DXD: Golden King Of Lucifer

Chapter 39 - Sitri Family

Sparda woke in the morning and found himself n.a.k.e.d and two beautiful women were sleeping over his c.h.e.s.t, they were also n.a.k.e.d. Sparda remembered that he lost his v-card last night, it was pretty intense how he recalled it. Soon Amy woke up and looked up to Sparda.

Amy: Sparda I love you.

Sparda: Amy I love you too.

After that, she started kissing him and following the cue, Tia also woke and she also kissed Sparda. After that Amy and Tia both got up started going towards the bathroom swaying their butts.

Tia: Aren't you going to join us??

Sparda instantly got up and followed them. All of them came down after a long tiring and intense bath. After that Sparda made breakfast for them. After breakfast, Amy went to Takamagahara.

Sparda: Tia can you clean the plates today I have some work??

Tia: Aren't we going to school today??

Sparda: Nope, I need to go to the drivers' license office so that I can drive my car as soon as possible.

Tia: Ok I will do it.

After that Sparda took his new car and left for the drivers' license office.

While this was going on in Sparda's house Sona was getting ready to leave for the underworld. She was going there to tell them about her marriage contract. She also asked Serafall to be present there. She made a made circle and left for the underworld. A Sitri magic circle appeared in the Sitri castle living room. Lord Sitri, Lady Sitri, and Serafall Leviathan were already present there. Out of the magic circle, Sona came out.

Lord Sitri: Sona what do you wanted to tell us??

Serafall: So-tan what happened did someone did or say something to you?? I will make him pay by freezing in an ice cube.

Sona: There is no need to freeze anyone. I just wanted to tell you that I found someone for myself.

Serafall: How dare he take my sweet sister from me? How can you decide that without telling your big sister, So-tan I am so hurt.

Lord Sitri: Sona but you know about your marriage contract right?? He needs to beat you in chess.

Sona: We have played chess 84 times and he defeated me all the times I lost.

Lord Sitri: He belongs to which race??

Hearing all of them Lady Sitri was getting angry she wants her daughter to live happily. According to her if both of them love each other that is enough for them.

Lady Sitri: All of that is unimportant if she loves him and he loves her that is final. Tell me Sona what is his name??

Lord Sitri: Sorry darling I got too excited.

Serafall didn't argue she understood what her mother is trying to say, but she decided to check the boy later herself. She wouldn't let anyone marry her cute little sister.

Sona: I can tell you his name but you have to keep it secret until he decides to reveal himself to the supernatural world.

Lord and Lady Sitri didn't know why their daughter asked such a thing but they knew that Sona was a smart girl, if she is asking something like that, it must have some reasons. Serafall wanted to refute but see her mother's gesture she stopped herself.

Lord Sitri/ Lady Sitri/ Serafall: Ok we agree.

Sona: Ok his name is Sparda Gilgamesh Lucifer.

All 3 of them were completely shocked. Lord and Lady Sitri were shocked because of the name Lucifer but Serafall was shocked for a completely different reason.

Serafall: Di--Did you say Gilgamesh??

Sona: Yes does it mean something?? I thought you would be shocked because of him being a Lucifer.

Lord and Lady Sitri also became curious. They also didn't know what that meant.

Serafall: Gilgamesh was the King of Heroes and also mankind's first kingdom the kingdom of Uruk. Him being a Lucifer is also shocking but not like being the descendant of Gilgamesh. Tell me Sona do you know how strong he is??

Lord and Lady Sitri were again shocked Sona was also shocked this time.

Sona: He told me that he is in the top 5 but I don't believe him.

Serafall: He has taken his name that means he also has that annoying Sacred Gear. Believe him he is in the top 5.

Lady Sitri: What sacred gear?

Serafall: The Gate of Babylon the mythical Longinus the 14th Longinus the only sacred gear not made by God, having that on top of being a Lucifer definitely makes him in the top 5.

Lord Sitri: Have you seen the sacred gear??

Serafall: I have not seen it but Sirzechs fought with Gilgamesh and lost so you can imagine how strong it is. So if he is the devil now he has only one weakness, holy objects.

Sona: I think that is also useless, his bloodline is pure like the original Lucifer. He is completely immune to holy objects. To show it off he also wears a cross on his ear.

Hearing all these Lord and Lady Sitri were almost passed out, Serafall's face was completely pale. I need to tell about this to Sirzechs now.

Serafall: Give me his address now I need to talk to him.

Sona: Here take this and also be careful there are...

Sona was unable to complete her sentence before that Serafall took his address and teleported.

Lady Sitri: What were you trying to say??

Sona: That he has a lot of powerful friends, and two very strong fiancées.

Lord Sitri: He has already two fiancées and you agreed to marry him??

Lady Sitri: Ignore your father tell me who are they??

Sona: He is friends with Shinto Gods and Governor-General of fallen angels and his fiancées are Amaterasu the sun goddess and Tiamat the Chaos Karma dragon.

Lady Sitri was completely stunned and hearing that Lord Sitri passed out.

Lady Sitri: Well your sister will have quite the fun.

Sona: I don't think it will good for her health.

Serafall had already reached Sirzechs office she knocked on the door and it was opened by a beautiful mature woman with silver hair and silver eyes.

Serafall: Fia-tan where is Sirzechs-chan? I need to talk to him it's quite urgent.

Grafiya: He is in the office signing papers.

Serafall ran quickly to the office and opened it and saw Sirzechs battling with his nemesis Paperwork. Grafiya was also standing behind Serafall.

Serafall: Sirzechs-chan we have a huge problem.

Sirzechs: Calm down Serafall and tell me what happened??

Serafall: A descendant of Gilgamesh and Lucifer is staying in Kuoh.

Sirzechs: What?? Do you know where he lives??

Serafall: I have got his address.

Sirzechs: Grafiya we need to leave now prepare a magic circle.

Serafall showed Grafiya the address and Grafiya made the magic circle. All three of them stepped into the magic circle and teleported. They appeared in Kuoh town infront of a mansion.

Sirzechs: I guess this is the house…..

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