Sir Shufu looked at the red-robed monk with a half-helmet on his head with a little curiosity. The asphalt-colored exotic skin was out of place, and now it was even more so.

Moqorro never cared about worldly prejudices. He weighed the cloth armor on his body, barely stuffed his huge belly, and raised the mace in his hand with satisfaction, "This is much more majestic than the miscellaneous soldiers under the Archon of Volantis."

Melisandre chuckled twice, "The Lord will always protect us. You are too worried, Moqorro of Volantis." She was still wearing a thin red robe.

Shufu stared at Melisandre's graceful curves and swallowed his saliva. The red-robed woman faced the cold wind of the Eyrie all day long, and her appearance when she looked into the sky was also very mysterious, which made the blue-robed guards stationed in the Eyrie always talk about it in private.

The red-robed woman looked frail, but she volunteered to face the cruel mountain clan. What was even more incredible was that their wise Duke of Eagle's Nest actually agreed to her request, making the recent actions of the valley knights to encircle the mountain clan seem like a joke.

But since it was the order of Duke Attis, they would execute it even if it seemed incredible.

After all, he was the first Duke of Eagle's Nest to lead the valley to such a deep depth in thousands of years.

In the valley, even if there was a heated dispute between the wealthy knights and the nobles because of the so-called fiefdom and resource disputes, as long as the order came from Eagle's Nest and Duke Attis, as the valley knights who valued loyalty and honor, no matter how big the contradiction was, they would unite under the wings of the eagle, fight for the feudal lord, expand the territory, and win glory.

Shufu nodded slightly to the red-robed woman, "My lady, we should set off. I'm afraid Sir Vardis has sent people to wait in the Arryn Valley for a long time." The blue-robed guards behind him seemed a little impatient. The red-robed monk Moqorro wasted too much of their time choosing weapons.

Melisandre nodded and smiled in response, "I'll wait for your arrangement, Sir."

Shufu waved forward, "Let's go."

A group of more than ten people walked down the steep mountain road.

"Look, the knight of Artis Arryn." The warrior of the Black Ear used the dense branches to cover his whole body, revealing a pair of eyes, looking into the distance.

Qila looked into the distance, baring his fangs, "There are only so few people."

"Be careful, this is a bait," the Black Ear warrior reminded, "Don't forget how cunning Atis Arryn is."

"Are you scared, Sammy? Sammy, son of Thaon?" Qila laughed mockingly, "Don't forget that your father also died in the battle that attacked Atis Arryn. If I had known this, I shouldn't have brought you out."

"You are insulting me, woman," the Black Ear warrior called Sammy said angrily, "Besides, it was because of your father's reckless behavior that the Moon People were exterminated and my father died tragically!"

"You are looking for excuses for cowardice, Sammy," Qila pulled out the fine steel dagger that he had looted from a valley noble, and crawled forward carefully.

Most of the Black Ear warriors followed Qila and lurked down.

The valley scout reached out and stroked the horse's cheek, feeding it with high-quality valley grass. This place is close to the water source, and the mountain clans often appear here, so Sir Vardis marked this place as the top priority for scout patrols.

The hound pricked up its ears and looked ahead vigilantly.

Zira crouched still in place, with her hands dipped in a plaster that looked like it was made of herbs and applied it to her face. The black-eared warriors behind her did the same.

The scout picked up the longbow on the horse's back and looked ahead vigilantly.

"What happened?" The companion held up a shield and squatted next to the hound, also looking ahead vigilantly.

"Leila smelled the movement," the scout followed the hound Leila's gaze, not daring to relax at all, "I don't know if it's a wild man or..."

The mountain birds fluttered and flew up from the mountains, screaming.

The hound whimpered a few times and lowered its head to sniff the ground.

"Damn it." The companion put away the shield in boredom, turned around and shrugged at the scout who raised his bow.

The longbow was pulled up suddenly, and the arrow shot out like a meteor and pierced into the grass.

"Ah!" A wailing sound came from a distance.

"Kill Artis Arryn's lackeys! Kill!" The warriors of the Black Ear tribe jumped over the dense grass and pushed the scouts in the valley.

"Get on the horse." The scout ordered his companions, and the longbow was drawn again. The arrow flew out, and a warrior on the opposite side fell to the ground and wailed again, and even tripped a companion behind him.

The Black Ear tribe warriors still charged desperately, and the fierce and arrogant shouts resounded through the mountains.

The hound Leila followed the scout on horseback quickly, like a hare in the mountains.

"There are not many of them." The scout turned back and shot another arrow, which was a little off and pierced into the roots of a tree next to him.

"You can see it. I thought it was all over the mountains." The companion panted and waved the whip vigorously.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A few rapid clapping sounds suddenly came out from the mountains in the distance, and the shadows of people appeared like ghosts, occupying the sight of the valley scouts.

They all wore masks made of animal skeletons, painted with flame-red dye.

"The Burning Tribe?" The scout turned his horse's head and rushed to the other side of the stream.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Rapid clapping sounds rang out all around, and the valley scout stopped his horse and looked around in panic.

"All wild men?" His companion's lips trembled a little. He knew what the consequences would be if he fell into the hands of wild men, especially the Burning Tribe who worshipped fire.

The wind blew the grass and trees, causing them to tremble. The warriors of the Burning Tribe wandered among the grass and trees, unable to distinguish between the grass and the wildlings.

The scout of the valley drew out his long sword, suppressed his inner anxiety and fear, and pointed at the wildlings all over the mountain.

"They were burned alive," Vardis Egan looked at the charred body on the ground and knelt on the ground in a bit of a panic, "but I still don't know the location of these wildlings."

The knights of the valley solemnly surrounded the charred corpse, and several thick wooden roots supported the scout's body and hung it above.

Moqorro frowned tightly, and his eyebrows were full of worry.

He glanced at the red-robed woman beside him, and Melisandre's expression even contained a hint of joy.

"Don't worry, Ser Vardis Egan," Melisandre walked to the charred corpse, her red eyes looking at the dark face of the scout in the valley, "the brave and fearless warrior has turned into dust, freed from the shackles of the earthly body, and gave us strength in the flames." She closed her eyes, and the ruby ​​on her chest became more dazzling, like a ball of fire dancing on Melisandre's skin.

Vardis looked annoyed, "Red Robe Woman, are you going to cast some magic to burn all the people of the mountain clan to death?"

The knight of the valley behind Sir Vardis was not friendly, looking at the two strangers unkindly, and using mysterious words to describe the warriors of the Seven Gods was a great insult.

"Let's think about how to lure the wildlings down the mountain." Vardis turned around, not wanting to pay attention to the two red-robed monks who were in the way.

"Don't bother, Sir Vardis." Melisandre's words stopped Vardis's steps. He turned to look at the red-robed woman, his eyes full of impatience.

"What good solution will your god give you?" Vardis said.

"You don't have to lure the residents of the mountains down, you just need to send me up the mountain." Melisandre looked at Vardis with a playful expression as if she was making a huge joke.

The surrounding valley knights seemed to have heard it wrong, and looked at the ignorant red-robed heretic in astonishment.

"You? Alone?" Vardis asked in disbelief.

"Maybe Moqorro will be willing to go with me." Melisandre looked at Moqorro and smiled.

Moqorro responded with an ugly expression, "We are really a pair, huh?"

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