DXD: Golden King Of Lucifer

Chapter 84 - Sparda VS Shiva (1)

Durga announced the battle to start but none of them moved. They were checking out each other's strength.

Shiva: Kid you still have time, walk away before I become really angry.

Sparda: Do you really think that you any chance of winning?? Why don't you try and see my future?

Shiva tries to see Sparda's future but it was completely blank. He got confused because it was the first time this ever happened. He had a confused look over his face.

Shiva: Why can't I see your future??

Everyone heard that and were shocked completely and Sparda had a mocking smile on his face.

Sparda: We wasted enough time, now let's fight.

Sparda said this and kicked the ground and reached Shiva with incredible speed.

Sparda: Crushing Evil Spreading the Truth Empyrean.

Sparda punched Shiva but Shiva dodged at the nick of time and Sparda's fist hit the ground. The ground got cracked and completely destroyed. All the spectators and Shiva had shocked looked on their faces. Sparda walked out of the dust looking at his fist.

Sparda: Whew….!! I was packing big guns and never used.

Shiva decided to attack him from distance. He gathered mana in his hand and attacked Sparda with a magic beam. The attack reached Sparda and he punched the beam.

Sparda: All Crush.

His fist hit the magic beam and the beam cracked into millions of light particles and dispersed into thin air. All the rest were shocked that Sparda easily countered.

Shiva: You are strong I will give you that.

Sparda: Stop you are making me blush.

Sparda again kicked the ground and reached Shiva.

Sparda: Crushing Evil Spreading the Truth Absolute Heaven.

Shiva sidestepped and Sparda hit a small hill and then the whole hill was disintegrated. Now it was clear to everyone that they have underestimated him big time.

Shiva: I have underestimated you, it's time to get a little serious. Come forth and heed my call 'Trishul'.

Shiva summoned his Trishul and channeled his mana through the Trishul and launched a beam from his Trishul. The beam came near Sparda and he used All Crush to disintegrate the attack. But the attack was just decoy and Shiva reached near Sparda and slashed him using his Trishul. Sparda's eyes rotated and transformed in Rinnegan.

Sparda: Almighty Push.

Shiva was thrown away by the force and landed about 20m away from him. Shiva and everyone else were shocked seeing his eyes.

Shiva: I have lived a long life but I have never seen eyes like that.

Sparda: Well aren't I full of surprises.

Shiva: Now come kid.

Sparda didn't say anything and took out Gaebolg from his GOB and attacked Shiva with it. Shiva was shocked seeing that spear but quickly got back his bearings and countered him using his Trishul. They exchanged some attacks and both of them jumped backward.

Shiva: So you are also the student of God-slayer.

Sparda: That is really far from the truth.

Shiva: Don't try to lie, or otherwise how did you get that spear.

Sparda: Let's see if this changes your mind.

A golden ripple formed near Sparda's arm and Ea started coming out of it. Shiva and Durga got worried about seeing Ea. They knew what that sword was and what meant having this sword.

Shiva: How can you have that sword??


Ganesha: Mother do you know that sword?? It feels so ominous.

Durga: That sword is Ea the sword of rupture. It is an anti-world sword that can destroy the whole world.

They were shocked when they heard it. They were completely shaken to their core.

Kali: But mother how he can have that sword when we didn't even know about this.

Durga: He must have that annoying sacred gear. Meaning he is the descendant of him.

Kartikeya: Mother who are you talking about??

Durga: Gilgamesh.

Kali: That's why his name sounded familiar. His full name is Sparda Gilgamesh Lucifer.


Shiva: So you are his descendant??

Sparda: Yep…!!

Sparda put back Ea in GOB.

Shiva: Are you sure you don't want to use that sword??

Sparda: Nope it takes all the fun away.

Sparda kicks the ground and attacks him again. They started exchanging slashes by the force of their attacks. The ground was getting cracked and suddenly Sparda lost his footing because of that which made an opening for Shiva. Shiva slashed him with his Trishul and Sparda was about to get stabbed. Soon Sparda's skin was pierced by Shiva's Trishul and Sparda had no other way to defend himself.

Sparda: Almighty Push..!!

Shiva again got blown away and landed 20m away from him.

Shiva: That is a really annoying ability. I think you should use Ea now.

Sparda: You are worthy enough of it, but let's try something else.

Sparda closed his eyes and everyone saw that his wound was healing at a rapid rate.

Sparda: Now…. BALANCE BREAKER…..

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