And that concludes my investigation...he's innocent," I concluded, finishing my report of the fourth suspect.

"I am relieved to hear that...I thank you for your work. I believe that you will be starting your second year at the Academy in three days time?"

"Yeah. If you have any further missions for me, let me know...but I'll probably be a bit slower to finish investigations though, I won't be able to spend too many nights out during weekdays, I prefer to be properly rested while investigating a suspect."

"Very well, I shall keep that in mind."

I had now finished investigating all four suspects in the list he'd given me. It had certainly been..familiar, but all four jobs had either been false alarms or just straight up unpleasant.


By the time I got back home, it was around 2 PM. I unlocked the door and walked in, flopping down on the bed with a tired sigh.

Pero came over and snuggled against my arm, I gently stroked her fur as she purred. I let out a yawn and took a sip of water from a bottle on the window-ledge. 

As I closed my eyes and sunk into the bed, I fell asleep pretty quickly... 



Three days later, I was at the Academy, as my second year began. The class was down to sixteen students now, after starting off with twenty-one. Arg had disappeared, that Tonir guy had died, and three others had flunked the final exams and would have to start over with the first year, two from Group C and one from Group A. 

In other words, Group D was the only one that had remained fully intact with all its original members making it to the second year. We didn't have any previous second years who had failed to move on to the third year..apparently all the second years who failed just dropped out instead of repeating the second year again.

And that was because the standard had been raised. Usually, the exam administrator for the first years' entrance exam is a different instructor every year, and a single instructor can only be the entrance exam admin once every three or four years. 

But thanks to the results of last year's entrance exam, which emphasized quality over quantity...they had changed that rule, and now Instructor Liga Dile was the permanent exam administrator for the entrance exams. 

The Academy and Guild had decided to opt for quality over quantity. 

The first years would begin in March instead of had been the same last year, the second and third years had already started classes by the time I took the entrance exam, though it hadn't been as late as March...I think I had started classes somewhere around either late Jan or early Feb. 

They had also raised the bar for the practical exams for the second and third years, as a result, only about twenty or so third years graduated to become Adventurers, and only a little over thirty of last year's second years had made it to the third year...the number of students in their batch had been practically cut in half. 

"Hey, don't think they'll try to even out the groups, do you? We still have all five of our members, but A and B have four each, while C only has three...what if one of us is assigned to C to even things out?" Rai suddenly asked me, as we waited in the classroom for our instructor to show up. 

"I doubt it...and if they do, we have plenty of valid arguments against it," I responded. 

"It'd be strange if our group changed or lost a member, I've gotten so used to being with you four," Persia added. 

"Yes, it would be unfortunate if they split us up," Nodded Key in agreement. 


"Hey,'s your apprenticeship thing with Elolina going?" I inquired curiously. 

His expression darkened slightly as he sighed despondently. 

"It's hell. I tried avoiding her and staying at home the other day...she came over to my house and spoke to my they're super enthusiastic about it and won't let me avoid any training sessions with her...its three times a week for four hours at a time...I hate it so much," He groaned, his brow furrowing. 

"Damn...I've never heard you whine like this, Az. You must really not like the extra work, huh?" Remarked Rai with a sympathetic grin. 

"I hate it...," He mumbled, as the door opened and someone walked in. 

Instructor Lidui Uensh. 

"Ugh, my head hurts," She mumbled to herself irritably while rubbing her head, before turning her attention to us, "Okay, you new second year students...I'll be delivering your orientation."


She began explaining how our second year will work. 

We had four types of classes during our first year, that was down to three for the second year. The main difference being that the General Magic session was absorbed into the theory session, and would be tested in the written exam instead of another Spell Scroll exam. That was certainly good news for me. 

Combat and Elemental Magic were the other two types of classes we'd be taking this year.

And once again, Elemental Magic sessions would have separate instructors for each type. 

After Instructor Paark Trocuelo died in Goldway, we finished the rest of the year without a replacement instructor for Lightning Magic. I heard that they had hired a new instructor though. 

The Academy was pretty understaffed, the instructors are typically high ranking Adventurers, since who better to train aspiring Student Adventurers than full-fledged Adventurers? Of course, since there weren't that many high ranking Adventurers in the Rustlands, it didn't give the Academy a lot of options when it comes to hiring instructors. 

Our days would begin with the theory class, a two hour session of boring lectures by Professor Rebo Tolsh. 

Next would be the combat session, two hours of physical training conducted by Instructor Liga Dile. He would teach basic combat skills to those who didn't have a proper technique, while giving those of us who do have our own fighting techniques the freedom to practice on our own.

And to end the day, would be the final session of Elemental Magic classes. The instructors for Fire, Water, Earth and Wind Magic would be the same as last year, and there was the new Lightning Magic instructor we were yet to meet. 

"...and that sums up everything I needed to tell you. If you've got any questions...keep them to yourselves, I won't be answering anything," Instructor Uensh concluded with an irritated expression. 

Was she...hungover? She then...went to sleep. And the first session ended just like that. 

Next was the combat session, and we were allowed to have free reign for the most part. 

Before I knew it, it was the final session of the day, and we were in one of the training rooms waiting for the Elemental Magic instructors.

Instructors Cora Tabbs, Falm Burays, Lidui Uensh and Tear Tones soon showed up, with someone behind them. 

"Let me first welcome you all back and congratulate you on your moving up a year," Greeted Instructor Tabbs, before turning her attention to the person behind them, "Now, allow me to introduce the Adventurer Academy's new Lightning Magic instructor...Misen Ra-."

"The fuck!?" I blurted out before I could stop myself, before averting my gaze as Instructor Tabbs glared at me. 

"Ahem...Misen Ragiu. As you may know, he is a recently graduated Adventurer, currently at an A-Rank."

I'd heard that Ekai was already up to S-Rank. That made the country's total S-Ranked Adventurers of seven...the four that had already been here, plus the two Goldway S-Ranks that had survived and made it here, and now Ekai. Come to think of it, the only S-Ranks I knew were Ekai, Elolina and Einn Olbaw...I didn't know who the other three already-existing S-Ranks were, or the other Goldway S-Rank. 

Wait a second...all the S-Ranks that I knew had their names starting with E...a completely useless fact, but a neat coincidence all the same. 

Well, it was seven S-Ranks for now, but I can't imagine that it'd take too long for Fuo, Misen and Siert to rank up...well, I'm not sure about that last one, Siert was strong in terms of power, but mentally speaking...he was as fragile as, uhh...what's something really fragile? 

Whatever, my point is, his confidence is about as stable as a house of cards during an earthquake. 

Anyway, back to the present. 

The new Lightning instructor is...Misen!? I mean, yeah I can't deny that he had immense mastery over Lightning Magic, put it simply, he was a dick. 

We all then were split up by Elemental type, as the session began. 

Including me, there were three Lightning Magic users in this class, and then there were four Wind Magic users, four Earth Magic users, two Fire Magic users, and three Water Magic users. 

There had been a couple more Lightning Magic users last year, guess they had failed the first year final exams. 

The other two Lightning Magic users were Rai and Niski. 

"Alright, students...why don't you show me what each of you can do?" Misen inquired with a smirk. 

"What are you even doing here, Ragiu-," Began Rai. 

"That's Instructor Ragiu to you, thank you very much. And why I'm here is my own business. Oh, and I need to speak to you in private after classes are over, Black."

I began to ask why irritably, before keeping quiet as I realized he was probably passing on a message from his father. 

Still...I need to put up with this prick as an instructor for potentially this entire year? This is the worst... 


As it turned out, Misen actually did his job pretty well. He stopped being an asshole and was actually acting professional and teaching properly. It was very unsettling to see him not being a dick. 

Anyway, after classes ended, I told the others to go on without me, as Misen stayed behind. Once all the students and other instructors had left, I approached him. 

"Alright, 'Instructor Ragiu'," I said using air quotes, "First as an instructor...really!? And second...what's this about?" 

"Tch, get over it already, what's the big deal about me being an instructor? Anyway, my father wants to speak to you again. He asked if you would be able to come over this evening."

Thought so. 

"That makes sense...yeah, I'll come over now, no time like the present. You go on ahead though...I'd rather not be seen walking with you."

"The feeling's mutual, you little shit," He shot back, as he began heading out, "What does my father want with you anyway, it's quite bizarre."

"If you're so curious, ask him yourself." 

"Yeah, like that's an option."



About an hour or so later, I was in the Ragiu mansion.. 

I had told Persia and the others that I had somewhere to be, I'd already informed them about my...side-job, let's call it. But they didn't know any of the specifics, just that I was doing something I couldn't talk about. 

After that, I made my way to the Ragiu mansion, had almost snuck behind the house out of habit, before knocking and going through the front door. 

And I was. 

"A new suspect?" I inquired, getting straight to the point. 

"Yes, but it is a bit different this time...there will be no need for an investigation."

My next target was a man named Nasis Cilem. He was a treasurer for the Rustlands' government. Like I'd mentioned before, the royal family and their advisors made the major big-picture decisions, while they delegated the management of the countries internal and day-to-day affairs to a governing body that reported to them. 

The treasurers are responsible for making sure tax funds are properly allocated and safeguarded.

This particular treasurer had been embezzling a fraction of the tax fund for his own personal pleasure for quite some time, and was known to frequent the red-light district. He had also been blackmailing some of his subordinates who had found out about what he was doing. 

"Corruption in this country is intolerable and must be eradicated as soon as it is discovered. Those who hold authority and power must have a responsibility to uphold a certain standard of integrity...those who fail to do so are not needed in this nation."

"So, this guy isn't a spy? I certainly do prefer a simple, straightforward assassination over an investigation, but are you sure he's guilty?"

"Without a shadow of a doubt. I checked the record books myself, at first glance it seemed like nothing was wrong, but upon more careful calculations, it was clear that a small fraction of the funds had been skimmed. And the more recent records show a slightly larger proportion of missing funds, meaning that he has been getting greedy. I have also spoken to some of his subordinates...some refused to speak but it was clear that they were hiding something and were fearful....but a few did speak to me, and informed me that Nasis Cilem has been embezzling funds and blackmailing those who know about it. Therefore, I would like you to assassinate him as soon as possible," He explained, handing me a scroll with information on the target. 

This was pretty detailed, as the previous listed suspects had been as well...looks like he did a bit of his own investigating when looking into suspects. 

"Alright, I'll-," I began, before freezing as I heard something stir outside the door. 

I motioned to Erhtaph to stay silent and then quietly crept towards the door, before rapidly twisting the handle and swinging it open. 

Misen fell into to the room...looks like he had been pressing his ear to the door. 

"Huh, I'm actually kinda impressed that you were able to remain quiet enough for me to not notice you right away," I remarked, as I raised an inquiring eyebrow. 

He wasn't paying any attention to me though, he had a sheepish and terrified expression on his face as he glanced at his father, who was drilling him with a furious death glare. 

"I-I can explain, father...," Misen defended himself weakly. 

"I thought I taught you better than to eavesdrop, Misen," He growled in an intimidating tone, before turning to me, "I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to you for the trouble that my sons have caused you." 

Wait...sons? He was including the one that I had literally killed? That was kinda...awkward.

", there's really no need for that. I mean...I did kill one of them..."

"Ah, yes...I must thank you for that. Tahn may have been my son by blood, but his behavior made him a disgrace, thus I did not consider him as such. Like I said, corruption in this country is unacceptable, so good riddance."

Wow...I had never had a family so I couldn't exactly relate, but...that had been really cold, right? No wonder Misen was so afraid...his father sure had a strong sense of patriotism, so much so that even his own family was prioritized below the country. I'll have to keep that in mind. 

Speaking of Misen... 

"W-well, I'll be off now-," He muttered, starting to crawl away. 

"Not so fast...regardless of how you found out, you are now aware of a highly confidential operation. I cannot overlook this, Misen," Erhtaph stopped him in his tracks with a firm tone.

That sounded ominous. 

"Mr Black...I have a proposal, how would you like an assistant for the jobs I offer you?" 


"Er, when it comes to this kind of work, I really prefer to work alone...oh, and...just call me Kuro, being called by my last name always weirds me out," I replied. 

"Hm, I understand...but perhaps you could consider it on a temporary basis? You see, you are currently the only one I can assign these types of jobs to...I was hoping that you could perhaps show Misen here how it is done. It would be quite helpful for me to have another option."

I could tell that he wasn't planning on taking no for an answer...I really didn't want to work with Misen, but I also didn't want to jeopardize my connection to Erhtaph...he was a very valuable ally to have up my sleeve. 

I guess I'll try compromising... 

"Well...I suppose I could let him observe how I do things. But only with jobs that require straightforward assassinations like the current one, I insist on doing jobs that require an investigation by myself." 

"I can agree to those terms...very well, let Misen know when you will be carrying out the current job."

And...that's how one of the people I despised the most in this world became my temporary subordinate. 



It was currently 10 PM, and I was outside the target's house. The lights were still on, so it was a waiting game. I planned to either kill him in his sleep, or if he left the house, kill him in a deserted area. 

"This is the worst," Muttered Misen irritably from behind me. 

"Would you shut up already? Your job is to keep quiet and observe, so, you know...keep quiet!" 

"Damn it, me and my stupid curiosity...I should have never tried to listen in-!" 

"Shut it, the target's leaving the premises. We're following him, keep quiet and stay right behind me, got it, Dickface?" 

"You little-!" 

"That's Instructor Kuro to you...actually, scratch that, it kinda sounds pretentious. Just call me sir, you are my subordinate right now, after all," I responded, slinking into the shadows as I tailed my target from a few meters away. 

I was trailing the target with a bit more distance than I usually do when following someone...Misen was alright at keeping quiet while shadowing, but he had a lot of room for improvement. 

"Looks like he's heading for the red-light district," Whispered Misen, as the target turned a corner that leads to the area where most of the bars and stuff are located in the west side of the country, which also included a red-light district. 

"Looks like we'll be following him for a while before I can take him out...this area is relatively crowded even at night. Alright, time to go up." 

"Up? What are you-?" Misen began to ask, trailing off as I scaled up a shop and snuck up onto the roof. 

There we go, it'll be easier to keep track of him from a high vantage point, and it'll be easier to remain hidden while following him. Misen climbed up after me, his foot slipped a bit towards the end, knocking some crumbly bits of the wall off. 

The sound made the target look around, before shrugging and continuing to walk. He soon got to a brothel and headed inside. 

"Sure hope this doesn't take long," I mumbled to myself, as we watched and waited... 

He was back out five minutes later. 

"That was fast," Remarked Misen. 

"Huh, guess he's a two-pump chump, if you know what I mean," I responded, as the man began heading back. 

Next, he walked into a bar, and...didn't come out till two hours later. 

He unsteadily walked out with a heavily inebriated look on his face. He drunkenly began stumbling back towards his house, letting out giddy hiccups. A young woman walked past him, he tried to grab her, before she let out a scream and slapped him before running away. 

He was walking all wobbly in the middle of the street, I'd prefer to take him out by an alley or something. 

Oh, wait...

"Alright, assistant...time to make yourself useful. Go down there and talk to him, try to lead him towards the alley between those two buildings," I instructed, nodding towards the gap between a restaurant and a bakery. 

He scowled but did as I said...he couldn't very well disobey his father, especially since he was already in his bad books thanks to the eavesdropping thing. 

He snuck down and carefully approached the man. 

"Oh, Mr Cilem! It has been a while!" 

"Hm...? Oh, you''re, uh...letsseee...that Ragiu's kid, huh?" He slurred in reply. 

"That's right, sir. I have something important I wish to speak to you, let us go to the side of the road," He suggested smoothly, guiding the heavily inebriated man towards the alley. 

Not bad....while the target was certainly drunk off his ass, Misen was definitely a natural when it came to deception. He didn't sound forced or anything...everything from his tone to his expression to his words, they had all seemed so natural. 

He might have a greater talent for lying and bluffing than I do. 

"Oh, why're we goin' in dere?" He hiccuped with a glazed look in his eyes, as Misen led him into the alley. 

I was right above him now...I silently dropped down as I drew out my short-sword, driving it into his heart through the top of his left shoulder as I reached him, killing him before he could even realize what was going on. 

As the life left his eyes and he began to drop, I took out the scroll to my left....

"And...Store," I remarked, as I used the Store scroll to hide his body. 

That takes care of that. Time to head back and report. 

"What did you just...?"

"It's an original spell." 

"What does it-?"

No way, I am not explaining it again! 

"We're done here. Let's go."


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism! Also, check out my Instagram account @aimdaqs for posts relating to this book. 

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