Duskaea and the Fatum Family
2 Chapter 2: "You are a Superhero"
Well, this is awkward. Beatrix, the blonde girl, invited me into their home. In there I saw her siblings, I assume.
"Hey, guys! Meet our cook, and let him introduce himself to us." she told her siblings, there were three of them. One is like a ten-year old girl with black hair, another is the boy who is maybe also at my age like Beatrix, and the other has her hair dyed blue, and I think she's also at my age.
"Big sis, I assume you already know him? After all, you could read minds and stuff." the little girl said.
Beatrix hushed her sister in a funny way.
"Don't say that. I mean, I already know, but I want to respect the guy." Beatrix actually said that. I guess that's nice.
"You do know I'm still here right?" I uttered with my arms crossed.
"Oh, sorry sir. That's just my thing. I can read or control the thoughts of others, but please you can properly introduce yourself to us." she replied with a smile.
"Fine. I'm---" I was intervened.
"Serus D. Desperia" a girl's voice uttered from upstairs. She is stepping down now. At the moment she revealed herself, why would I be surprised. It was her.
"Grey! Why did you interrupt our guest?! He was already onto it." Beatrix yelled at Grey.
"Sorry, Serus. I suppose you already met our boyish Grey?" Beatrix asked, but I know she already knew it. I didn't even introduce where I study or where I live.
"Yes, we actually became 'friends', big sis." Grey uttered to Beatrix.
"Wait, you just called her 'big sis'? I thought you were all quadruplets, except this little girl." I am filled with confusion.
"We'll explain that later. After all, you're the first normal human who came into our house, so why not tell right? Beatrix said.
"The word "normal" is quite insulting, but okay." I uttered.
"We'll introduce ourselves first before you start working. I am Beatrix N. Fatum as I told you earlier outside. I specialize at manipulating minds, projecting psychic energy, and can also create illusions. Basically, I almost specialize all mind powers. Done!" She introduced herself cheerfully.
"I'm the little girl you're talking about, and I'm also strong. I am Vita N. Fatum. My powers are all about weapons, only weapons, but I'm still strong!" The little girl is cute, but I still hate superheroes.
"Hello human, I am Mason N. Fatum. I'm not really proud in anything, but my powers specialize in soul manipulating, sealing, summoning, and projecting energy from those too. That's all." No wonder he is dull. I thought superheroes are always lively. I guess this guy's interesting.
"I'm Oceane N. Fatum. I think my powers is already obvious from my name, but I'll still say it cause why not? My powers focus on manipulating water and its matter phases. I could turn it to ice and water vapor." She has calm voice just like the sea. Why am I so interested in this?
"And you?" I looked at Grey, teasing her with a dumb question.
"You already know me." She replied.
"But not your powers." I answered back.
"Fine, I am Grey N. Fatum, and I don't possess any powers." She said.
"Wait, what?" I am thunderstruck. She has no powers. How can that be possible? They're family right, that means she also had their genes.
"Happy now?" She said sarcastically. She stomped her way upstairs.
"Let her be, I'll explain later what happened to her." Beatrix told me, and guided me to the kitchen.
It is full of many useful equipment, even the expensive ones. I could even see a knife made out of gold. Literally.
"I can't believe I am going to say this, but you have a gorgeous kitchen." I can't believe I just praised a superhero's kitchen.
"Yep, my father bought these for my mother. She cherished this because of her love for cooking, and of course, I already tried her food. It's terrific!" she uttered.
"I guess my cooking will change those taste buds. I'm bad at cooking, but it's what I learned. I can't have things greater than that." I replied.
"Don't be like that, we didn't even tried your food yet. So, don't be bothered okay? I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll be going at my friend's house, see you later. Have fun with my siblings, they're fun to be with."
I looked at Mason sitting on the bench, staring into nothingness. "Yeah, 'fun'." I uttered while looking at him. Beatrix went out from the house, and started to walk her way to her friends' house.
I will really like to mind my own business, but my guts tells me to try and talk to them. I tried talking to them one-by-one. I approached Vita first, since she's cute and pretty too.
"Hey Vita! What are you doing?" I approached her sitting on the couch.
"Playing." She said while focused on the screen, playing a PSP gadget.
"What game?" I asked.
"Tekken. It's really fun beating up bad guys, y'know." she replied.
"Yeah, I'll be back later." I shivered from that. How can ten-year old kids say that? I mean, she's a superhero, but that's just too much. I approached Oceane next.
She stood at their aquarium while playing with the fishes inside it. She's having fun in her own way, and it's quite calming too.
"Tranquil isn't it?" She asked me.
"Yes. I still can't believe that I'm calmed, even though I'm surrounded with people that I hate." I uttered.
"Maybe it's time to calm the storm then?" She said in a serene voice. That almost got me. She was so serene that I almost got the guts to like them.
"Yeah, no. I'll leave you to it." well, I'm not going to talk to her again. It's like she's seducing me into liking superheroes, but I will never do that if I stayed away from her.
I approached Mason. This guy's interesting, yet he's somehow terrifying to talk with. I mean, who will not be terrified to talk to a soul-keeper, right?
"Have you ever heard voices in your head telling you their dark secrets?" He started the talk.
"Uhm, no?" I answered.
"They're quite deafening, even though they're dead. Some of their secrets hold the truth about some people." he looked at me after uttering those words. I can't talk, he's terrifying to look at. Those purple eyes of his are so tedious that he might do some harmful thing to me.
"But that doesn't mean it's already you, Serus. There are still other people on this world, so don't burden it." He said. I'm a little relieved.
"But one question though. Why do you hate us, or superheroes?" he actually asked it.
"I think you already know, since you talk to souls and stuff." I replied.
"That's weird." he says.
"What's weird?" I asked him.
"I did ask information about you, about why you hate us. The souls I'm talking to can read people's thoughts and memories, but they say something's odd about it." he said.
"O-okay. I'll just cook some ham for the dinner l-later." my body is chilling because of what he said.
"Well, a simple dish would be nice." Oceane says from the distance.
I walked towards the kitchen. I grabbed some tomatoes, lettuce, and some slices of cheese, but I still can't find the ham.
"Do you guys have any ham?" I asked.
"There's no ham yet, big bro Serus." Vita yelled while she was at the living room. The living room is a bit far away from the kitchen, and I even asked that question in a real, low voice. I guess it's one of their powers, you know, enhanced hearing.
"I'll buy some at the nearby market." I told them.
"Don't mind it, Serus. I told Beatrix to buy some ham before going home." Mason said.
"Oh, I'll just wait here then."
"Why don't you go upstairs and talk to Grey? She might be waiting for you." Oceane uttered calmly.
"How do you know I was worried?" I asked.
"It's a girl thing, Serus. We somehow know how people feel about a situation, now go up, we'll call you when Beatrix came." she answered.
"Fine, but keep my worries a secret." I told Oceane.
"Promise." her voice is serene. If she was a seducer, I can possibly be seduced right now.
I'm worried about Grey, and guilty about what I did too. I walked upstairs and up there are rooms accompanied by a long corridor. Each door had their names on it. There are four rooms at each side. The fourth door near the stairs on the left side is Grey's room. I knocked first.
"Who is it?" she asked.
"Your so-called friend?" I replied.
"Stay out!" she yelled.
"Fine. I mean, no! Let me in, I want to talk." I responded.
"Talk about what? My "powers" again?! I think not!" she is serious about being mad.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I became insensitive to that kind of stuff." I apologized from the bottom of my heart. I still can't believe that I'm apologizing to a hero.
"What did you say?" she asked again.
"I said I'm sorry." I replied back. She opened the door. Her grey hair is messy, her eyes looks like it released some tears.
"How insensitive, Serus." I thought to myself.
"Hey, umm.... I'm sorry about asking that." I started.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. You just triggered me that's all." she replied.
"That's why I felt insecurity in you from the first day of school." I said.
"Now, you know. I guess we could already spill some secrets then. Since we already know each other's feelings towards one another." she said.
"Says the one who's angry about revealing secrets." I replied, then we both laughed at each other. There came a knock on the door, then opened. It is Oceane.
"Beatrix is back." she said.
"Oh well, go cook now, you food-head. We still need to eat. I'll just prepare my stuff."Grey patted me on the back to say it's time for me to go. This time she smiled at me, and that is the first time she did that.
I went downstairs with Oceane, and there stood the three siblings.
Beatrix approached me. "Here's the ham, Serus!" she gave me the ham joyfully.
I went to the kitchen and got some loaf bread.
I did the common ham sandwich that sir. Ryan used to make me during our lunch. A bed of lettuce on the bottom bread, the freshly-cooked ham, a slice of cheese on top of it and finally the top bread. The bread is the reason why this sandwich is special. It is a toasted garlic bread. But still, I can't believe this. Me, serving the heroes. I'm supposed to hate them and such, but none of those were followed.
I prepared the sandwiches with a side-dish of mashed potato on the dining table.
"Hey, it's ready guys! Come eat." I called them.
They started rush onto the table, and sit on the chairs, ready to chomp.
"This smells good, sir. Serus!" Vita cheered.
"Get some now, or else I might change my mind and eat those." I jested.
They started to get some sandwiches from the plate, and served themselves some mashed potato.
"This is relaxing to eat. The herbs in the mashed potato have its amazing blend with it." Oceane said. I am flattered, but I can't show it.
"I'll wash the plates later. It's my turn they said." Mason uttered. I am not going to ask who "they" are. It's creepy.
I can see them smiling at each other, talking about funny stuff. They laugh. I don't want to eat with them. It's disgraceful for a worker to eat with their employers. Unless they're invited to eat with them.
"Eat with us, Serus." Grey invited me in. I guess I should. It's even more disgraceful to turn down an invitation. I ate with the ones who I hate. I can't believe that I'm actually having fun with them. I guess this really is a family. I wish I could feel it with them too.
"Your thoughts are loud, Serus. Don't be sad anymore, we can be your family." I guess Beatrix already read my thoughts while I uttered those words.
"Fine, but for only this week." I said.
"Yey!" they all cheered.
We all cleaned ourselves. Mason washed the dishes already, I cleaned the table, and the girls already went upstairs. I also went upstairs after cleaning the whole living room. There's a room with my name on it. I never saw it before, but I guess superheroes have a "super-home" too. The room appeared at the right side of the corridor.
"Good night, Serus!" they all yelled cheerfully.
I guess this is not as awkward as I anticipated. It's a little nice though. I feel calm, and relieved. Tomorrow will be another day.
I woke up in midst of the day.
"I'm late!" I snatched my clothes and wear it quickly. It's already twelve noon, I need to cook! I ran downstairs. I see them sitting on the couch, unusually quiet. They looked at me with fear in the eyes. I can sense it.
"What happened?" I asked them.
"Our parents, they need our help." Grey said, trembling.
"Then why don't you help them? I can guard this house for a while." I said.
"No, you don't understand. We are weak, we still didn't master our powers. We can't help them." Grey said anxiously.
"I thought you were a family of superheroes." I said.
"Yes, we are." Mason replied.
"No, you're a bunch of cowards waiting for help that only you could've done." I said.
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They were all quiet.
"You said you are superheroes. Why don't you show me how one is supposed to act? Help other people, even if you know the risks. That's what true superheroes do!" I yelled at them.
"He's right. We're the only ones who could help them. Our brothers, Arlo and Blaze are busy with protecting the city, so we can't disturb them from that." Oceane said.
"Alright! Change your clothes and all, cause we're now going to fight our first battle." Beatrix announced.
"You'll be coming with us sir. Serus!" said Vita.
"Huh? I don't have powers, and plus I'll just be a burden to your battle against that villain." I replied.
"That's true. You don't possess any special power." said Mason.
"But you have what we didn't have as heroes." Grey continued.
"What then?" I asked.
"Bravery" they all said at once with rising passion.
"That's why you're going with us at the battle. Now, you are a superhero." Beatrix patted me on both shoulders as if honoring me to join them.
"This is debatable." I said.
"No, you're going with us, Serus. This is the only way you could have peace with me." Grey said.
"Fine." I replied, and now I'm going to a death trip.
"Hold my hands tight." said Mason.
"I'll be transporting us through soul energy, therefore you should close your eyes when I told you to, and open them as I told you too. Get ready." we held Mason's hands tight. Green, sparkly dust started to surround us as if covering us from the world outside.
"Close your eyes." said Mason. We did as he said it. All I heard is just silence, but it's ironically loud.
"Open your eyes. We're in our destination." he said. I see mountain ranges where trees grew on it. I can see the seaside too, it's quite beautiful. The ground was full of beautiful flowers too. It's like I don't even want to step on it.
"We got company!" announced Vita. This might be my ultimate, messy experience.
"Hey, guys! Meet our cook, and let him introduce himself to us." she told her siblings, there were three of them. One is like a ten-year old girl with black hair, another is the boy who is maybe also at my age like Beatrix, and the other has her hair dyed blue, and I think she's also at my age.
"Big sis, I assume you already know him? After all, you could read minds and stuff." the little girl said.
Beatrix hushed her sister in a funny way.
"Don't say that. I mean, I already know, but I want to respect the guy." Beatrix actually said that. I guess that's nice.
"You do know I'm still here right?" I uttered with my arms crossed.
"Oh, sorry sir. That's just my thing. I can read or control the thoughts of others, but please you can properly introduce yourself to us." she replied with a smile.
"Fine. I'm---" I was intervened.
"Serus D. Desperia" a girl's voice uttered from upstairs. She is stepping down now. At the moment she revealed herself, why would I be surprised. It was her.
"Grey! Why did you interrupt our guest?! He was already onto it." Beatrix yelled at Grey.
"Sorry, Serus. I suppose you already met our boyish Grey?" Beatrix asked, but I know she already knew it. I didn't even introduce where I study or where I live.
"Yes, we actually became 'friends', big sis." Grey uttered to Beatrix.
"Wait, you just called her 'big sis'? I thought you were all quadruplets, except this little girl." I am filled with confusion.
"We'll explain that later. After all, you're the first normal human who came into our house, so why not tell right? Beatrix said.
"The word "normal" is quite insulting, but okay." I uttered.
"We'll introduce ourselves first before you start working. I am Beatrix N. Fatum as I told you earlier outside. I specialize at manipulating minds, projecting psychic energy, and can also create illusions. Basically, I almost specialize all mind powers. Done!" She introduced herself cheerfully.
"I'm the little girl you're talking about, and I'm also strong. I am Vita N. Fatum. My powers are all about weapons, only weapons, but I'm still strong!" The little girl is cute, but I still hate superheroes.
"Hello human, I am Mason N. Fatum. I'm not really proud in anything, but my powers specialize in soul manipulating, sealing, summoning, and projecting energy from those too. That's all." No wonder he is dull. I thought superheroes are always lively. I guess this guy's interesting.
"I'm Oceane N. Fatum. I think my powers is already obvious from my name, but I'll still say it cause why not? My powers focus on manipulating water and its matter phases. I could turn it to ice and water vapor." She has calm voice just like the sea. Why am I so interested in this?
"And you?" I looked at Grey, teasing her with a dumb question.
"You already know me." She replied.
"But not your powers." I answered back.
"Fine, I am Grey N. Fatum, and I don't possess any powers." She said.
"Wait, what?" I am thunderstruck. She has no powers. How can that be possible? They're family right, that means she also had their genes.
"Happy now?" She said sarcastically. She stomped her way upstairs.
"Let her be, I'll explain later what happened to her." Beatrix told me, and guided me to the kitchen.
It is full of many useful equipment, even the expensive ones. I could even see a knife made out of gold. Literally.
"I can't believe I am going to say this, but you have a gorgeous kitchen." I can't believe I just praised a superhero's kitchen.
"Yep, my father bought these for my mother. She cherished this because of her love for cooking, and of course, I already tried her food. It's terrific!" she uttered.
"I guess my cooking will change those taste buds. I'm bad at cooking, but it's what I learned. I can't have things greater than that." I replied.
"Don't be like that, we didn't even tried your food yet. So, don't be bothered okay? I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll be going at my friend's house, see you later. Have fun with my siblings, they're fun to be with."
I looked at Mason sitting on the bench, staring into nothingness. "Yeah, 'fun'." I uttered while looking at him. Beatrix went out from the house, and started to walk her way to her friends' house.
I will really like to mind my own business, but my guts tells me to try and talk to them. I tried talking to them one-by-one. I approached Vita first, since she's cute and pretty too.
"Hey Vita! What are you doing?" I approached her sitting on the couch.
"Playing." She said while focused on the screen, playing a PSP gadget.
"What game?" I asked.
"Tekken. It's really fun beating up bad guys, y'know." she replied.
"Yeah, I'll be back later." I shivered from that. How can ten-year old kids say that? I mean, she's a superhero, but that's just too much. I approached Oceane next.
She stood at their aquarium while playing with the fishes inside it. She's having fun in her own way, and it's quite calming too.
"Tranquil isn't it?" She asked me.
"Yes. I still can't believe that I'm calmed, even though I'm surrounded with people that I hate." I uttered.
"Maybe it's time to calm the storm then?" She said in a serene voice. That almost got me. She was so serene that I almost got the guts to like them.
"Yeah, no. I'll leave you to it." well, I'm not going to talk to her again. It's like she's seducing me into liking superheroes, but I will never do that if I stayed away from her.
I approached Mason. This guy's interesting, yet he's somehow terrifying to talk with. I mean, who will not be terrified to talk to a soul-keeper, right?
"Have you ever heard voices in your head telling you their dark secrets?" He started the talk.
"Uhm, no?" I answered.
"They're quite deafening, even though they're dead. Some of their secrets hold the truth about some people." he looked at me after uttering those words. I can't talk, he's terrifying to look at. Those purple eyes of his are so tedious that he might do some harmful thing to me.
"But that doesn't mean it's already you, Serus. There are still other people on this world, so don't burden it." He said. I'm a little relieved.
"But one question though. Why do you hate us, or superheroes?" he actually asked it.
"I think you already know, since you talk to souls and stuff." I replied.
"That's weird." he says.
"What's weird?" I asked him.
"I did ask information about you, about why you hate us. The souls I'm talking to can read people's thoughts and memories, but they say something's odd about it." he said.
"O-okay. I'll just cook some ham for the dinner l-later." my body is chilling because of what he said.
"Well, a simple dish would be nice." Oceane says from the distance.
I walked towards the kitchen. I grabbed some tomatoes, lettuce, and some slices of cheese, but I still can't find the ham.
"Do you guys have any ham?" I asked.
"There's no ham yet, big bro Serus." Vita yelled while she was at the living room. The living room is a bit far away from the kitchen, and I even asked that question in a real, low voice. I guess it's one of their powers, you know, enhanced hearing.
"I'll buy some at the nearby market." I told them.
"Don't mind it, Serus. I told Beatrix to buy some ham before going home." Mason said.
"Oh, I'll just wait here then."
"Why don't you go upstairs and talk to Grey? She might be waiting for you." Oceane uttered calmly.
"How do you know I was worried?" I asked.
"It's a girl thing, Serus. We somehow know how people feel about a situation, now go up, we'll call you when Beatrix came." she answered.
"Fine, but keep my worries a secret." I told Oceane.
"Promise." her voice is serene. If she was a seducer, I can possibly be seduced right now.
I'm worried about Grey, and guilty about what I did too. I walked upstairs and up there are rooms accompanied by a long corridor. Each door had their names on it. There are four rooms at each side. The fourth door near the stairs on the left side is Grey's room. I knocked first.
"Who is it?" she asked.
"Your so-called friend?" I replied.
"Stay out!" she yelled.
"Fine. I mean, no! Let me in, I want to talk." I responded.
"Talk about what? My "powers" again?! I think not!" she is serious about being mad.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I became insensitive to that kind of stuff." I apologized from the bottom of my heart. I still can't believe that I'm apologizing to a hero.
"What did you say?" she asked again.
"I said I'm sorry." I replied back. She opened the door. Her grey hair is messy, her eyes looks like it released some tears.
"How insensitive, Serus." I thought to myself.
"Hey, umm.... I'm sorry about asking that." I started.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. You just triggered me that's all." she replied.
"That's why I felt insecurity in you from the first day of school." I said.
"Now, you know. I guess we could already spill some secrets then. Since we already know each other's feelings towards one another." she said.
"Says the one who's angry about revealing secrets." I replied, then we both laughed at each other. There came a knock on the door, then opened. It is Oceane.
"Beatrix is back." she said.
"Oh well, go cook now, you food-head. We still need to eat. I'll just prepare my stuff."Grey patted me on the back to say it's time for me to go. This time she smiled at me, and that is the first time she did that.
I went downstairs with Oceane, and there stood the three siblings.
Beatrix approached me. "Here's the ham, Serus!" she gave me the ham joyfully.
I went to the kitchen and got some loaf bread.
I did the common ham sandwich that sir. Ryan used to make me during our lunch. A bed of lettuce on the bottom bread, the freshly-cooked ham, a slice of cheese on top of it and finally the top bread. The bread is the reason why this sandwich is special. It is a toasted garlic bread. But still, I can't believe this. Me, serving the heroes. I'm supposed to hate them and such, but none of those were followed.
I prepared the sandwiches with a side-dish of mashed potato on the dining table.
"Hey, it's ready guys! Come eat." I called them.
They started rush onto the table, and sit on the chairs, ready to chomp.
"This smells good, sir. Serus!" Vita cheered.
"Get some now, or else I might change my mind and eat those." I jested.
They started to get some sandwiches from the plate, and served themselves some mashed potato.
"This is relaxing to eat. The herbs in the mashed potato have its amazing blend with it." Oceane said. I am flattered, but I can't show it.
"I'll wash the plates later. It's my turn they said." Mason uttered. I am not going to ask who "they" are. It's creepy.
I can see them smiling at each other, talking about funny stuff. They laugh. I don't want to eat with them. It's disgraceful for a worker to eat with their employers. Unless they're invited to eat with them.
"Eat with us, Serus." Grey invited me in. I guess I should. It's even more disgraceful to turn down an invitation. I ate with the ones who I hate. I can't believe that I'm actually having fun with them. I guess this really is a family. I wish I could feel it with them too.
"Your thoughts are loud, Serus. Don't be sad anymore, we can be your family." I guess Beatrix already read my thoughts while I uttered those words.
"Fine, but for only this week." I said.
"Yey!" they all cheered.
We all cleaned ourselves. Mason washed the dishes already, I cleaned the table, and the girls already went upstairs. I also went upstairs after cleaning the whole living room. There's a room with my name on it. I never saw it before, but I guess superheroes have a "super-home" too. The room appeared at the right side of the corridor.
"Good night, Serus!" they all yelled cheerfully.
I guess this is not as awkward as I anticipated. It's a little nice though. I feel calm, and relieved. Tomorrow will be another day.
I woke up in midst of the day.
"I'm late!" I snatched my clothes and wear it quickly. It's already twelve noon, I need to cook! I ran downstairs. I see them sitting on the couch, unusually quiet. They looked at me with fear in the eyes. I can sense it.
"What happened?" I asked them.
"Our parents, they need our help." Grey said, trembling.
"Then why don't you help them? I can guard this house for a while." I said.
"No, you don't understand. We are weak, we still didn't master our powers. We can't help them." Grey said anxiously.
"I thought you were a family of superheroes." I said.
"Yes, we are." Mason replied.
"No, you're a bunch of cowards waiting for help that only you could've done." I said.
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They were all quiet.
"You said you are superheroes. Why don't you show me how one is supposed to act? Help other people, even if you know the risks. That's what true superheroes do!" I yelled at them.
"He's right. We're the only ones who could help them. Our brothers, Arlo and Blaze are busy with protecting the city, so we can't disturb them from that." Oceane said.
"Alright! Change your clothes and all, cause we're now going to fight our first battle." Beatrix announced.
"You'll be coming with us sir. Serus!" said Vita.
"Huh? I don't have powers, and plus I'll just be a burden to your battle against that villain." I replied.
"That's true. You don't possess any special power." said Mason.
"But you have what we didn't have as heroes." Grey continued.
"What then?" I asked.
"Bravery" they all said at once with rising passion.
"That's why you're going with us at the battle. Now, you are a superhero." Beatrix patted me on both shoulders as if honoring me to join them.
"This is debatable." I said.
"No, you're going with us, Serus. This is the only way you could have peace with me." Grey said.
"Fine." I replied, and now I'm going to a death trip.
"Hold my hands tight." said Mason.
"I'll be transporting us through soul energy, therefore you should close your eyes when I told you to, and open them as I told you too. Get ready." we held Mason's hands tight. Green, sparkly dust started to surround us as if covering us from the world outside.
"Close your eyes." said Mason. We did as he said it. All I heard is just silence, but it's ironically loud.
"Open your eyes. We're in our destination." he said. I see mountain ranges where trees grew on it. I can see the seaside too, it's quite beautiful. The ground was full of beautiful flowers too. It's like I don't even want to step on it.
"We got company!" announced Vita. This might be my ultimate, messy experience.
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