Dungeon System: World Of Chaos And War

41 Stronghold Battle Part 4 Final

Vitiate took notice of the Rock Golem's struggle, it wasn't going to last long under the speed of the Cyclops! He sent his thoughts to the DragonRex, and its eyes changed a bit, it looked toward the Cyclops wailing on the Golem with the Golem being unable to retaliate.

The DragonRex opened its mouth and started to charge up a Dragonbreath. Greenlight appeared in its mouth, but the cyclops didn't seemed to notice. Well, it knew light was in the surroundings, but it had grown too used to seeing lights flashing so often on this battlefield thanks to Vitiate.

It didn't think it was being targeted all of a sudden.

The chaotic DragonBreath was fired, it looked like green lightning if anyone had to describe its appearance. With no let-ups, the Cyclops was hit directly in the chest, everyone quickly moved further away.

The attack ripped right into the Cyclops as it vomited a mouth full of blood! Vitiate told the DragonRex to not use so much power, as to keep it alive for later.

The attack didn't pass through the cyclops, but it still received heavy damage from the attack despite the D-Rex holding back. The Golem found that it wasn't being attacked anymore and took the chance to land some blows of its own.

The cyclops screamed while coughing up blood, it couldn't take any more attacks and collapsed on the ground with a loud crash, it had fainted. The Battlefield was silent after seeing the fall of the Cyclops, it was their main back-up.

The DragonRex didn't pay any more attention to the Cyclops once it landed its attack, it proceeded to the stronghold wall. It was too big to land on the stronghold wall, so it just hovered over it flapping its wings.

\"The Cyclops has fallen!\"

\"The Dragon used a DragonBreath just now, it used one attack and damaged it so much!\"

\"D-don't give up, we still h-have a chance of winning, we have number and strength!\"

The Golem didn't pay any more attention to the cyclops and continued with its initial objective, which was to siege! Nina hopped off the DragonRex's back, she had gauntlets on, she liked punching rather than using weapons like swords and spears for combat.

Name: Nina

Title: The Kidnapped, Survivor, The Hopeful, The Redeemed

Race: Demi-Human

Race Type: Fox

Age: 12

Class: Pugilist

|????Vitality: 100 |????Mana: 0 |❤️️Strength: 90|????Spd: 60 |????Intelligence: 80 |????Dexterity: 65 |????Charm: 89

Elements: N/A

|Combat Masteries: ???? Fighter: F|

Techniques: Hand to Hand: Lv: 3| KickBoxing: Lv: 1|

Passive Abilities: Enhanced Stamina| Enhanced Breathing|

Innate Talent: N/A

Vitiate glimpsed at Nina's stats, then he tossed the Red lizard man onto the back of the DragonRex. Once he was thrown on top of the DragonRex, he started to panic.

Then he saw and felt something that left him in amazement, he saw the Baby Ice Dragon. His yellow eyes dilated from shock, it was a true Dragon!

The Baby Ice Dragon looked at him and snorted, she sensed the little Dragon blood in him. But to her, he wasn't even worthy enough to be her servant, better yet, to even take out her trash! After she was done evaluating him, she jumped off the DragonRex as well.

\"Oh, my gosh, what is that!?\"

\"How can this be, do you feel that!?\"

\"That beautiful sculpture-like figure, she is so sexy, I want to marry her!\"

\"Why here, it's actually a True Dragon!\"

Many Lizard and Crocodile men stopped fighting when they saw her dazzling features. They all felt its bloodline and had the urge to kneel and kowtow. Most of them were losing the will to continue fighting at this point, this was definitely so after seeing the DragonRex, but now, a True Dragon!

Even the Corrosive Lizards stopped their fight with the jack-in-the-boxes! The Ice Dragon noticed everyone's amazement, and grew even more arrogant! She lifted her head and shook buttocks to flex her features.

Vitiate wanted to knock her over the head, just how old were you to be doing that!? But, he didn't do it because it was effecting the lizard and Crocodile men.

\"Listen men! It's a trick, why would an ice dragon be here of all places, keep fighting and don't be fazed!\" The black Lizardman saw the grave situation and spoke up, he knew she was a true dragon but she was still a kid, so what could she do?

\"Yeah, he was trying to trick us, you may have a DragonRex but it isn't a true Dragon!\" Once this random lizard man was done speaking, the stronghold wall shook! Cracks began to form on the wall, Vitiate quickly grabbed the Ice Dragon and Nina to fly upward.

Suddenly, a huge margin of the Stronghold wall was destroyed! The Golem had already reached and breached the base, it didn't pay attention to everyone's amazement and continued what it was supposed to do.

\"Shit! The Golem sneak attacked our base, stop it!\"

Vitiate looked confused.

Sneak attacked?

Do you see the size of that Golem, who is it sneak attacking?

\"Hey, big head, deal with that big mouth lizardman over there for me.\" Vitiate looked at the Ice dragon he was holding by the tail, she had grown quite a bit.

\"Hmph!\" The Ice Dragon Hurrumped and he threw her over toward the Black Lizardman.

The black Lizardman readied his sword, he was stunned to see Vitiate throwing the Dragon his way. The Dragon Rex had already left with the Red lizard man for lock-up.

However, the Baby Ice Dragon Breathed cold mist that froze the air, creating an ice slide towards the Black Lizardman.

\"What?\" He was surprised but his face turned cold soon after, \"Y-you fake Dragon, who do think you're fooling? I'll kill this fake dragon and hang her head on my wall as a tro.....\" He didn't get to finish when he was frozen solid, instantly!

\"2 down, 1 to go!\" Vitiate smiled, he looked over at the Dark Blue Crocodile man, who was still fighting Warren. Nina really couldn't fight, but he held her to watch and spectate, she could learn this way.

The Corrosion lizards were running on their instincts, they didn't seem to want to make an enemy of the Baby Ice Dragon. The baby Ice Dragon walked over toward the Corrosion Lizards and they quickly bowed their heads!

\"I would have never thought she could be so useful in such a way!\" If he knew she could influence these creatures like this, he would have pulled her out much sooner.

\"You damned traitors, kill that fake dragon, what are you doing you dumb overgrown lizards!?\" The Dark Blue Lizardman hollered at the Corrosion Lizards, but they didn't even look at him.

Vitiate smiled and commanded the Baby Ice Dragon to command the Corrosion lizards to attack the Dark Blue Crocodile man. The Ice Dragon looked at Vitiate and harrumphed, but she listened to him anyway.

Once see spoke her orders to the Corrosion Lizards, they all simultaneously looked at the Dark Blue Crocodileman. \"y-You, what are you guys looking at me like that for, you better listen to me or you'll be punished, do you hear me?\"

They couldn't be bothered to listen to him, their master was frozen solid by the Dragon. Not only did he lose to the Ice Dragon, they saw her as their new master because she was a true dragon and he lost to her in one hit, which further proved herself.

At that moment, one of the Corrosion Lizards opened its mouth and shot a green Acid ball at the Dark Green Crocodileman. All at once, he was rushed by the other 2, who didn't want to be outdone by the other.

\"You rebellious things!\" He started to panic, this wasn't the time to be getting stabbed in the back by your allies. He easily dodged the acidic ball but he was quickly infringed upon by the two Lizards.

One of the Corrosion lizards shot spikes out of its back while the other swung its tail towards his stomach. The spikes hit his armor but didn't penetrate it, he was unfazed by the attack. However, he was able to block the tail, sadly, it had too much force behind it.

He was shocked, they were actually betraying him and going all out against him! The Crocodile man was sent flying to the ground, he wasn't knocked far. He quickly recovered, he was angered, his eyes flash red!

He was activating some sort of skill. His muscle started to grow bigger and so did his size.

Vitiate watched closely, he thought this was some sort of Augmentation skill that boosted stats to some degree. With that, the crocodile man lunged through the air with a flash of red light and punched the Corrosion lizard in the face.

He had lost his weapon when he was sent flying as is slid elsewhere.

The Corrosion Lizard was knocked back but recovered from the attack, it shook its head like it was experiencing some sort of headache. Vitiate didn't want this to go on any further, he could sense that the crocodile man was getting stronger, it had to be a drawback to this technique after it was over.

He seemed to have gone into some sort of berserker state, at that moment, the Crocodile man was sent flying from a slap that tore the ground apart! He coughed up blood and slammed into a stone wall, cracking and decimating it!

What had attacked him was the Rock Golem, it had smacked at the savage Crocodileman. Vitiate didn't have to do anything, really. The DragonRex assisted on the battlefield by taking down several Lizard and Crocodile men.

Vitiate sat Nina on the Golem's shoulder before flying back to what was left of the stronghold wall.

\"Your leaders have been defeated, put your weapons down or be killed like the rest of them!\" Vitiate removed half his mask to speak in a loud booming voice. At that moment, the Killer clowns had arrived, they had defeated the Elites and even trapped the annoying green one, as they called it.

The Lizard and Crocodile men in the stronghold knew that they had lost, but the ones outside couldn't believe it. They did witness the Red lizardman being taken away, so they knew he lost. Vitiate knew they didn't believe it, so he showed them the rest of their leaders who were defeated.


\"We Lost!\"

\"It's all over, unreal!\"

But they understood after thinking about it. The Golem invaded the stronghold and so did many of the enemies leader figures. Some still wanted to fight, because they were technically beating the goblins in battle. It required 2 Goblin warriors to take a lizard man down.

They had hard skin and could move fast, it was worse for crocodile men, who they couldn't really damage at all. This was why Vitiate called the Jesters, dolls, and Bears to fight so fast, he knew they couldn't hold up long.

However, the thought of fighting any further went stale when they noticed the DragonRex flying in the sky, it was ready to attack and kill if they didn't surrender.

Thus, the battle came to an end, the Lizard and Crocodile men put down their weapons in defeat.

[Despite being outnumbered by the enemy, you managed to achieve victory!]

[All stats except charm and Intelligence has risen by 100!]

[Fire Resistance has risen to level 3!]

[WaterBomb has risen to level 6!]

[Congratulations, you've Learned WaterBullet!]

[Congratulations, this was a war but you've won within 2 hours, you've received: 15,000 Glory Points!]

\"Oh!?\" Vitiate heard the notifications and became a bit anxious to try some things out.

\"Okay, take the defeated leaders back and lead all the Lizard and Crocodile men back as well!\" Vitiate spoke so everyone could hear it, he was taking them all back to his dungeon. All Vitiate could see Was more Glory and Dungeon Points, he was almost drooling thinking about it.

\"I must grow fast before that time comes!\" His dungeon would be having a lot of traffic when that time came.

Warren quickly followed his orders and opted to lead the Crocodile and lizard men back. The Leaders were all thrown into cages like the Red Lizardman, just in case.

Many Goblins had died during this battle but it was for the greater good. Vitiate had the rest of the troops loot the stronghold of their weapons. They had quite a lot of them but they were all low tier weapons, they had more arrows than anything, it was a good thing he had this disabled!

Everyone picked up the corpses and passed them to Vitiate, he simply stored them to be absorbed later. He could do this for Goblins, but it would be half the points if they originated from the dungeon.

It took 2 hours to do a clean sweep of the stronghold, he even took the catapults. Once Vitiate enter their stronghold, he found 2 dwarf prisoners. Vitiate finally understood why these lizard and crocodile men were so decked out, they were using these 2 to make weapons!

They both looked exhausted with bags and darkness under their eyes, did they let them rest? They looked at Vitiate with obvious surprise on their faces.

\"You 2, what are your names?\" Vitiate asked bluntly.

\"Ah, my name is Grom and this is my brother Keppler!\" This dwarf had a big black beard that went over his shirt, it was questionable if he had ever shaved.

\"From now on, you will work with me.\" Vitiate looked at both of them and said. They both sighed, they were freed only to be enslaved again, what a dark world.

\"Relax, you'll get rest and every now and then you can make things or help around. You won't be doing things alone, as I will soon get more of your kind to help you with anything.\" Vitiate said working with him, not work for him.

Vitiate didn't need any weapons right now, but he would soon need some for his greater plan. The dwarfs didn't say anything as they were led away by 5 Goblin warriors, leaving him and Nina behind.

Vitiate scanned the other dungeons cells, but he didn't find anything but human skeletons and bones, they must have been eaten or starved to death. They both quickly left the stronghold, they were all trying to figure out how to move the Cyclops, who was still knocked out.

\"Use the Golem to move him, it shouldn't be too hard. If he wakes up, knock him out again, just don't kill it.\" Vitiate waved his hand and thought about the poisonous swamp, he walked to a nearby tree to bring up a virtual projection that he could see only.

\"Hey, winged man.\"

Suddenly, Vitiate heard a voice from the Forest, he was alarmed immediately and was about to draw on his power.

\"Relax, don't attack, I just want to talk with you!\" Vitiate still carried a discharge of energy in his hand. Soon, the figure walked out of the forest, his face remained unchanged but inside, he was quite confused, it was an elf!

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