Dungeons Online

Chapter 133: Rushed awakening

Tom lazily opened his eyes once the sun rays making their way through the gaps in the windows shuts annoyed the skin of his face too much for him to just ignore it. 

'What time is it?' Tom asked himself, raising his wrist to his eyes, only to notice a complete lack of clock on it. 'Huh?' Tom blinked his eyes a few times, unable to believe this strange situation. 'Did I forget to put it on yesterday?' he asked, looking around in hopes of finding it. 

But there was no clock conveniently lying in wait on the nearby shelf. Rather than that, Tom's other arm was locked underneath Claudia's head. And just like in the situation where one would have a cat sleeping on his knees, Tom found it impossible to apply any power to his muscles in an attempt to free his arm from this heavenly prison. 

'Damn, I can't feel my hand,' he thought, torn between the possible death of his limb and the attractive possibility of staring at Claudia's sleepy face. 

"Hmm..." Claudia muttered when Tom's delicate movements slightly shook her head. "Just five more minutes," she whispered, only for her breathing to calm back down a moment later. 

'I guess I just need to wait,' Tom thought, slowly coming back to his senses. 

There was no clock on his wrist because, just like the majority of his equipped items and clothes, it was consumed by the dungeon. After its initial transformation into basic materials in the pool of slime's liquid, it was then absorbed by the dungeon's floor, never to be found again. 

'Right, I will actually have to wake her up,' Tom thought, glancing over at the face of the sleeping girl. 'We have a lot to do today,' he thought, fighting with himself to force his flesh into doing what was right. 

"Hmm?" Claudia muttered as her eyes slowly pried open, saving Tom from his mental struggle. 

"Hey," he greeted the girl, putting a small smile on his lips. "You are finally awake," he added, using one of the legendary quotes of their homeworld, one that was so old that no one really knew where it came from. 

"Good morning," Claudia muttered, freeing Tom's arm as she pulled her upper body up. The cover they were sleeping under promptly slid down her chest, revealing her bust to Tom's grateful eyes. Yet, what he didn't expect to see on it, was the plethora of marks that he left on it during their slightly wilder play than usual. 

'I guess we exercised a little bit more than we should,' he thought, recalling the events of the last night. 

"What time is it?" Claudia asked in her sleepy voice, proving that just like Tom a moment ago, she still failed to realize how different their reality was when compared to the usual. 

"Way past the sunrise," Tom muttered in response, reaching for his clothes haphazardly thrown all over the room. 'A testimony to how wild we were last night,' he thought, picking them one by one. 'Now it feels like I'm just doing laundry,' he commented on his own actions while adding Claudia's clothes to the mix. 

"Huh?" Claudia wiped her eyes with her fists only to sit down on the bed and stare blankly in the distance. Only a few fair moments later did the sanity return to her eyes as she suddenly jumped down and stood up straight. "THE SHOPPING!" She shouted, too focused on her thoughts to care how her body now stood in full display. 

"Dress yourself up first," Tom said, throwing her set of clothes Claudia's way. "We overslept, I know, but hurrying it up now won't change anything," he added, quickly pulling his own clothes up. 

"Right," Claudia muttered in response, reaching for her equipment thrown on the bed. Yet, before she even pulled her undies on, she stopped her movements before throwing Tom a slightly angered look. "You could pay a bit more attention to such a sexy sight," she commented, clearly disappointed with Tom's lack of attention. 

"After the last night?" Tom asked, turning his head to take a quick look at the girl. "I don't want my thing to dry out and fall off," he added with a small chuckle as he wrapped the cord holding up his pants in their designated place. 

"Spoilfun," Claudia commented, properly pulling her underwear on. "To think that you would turn into sage so quickly," she attempted to bait him, not only with the words but also with the way she continued to dress up. Because rather than just quickly pulling her clothes on, she took her time to turn her back to Tom as she slowly pushed her feet into the opening of her pants only to slowly pull them up. 

'Is she trying to seduce me?' Tom thought, watching how the material of the girl's pants hooked against the mounds of the flesh of her ass, squeezing them in an enticing manner. "You do realize that at this rate, we won't have the time to visit shops at all?" He asked, trying his best to voice his slight dissatisfaction in a roundabout manner. 

"Huh?" Claudia almost jumped in surprise, turning her head around and sending Tom a desperate glare. Then, as if an idea struck her mind, her expression turned into an amused smile. "You and your empty threats," she muttered, turning around and letting her breasts swing due to her sudden turn. "If we won't go shopping ourselves, how else are you going to obtain all the equipment we need?" she asked, clearly believing she found a hole in Tom's threats. 

"It's simple," Tom said as he finished dressing up. Yet, instead of answering, he moved towards the doors and placed his hand on the knob fits. "We will just get our slaves to do it for us," he finally explained as he pushed the doors open and moved out of the room. 

"Fabian! Ulster! Leila!" He shouted as if the entire Inn was his own. 

"Yes, master!" The burly man was the first to respond to the call, rushing out of his shared room with the other two. In just a few seconds later, the others joined him, falling to their knee as soon as they noticed Tom. 

"Take this money and head to the market, auction house, or whatever is the best place to get the equipment to explore the dungeon," Tom said, ignoring the shouts of anguish coming from the room he and Claudia picked to sleep in. "I want you to go and buy everything you can afford with this money while reserving everything that you won't be able to buy," he ordered before moving down the corridor towards the staircase. 

"Oh, before I forget," he added, turning around. "I need one of you to get one bag worth of food and medicinal supplies. Bring them to the guild as soon as possible," he added before finally throwing the pouch with all his money towards the trio. 

"WAIT!" Claudia shouted, finally rushing out of the room. Her clothes were all in disarray, proving how hastily she dressed herself up.

"Too late," Tom said with a wide smile before ignoring the girl and heading downstairs. 

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