
The two brothers met halfway, so they didn’t attend the banquet. They went directly to the top floor of the hotel and requested a private room. They watched the night view and picked some snacks for Qiao Zhiya. They also had dinner there. 

“You eat too many snacks, and you need to eat lighter at night,” Chu Rong turned the menu in Qiao Zhiya’s hand, not letting him see the greasy meat. Instead, he turned it to the salad, soup, and porridge section. “Only order from this page of dishes. “

Qiao Zhiya was in a good mood, and felt that everything was delicious. He obediently nodded and only ordered from here. 

Chu Yan directly ordered a delicious-looking yakiniku set in anger and decided to choke himself to death. ‘This is a provocation! There’s no way Erge is so incapable at this critical juncture!’ 

Downstairs in the banquet room, An Leen glanced back and forth, but couldn’t find Chu Rong. Frowning, she was about to call the servant guarding the entrance of the sightseeing elevator to ask about his location. But then, she saw Long Baorou wearing a blue dress walking over, looking indifferent, as if she didn’t know she was attracting the attention of most young men here.

‘Such a fake bitch!’

An Leen raised her chin and pulled the corner of her mouth to reveal a disdainful smile.

The Federation’s distribution of power was vastly different from the Empire. The power of the President was very weak. The daughter of the President was far less honorable than an Imperial Princess. This Long Baorou was just a civilian girl whose father will step down at any time. What qualifications does she have to strut around like a noble?

Before, she was fooled by her white lotus-like demeanor. But now? This Long Baorou was not even qualified to be her handmaid! 

“Princess An Leen,” Long Baorou called out politely after approaching, with a gentle attitude, a diplomatic look, and a high-cold goddess demeanor. She looked as if she was raised as a high-ranking noble girl. “Why is the Princess doing here all alone?” She asked softly. 

“Some people always like to come up and try to gain connection. I’m tired, so I’m just resting here for a moment,” Princess An Leen replied coldly. She raised her hand to tuck her hair behind her ears, deliberately exposing the astronomically expensive earrings she wore today. “On top of that, I am not alone, I still have my servants here. How about you, Miss Long? Why are you alone? “

It’s also “alone”, but An Leen has changed the meaning of this sentence.


The Federation paid attention to equality of all status. This was unlike the Empire, who still had a rigid nobility rank. People were divided into three groups: the Royals, the nobles, and the commoners; and as for the first two, they usually had servants attending them. 

At first glance, An Leen politely asked her back as a courtesy. But it was clear she was insinuating that Long Baorou was “below” her in status – she was a fake princess. 

The scene became quiet. Long Baorou saw that her attitude was so bad, knowing that this waste of a princess finally saw the truth and no longer had trust in her. Long Baorou simply discarded her diplomatic mask, and lightened her expression, saying, “Princess An Leen, Chu Rong have already left, and it will be a waste of effort for you to continue to wait for him. In addition, as your current ally, I would like to remind you that the guest in room 033 is Chu Rong’s younger brother Chu Yan, and Master Shang is the teacher of Chu Rong’s mother. What you do today has already offended Chu Rong and Chu Yan together. Finally, the Qiao Zhiya boy you threatened to teach, Chu Rong included him in the Chu family’s protection, and he showed this off to all the Federation. Everyone knows that he had the same standing and importance as Chu Yan, and nobody dared to offend him. And looking at what you did in these past few days, it seems that your dream to become Chu Rong’s wife is…” 

She ended the conversation with an unsuspecting chuckle, then shook her head. Glancing back at An Leen, she lifted her skirt and turned away gracefully.

An Leen was infuriated by her remarks. Her eyes were dripping with toxin, wishing that she could shed all pretenses and clawed this bitch’s face. 

When she first came to the Federation, she was unfamiliar with the situation in the Federation and did not understand Chu Rong’s temperament. So, she collected a little bit of news, building up her knowledge little by little. Then Long Baorou came, showing great enthusiasm to help her. She did give her a lot of ideas and news. 

She told her to be bold in showing her interest, deliberately wearing the opposite military uniform to attract attention, provoking the people around Chu Rong so that the Marshal would notice her uniqueness…

But now, it’s all clear that this was a pit that Long Baorou dug for her! 


At that time, she did not understand. When she was in the Empire, she heard that Long Baorou once refused to politically marry Chu Rong, so she thought that the other party did not like Chu Rong. Her advice sounded sincere too, and she even said that her marriage to Chu Rong would be politically beneficial, strengthening the relationship between the two civilizations. However, those were all just lies! By the time she understood it, she had done a bunch of stupid things!

That Long Baorou didn’t like Chu Rong – a lie. She obviously had some romantic interest in him, but couldn’t use her status as the President’s daughter to use it as leverage. She had nowhere to vent her frustrations, so she dumped it all on An Leen, the “common enemy”! She’s so hateful and vicious! 

Today’s auction was carefully arranged for her to restore her image in Chu Rong’s heart, but she did not expect that Long Baorou successfully pitted her again. She knew that Master Shang was the Chu family’s Mecha Master, but not Chu Rong’s mother’s master! Those were two very different levels of importance! 

“Damn it!”

She clenched her fists, carefully trimmed nails embedded into her palm. She finally understood what her mother said to her before – “The Federation is full of traps”. She regretted that she didn’t bring her mother’s advisor to this trip! 

“Want to understand?” An Tyn’s voice suddenly appeared behind her.

She turned her head and looked stubbornly ahead, but her eyes were already red.

An Tyn walked over, gently holding her in his arms. He pried open her fist, wiping the blood oozing from her wound. They watched the hall – it was full of Federation people, all important in government. He whispered, “An Leen, you should grow up. Take it easy, I’ll help you get back the anger you’ve suffered during this time. “

“Ge…” An Leen softened her voice. Her arms hugged him tightly. 

“Shh…” An Tyn bowed his head, and his bangs covered his forehead, changing his temperament. “A powerless President’s daughter dares to insult you like this. Don’t worry, I will let her pay the price.”


An Leen muttered, “Ge, why didn’t you tell me before, these people are lying to me… They are all so nasty.” 

“It’s my fault,” An Tyn coaxed her warmly and said, “But, how can you grow up without experiencing some setbacks? An Leen, did you remember what I told you before? This trip to the Federation, we both have no way out.” 

An Leen was startled. She broke her hug and asked, “Ge, what do you mean? Father1late notes, but every time An Leen and An Tyn referred “Father” and “Mother” they actually used something closer to “Father Emperor” and “Mother Empress”. gave you such an important task, doesn’t that mean he has expectations for you? We—” 

“Quiet, the walls have ears,” An Tyn suddenly let go of her, helped her to tidy her hair, and coldly reprimanded, “You can’t even stand such a grievance? What else can you do! Stop crying, don’t make me lose face!” 

An Leen was stunned by his sudden change of face, and when she was confused, she saw that An Tyn suddenly turned his eyes and looked at the servant who was returning with a glass of water. A guess came out in her heart, and her body covered in a sudden chill. 

‘Ears? Are these servants secretly loyal to other Princes?’ 

An Tyn took the water cup and shoved it into her hand, and urged the servant to take a refreshment. Then, by adjusting An Leen’s crooked necklace, he whispered directly to her ears, “Clear your emotions when you understand. You’re the little princess Father loves most, remember? “

The water was warm, but could not warm An Leen’s heart at this time. She nodded numbly and tightened her hand holding the cup.

An Tyn looked at her head and smiled slightly. ‘I wonder if people back home are dissatisfied with the “good show” performed by An Leen during this time. But they shouldn’t be too jealous over the Useless Princess and the Cranky Prince2referring to themselves, right?’

If you can, please support me by donating on my ko-fi~ For every 2 ko-fis, I’ll release an additional chapter ^^

1late notes, but every time An Leen and An Tyn referred “Father” and “Mother” they actually used something closer to “Father Emperor” and “Mother Empress”.2referring to themselves

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