Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 111 Night Attack on Golden Tooth City

The warhorse spit out white foam and collapsed by the stream, eyes slightly open.

Jaime rolled into the stream, swallowing the stream water, and soon choked his throat, coughing desperately like an old man on a dying bed.

The water splashed his eyes, and Jaime lay on the shallow reefs of the stream, "Damn it!"

He remembered the servant he had betrayed, what was his name? Lucien?

Damn, he forgot the child's name.

Jaime pushed aside his wet blond hair, which was no longer blond in the strict sense. Black mud covered his body, and the golden symbol of Lannister had turned into a pile of shit.

What's the saying? For some reason, Jaime thought of the folk rumor, "The shit that Lord Tywin poops is all gold."

"Hahaha." Jaime closed his lips and laughed, which was really appropriate. He looked at his reflection on the clear water, his expression seemed to be neither crying nor laughing.

Jaime glanced sideways at the dying warhorse. The beast had already stopped breathing, having died of exhaustion on the road.

Is this the squire's horse, Lucien? No, it's Lucien, the son of Damion Lannister, the acting lord of Casterly Rock, and the cousin of his father Tywin.

He finally remembered the squire's name. Jaime took off the arm armor that was sticky on his arm and washed it in the water. There were too many bloodstains on it.

The river soldiers scattered in the jungle, the fleeing westerland soldiers, and the bandits who stayed in the river to burn, kill and loot.

He also shoveled the soil to bury the body of the little girl he met on the road. From the festering wounds on her body, he knew what happened to the little girl.

Whether it was out of guilt for Lucien or his natural compassion for such things, he shoveled the soil with his sword and placed his thin body in the soil.

Then he continued to run for his life, like a stray lion who was driven out of the lion group and left to live and die.

He didn't know how long he had been running. According to his original plan, he wanted to go south and make a big circle before returning to the Golden Tooth.

The Golden Tooth is the gateway to the West. The city walls are extremely strong. It is impossible for the northerners to break through this strong city. You know, the Golden Tooth has basically never been lost in history.

Robb Stark's cavalry may not be of any help in the face of the mountain passes and strong cities in the West. As for the Riverlands, the soldiers in the Riverlands are demoralized and are unlikely to be of much use.

Jaime laughed creepily again. He had never been so embarrassed.

There was a rustling sound in the dense jungle again. Jaime stood up with a start and looked around vigilantly.

A sika deer jumped out of the bushes.

Jaime breathed a sigh of relief, shook off the water drops on his trouser legs, stood up, and walked towards the outskirts of the jungle.

He must quickly cross the jungle and return to the Golden Tooth.

Stafford leaned on his longbow and squinted at the Golden Tooth in the distance. The faint afterglow of the sunset remained on the walls of the Golden Tooth, which meant that night was approaching.

He turned his head to look at the hundreds of Westerland mountain soldiers behind him. There were thousands of Lannister troops hiding outside the mountains not far away.

All of them were mournful soldiers who were defeated in the Battle of Riverrun but gathered again, mourning their comrades and fellow countrymen who fought with them.

This was Davon's habit of selecting soldiers. He was used to organizing soldiers from the same place into a team to take care of each other. If one person died in battle, the emotions of the whole team could be mobilized.

Because they were mournful soldiers, they must need the encouragement of the commander. Stafford chose to lead the army to fight in person.

He closed his eyes and carefully recalled the report of the scout. All the Northern cavalry and part of the Riverland cavalry were taken away by the Young Wolf Lord. The soldiers who stayed in the Golden Tooth were mainly soldiers from the Riverland. As for the garrison commander, he didn't know who it was.

It seems that because there has been no harassment from the Westerlands soldiers for nearly a month, the defense of the Golden Tooth seems to have relaxed a lot.

The scout told Stafford that the Riverlanders were very lax in changing shifts at night.

He chose to attack the slackly guarded Westerlands gate at night to wash away the shame of the previous defeats.

Stafford chose a comfortable posture to lie on the rock wall of the mountain. The green treetops blocked the sunlight. The soldiers around him did the same. Most of them were young men from Lannister Port and Casterly Rock.

The coldness spread as the sunset set. Stafford nodded to the soldiers around him. The rustling sound sounded around. The Westerlands soldiers moved, and the red armor passed through the grass.

They were ready to climb over this familiar wall. Stafford knew where it was best to climb and where it was best to attack. He held the long sword a little nervously. He knew that he was a little old, but he could still fight.

The moonlight was shrouded, and the lion group approached the Golden Tooth.

"If we rush to the West, this speed is still very slow." Sir Clayton Redford said to Earl Eustace Hunter.

"The West is mountainous, and the Valley Knights are also good at mountain warfare. They bring a large number of infantry, so the march is naturally not fast." Eustace was riding a horse, and he was also a little impatient. He was used to leading the cavalry to charge, and he was also a little impatient with the slow movement of the infantry.

"The Duke's order is to rush to the North to help the North quickly," Clayton frowned, "Duke Artis is worried that Robb Stark will be trapped on the side of the Westerlands in the Rock City, and asked us to open up the interface between the two places as soon as possible."

Eustace nodded, he agreed with Clayton's statement, this marching speed is indeed not up to standard.

"It's not long since we crossed the Green Fork River. The two thousand Valley cavalry allocated to us by Harrenhal can go to the Golden Tooth City first, and I will take the rest of the people behind." Eustace thought for a while and gave a solution.

Clayton pleaded with Eustace, "My Lord, please let me lead these knights of the valley to the western territory first."

Eustace thought of the army in the valley behind him and nodded, "You will lead these cavalry one step ahead. Be careful."

Clayton was delighted when he heard this, raised his riding whip and ran behind him.

James's feet were bare, and the jungle had disappeared before his eyes, but the sand, rocks and cliffs all over the place were another big challenge for the barefoot Kingslayer.

Golden Tooth City. Golden Tooth City will be there soon.

He murmured in a daze, walked out of the jungle, and came to a wilderness. The dryness and coldness enveloped him, and the thin clothes were not enough to keep him warm.


The familiar sound of fighting came in the distance. He looked up and saw gray smoke rising from the top of the city.

Sure enough, the northern army was indeed attacking the Golden Tooth City. James breathed a sigh of relief. His judgment was indeed correct. Fortunately, he chose to take a detour to a higher place and reach the Golden Tooth City.

"Da da da!" The sound of galloping horses reached my ears on the ground, and the trembling ground revealed that there was a large cavalry team galloping nearby.

He hurriedly found a rock and buried his body in it, shivering with cold.

"For the Vale!"

"For the Eyrie!"


The sound of galloping cavalry resounded through the sky. James looked up and saw crescent moon falcon flags and blue military flags.

His heart sank heavily and he stood there blankly.

"I'm about to kill you in the city, for Casterly Rock City! Kill me!"

Stafford slashed with all his might, and the riverland soldiers in front of him were all mangled, none of them could survive under his long sword.

Lannister soldiers gathered together and formed groups to meet the counterattack of the Riverlands soldiers.

The tower they had occupied, the commander guarding the city was shot by an arrow, and his life or death was unknown. The Lannister had mostly succeeded.

"Lannister will win!" Stafford shouted loudly as he wiped out a man's neck with his sword.

The whimpering bugle sounded at this moment.


The blue flag appeared in front of Stafford's eyes, with cavalry, spears, and fully armed

The Lannister army active under the city collapsed at the drop of a hat, and were killed by spears.

"What's going on?" Steve asked bewilderedly.

The scout held his arm tightly and they descended the tower. The horses fled in all directions. The scout left one behind to help Sir Stafford mount his horse.

"It's a man from the valley, sergeant, retreat quickly!"

Stafford fled westward desperately, just like himself who had easily opened the city before but was attacked and then fled, he fled from Golden Tooth City again.

James looked at the direwolf flag and trout flag swaying on the city in the distance, turned his head weakly, and fled south.

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