Dungeon System: World Of Chaos And War

37 Stronghold Battle Part 1

Vitiate's army kept marching, they were attacked by trolls not too long ago but they were killed while some were caught, they couldn't handle this army. Eventually, after walking for a bit longer, they made it to the Swamp entrance point. This place was already muddy, but it got even muddier as they kept advancing, it even seemed like they could fall into a bottomless swamp pit if they weren't careful.

Vitiate could see multiple crows circling in the sky indicating that this was the right place.

"Stella, you know the plan. Sadly, I'll have to leave you here to handle this swamp since no monster can enter. The Kobolds from the Dungeon will be here to assist you, they'll be bringing the 'package' to help you deal with these frog and toad men in the poisonous swamp."

The plan was simple, they would send the Mud Golems in, but they needed serious back up to make this plan work. He didn't want to split up but he couldn't wait here all day until they were done conquering this place.

Once they sent the sentinels in to cause havoc, some frog and toad men might rush out of the swamp and they had to catch them with these huge cages the Orcs and Goblins were pushing. Besides, they weren't that far from each other, the Crocodile men's stronghold wasn't that far from here.

"A group of Kobolds and 3 Kobold Knights will be here to assist you." Kobold Knights were equivalent to hobgoblins, so she had good back up coming her way. They were also carrying the 'package' to help them solve this Swamp Problem.

Vitiate didn't release the Ants just yet, he had that order on standby, for now, they weren't needed yet.

"Understood! We'll standby until the Kobolds come with the 'package.'" Stella nodded as to understand. Vitiate left quite the amount of goblins with her and even the Minotaur was left with her.

He told her to meet him at the given position and if she couldn't find it, the crows would guide her. 20 Crows circled in the sky at all times, Vitiate had more than this loose in the Forest, always watching!

With that, he went to his next destination, the Crocodile men's stronghold! Yes, they had a stronghold, he originally thought it was just a den but it turned out to be more than just that! Vitiate and the rest of his army left the area to begin their siege!

More monsters tried to fight them, this time they were huge mosquitos which stunned Vitiate. Nevertheless, they were weak to fire-based attacks and met their end quite fast. It would be best to not let these huge mosquitos attach to you, you might be sucked dry instantly! Vitiate made sure to capture a few of these big bugs. He put the dead ones in his storage and continued onward.

Soon, Vitiate could see the gated fortress from afar, it looked like it would be troublesome but he and his monsters were ready for this.


Crocodile & Lizard Men's Gated Fortress.

On the thick wooden and stone wall sat many Lizard and Crocodile men. Some were on watch while a few were playing board games, they seem to be playing a game that resembled chess.

"Damn it, I lost again, you must be cheating or something!" The lizard man in leather armor said.

"Don't be a sore loser, you just have to practice more or you'll never be as good as me." The crocodile man grinned and took his winnings.

Suddenly, a Lizardman ran over. "Captain, you might want to see this, the scout lizards sent an urgent warning but now we can see it!" The lizard man hurriedly to speak, they had little lizards that roamed the area, they observed everything and saw an upcoming threat recently.

The Crocodile man stood up, he was huge with thick green skin, he had sharp eyes with his teeth being no different.

"What's the problem, it better not be anything trivial or you'll be demoted!" The Crocodile man said bluntly.

Just as the lizardman was about to reply, another lizardman hollered! "We're under attack! A huge Goblin army is heading are way, sound the alarm!" The Crocodile captain was stunned and ran to the wall. That was when he saw it, there was an army of Goblins with other types of monsters in the mix!

The Alarms were loud enough for the Army of Goblins to hear. Several Lizardmen and Crocodile men started gearing up! "Mere Goblins dare to attack us, they may have the assistance of some other monsters but it isn't enough!" The Crocodile man was stunned a bit at this sudden event.

The Crocodile Captain peered at the approaching army, they were attacking head-on which didn't make sense to him. Many lizard and Crocodile men were already armored up and ready to fight.

However, the Goblin army suddenly stopped in place as a Goblin around 6,0 walked out of the crowd. "By the order of the Great One, it is advised that you all surrender and join our cause!" The Goblin that walked out was Warren, he was talking through a loudspeaker so everyone could hear it!

Vitiate had gotten this item cheap off the system, the system sold things from his world.

Everyone that was once riled up suddenly went dead silent.

Surrender to goblins?

What a Joke!?

"Little Goblins, while you still have the chance you better turn around and scram out or else!"

Suddenly a Crocodile man with dark blue skin spoke up in a deep voice, he was bigger than the green crocodile man which hinted that he may be of a higher stage in strength.

"Sigh, do you realize who you're going against? Now, I'll give you another chance, just put your weapons down and give in, don't worry, we'll treat you all well!" Warren spoke again in a more resilient manner.

"That does sound good!" The Blue Crocodile man touched his chin thoughtfully then grinned "But here's what I think of your proposal!" Suddenly, the sky started to turn slightly dark.

Vitiate who was far in the back looked up, but there was no change in the clouds, so what was this? He looked closely and discovered that this was no weather change but a hail of arrows!

"So, it was like that!" Warren smiled and shook his head.

"Now!" On Vitiate's command, the Telekinetic clown made his move, it started to move its fingers in a strange jester. Suddenly the 1,000 or so arrows disappeared from the sky, they were no more.

"What!?" All the Lizard and Crocodile Men were shocked, what happened!? This was a Skill the Telekinetic clown could use. This skill could stop projectiles within a certain radius, so they couldn't launch arrows here, this sadly applied to allies as well.

This was the main reason Vitiate left Stella back at the swamp, he also left all the archers with her. They would be rendered useless in this stage. He knew this stronghold had quite the amount of weapons, and they would opt for ariel attacks like arrows or catapults.

There was another downside to this, the Telekinetic clown was new to this ability so it could only use this and focus on it. So, the Telekinetic clown was out of this battle while trying to hold up this skill.

The Crocodile man didn't seem to care and ordered the use of another swarm of arrows. He even had them shoot the catapults at them, but like the first time, they all disappeared!

"How is this possible!?" Many Commanding Lizard and Crocodile men showed up soon after.

"They can't siege our wall unless they want to be impaled to death. We have the high ground and we're playing defense, we'll see how far they can get!" A Red Lizardman walked over and sneered, he was confident that this little goblin army couldn't siege their base.

"You're right! The minute they try to climb the wall, it'll be their deaths!" The Green crocodile man from before grinned coldly looking at the army of Goblins.

"Okay, since you don't want to give in then prepare for battle!" Suddenly, Vitiate walked out of the crowd of Goblins, he hid his presence well in the crowd. No, to be exact, he was hiding amongst the monsters and watching.

"What the.. hell are you!?" The Lizard and crocodile men's faces scrunched, they had never seen this type of creature before. If Vitiate knew they viewed him as a creature, he would probably be cursing them out by now.

"Ah, yes! I see what you are, you're a birdman, yup that has to be it!" Some random lizardman pointed at Vitiate and exclaimed as if he found the answer.

"I see! So you're a pigeon birdman, dare to act arrogant around here!" Vitiate's mouth twitched under his mask, a birdman!? He didn't say anything and pulled out a cube that was in his storage device, he tossed it in the air, afterward.

Suddenly, a giant figure began to spawn from the cube, then it landed on the ground with a loud impact. It was the Rock golem, it shook the landscape upon entry which shocked the lizard and crocodile men!

"It's a Golem, he wants to siege us with a Golem!" The blue Crocodile man frowned, this was going to be a long day!

"Destroy and take that wall down. give us entry into their base!" Vitiate waved his hand, then the Golem's eyes flashed Green! It began to move towards the stronghold with the intent to destroy their walls!

It was perfect, they would need to come out and fight if they wanted to get anything done. If not, this Golem was just going to rain havoc on their stronghold walls and allow them entry.

"Damn, this bastard! How could he have plotted so much against us!?" The Red Lizard man's eyes were nearly spewing fire, he glared at Vitiate in anger! He stopped their arrow and catapult attempt and even had a golem to siege them, where did he get a Rock Golem from!?

"We have no choice, we must attack them head-on! Send out the warriors to counter these bastards, this is far from over!" Suddenly, a black Lizardman spoke up, he was muscular with red eyes and pure maroon black skin.

"Good! Open the gate! Fight and kill these intruders, leave no one behind!" Everyone gave a war cry as the great gates were opened. Several hundreds of Lizard and Crocodile men ran out of the gate with their weapons in toe.

Vitiate knew this was one of the toughest forces in the forest, so he opted to take them down first before making his advances on the rest.

"Go, take them down and remember your training!" Vitiate spoke to them directly in their minds.

With that, the Goblins and orcs advanced and clash with the Lizard and Crocodile men. When the sun reflects on a person, it usually cast a shadow for the said person. Just like that, the Killer clowns turned into shadows and rush toward the stronghold walls!

"What the hell are those!?" The clowns moved quickly through the crowd of monsters and easily made their way up the wall and into the Stronghold!

Vitiate only sent 5 Killer clowns to infiltrate the stronghold. Only a few Lizardmen were able to spot the weird shadows swiftly moving on the ground, but they were quickly engaged in a fight with goblins before they could say any more.

"You little green bastard, Die!" The Lizardman swung his Axe and knocked a goblin away with ease.

"You're green too!" Another Goblin lunged towards him with his sword, but this was a Goblin warrior this time.

"Shut up!" The Lizardman hollered and they both clashed, this was going on everywhere. There weren't any Enhancers around so the battle wasn't super chaotic if you excluded the Towering Rock Golem.

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The Golem stomped its foot near the group of Lizard and Crocodile men, blowing them away. Some were even stomped on and killed right away. The Golem had one goal in mind, and that was to break and destroy this wall before it!

"This can't go on, if that thing gets to our wall, they'll be able to siege our stronghold!"

"We have no choice, we have to release it!" The high in command Lizard and Crocodile men looked at each other, then nodded.

"Release the beast... release... The Cyclops!"

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