Chapter 506: 505 - Belia's Creation"You've, uh, really gotten addicted to movies, haven't you?" I remarked in amusement.        

"Yeah, definitely can't deny that. It's so fascinating...a recording of people acting out a scripted story, it's such an interesting thing to witness. Well, some of the stories in the movies I've watched haven't been that good, but still, it's all so entertaining," Responded Az, as he put on a mystery thriller movie.     

"Guess being sealed away for so long wasn't all bad, huh? You know, I gotta say, I was pretty surprised to see so many stores selling stuff like movies, shows and songs, plus the video games that've been made aren't half bad either," Grinned Rion with a nod.     

"When I came to this world, I had pretty much resigned myself to never seeing media entertainment ever, yeah, this is all pretty unbelievable," Added Sylvar in response.     

It's the 25th of February, 1822, and the four of us were currently at Az's place, having a sort of guys' night kinda thing.     

We had weed, booze, pizza and other snacks, and were gonna be binging this movie series that's really popular.     

There's a lot of stuff that's kinda been ripped off from ideas in our old worlds, there's a Jurassic Park type movie series, using the real dinosaurs in the underground cavern...I watched it with Persia, it was actually pretty good.     

This series is supposed to be an original one though, not a ripoff. Let's see how good it is, and even if it turns out to not be very good, we can still have fun bashing it in that case.     

"Time for lift-off," Declared Rion, as he lit up a joint and took a deep puff, before passing it to me.     

I puffed on it sharply, filling my lungs with the smoke before exhaling through my nose, while also taking a deep gulp from my glass filled with booze, letting out a content sigh as the movie started.     

This is nice...reminds me of the times I'd watch anime while stoned in my old world, good times. And now that's possible in this world too.     

By the time the movie ended, we'd gone through eight joints and one and a half bottles, along with a couple of boxes of pizza as well.     

"Man, you ever think about how, like, it's been such a crazy ride in this world? So much shit happened in the few years before we got sealed up, it's like, whaaaat?" Mused Rion thoughtfully, as he munched on some snacks.     

"Tell me about it...things were nice and peaceful before I enrolled in the Adventurer Academy, it was just one thing after another after that," Sighed Az wistfully.     

"For me it was when the floating island came down...things were, like, super uneventful before that and stuff, but after that, shit totally hit the fan," Nodded Sylvar in agreement.     

"Yeah, a lot has happened. But it hasn't been all, friends and getting into a relationship and all. That was super cheesy, huh?" I laughed sheepishly.     

"Kinda, but I agree...romance is nice. What about you two guys, how's your love lives?" Sylvar asked the other two.     

"Nothing much to say, really. I doubt brothels count as romance," Responded Rion wryly.     

"Really? I thought that you and Azeria were, like, a thing?" I replied in surprise.     
"Huh?, she's cute and stuff, and I like her, but we're just friends."    

"Dude, you should totally try asking her're always hanging out together, I totally bet she likes you," Sylvar encouraged him.     

"Uh...I don't know, maybe...a-anyway, what about you, Az?" Rion deflected awkwardly.     

"Hm? Well, I kinda had a thing with Elina before, but she's long gone now...haven't really met anyone else I'm interested in," He shrugged in response.     

"Aw, that's too bad, dude. You should, like, go clubbing or something, you might meet someone," Suggested Rion, as he took a swig of his drink.     

"No, that really doesn't suit's fine, I'm not particularly interested in romance right now anyway," Responded Az indifferently.     

"Eventually, you might though. Cuz, like...when you're horny, that's easy enough to fix, just go to a brothel or something. But when you're lonely, that's not so easy to fix," Stated Sylvar thoughtfully.         

"Uh...thanks for the advice? I think?"     

"Mhm, you're welcome."    



The next day, I was in the castle throne room, going through some documents as I waited for Belia to arrive. She'd requested a meeting with me, about something she was working on.     

A while back, she asked me to give her some Divine Magic in regards to this. When I asked her what it was exactly, she said it was a surprise and left it at that, but assured me that it was going to be something I'd really appreciate.     

I was a bit suspicious, but she doesn't usually lie, so I gave her most of my remaining Divine Magic, which really wasn't a lot.     

A significant chunk of it had been used up when unravelling the barrier we were sealed inside of, otherwise the process would've taken much, much longer than it ultimately did.     

After all, the barrier was made of Divine Magic in the first place, so naturally, the most efficient way to unravel it would be with the use of Divine Magic.     

I have to say, I'm pretty curious about what she's upto with it. She's highly skilled at spell creation, so it's probably something impressive...then again, I could be placing my expectations too high.     

At her core, she's still unpredictable and impulsive, so really, there's no telling what this is going to be. Guess the only way to know is to wait and find out.     

"I'm in the house!" Suddenly came her voice, as a portal opened up and she stepped out with a triumphant grin.     

Her hair was a mess and her clothes were all crumbled...she looks like she hasn't rested in a while.     

"Uh, you don't look so good," I remarked, as she walked over with a smirk.     

"Yeah, never mind that, I couldn't stop working on this for even a minute! I don't technically require food or sleep, and I made full use of, drumroll please, ta-da!" She exclaimed, as she held out her hand, three rings in her palm.     

"Okay...what are those?" I inquired in response.     

"Hehe, I'll tell you exactly what they are...these rings have been cast with a super cool and highly complex power, it used up every drop of Divine Magic I had. I wanted to make a few more, but ran out of Divine Magic at three of these. But that's fine...because, and if I do say so myself, this spell is on another level. If I had to describe it, let's see...ah, yes, out of this world! Literally!" She declared enthusiastically.     

"Yeah, that's great and all, but...none of what you said answered my question, like, at all," I sighed in exasperation.     

He excitement is encouraging though...I'm more than a little curious and impatient to find out what these rings are supposed to do.     

"Well, I got the inspiration to make these after watching some of the movies and anime in your old memories while we were trapped, and for a while, it seemed impossible. But, then, I cracked it, and now, I've done it!"     

Is she doing this on purpose?    

"What. Do. They. Do?" I inquired, starting to feel annoyed.     

"Yeah, I was getting to that. You see, after I saw what your old world was like, I came to a decision...I want to see it for myself! And not just that world...all the worlds out there, every dimension, I wanna see it all! And that's where these things come in...I call them, drumroll again please...dan da da da, Multiverse Rings!" She declared with a smirk.     

"Wait, you mean...those rings let the users travel to other worlds?" I responded in surprise and disbelief.     

"Yup, that's right! These rings, when Mana is run through them and the world you want to visit is clearly envisioned, open a portal to that world! And except for this world, we can even travel to any time period in another world!" She informed me with a grin.         

"Hold on, how does that work? Like, if we travel to the middle ages of my old world, for instance, will we end up in the past of this world when we return?" I asked her.     

"Nope. No matter where we go or when in that where we go, time will pass linearly in this world. For example, if we go to your old world, several time periods before the age you were born in and then spend, say, a week there, and then come back here, exactly a week will have passed in this world from the time we left at," She explained with a grin, before adding with a smug look on her face, "So? Am I amazing or what, huh?"     

"Normally, I wouldn't indulge you, but...yeah. This is amazing!"     


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