Duskaea and the Fatum Family
16 Black Ligh
•Beatrix's P.O.V.•
"It's time for some rampaging. Let's go." we're back at full health and hyperactivity. It's time to finish this guy once and for all.
"There's Serus inside that electric force field." Arlo pointed.
"Go save him, we'll handle this." my dad told Arlo.
Arlo jumped and rushed to Serus' location. He elongated his arms and and enlarged his hands to get him. He wore his gauntlets made by Vita to protect his hands from any harm.
"Not again!" Mnemos yelled.
"Whoa!" he manipulated Arlo away from Serus.
"I'm tired of your endless appearances blocking my ways. Let me end your courage now!" he touched the force field where Serus was in.
"NO!" Grey tried to approach him as fast as she can, but it's too late.
"Die, Serus Desperia!" Mnemos closed his hand into a fist, that also shrunk the force field. The shrunken force field then electrified Serus beyond the average shocks a human can get.
"Your hope is lost." he said.
"I don't believe you, he'll be back again, because---" I was interrupted.
"The Phoenix is now gone as well. Like I told you, your hope is gone. You will all submit to my rule and follow my orders to conquer the entire world."
Mnemos leaped high enough that he almost reached the clouds, and plunged on to the ground, causing a massive blast that beat us all up.
"Well, everything is possible, Beatrix. You're world will be mine as well as your will. You will follow my orders and bow to me like the humans, those lower lifeforms." he laughed evilly.
"No one can save you now, Fatums! Even the Telums can't. The Emdelion clan's creatures will be my warriors, and you will be my servants. Then the humans will be my slaves. The whole world is mine." he continued.
"The battle is over, and I won. You lost everything, are you the ones the people of your city call heroes?" he asked.
"Heroes....." Vita uttered softly.
"Oh? The little girl still has courage to stand up? How wonderful." Mnemos said.
"What are you.....doing, Vita?" I uttered.
"If Serus were awake, he would tell us that we're nothing but frauds, and I agree to him as well."
"What are you saying?" dad asked her.
"If we are heroes, then we shouldn't give a damn about giving up to someone this evil. We are heroes, not cowards." Vita said courageously.
"Such an amazing ideal and mindset, Vita. But I'm afraid that won't last long."
Mnemos tried to attack her, but a loud clang waved instead.
"You've angered so many of the souls that appreciated me." Mason countered with his dual-swords.
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"We've been holding back since the beginning. The souls are excited to torture this man." he replied.
"Noxia Fatum: Spirit." he finally cast his Zenith. His eyes turned to glowing, emerald green, and his swords turned to green diamond-like structure. His aura's bursting with green energies.
"Time to take your soul." he rushed and plunged onto Mnemos, and hit him directly.
The battle went on, and this time, we will join too. All activated their Zeniths, except me and Vita. They all charged at Mnemos with rage and courage combined.
"Doppio Identica!" I created illusions of me, that can confuse the enemy. The clones also have my abilities as well.
"ENOUGH!" Mnemos blasted all of us out of the field. We were exhausted, and some of us are out of stamina to continue.
"Your heroic acts are admirable, but your strength to maximize them are far away from perfect." Mnemos spoke.
"I changed my mind. You're just going to be a pain in the ass if I made you my servants. I'll just give you the same fate like Serus had." he gathered cosmic energies into his hand and blasted it onto us.
A minute or second could have killed us by that time, but the cosmic sphere just disappeared. Out of nowhere, Serus floated from his ground. Unharmed, and no signs of burns or whatsoever. But I can sense his great amount of agony, sorrow, pain, and especially rage. The Phoenix is his most beloved creature, and it was taken from him in just one stab to the heart. How can he moved with his heart damaged?
"S-S-Serus?" Mnemos turned from a tyrannical man, to a scared boy.
"You have angered the Deity-Master. His personality, his memories, everything that he loved the most." mixed voices uttered with wrath in their hearts. Are these the other creatures Serus was talking about?
"Why am I so afraid? I can just kill you again." Mnemos recklessly approached him.
"What?" Serus, or maybe the angry creatures inside of him, pushed Mnemos far, far into the sky, then crashed him onto the ground.
"What happened to Serus? He's like a.....different person." Grey asked.
"The rage of the creatures inside of him is tremendous." dad explained.
"Put out one of the creatures, and the others will be enraged."
Serus smashed Mnemos' body repeatedly, then crashed him into every mountain possible. I can see the face of Mnemos trembling, and can't focus on Serus because of the fear he has right now. Lightning bolted onto him, unknown portals came upcoming transporting him into every part of the vicinity, and storm surges came and hurled him.
"No, I won't let you do it! NO!" Mnemos was then sucked into the portal.
Serus was the cause of all this terrifying events. His numb-looking face, his black-painted eyes , and his dark aura that horrifies us, already defeated Mnemos. He hurled him into a portal, and nowhere to be seen again. Serus slowly came down, while his rage is gradually draining. He lied down, unconscious.
We ran to him, and carried him to our home along with Alicia. Arlo recovered both Alicia and Serus' bodies, but no matter what we do, we can't wake up Serus. When Alicia was fully recovered from her injuries, she tried to use her electric powers to use the neural impulses and wake Serus up. Me and Mason strove to waking him by evoking his inner conscience, both mind and soul. As we enter his inner conscience, all we see is a slow-paced collapsing dome of blackness. We came across the inner creatures within him instead.
"Leviathan." I invoked his name.
"You wish to speak with me, Beatrix Fatum? Oh, you brought your brother as well." the Leviathan replied.
"The souls are saying that you need to wake Serus up, or they'll rally up their phantasmal powers against you." Mason's secretly clenching his fist.
"What my bro means to say is, why isn't Serus waking up?" I asked.
"The Phoenix has been vanquished from existence. Duskaea's life-force comes from the Phoenix as well. If the Phoenix was destroyed or vanished from Duskaea's life form, the soul of Duskaea is forced to move to a new host along with us, his creatures." Leviathan explained.
"You mean the true death of Serus." I became more worried, I continuously think of how to save him.
"Is there anything we can do to save him?" I continued.
"Unless the Phoenix is found or revived, we will continue on. The life of Serus Desperia was merely an insignificance." Leviathan uttered.
"Serus is the reason you remembered all your memories. Why can't you reconsider?"
"Beatrix, his soul is slowly fading." Mason told me.
"Please, Leviathan."
"I will try to reason with our superior."
"Superior? You mean Duskaea?" I asked.
"No, Duskaea is the soul we are protecting, and one of us is assigned to lead us. We were all asleep when we transferred into a new body, so as our superior. He was just awakened now, when he was disturbed by the vanishing of the Phoenix." Leviathan explained.
"Why do you keep going on finding new hosts?" I asked, concernedly.
"The Phoenix isn't just any creature. The Phoenix is called the 'Bird of Rebirth' for the sole reason of being inside every human's soul. The only thing needed to do is to awaken it by the human, and that's where our presence is crucially a necessity. The true power of Duskaea was to enhance, awaken, and anything associated with the act of giving power. And that's how the Phoenix inside Serus was awakened.
"You mean Serus' soul and his Phoenix are entwined together. If the Phoenix vanished, his life-force would instantly drain to nothing."
"That's the precise explanation of it. You need to leave this place."
"Please talk to your superior."
"I will, now go." we left his inner conscience.
Few weeks have passed, and Serus is still in a coma. But a day came where he finally got up, that made all of us gasped, and some of us hugged him, especially Grey.
"Serus, you're back!" Grey cried her joyful tears of seeing Serus walk again.
"Oh, that's no problem, Grey." he hugged her back.
"Whoa, aren't you too sweet now, Serus?" I told him.
"Why do you keep calling me Serus?" he asked.
"What? That's your name." I replied.
"His soul is different....he's back." Mason spoke.
"Who's..." I looked at his mind, and it is true, he is back.
"Duskaea!" we hugged him.
"Duskaea?" Grey was surprised. Her face frowned.
"Told ya I'll be back."
"You've been far too gone, Duskaea. We missed you." Oceane uttered.
"Duskaea? You mean the one who gave us our powers?" Vita uttered.
"Oh, sorry for the disrespect sir, this is Vita, our newest sibling." Arlo said.
"Oh, that's fine. I'm interested in this strong, little girl. I saw Serus' memories, and she have a unimaginable talent." Duskaea touched Vita's cheek, and smiled.
"You've been missed, Duskaea. Our plan was never executed." my dad said.
"Well, now that I'm here, and Mnemos is out of our way. We can execute the plan."
"We're already in!" I said. Everyone of us already knew this 'plan' their talking about, except Vita and Grey, since they're too fragile and weak.
"What is this plan?" Grey asked.
"Well, first, do you wanna join?" Blaze asked her.
"Not unless I have the idea of it." she replied.
"World domination." Duskaea answered.
"You're crazy. We are heroes, we help people, not conquer their willpower." Grey angrily said.
"I am with big sis Grey." Vita stood with her.
"If that's your choice, so be it. Just so you know, Serus' soul is no more, and I'm the new owner of this body."
"You bastard!" Grey tried to attack Duskaea, but Arlo punched her before she landed a hit on him.
"Grey, please, understand this."
"No. Now I know why Mom left." Grey said. Mom never left though, she was kidnapped.
"Left? But she was kidnapped. Are you hiding something from us, Grey?" our dad asked.
"If I am hiding something, I better not tell you. We will leave this place, and not join your plan anymore. Your plan sucks, and this 'world domination' thing is bullshit. We are heroes, not villains." Grey said.
"Who told you that nonsense? We were never heroes! I was never a hero. A hero was the one Serus defeated weeks ago. Mnemos." Duskaea explained.
"What?" Vita was shocked.
"Heroes are weak, and fragile. Look at you, you look pale, useless, and impotent. While us, we are perfection." Duskaea continued.
"Return Serus back!" Vita threw a tantrum.
"Put them to the Dark Forest of the Emdelion Clan. Let them decay there." Duskaea ordered. As much as I want to help them, I can't. Duskaea is too powerful for me to handle.
"No! NO!" Grey and Vita was thrown in a portal created by Duskaea that leads to the Dark Forest of the Emdelion Clan.
"They will learn. Don't worry about them." Duskaea patted all of us, with that scary smile on his face. I am trembling just by being touched by him.
"Now, let us execute the plan. A new world will be born. And I am its god. It's just a shame that Mnemos defied me when I gave him a chance to revive me, but he wanted me to fail as well. All his efforts to make you and the Telums fight went from something to nothing. But that doesn't matter now. My domination will begin soon." Duskaea continued, and smiled. He gave me this eerie feeling that made my skin crawl.
Years have passed, and every time we defeated an army of pure heroes, I felt weaker and weaker. This thing we're doing, I hate it. I lived to save people, not control them. But I can't, Duskaea's too powerful for me.
Within ten years, we conquered the world. Duskaea became more and more ambitious, and despair-inducing. His terrifying aura always haunts me every now and then. The poor people I killed just because they don't want to submit to the rule of Duskaea are haunting me. My body always shivers whenever I kill one. I can't live on with this life. I need to save Grey and Vita, and hopefully find a new savior.
"It's time for some rampaging. Let's go." we're back at full health and hyperactivity. It's time to finish this guy once and for all.
"There's Serus inside that electric force field." Arlo pointed.
"Go save him, we'll handle this." my dad told Arlo.
Arlo jumped and rushed to Serus' location. He elongated his arms and and enlarged his hands to get him. He wore his gauntlets made by Vita to protect his hands from any harm.
"Not again!" Mnemos yelled.
"Whoa!" he manipulated Arlo away from Serus.
"I'm tired of your endless appearances blocking my ways. Let me end your courage now!" he touched the force field where Serus was in.
"NO!" Grey tried to approach him as fast as she can, but it's too late.
"Die, Serus Desperia!" Mnemos closed his hand into a fist, that also shrunk the force field. The shrunken force field then electrified Serus beyond the average shocks a human can get.
"Your hope is lost." he said.
"I don't believe you, he'll be back again, because---" I was interrupted.
"The Phoenix is now gone as well. Like I told you, your hope is gone. You will all submit to my rule and follow my orders to conquer the entire world."
Mnemos leaped high enough that he almost reached the clouds, and plunged on to the ground, causing a massive blast that beat us all up.
"Well, everything is possible, Beatrix. You're world will be mine as well as your will. You will follow my orders and bow to me like the humans, those lower lifeforms." he laughed evilly.
"No one can save you now, Fatums! Even the Telums can't. The Emdelion clan's creatures will be my warriors, and you will be my servants. Then the humans will be my slaves. The whole world is mine." he continued.
"The battle is over, and I won. You lost everything, are you the ones the people of your city call heroes?" he asked.
"Heroes....." Vita uttered softly.
"Oh? The little girl still has courage to stand up? How wonderful." Mnemos said.
"What are you.....doing, Vita?" I uttered.
"If Serus were awake, he would tell us that we're nothing but frauds, and I agree to him as well."
"What are you saying?" dad asked her.
"If we are heroes, then we shouldn't give a damn about giving up to someone this evil. We are heroes, not cowards." Vita said courageously.
"Such an amazing ideal and mindset, Vita. But I'm afraid that won't last long."
Mnemos tried to attack her, but a loud clang waved instead.
"You've angered so many of the souls that appreciated me." Mason countered with his dual-swords.
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"We've been holding back since the beginning. The souls are excited to torture this man." he replied.
"Noxia Fatum: Spirit." he finally cast his Zenith. His eyes turned to glowing, emerald green, and his swords turned to green diamond-like structure. His aura's bursting with green energies.
"Time to take your soul." he rushed and plunged onto Mnemos, and hit him directly.
The battle went on, and this time, we will join too. All activated their Zeniths, except me and Vita. They all charged at Mnemos with rage and courage combined.
"Doppio Identica!" I created illusions of me, that can confuse the enemy. The clones also have my abilities as well.
"ENOUGH!" Mnemos blasted all of us out of the field. We were exhausted, and some of us are out of stamina to continue.
"Your heroic acts are admirable, but your strength to maximize them are far away from perfect." Mnemos spoke.
"I changed my mind. You're just going to be a pain in the ass if I made you my servants. I'll just give you the same fate like Serus had." he gathered cosmic energies into his hand and blasted it onto us.
A minute or second could have killed us by that time, but the cosmic sphere just disappeared. Out of nowhere, Serus floated from his ground. Unharmed, and no signs of burns or whatsoever. But I can sense his great amount of agony, sorrow, pain, and especially rage. The Phoenix is his most beloved creature, and it was taken from him in just one stab to the heart. How can he moved with his heart damaged?
"S-S-Serus?" Mnemos turned from a tyrannical man, to a scared boy.
"You have angered the Deity-Master. His personality, his memories, everything that he loved the most." mixed voices uttered with wrath in their hearts. Are these the other creatures Serus was talking about?
"Why am I so afraid? I can just kill you again." Mnemos recklessly approached him.
"What?" Serus, or maybe the angry creatures inside of him, pushed Mnemos far, far into the sky, then crashed him onto the ground.
"What happened to Serus? He's like a.....different person." Grey asked.
"The rage of the creatures inside of him is tremendous." dad explained.
"Put out one of the creatures, and the others will be enraged."
Serus smashed Mnemos' body repeatedly, then crashed him into every mountain possible. I can see the face of Mnemos trembling, and can't focus on Serus because of the fear he has right now. Lightning bolted onto him, unknown portals came upcoming transporting him into every part of the vicinity, and storm surges came and hurled him.
"No, I won't let you do it! NO!" Mnemos was then sucked into the portal.
Serus was the cause of all this terrifying events. His numb-looking face, his black-painted eyes , and his dark aura that horrifies us, already defeated Mnemos. He hurled him into a portal, and nowhere to be seen again. Serus slowly came down, while his rage is gradually draining. He lied down, unconscious.
We ran to him, and carried him to our home along with Alicia. Arlo recovered both Alicia and Serus' bodies, but no matter what we do, we can't wake up Serus. When Alicia was fully recovered from her injuries, she tried to use her electric powers to use the neural impulses and wake Serus up. Me and Mason strove to waking him by evoking his inner conscience, both mind and soul. As we enter his inner conscience, all we see is a slow-paced collapsing dome of blackness. We came across the inner creatures within him instead.
"Leviathan." I invoked his name.
"You wish to speak with me, Beatrix Fatum? Oh, you brought your brother as well." the Leviathan replied.
"The souls are saying that you need to wake Serus up, or they'll rally up their phantasmal powers against you." Mason's secretly clenching his fist.
"What my bro means to say is, why isn't Serus waking up?" I asked.
"The Phoenix has been vanquished from existence. Duskaea's life-force comes from the Phoenix as well. If the Phoenix was destroyed or vanished from Duskaea's life form, the soul of Duskaea is forced to move to a new host along with us, his creatures." Leviathan explained.
"You mean the true death of Serus." I became more worried, I continuously think of how to save him.
"Is there anything we can do to save him?" I continued.
"Unless the Phoenix is found or revived, we will continue on. The life of Serus Desperia was merely an insignificance." Leviathan uttered.
"Serus is the reason you remembered all your memories. Why can't you reconsider?"
"Beatrix, his soul is slowly fading." Mason told me.
"Please, Leviathan."
"I will try to reason with our superior."
"Superior? You mean Duskaea?" I asked.
"No, Duskaea is the soul we are protecting, and one of us is assigned to lead us. We were all asleep when we transferred into a new body, so as our superior. He was just awakened now, when he was disturbed by the vanishing of the Phoenix." Leviathan explained.
"Why do you keep going on finding new hosts?" I asked, concernedly.
"The Phoenix isn't just any creature. The Phoenix is called the 'Bird of Rebirth' for the sole reason of being inside every human's soul. The only thing needed to do is to awaken it by the human, and that's where our presence is crucially a necessity. The true power of Duskaea was to enhance, awaken, and anything associated with the act of giving power. And that's how the Phoenix inside Serus was awakened.
"You mean Serus' soul and his Phoenix are entwined together. If the Phoenix vanished, his life-force would instantly drain to nothing."
"That's the precise explanation of it. You need to leave this place."
"Please talk to your superior."
"I will, now go." we left his inner conscience.
Few weeks have passed, and Serus is still in a coma. But a day came where he finally got up, that made all of us gasped, and some of us hugged him, especially Grey.
"Serus, you're back!" Grey cried her joyful tears of seeing Serus walk again.
"Oh, that's no problem, Grey." he hugged her back.
"Whoa, aren't you too sweet now, Serus?" I told him.
"Why do you keep calling me Serus?" he asked.
"What? That's your name." I replied.
"His soul is different....he's back." Mason spoke.
"Who's..." I looked at his mind, and it is true, he is back.
"Duskaea!" we hugged him.
"Duskaea?" Grey was surprised. Her face frowned.
"Told ya I'll be back."
"You've been far too gone, Duskaea. We missed you." Oceane uttered.
"Duskaea? You mean the one who gave us our powers?" Vita uttered.
"Oh, sorry for the disrespect sir, this is Vita, our newest sibling." Arlo said.
"Oh, that's fine. I'm interested in this strong, little girl. I saw Serus' memories, and she have a unimaginable talent." Duskaea touched Vita's cheek, and smiled.
"You've been missed, Duskaea. Our plan was never executed." my dad said.
"Well, now that I'm here, and Mnemos is out of our way. We can execute the plan."
"We're already in!" I said. Everyone of us already knew this 'plan' their talking about, except Vita and Grey, since they're too fragile and weak.
"What is this plan?" Grey asked.
"Well, first, do you wanna join?" Blaze asked her.
"Not unless I have the idea of it." she replied.
"World domination." Duskaea answered.
"You're crazy. We are heroes, we help people, not conquer their willpower." Grey angrily said.
"I am with big sis Grey." Vita stood with her.
"If that's your choice, so be it. Just so you know, Serus' soul is no more, and I'm the new owner of this body."
"You bastard!" Grey tried to attack Duskaea, but Arlo punched her before she landed a hit on him.
"Grey, please, understand this."
"No. Now I know why Mom left." Grey said. Mom never left though, she was kidnapped.
"Left? But she was kidnapped. Are you hiding something from us, Grey?" our dad asked.
"If I am hiding something, I better not tell you. We will leave this place, and not join your plan anymore. Your plan sucks, and this 'world domination' thing is bullshit. We are heroes, not villains." Grey said.
"Who told you that nonsense? We were never heroes! I was never a hero. A hero was the one Serus defeated weeks ago. Mnemos." Duskaea explained.
"What?" Vita was shocked.
"Heroes are weak, and fragile. Look at you, you look pale, useless, and impotent. While us, we are perfection." Duskaea continued.
"Return Serus back!" Vita threw a tantrum.
"Put them to the Dark Forest of the Emdelion Clan. Let them decay there." Duskaea ordered. As much as I want to help them, I can't. Duskaea is too powerful for me to handle.
"No! NO!" Grey and Vita was thrown in a portal created by Duskaea that leads to the Dark Forest of the Emdelion Clan.
"They will learn. Don't worry about them." Duskaea patted all of us, with that scary smile on his face. I am trembling just by being touched by him.
"Now, let us execute the plan. A new world will be born. And I am its god. It's just a shame that Mnemos defied me when I gave him a chance to revive me, but he wanted me to fail as well. All his efforts to make you and the Telums fight went from something to nothing. But that doesn't matter now. My domination will begin soon." Duskaea continued, and smiled. He gave me this eerie feeling that made my skin crawl.
Years have passed, and every time we defeated an army of pure heroes, I felt weaker and weaker. This thing we're doing, I hate it. I lived to save people, not control them. But I can't, Duskaea's too powerful for me.
Within ten years, we conquered the world. Duskaea became more and more ambitious, and despair-inducing. His terrifying aura always haunts me every now and then. The poor people I killed just because they don't want to submit to the rule of Duskaea are haunting me. My body always shivers whenever I kill one. I can't live on with this life. I need to save Grey and Vita, and hopefully find a new savior.
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