Dungeon Master Makeup Money

Lesson 11: The Fear of the Undead

Wow, that's relentless.

But I also understand Ira's frustration.

We took turns running through the ballroom so we wouldn't get suspicious because we found out there was a raider. I couldn't enjoy it slowly because of it.

What's more, that man was targeted first, probably because he was a peeper. We were pretty frustrated with the raiders, but among them, the one who was supposed to buy the wrath of the women was the raider who was waiting in the stripper.

To be honest, I was also most upset when I heard there was a peeping demon.

"Ki, Kisama......!

A man dressed as an employee was shaking his body in anger.

"Whoa, don't be angry. You've been after our lives. Whatever we do about you guys we caught, we're free."

"You think I'll forgive you for the guy who killed my people!?


Ira was even angrier at the word of the raider.

"Can I kill two or three more?

Killing scares the shit out of us knowing we're serious.

So I don't mind more casualties, but if I still couldn't get the information out, it would be a hassle.

"Don't be short tempered, lady."


Mr. Freddie releases his hand from the sword, despised by him.

The adventurer, Mr. Freddy, was flat when he saw a body with a split neck and torso, but his grandfathers, the merchants, were blue-colored because they were not.

"So what are you going to do!

"Right... you guys good at torture or something?

Ira and I shake our heads together.

I've never been tortured.

"I'm not that good at it either, but why don't you try it on me..."

Seems like I'm not too excited to say that.

"We're not the kind of guys who talk about client information just because they hurt us a little bit."


Mr. Freddy pounds his tongue.

I was made to want to tongue myself too, but there was someone who was quicker and quicker than actually acting.

"Hey, come on!

Ira cleaned up.

He stares at the men sitting on the floor with their swords slamming on the floor as they fall into the sheath.

"We're ruining our family vacation because you attacked us! I just want to get this over with and I want to go to the hot springs!


There is no way to talk to the men of what Ira intimidates me.

"I figured I'd kill some people."

That's dangerous...

"You guys, I suggest you keep your mouth shut."

"Well, it doesn't sound like you're being tortured."


Ira pulled her sword out of her sheath.

"Well, wait."

"Don't stop!

"That's why we decided to adopt the definitive method that we did when Melissa was here."

"Sure way?

Is that it? Ira has completely forgotten.

"See, that's the way I used it for kingdom soldiers."


Ira also noticed when I taught her to whisper because she can't exactly be known to have done something blackmailing to a kingdom soldier opponent.

Melissa and I were attacked by kingdom soldiers dressed as bandits in a request for escort when we first met. At that time, he led us to the cemetery field of the Labyrinth, where the undead spread in order to get information about their home base and so on.

If we don't talk information, we'll be wandering the labyrinth forever as undead.

The kingdom soldiers, frightened by the matter, have come to give me information easily.

"Are you okay?

"No problem."

"But they seem to be very combative."

"That would be if we had the strength to fight."

I'm collecting all their weapons.

He had hidden knives inside his clothes as well as guns and daggers, but you can assume that he had to hide the possibility of having something in his body because he recovered all his gear in the storage ring and bare it and then put only his clothes back together.

I put my clothes back because I didn't want to see a man naked forever.

"So I'm taking your grandfathers out of the warehouse, so you do it."


There's no way I'm going to the labyrinth more than I need to summon you later.

Ask your grandfathers to come out of the warehouse when you have finished meeting with Ira.

I'll give you my last notice just before I leave the warehouse, too.

"Now all eight of the remaining people can survive, but aren't you going to answer this question?

"Don't make me say it again and again."

The raiders were grinning over whether they could afford it.

"Well... I look forward to seeing you next time."

When I get out of the warehouse and close the door, I stand with the door behind my back.

Then the magic reaction in which the metastasis took place is felt.

"Come on, lady, can I just leave you?"

"That's okay. You're going to plant fear in them using skills you don't want others to know about from now on. I can't show you this because you can't just be known."


Seems like Mr. Freddy cares that he's taken the form of letting Ira, a woman, torture him.

Nevertheless, Ira never does anything directly.

It's useless as long as you care.

"So, what would you do with them if you told them the information?

"Right. In this case, it depends on the client, but we should gather all the evidence and submit the damage report to the right place."

"What if that opponent was a difficult opponent to get his hands on from this one, such as a nobleman?

I was concerned about that.

"You think that's possible?

Nodding at your grandfather's words.

"They owned a number of magic tools. At least not in such quantities that they can be owned by individuals. Possible possibilities are if you belong to some big organization or if your client gives it to you."

In either case, it is not an easy issue for an individual to deal with.

Depending on the circumstances, your grandfathers may also be harmed by the Alcaine family.

Your grandfather seems to understand the concerns around here.

"Depends on who you're dealing with."

In the end, that's all I can say at the uninformed stage.

"Do you really think they'll throw up more information than that?

"That will be fine. It may take a little while..."

It's over.

Ira told me a story.

It's too soon. It hasn't been five minutes.

"Wait a minute, please"

Use the summons to call Ira from the labyrinth.

A door can be used at a distance that separates one door without opening it.

"Looks like we're done here, so let's go back"

"Also, already!?

Ignore the surprise Mr. Werth and enter the warehouse.

Then there were five (...) men inside who were trembling holding each other's bodies despite being removed from custody.

"Hey, I'm more frightened than I expected?

I wonder where that niggly spare look went earlier.

"That's when the first one got attacked by a zombie, and that guy became a zombie and started attacking one of his buddies, and he got completely frightened."

'Besides, you couldn't afford to take him home because one of the people who was watching that panicked and fled far away. That's a masterpiece. "

The labyrinth nucleus, which was peeking into what happened in the labyrinth, is laughing.

"Ah, it looks like Sylvia and the others are up from the hot springs."

What are you peeking at?

This time, the emergency means that the labyrinth connection with the nucleus of the labyrinth where the inn is being monitored so that contact can be made at any time has not been disconnected.

I'm not using it like a peek to think about my future relationship with them.

But they also figured out how Sylvia and the others remained connected.

"No, I knew it was a spectacular view of your young daughters bathing."

No. This guy's got an Osama in mind.

'What are you doing!?

We were in the middle of an escort.

I get voices from Sylvia and Melissa, who were bathing in the hot springs, but they don't look like they cared about the labyrinth nucleus.

"Ha... you once did better than that"

"The numbers are down, but it's no problem."

There's nothing wrong with hanging a curse by dark magic to keep us from talking about what was done to us at the end.

"Look, I forbid you to say anything about us, anything about what they did."

"Yes, what happens if I tell you?

One of the raiders asks frightened.

"At least let me be forced not to teach"

"Ha, meh with your hands -"

"Labyrinth" - that's a forbidden word.


The head of the raider who tried to utter the forbidden word explodes.

"Got it? This is what happens when you try to talk about us."

The raiders were shaking their heads cuckoo vertically when they saw the tragic appearance of their companions.

But you've been a little reckless in your actions right now.

The same goes for the raiders who tried to say the banned word lightly, but more than that, they want to scold me for creating a head blown up corpse in front of your grandfathers.

Looking back, my grandfathers' expressions were turning bright blue and I couldn't say anything.

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