. Shamrock says nothing, but nods in agreement, as he takes a drink from his third glass of milk. Even Jubilee is at the table, leaned back on their chair with their hands behind their head.

“So…” starts Fresh, looking around at them. “A day off, huh?”

“Yup,” says Jubilee.

“Mhm,” nods Basil, taking a loud sip from her mug.

Shamrock just nods again, emptying his glass and setting it back down.

Nothing happens. They all just sit there quietly together. But Fresh doesn’t mind. It’s nice too. Smiling, she takes a sip of her coughee and thinks about what to do today. “You guys wanna do anything?” she asks.

“Nope,” says Jubilee. “Going outside is a death sentence.”

“Huh?” asks Fresh.

Jubilee shakes their head. “Fairies.”

“What about them?” she asks.

“They’re magic,” replies Jubilee plainly. Fresh looks at the others who just sit there in quiet contemplation.

“So?” asks Fresh, scratching her cheek, having not understood.

“You saw them last night, right?” asks Jubilee. “The hyper fucks.”

“Mm,” nods Fresh.

“Well, what do you think will happen once they find out that they’re all casters?” asks Jubilee, lifting a finger to point it at her. “I’ll tell you what’s gonna happen - “ They narrow their eyes, as if looking in disgust. “Fuckery.” Their finger taps loudly against the table once. “Those little shits are going to be blasting fireballs and lightning in all directions, come the afternoon. I’m not going out there.”

Basil nods in agreement. “Adolescence can be a dangerous time for everyone involved.”

“But Jubilee~” starts Fresh, taking a sip of her coffee, before continuing. “As the fairy-queen, shouldn’t you be there for them?”

The priestess next to her starts laughing, but Jubilee seems less amused with her joke. “I could kill you right here, right now and nobody could stop me.”

“But you won’t!” says Fresh, lifting a finger as she gets up and drinks the last of her breakfast. “Because we’re friends!”

“For now,” replies Jubilee, very dryly.

“Forever~” says Fresh, leaning in towards Jubilee only to meet a small hand that pushes her face back away.

“Go be creepy down in the basement, where you belong, goo-brain.”

Fresh doesn’t think that this is a half-bad idea. This could be her chance to catch up on the mattresses she has never made for the store. Plus she still needs to make the armor pieces and maybe some other stuff.

She goes downstairs to do exactly that. Grabbing a sweet-tea from the cold shelf on the way, she then heads down into the basement and sets to work.

The mattresses are easy enough to make, if not a little resource intensive. But Jubilee has been buying plenty of stuff. So much so, that they actually needed to raise their savings percentage by a lot, so that they would stay afloat financially. But nobody really seemed to mind too much, apart from a short pained look that came from Basil.

After making a stack of them, she dusts her hands off and sets to work, making an assortment of gloves and boots in all different sizes.

Later, after finishing those, she finds herself turning around as she looks over at Basil’s construction in quiet pride for a moment. Now, she only has to wait and see what Shamrock can come up with. She hopes that the two of them will enjoy the same feelings that she does, when people buy her items. That’s all she wants for them. Though maybe Basil will share some of her plants with her? When they’re done growing, of course. She hopes so, but she isn’t going to ask.

Jubilee had forbidden her from making any items from the old shop, that included the magical-talismans. But that doesn’t mean she can’t use the same ideas in a different way. Iron-bars are a little more expensive up here, since there aren’t any goblins who can sometimes drop them, but being a low-level metal, they’re still cheap enough.

Fresh stops at that odd thought. ‘Low-level metal’.

She wonders what high-level material is like? So far, literally everything she has ever touched or made has been low-level, much like all of the people she has interacted with, more or less. Somehow, both high-level resources and persons were scarce everywhere.

That’s fine though, she’ll just make the best things that she can out of what she has. What else is there to do?

Grabbing the iron-bar, surprised at how light it feels in her arms these days, she slides it across the table towards herself and cuts it into segments that are each about a thumb-tip in width.

- And then cuts those in half as well, though this time, through the middle.

Twenty-four small iron strips lay before her, clattering down loudly onto the table. Nodding in satisfaction, she sets to work. Grabbing an ingot of crystal-drakonium, she cuts out a tiny sphere of the bouncy material and sets it to the side.

Fresh then takes a strip of iron and focuses on the idea in her mind. She’s pleased with this one, she’s sure that people will like it. Plus if it works, they’re ridiculously cheap to manufacture.

A small iron ring falls to the table. Grabbing it, she smiles and rubs it against her robe. It is rather plain looking, missing any embellishments or engravings, save for a tiny hole at the top that is empty of stones. But that’s fine, they are for adventurers after all, so they don’t need to be too fancy. Taking the rubbery sphere, she presses it against the small hole at the top.

Her hands glow, the magic of the spell dissipating a moment later. It’s an odd thing, simple and plain. Yet there is a deep satisfaction in her when she looks at it, as if a voice in her subconscious were pleased and lets her know it, rising over the sound of trickling water.

While wearing

+ Jump height increased by 20%

Quality Effect: Reduces all worn equipment’s weight by 15%


This is slowly leading towards disaster, in case you couldn't tell <3

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-) Dungeon Item Shop

-) Sin-Eater

-) TANGO Heavy

-) Respawn Condition: Trash Mob

- LOOT -

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