
Qiao Zhiya couldn’t help but want to clarify this matter to Master Ren, so he requested a voice call. However, Master Ren hung up directly, and he was given a message stating that he’s currently busy doing experiments and couldn’t accept the communication request. After that, Qiao Zhiya was directly ignored. 

“Master Ren definitely did this deliberately,” Chu Yan pouted, looking at the details of the catalog. “Qiao, I remember Erge said that some of the weapons you make can be sold, and they must be sold under your name. So, is this one of the weapons that can be sold to others?” 

Qiao Zhiya was reminded by him and realized the problem. He shook his head and replied, “No, this one is not for sale. I used not only the secondary-mutated red tin ore, but also the Star Sand. I also added magic power and array when forging. The array is painted on the blade too…” 

Although the effect of the magic might look less obvious thanks to the Star Sand, its power was still visible. Even without the precise data, he knew these twin daggers were, by far, the most powerful weapon he ever made. 

“You also added the Star Sand?” Chu Yan was also surprised. The most powerful thing about this material was it could multiply a certain characteristic – simply put, it’s a powerful natural booster. 

If the secondary-mutated red tin ore was already enough to overturn the sky, then adding the Star Sand was like…

“Oh God…” is all Chu Yan could comment on. 

Qiao Zhiya was also worried, but also, he did not understand why this twin daggers was sold in the first place. “Master Ren… why did he do this? This is not in line with his principle of doing things.”

“It’s also the finale. Generally, the final items are the focus of the publicity of the auction. Customers will pay great attention,” Chu Yan frowned and said suddenly, “Since this is the case, let’s go and take the weapon back! We can’t let it fall into the hands of others! The weapon you made last time can easily penetrate the shell of the ship, then this one… “

Qiao Zhiya suddenly thought of something, and a guess came out in his heart. He embarrassedly said, “Maybe… this weapon is not as powerful as I though…”

“Ah?” Chu Yan turned to look at him, wondering, “Why do you say that?”

Qiao Zhiya’s ears twitched, while his expression became a look of guilt. “The Star Sand that I brought back was mixed with a little of Xiao Hei’s mother’s snake scale. I did it to enhance its appearance… maybe it actually lowered the weapon’s performance, until it was low enough to make Master Ren think it’s okay to sell the weapon.” 


Chu Yan: “…”

He remembered that Xiao Hei’s mother’s skin had already been tested when it was brought back. It was not up to the standard of the materials. The values ​​were all unknown, and the texture was very rough to the touch, just like ordinary snake scales

“But that’s mixed with the Star Sand…” He finally said this sentence dryly.

The Star Sand they brought back wasn’t that much. Qiao Zhiya also got half of it because of Chu Rong’s insistence. 

“I’m sorry…” Qiao Zhiya bowed his head in shame, his fingers clasped into the corners of his clothes, and his face turned red. When he forged the weapon, he remembered that ear kiss again, and when his head was hot, his mind also became muddled.

The two fell silent. In the end, Chu Yan wiped his face, raised his arms on his shoulders, and hurled the invitation, saying, “It’s okay, this isn’t a waste! The daggers are still the finale, so it will sell for quite a profit! You also got two invitation, so definitely not a loss, ah. You can get more Star Sand with potions, so no need to be shy when using it!” 

–Though, the Star Sand was still used by the giant snake for its shedding season. They definitely wouldn’t get much of it. 

As Qiao Zhiya listened to his unreliable comfort, he felt less ashamed, but still soberly realized his mistake. His face turned serious, and he promised, “I will not be so careless again in the future!”


Master Ren specially took the twin daggers to the auction and asked him to attend. It must be a euphemism to remind him of the waste of materials. He understood. From now on, he should be more professional and not let his emotions affect his work. 

“It’s okay! You can learn from it, cheer up!” Chu Yan patted him on the shoulder, and said, “It’s a big deal for Erge to take the blame for you. He is tall and stable!”

Hearing this only made Qiao Zhiya feel worse. He tried to look calm and smile, but it was twisted, and it looked rather silly instead… 

Chu Yan looked at him, patted his shoulders comfortably, and sighed with a relieved look. ‘Ah, at least he’s happier now. If he’s happy, then Erge will be the same.’ 

The two arrived at the destination according to the address on the invitation, and they were surprised to find that the organizer actually reserved a famous place as the site – to be precise, the auction was held in the famous Cloudtop Hotel. 

“The wall of this hotel is all made of transparent material, suspended high in the air, surrounded by artificially created clouds. Sitting inside is like sitting in the cloud. I came here a few years ago and it was pretty fantastic.” 

Chu Yan took Qiao Zhiya’s well-known roads to the sightseeing elevator directly to the hotel, as the while pointing and explaining the scenery. As they got lifted up high, Chu Yan added, “It looks better here at night. There are many skyscraper buildings, but only this hotel has the most complete and best night view. If the auction ends early today, I will take you around the hotel.”

Qiao Zhiya nodded, palms pressed against the glass wall of the elevator, and his eyes were bright as he watched the other buildings gradually getting smaller and the clouds getting closer and closer. It’s really beautiful, as if he was floating up in the sky, surrounded by a thin layer of mist. 

“Look, a rainbow.” Chu Yan suddenly pointed in one direction.

Looking down, he saw that at the edge of the thicker clouds, a rainbow straddled over it, like a bridge over the clouds.


“Truly, only ‘Famous Brands’ can give the auction guests such a service. This kind of welcoming rainbow is not available every day. They may also arrange other artificial scenery such as colorful clouds,” Chu Yan guessed, looking up at the hotel where no shadow can be seen at present, he murmured something under his breath–

‘Making it such a grand occasion… could it be that the Imperial Princess is invited? This kind of rainbow is usually used to welcome female guests…’ 

After the elevator rose some more, the clouds really slowly changed color. The two youths walked through it, and felt they were transported into a dreamland – the colors cycled through dawn to dusk, spring to winter. It felt unreal. 

Qiao Zhiya was flushed with excitement and amazement. He felt that it was a pity Chu Rong was not here.

After the last layer of colored clouds fell to the soles of his feet, a crystal-like building supported by white clouds appeared in front of his eyes.

“So beautiful……” Qiao Zhiya said in awed, his ears shaking with excitement.

Chu Yan smiled and explained, “The exterior wall of this building can change color according to the change of light, like a big gem. I remember there was a dark-themed banquet here last year. The whole building turned black. If I have the opportunity, I’ll bring you here again in the future.” 

Qiao Zhiya nodded strongly and added, “We should invite everyone else.” 

Their mood was uplifted with the beautiful scenery, so when they stepped out of the elevator, both had genuine smiles on their faces. They happily handed their invitation letters to the waiters. 

The atmosphere was very harmonious. Both the guests and the staff members were at peace, but then, some people came in to ruin it. 

“Such country bumpkins…” 

A female voice came from the direction of another elevator, and then a gorgeously dressed blonde girl came out, followed by two servant-like people. The girl did not move her eyes when she spoke. As she went in, she strode straight, ignoring the waiter’s greetings and inquiry of the invitation. She probably didn’t even see Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya, who were just beside her. 

The servant behind her also followed her attitude, and proudly handed a printed invitation to the waiter. She glanced at Chu Yan and Qiao Zhiya, and pursued the girl in measured steps. 

Chu Yan’s earlier guess really came true. His expression darkened. 

“You and her are both blond, but how come you’re so polite and that one looks like a hairless peacock?” Chu Yan bluntly whispered, even though it was overheard by the waiter nearby. Then, he said to Qiao Zhiya, “The girl just now is Princess An Lin of the Empire. She’s so arrogant. Let’s see if she won’t reach a stumbling block in the Federation later.” 


Qiao Zhiya glared at Chu Yan’s impolite words. He wanted to tell Chu Yan to mind his words, especially towards girls. 

However, it wasn’t as if he disagreed with Chu Yan. 

‘That’s the Imperial Princess An Lin? I thought she’s only a little “blind” or “enthusiastic” about “love”. But now, it seems that my previous understanding of her was completely wrong.’ 

“Let’s not waste our time gawking at her. Let’s go to our private room,” Chu Yan patted his shoulder, motioned the waiter to lead the way, and pulled Qiao Zhiya towards their private room1not really a hotel room, but more like a restaurant’s private room..

After they left, an equally blond young man stepped out of the elevator, looked at the waiter waiting at the entrance of the elevator, and asked politely, “Excuse me, who are those two?”

“It’s Marshal Chu’s brothers,” The waiter replied, with a low attitude but a polite smile, “Mr. An Ting, please show me the invitation.”

The waiter called him with “Mr.” rather than “Prince”. This attitude already clearly reflected the problem.

An Ting’s eyes deepened, knowing that his sister’s attitude had angered the waiter at this hotel. He waved his head toward the servants who followed him, and then looked at the direction where the two young men disappeared. He fell deep into thoughts. 

‘Marshal Chu’s brothers… why is one of them a weird, pointy-eared monster?’

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1not really a hotel room, but more like a restaurant’s private room.

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