A week later, Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya were sent to school by Chu Rong himself.

When other parents at the school gate sent their children to participate in the graduation exam, they were dazzled when they saw Chu Rong. They were stunned for a few seconds before realizing that the Marshal who hadn’t shown up for almost half a year actually appeared in public!

A miracle!

A scare!

An absolutely shocking news! 

That’s half a year, not half a month! If it wasn’t for Chu Huai’s frequent mention of Chu Rong, and rumors about Chu Rong leaked out from time to time from the Yuan family, they would almost have thought that the Marshal had actually died! 

Lieutenant General Yuan, who specially found time to send Yuan Xiu to participate in the training, was the first to come over to say hello. He asked with sincere concern, “Marshal Chu, how are you? I heard from Chairman Chu that you are going back to the military headquarters recently. Are you in good health?”

“Thank you for your concern, it’s all right now,” When Chu Rong faced Lieutenant General Yuan, his aura became much gentler. He greeted the older man kindly. 

They walked side-by-side to chat, while Yuan Xiu took the opportunity to get close to Chu Yan. He greeted Qiao Zhiya first, and then said excitedly, “Hey, guess who the mecha master I bring this time! It’s Ning Kongran!! He actually volunteered, and even equipped my mecha with his graduation results in advance. The effect is really amazing!” 

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s expression changed, and he almost jumped up in surprise. He said anxiously, “Ning Kongran? What is the Ning family doing? They are not going to continue their absolute neutrality stance? Are the Ning family crazy??” 

Everyone knows that the Yuan family is a staunch supporter of the Chu family. Now, the eldest grandson of the Ning family is with Yuan Xiu, isn’t this putting the Chu family on fire? Do they think the current situation in the Federation is not lively enough??

“It’s unbelievable, I know,” Yuan Xiu pulled him back. He pouted in a certain direction, and said in a low voice, “Xiang Kun went to help Liu Hongzi again. I heard that Liu Hongzi is now supported by the Wei family, as one of their cultivated mecha fighters.” 

Chu Yan was busy collecting news about the Star Sand, and he hadn’t confronted Xiang Kun for a while. It was only natural that he didn’t know about this. Chu Yan looked at the direction Yuan Xiu pointed, and sure enough, he found Xiang Kun. He wailed in pure reflex, feeling a pounding headache forming. “It’s over, he came here too. Fuck, he definitely have tricks up his sleeves!” 

As if sensing their gaze, Xiang Kun also turned his head to look over. Weirdly, he didn’t come over to jab at him. Instead of staring at his long-time nemesis Chu Yan, he shifted his gaze towards Qiao Zhiya instead. He paused for a few seconds, his face completely without anger nor joy, then turned his head again.

Chu Yan: “???” 

‘What the fuck is wrong Xiang Kun’s reaction? Why does it feel weird?’

“Look at his reaction, doesn’t it seem like he’s crazy?” Yuan Xiu poked him.

Chu Yan frowned deeply, and nodded in agreement. “Not only that…” 

–This reaction didn’t look like he’s going crazy, but rather like he was bewitched.

While they were chatting, Ning Kongran finally arrived. Before they had time to say hello, the teacher began to count the number of people and arranged for the students to get on the bus and set off to the port.

After getting in the bus and sitting firmly, Qiao Zhiya leaned out the window to look at Chu Rong standing outside. He was full of reluctance to be separated. “After I leave, will you go back to work at the military headquarters?” 

“Yes,” Chu Rong nodded as he rubbed Qiao Zhiya’s newly-cut bangs. He resisted his desire to kiss the youth’s forehead. “I’ve been on vacation for so long, and it’s time to go and have a look. You and Xiao Yan should be safe outside, and someone will be there when you arrive. Don’t forget to contact me and be safe, understand?” 

Qiao Zhiya nodded obediently. He leaned out and stretched out his arms to hug him. Once in the Marshal’s embrace, he tilted his head and rested it comfortably against his shoulder, ears fluttering and dropping down. He whispered with a tone full of sulkiness. “You should also pay attention to rest. The power of the flesh of the stone has not been fully digested, so you can’t be careless… I will miss you.” 

He also needed to get the materials. He will try his best to bring them back. 

Chu Rong returned the hug, patting the back of Qiao Zhiya’s head. He then let go of his hand and helped him to sit back properly, then looked at Chu Yan next to him.

Chu Yan’s mouth twitched, then he leaned forward to give him a perfunctory hug. Just as he was about to let go, he heard a chilling voice next to his ear:,”Don’t mess around, unless…” 

Before he finished speaking, Chu Yan could feel the stab of murderous intent inside these unfinished words. He hurriedly withdrew his arm, knowing that his act of abducting his brother’s little sweetheart had provoked him. He didn’t dare to look Chu Rong in the eyes, and instead hurriedly went to his seat. 

At this time, Yuan Xiu also finished talking with his father. Chu Rong glanced at Ning Kongran, who was quietly sitting in the corner with his head down and holding a book. He frowned, but then looked away.  

Ning Kongran continued to be immersed in the pages of his book, as if he didn’t feel anything. 

The car drove away on time, but the parents around were reluctant to disperse, and communicated with cryptic looks. It’s all purely telepathic.

‘The person who said goodbye to his brother just now with a gentle expression was Marshal Chu?’

‘Yes, yes, look at his white hair. Nobody would mistake him.’

‘So the Marshal’s spiritual power really recovered…?’

Just as they gossiped via their gazes, Chu Rong happened to be passing by with Yuan Lie. His expression was indifferent and irritated, and his aura was terrifying as always. It was enough to drop the temperature around him by three degrees. He looked very unfriendly, as if someone had robbed his wife. 

The parents: “…” So the mildness is really just an illusion.

As Chu Rong boarded his black hover car and went away, they finally came back to their senses. After looking at each other, they all boarded their respective hover cars and took out their communicators.

[Big news! Marshal Chu really recovered! It seems he is preparing to return to the military headquarters!]

In the black hover car, Chu Rong frowned after listening to Yuan Lie’s report. In a deep, authoritative voice, he asked, “The Empire is going to let one of the twins marry into the Federation? Is the source of the news reliable?” 

Yuan Lie nodded, his expression was a little heavy. “The news came from the royal family of the Empire. It is absolutely reliable. Marshal, both Prince Anji and Princess Anlin are only 18 years old. If they marry, they should be wed to the juniors of each family. The most likely candidate is…” 

“You think it’s most likely to be Long Baorou. Now Long Baorou is deprived of the right to join the military. When the President changes, her road to politics will become tortuous. Marriage is always a good way to forge strong political bonds. However, her condition shouldn’t match with Prince Anji, so this should be impossible.” Chu Rong analyzed with a dark face.

Then, he pointed to his knees, and said, “So the most likely target is me or the President’s son, Long Xuyang.” 

Yuan Lie nodded and added, “Besides that, I think there’s another likely candidate – Xiang Hui.” 

“No, the Xiang family will not get involved in this trouble. Everyone has watched what happened to the Ning family after their political marriage to the Empire. No one with a brain will want anything to do with the Empire.” Chu Rong shook his head to deny his guess. He fell deep into his thoughts. “It is impossible for the Empire to leak this rumor for no reason. If this marriage fails, the Imperial Royal Family will directly become a joke. They will not do such a stupid thing. It is more likely that the Imperial Family has already reached a consensus with the President.” 

–Moreover, the twins were too young, and they came here under the guise of “student exchange”. So even if they wanted to marry, it’s very likely they’ll get engaged first, and only promised a wedding in five years or so, after their graduation. There were too many variables in this. 

But the news somehow got “leaked”. For Chu Rong, it’s sending the signal that the so-called marriage is only a tool to provoke the tense relationship between the Four Great Families. 

Recently, the President deliberately approached the Chu family and alienated the Xiang and Wei families in a superficial manner. This method was subtle enough to go undetected, but Chu Rong bet that the President actually was sowing seeds of conflict. 

When Yuan Lie was reminded by him, he also grasped the point quickly. “What exactly does His Excellency want to do? He’s too confusing.” 

“He’s getting too greedy,” Chu Rong scoffed. He analyzed the President, then said, “After being in power for so long, it’s getting in his head that he’s the rightful ruler of the Federation. He’s getting drunk with his power. Just wait, the Xiang and Wei families will make him sober up; we can watch them dance about. Also, be prepared, the Empire’s education system is a little different from the Federation’s, so the Prince and Princess are likely to come here earlier.” 

This was also one of the reasons why he didn’t object to Qiao Zhiya and Chu Yan practicing together – trouble is brewing. Qiao Zhiya’s special status in the Chu family was bound to turn a few eyeballs into him. Now that an occasion lets the youth escape from the Empire’s scrutiny, it’s only natural for Chu Rong to fully utilize it. 

Because of Chu Rong’s strong return, a huge wave of buzz spread across both interplanetary civilizations. Meanwhile, Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya, who have already boarded the ship, were still happily planning their graduation experience.

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