Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 136: Undercurrent

"King of the North?"

Attis looked at the contents of the letter and read out the name on it.

The silver mark of the direwolf condensed on the bottom of the letter was so dazzling. Attis picked up the dagger on the table, touched it lightly, and cut off the solidified wolf's head.

Standing aside, Bachelor Kemen looked nervously at Master Attis, who was sitting quietly at his desk, and moved slightly forward, approaching the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City.

The maester whispered softly: "Sir, Robb Stark is king, but the engagement remains."

Attis nodded slightly, folded his hands together, buried the expression below his eyebrows deeply in his palms, and remained silent.

"He defeated Jaime Lannister and rescued Riverrun without becoming king," Attis's voice came from within his covered hands. "He made clear the strategy of the attack and let Roose Bolton lead a team. Wanbei infantry invaded King's Landing, forcing Tywin to come to the aid of the king. He only relied on thousands of cavalry to capture the gold mines and the city towers, but he did not become king at that time. "

Maester Cormon listened quietly to Attis's soliloquy, pondering the Duke's thoughts.

"After completely wiping out Davon Lannister's 10,000 troops, he was equivalent to one against ten. Thousands of cavalry defeated the 20,000 troops of the West. Even on the River Road outside Casterly Rock, Lannister There are no troops to defend, and the core of the Western Territory is exposed to the fangs of the Northern Territory cavalry. "

"He became king only after retaking Brand City," Attis put down his hands and rested them on the table, "Do you know what this means, Kemen."

Ke Meng thought for a moment and shook his head.

"This proves that our Young Wolf Lord is gradually getting bigger and has forgotten the agreement he and I made at the Twins, and has forgotten the name of avenging Eddard Stark in the name of Baratheon." Attis said in a very serious tone. Slow and very calm, so calm that no emotion can be heard.

Ke Meng's brows gradually furrowed, "Master, what do you mean?"

"He is invincible in a hundred battles, and he is ambitious." Attis closed his eyes. "Robb Stark will lose himself in victory after victory. He needs someone to restrain him and prevent more unknown irrational actions in the future."

Kemen was a little at a loss. He had no idea at this time. Stark's move was beyond everyone's expectations. He didn't know what the countermeasures were.

"But who can restrain a king?" Attis asked, as if he was asking himself or asking a priest.

"Maybe, his mother, Catelyn Stark?" Kemon asked tentatively.

A sigh came from Attis's mouth, "Don't you think," Attis looked at Maester Colmont, "we are always plugging holes for Stark?"

Kemen was stunned by what Duke Attis said. He stood there blankly, not knowing how to answer.

"From Eddard Stark to Robb Stark, their family has caused so much trouble to the Seven Kingdoms," Attis said, his tone becoming firmer, "The running wolf was reckless in the wilderness. Running will sooner or later trample the resting eagle.”

"Kemon, in the name of the Duke of the Eyrie, I want you to notify Yohn Royce of Harrenhal and order him to give up the pursuit of Tywin Lannister and ensure that the old lion returns to the West." Attis's The tone was extremely determined.

"This," Kemen wanted to dissuade him, "Lord Yorn is really interested in Stark."

Kemen's words were interrupted by Attis, "In addition, I would like to add a sentence to him. The Royce family is the vassal of the Aylin family. From the beginning to the end, he should be and must be," Attis said in a tone of voice. Turning into a low voice, "Even if his daughter marries a king, he is still a vassal of the Aelin family."

Bachelor Ke Meng opened his mouth slightly and understood what Master Attis meant. He bowed slightly and said, "I understand, Master Attis, I will write it now."

Ke Meng left the study, leaving Attis alone facing the familiar scenery of the valley outside the window, with the beautiful mountains and rivers stretching as far as the eye can see.

Tyrion held up the wine glass and looked at the top of King's Landing from the balcony. The Prime Minister's Tower was finally repaired, and he was able to touch the Prime Minister's bed.

Both the king and the queen mother left King's Landing. Why did he, a dwarf, choose to stay in King's Landing?

"I'm such a fucking fool," Tyrion drank the bitter wine and cursed secretly, "Roose Bolton almost occupied the entire kingdom, but he didn't come to attack King's Landing."

"You are not a fool, Tyrion Lannister," Varys's voice came from the door. Tyrion turned to look, and Varys walked in leisurely with a smile on his lips, "You are a hero, who defends King's Landing. hero."

"Thanks," Tyrion burped, "although the spider's compliment gave me chills."

"The world always talks about spiders like this, but spiders respond with kindness and salvation." Varys picked a seat and sat down with peace of mind.

"I deeply doubt it, Varys." Tyrion said this, but in his heart he was quite grateful that this eunuch chose to stay in King's Landing with him, unlike other important figures in King's Landing who were scrambling to leave this ghostly place.

"Is there any food in the cellars of King's Landing?" Tyrion asked, and he actually knew the answer.

Varys spread his hands and said, "We have reduced the supply of nobles, but it is still not enough. Your father was decisive enough and only took away Queen Cersei and her children. Not a single noble was taken away. Oh, and the one with outstanding knowledge. Grand Maester Pycelle, I believe your father must have taken many considerations into account when choosing to take this maester away."

"Don't be poor, Varys, why do you come to me?" Tyrion said weakly with his hands on the bed.

"Bringing you some good news, so that you who are depressed can feel the twists and turns of fate," Varys reached out and handed over an open letter, "Your father crossed the Blackwater River, and Royce's cavalry was in the middle. There is no option for obstruction and harassment.”

Tyrion had wine in his mouth, "What does this mean?" He suddenly realized something and jumped up, "Bronze Yonn can't give up chasing. Someone must give him an order to make him give up helping his in-laws. ”

"An order from Attis Arryn?" Tyrion muttered.

"Obviously, and there is a better news here," Wallis shook the letter in his hand, "A valley man named Evan Shidong organized a grain team at God's Eye Lake to bypass Luce. ·Bolton’s scouts delivered a batch of food from the Golden Road to King’s Landing.”

"God's Eye Lake to King's Landing? Bypassing the guards in the north, that's what the people of the valley do." Tyrion clenched his hands. He remembered what Varys once said. Maybe, Lannister really has something to say. What about the chance of a comeback?

"Tell my father this news and send an envoy again." Tyrion carefully thought about the role that the valley wanted to play in these small actions. Attis seemed not to want the Northerners to pay too much attention to this ambiguity. Qing, "Send a secret envoy! That Evan Shidong must be from the valley. Follow his caravan to the valley to find Duke Attis!"

Tyrion clenched his fists again. He didn't know whether Attis's move was just to punish Robb Stark for becoming king, or whether he really wanted to cooperate with Lannister. In any case, he who chose to stay in King's Landing must Seize the moment.

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