DXD: Golden King Of Lucifer

Chapter 118 - Illusion VS Illusion

After that, all of them got ready to leave but Sparda was currently speaking with Zekram in private.

Sparda: Can you call Sairaorg??

Zekram: You want to take him too??

Sparda: No, maybe some other time. I want to help his mother.

Zekram didn't say anything more and directly calls for Sairaorg. After some time a muscular young man enters their room. He comes near them and bows.

Sparda: Well I have heard a lot about you Sairaorg Bael.

Sairaorg: How can I be of service my Lord??

Sparda: Well nothing much, I heard that your mother is suffering from an incurable and unknown disease. I want to help her.

Sairorg: Really…?? I would be forever in your debt.

Zekram: Really you could actually help her??

Sparda didn't say anything and takes out an artifact from GOB. The artifact was like a necklace. Sparda hands over the necklace to Sairaorg.

Sparda: I don't exactly know about the disease but you can give the necklace a try. This necklace boosts the wearer life force. Who knows she might wake up??

Sairaorg looks gratefully at Sparda.

Sairaorg: Even if it won't heal my mother, I would still be forever grateful to you for at least trying.

Zekram: Good luck son.

After that Siaraorg walks out and Sparda looks at Zekram with a huge grin on his face.

Sparda: I didn't know that you liked that kid.

Zekram: What…?? I might be old but unlike other old devils, I don't keep pushing up the agenda of lineage power or stuff. I respect that kid, he works hard to achieve his dreams and he has the strength to back it up.

Sparda: Well that is true now let's go.

After that, they walked out of the room and reached the other guys. Kali prepared a magic circle and all of them teleported through it. All of them appeared in snowy mountains the scenery was the best they could have ever witnessed. Azazel and the devils were all wide-eyed and jaws also dropped. They were about to walk inside the barrier but they were stopped when suddenly they sensed a huge amount of power coming from behind them. All of them turned around and saw a red-haired woman in leather clothes.

Sparda: Why are you here??

GR: This is the only time we will have.

Sparda: Why are you telling me I would die?

GR: No but no matter what you do now the seal is going to be broken, so we won't be getting any time afterward.

Everyone except Sparda was scared to hear this. They knew if the seal was broken it would cause huge destruction everywhere and there is a high probability that their world also might be destroyed. GR noticed that Sparda was not shocked at all when heard this.

GR: I guess you already knew that this was going to happen right?? Oh no… You are excited to fight it.

Sparda: What can I say?? I am a battle maniac after all.

GR: So excited to fight me??

Sparda: This place is not safe, let's move on to Dimensional Gap.

GR: Sure.

She swiped her hand a tear opened in the space.

Azazel: What about Indra??

Sparda: You have Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Shiva. Don't be a p.u.s.s.y cat for at least one time and take care of this shit.

Kali: Be safe out there, we will take care of everything here.

After that Sparda entered the tear in the space along with GR and they came out in Dimensional Gap. Sparda and GR moved apart and they started to release their power the space around them was getting distorted by the amount of power both of them were releasing. Sparda unfurled his wings and flew towards GR and engaged with her in hand-to-hand combat.

Sparda has to agree that she was the best hand-to-hand fighter he had ever faced. Maybe if they used weapons she would lose but in hand-to-hand she was equal to Sparda. Sparda's eyes started to rotate and they transformed into EMS. GR tried to punch Sparda but she passed right through him. She was shocked but she instantly got herself together and she increased her speed to match Sparda's ability and she was again an equal match of Sparda. Sparda was getting irritated it was almost like GR was playing with him.

Sparda kicked her with great force but she guarded but still, the force was so much that she was blown away about 40 meters. GR stabilized herself and started to shake her hands.

GR: Phew…!! Good kick.

Sparda: I have to say you are the best hand-to-hand fighter I have faced. How did you learn??

GR: From the dreams, they keep me entertained.

Sparda: Ooh… How does it work exactly??

GR: I was thinking of showing you, now be trapped in my illusion.

GR cast an illusion on Sparda and Sparda stopped moving. Sparda was really trapped in an illusion. GR came near Sparda and started to poke him to check if he was acting or not. After checking for a couple of minutes she drew the conclusion that he was really trapped inside her illusion.

GR: Well… that was anticlimactic….!! (She opened a tear and was about to leave)

Sparda: Phew….!! I thought for a moment that I was done for. That was a pretty strong illusion.

GR: I was about to leave…!! Oh well, I was not satisfied with the fight.

Sparda: You showed me an illusion let me show you an illusion. Tsukuyomi.

GR stood still for 10 seconds after that she came back to the real world and her whole body was shaking and her pupils were dilated. She was covered in sweat, she looked over Sparda then she again looked at her hands.

GR: Wh—What kind of illusion was that??

Sparda: I guess you are really the Dragon of Dragons. Everyone else lost their will to live.

GR: I have to compliment you that was the strongest illusion I have ever seen.

Sparda: Then let's start round 2….

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