DXD: Golden King Of Lucifer

Chapter 66 - Training

A/N: Firstly I want to rant a little bit, I don't understand a few readers they don't even read the novel and just give a review as trash with 1 star. Not just 1 review but 2 reviews, I just don't understand that if they don't like my concept or just are jealous of my novel. I know I am not some top writer or something but at least first read the novel to give a review. If you don't like my novel and found it thrash I appreciate that you leave a 1-star review and I won't even say anything. I don't get paid for writing this and I am working hard for this. So at least first read the novel after that if you find it as thrash and decide to give a 1-star review I won't mind.


Rias (POV)

I came to Issei's home with Asia and Issei. I was really angry with Issei how he behaves and found that it is getting out of hand. Why is he so perverted?? I need to talk with him.

Rias: Issei comes upstairs with me. I need to talk with you.

Issei didn't reply and just followed me, maybe he was still angry that I slapped him, but I didn't have any other options. I opened the door and entered his room along with him and Asia.

Rias: Issei you need to understand that Sparda is not like us. If you get on his nerves he will kill you without a second thought. And what were you thinking talking to Scathach-sama like that? Even she would have killed you without batting an eye.

Issei: But because of her I was unable to suck your b.o.o.b.s.

Rias: Let me tell you honestly I don't like your perverted nature at first it was ok and now it is just simply getting out of hand. I promised you that only because we were about to die and if you could have defeated Kokabeal it was a small price to pay.

Issei: How can you say that?? I even sacrificed my arm to save you from the marriage.

Rias: I will be forever grateful for that, but you need to learn about boundaries. Please keep your perverted nature in check. We still have time to correct that but if this goes on I cannot always protect you.

Issei: You won't understand, please leave I don't want to talk with you right now.

Asia: Please Issei try to listen, Rias-senpai is telling you this only for your good.

Issei: Asia you also think that I was out of the line??

Asia: Yes you were please don't be angry and think clearly.

After Asia told him that Issei started to think carefully. Issei please understand that we want better for you.

Issei: I guess you are right, but it will take some time for me to change myself. Sorry, President, I was just angry, I won't do it again.

Rias: Thank you Issei.


The next morning Sparda woke up and found that Sona was missing from his bed. Scathach also wanted to sleep with but Sparda stopped her saying it was too quick for them to get into a physical relationship. Scathach finally relented somehow. Sparda got up from his bed and got freshened up. After that, he went downstairs and entered his training ground to complete his daily training. He entered the training ground and shocked to the core.

He saw that Sona and Akeno were running l.a.p.s while Scathach was launching her spear at them if they get slow. Both Sona and Akeno had a horrified look on their faces. They were like running for their lives. Scathach noticed Sparda and turned towards him.

Scathach: Good morning husband, I hope you don't mind borrowing them in the morning.

Sparda: Not at all knock yourself out.

Sona and Akeno saw Sparda and they found hope. They stopped running and were about to ask Sparda to save them. But suddenly a spear landed on the ground between them with incomprehensible speed.

Scathach: Who told you to stop running?? Start running again you lazy asses or I will put the spear where the sun doesn't shine.

Hearing Scathach both Sona and Akeno got scared.

Sona/Akeno: Yes ma'am, please forgive us.

They again started running.

Scathach: You don't mind how I treat them right??

Sparda: It is for their good only, I have seen how you treat them normally so I don't mind. You are free to treat them however you like while training them.

Scathach: I don't understand you are strong so why didn't you tried to train them. Don't you want them to be able to protect themselves?

Sparda: You see I am not a trainer kind of guy, I have tried training them but I was not able to get harsh on them.

Scathach: I understand.

Sparda: So Scathach how did you sleep??

Scathach: Well it was nice, after a very long time I slept on a bed and it was very comfortable.

Sparda: Glad you liked it. So Scathach lets start my weapons training.

Scathach: Ok let's start. Both of you keep running and if you stop or try to skip you know what will happen right??

Sona/Akeno: Maam we won't stop even it takes our lives.

After that Sparda activated his EMS and started fighting with Scathach with a spear. He had improved hugely in case of handling spears and even swords. After 1 hour of training, Sparda left Scathach to train Sona and Akeno. He went upstairs and took a bath and went to wash his car. He was thinking of buying another car.

But he needed to do something else first, his house members were increasing rapidly and his current house was getting small for them. So he decided to call Azazel.

Azazel: My favorite devil, what can I do for you??

Sparda: Stop the flatteries and I want to cash in another favor.

Azazel: What do you want me to do??

Sparda: Upgrade my house into a big mansion that has 4 floors above the ground.

Azazel: Devils are much better in doing that.

Sparda: But none of them owe me favors and I don't want them asking any favors from me in return from this.

Azazel: Fair enough. I will upgrade your house during the night. Tomorrow you will wake up in your new house.

Sparda: I am looking forward to that.....

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