Dungeons Online

Chapter 107: Talks at Tom's farm

"Hello!" Kira said with a wide smile on her face. "I'm sorry for troubling you, but I came here to have a little talk," she said as soon as the doors to the farm opened up. 

"If you are looking for the owner of this place, then he is away right now," a young man in the wheelchair replied. He was sitting in the living room across the corridor. A small remote controller in his hand gave away how he managed to open the doors from so far away. 

"Ah, I hoped to meet one of the people that work with him. It doesn't necessarily need to be Tom himself," Kira smiled, trying to verbally push her way ahead. 

'Isn't this the guy?' Kira thought, recalling all the operations involving this particular family. 'Wait, what if he knows?' the girl asked herself, unable to hold back a shrug from shaking her body. 'No, I wasn't in the operations, even if they know, it has nothing to do with me personally,' she thought.

"Well, you can come in at the very least," Marvin said, quickly pushing a number of fingers on his remote.

A buzzing noise entered Kira's ears. Looking up to where the noise came from, she noticed several illegal armaments. 

"Aren't autonomic turrets forbidden?" Kira asked, lowering her eyes from the slightly glistering barrels of the roof-mounted guns. 'I would only show how scared I am if I were to ignore it,' she thought, silently swallowing a mouthful of saliva. 'In that case,' Kira made her decision, looking at the man in the chair with one of her eyebrows raised and her lips twisted in a small, ironic smile. 

"First off, those are not the auto-turrets that the convention banned from use," Marvin replied with a kind, open smile. "They are based on that ingenious weapon, but they are not auto-turrets according to the convention itself," he added before shrugging his shoulders. "You know, an invalid like has to secure some means of protecting himself, doesn't he?" Marvin asked, sending the visitor an eye. 

"That's an undeniable truth," Kira smiled before grabbing Jason's hand and pushing forward. 

"Hello," Jason said in a weak voice, unable to hold back his terror from his face. 

In the end, he was just an IT freak. Not some all-rounder spy to be able to casually walk into the house owned by a group that even Online Hub couldn't really investigate!

'If they can monitor their lands like this...' Jason thought, looking up as stealthy as he could. Even though he wasn't all that well-versed in the arms of the past war, he could easily confirm the man's statement. 

After all, no kind of scrap-made auto-turrets could handle the burden of shooting the bullets marked with a dark "high-explosive" name!

"Looking at your face, I can tell," Marvin suddenly said before his guests could even enter the living room. "It's you guys who attempted to mess us with our security, aren't you?" he asked.

"Don't even twitch," Kira whispered, placing her hand at Jason's chest to hold him in place. 

"Huh?" the informatic only shrugged, too frozen in his fear to realize what she intended to do. 

"Now, are you going to explain what an Investigator wants with my family?" Marvin asked, fully relaxed, proving that Kira's identity was no secret from him. 

"How did you know?" Kira asked, frozen in place. 'They got us on a frying pan,' she internally clicked her tongue, forcefully stopping her eyes from glancing over in the direction where the bullets would come out if anything went wrong. 

"Did you really forget?" Marvin asked, leaning his head over his shoulder. He then turned his automated wheelchair around, showing a black shotgun attached to the previously hidden side. "Before my cousin came back from the city, I was supposed to play the celebrity at your hub," the young man smiled before moving his head out of the gun. Then, he waved it away, slightly away from the corridor Kira and Jason were in. 

"Oh," Kira said as a group of fully armed men appeared in the living room. Given how they came from the area hidden behind the corridor's wall, it was clear that they fulfilled the duty of human security in the place. "That completely fell out of my head," she admitted before squinting her eyes. "Still, that doesn't explain how you know my position," she said, crossing her arms on her chest. "All you could learn from observing the insides of the Hub would be that I'm either a secretary or Peter's whore," Kira said bluntly.

"Oh, come on," Marvin said, twisting his lips in an ugly grimace. "You don't really think I will reveal the sources of my information, do you?" he asked, looking at the girl as if she was some kind of naive child. 

"That thought never crossed my mind," Kira instantly replied, quickly blinking with her eyes. "But before we talk any further, are we allowed to enter the room?" she asked before sending a meaningful glance towards the security personnel that now moved to the back of the room. 

"Did I ever retract my permission?" Marvin asked, taking a dumbfounded look on his face. 

Kira didn't reply this time. She only sent the man a look while leaning her head to the side in a pretty cute way.

"Right, right, come in," Marvin ended up inviting the girl again. "Since you are here, I believe you should be aware that people like me need to be... really secure," he said, pointing his hand at one of the many chairs in the room. 

"Woah," Jason said as soon as he could get a proper look at the insides of the farmhouse. "This place is so nice," he said, genuinely awed with the tasteful interior of the place. 

"Thank you," Marvin smiled, more than able to accept praise in a proper manner. "But let's cut the small talk," he said, moving his eyes over to the girl. "What brings you here?" He asked before chuckling lightly. "I assume you didn't come here to share some juicy rumors from the Hub. For that, Peter would come here personally instead of sending his lackeys," Marvin said in a taunting voice while keeping his eyes on the girl. 

"Come on, calling me a lackey?" Kira asked. "Aren't I too cute for that?" she added another question before theatrically looking all over her body. "Boobs check, slim waist check, long lest check," she listed all her attributes before looking over her back. "And my ass is to kill for," she added with a bright smile before looking back at Marvin. "Who would waste such a sexy body on a simple lackey?" she asked, sending the young man a cute smile. 

"Is this how you do intend to gather the information you came here for?" Marvin asked, proving that he could bold as well. 

"That would make my job far easier than I expected," Kira shrugged her arms before finally sitting on one of the chairs before slowly crossing her legs. "So what, do we have the deal?" she asked while smiling sweetly. 

"Maybe if you came on me before the inci... I mean, accident," Marvin said, keeping his eyes on the holy garden that the girl most likely intentionally exposed to his view. 

"That's a pity... But still, can I ask you some questions now?" Kira looked up at Marvin before sliding her leg off her knee and spreading them apart next. "I will make sure it will be worth your while," she said in a seductive tone before putting her forefinger on her lips. "Trust me, a wheelchair won't be a problem for me," she added, lowering her face while still keeping eye contact.

"Look," Marvin shook his head, easily pulling his eyes away from where the girl's pants should be. In the end, even going commando and showing herself like that wasn't enough to put a dent in Marvin's mood. "I know why you came here. I know what answers you seek. I'm also capable of answering your questions," Marvin said in quick succession as his face tensed up. 

"Then..." Kira started, already standing up in excitement, ready to fulfill her end of the deal even right now, even with everyone else in the room watching. 

"I also know who's behind this little accident of mine," Marving continued to list out the things he knew as his expression continued to darken. "But above all," he said, looking at the girl's now shaken face. "I know that you can't afford any of my questions," Marvin said decisively. 

"I don't believe..." Kira started, only to purse her lips when a young female entered the place as well. Her face was already dark as she sent a hateful look towards the investigator. "What my brother meant was that it would be the best for you to leave right now," she said, not bothering with acting cultured at all.

"Am I going to leave here alive?" Kira asked, looking at Marvin's face. Between the wounded man and his sister, it was the man that seemed to be easier to deal with. 

"Today?" Marvin asked. "Yes," he answered all on his own. "But keep in mind, today is a special case," he announced before suddenly standing up from his wheelchair and looking at the girl with squinted eyes. "But as my sister said, it will be best for you to leave, right now."

For a moment, Kira stood in place in silence. But then, she pulled the cloth of her skirt down before turning around and leaving. Before long, the sound of the doors slamming and the engine reeving entered the room through the set of cameras that Marvin didn't even bother to hide beforehand. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, glancing over at Cleo. 

"We lost the signal of their tracker," she said. 

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