Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 15 Martial Arts Tournament (5)

"Littlefinger, it is indeed him.", Attis thought to himself. The archery tournament had come to an end, and Ser Balon Swann proudly accepted King Robert's perfunctory verbal reward and rode the fine horse of the Stormlands around the playing field to accept the praise of the crowd.

Attis was not interested in this. Sir Balon was one of the few nobles in this archery competition. The sophisticated longbow gave him the conditions to perform long-distance archery far better than others, and the extremely finely designed short bow It is a good helper for his short-range and rapid shooting. It is reasonable for the Jazz to win the championship.

The young man Attis saw earlier had not yet left the competition venue, and the homemade short bow in his hand was being tightened continuously. He found himself, holding his head high, staring at the eagle beak pin on Attis's cloak, and then looked at Looking at the blue-robed Aylin soldiers behind him, he patted the dust on their clothes, stood up, and prepared to leave.

Attis liked his gaze, which had an energy that he had never seen before. Although it was somewhat similar to Weimar's dissatisfied look when he was repeatedly crushed by him in martial arts competitions, the young man's feeling about him was completely different from Weimar's.

"You want to participate in the archery competition, why don't you sign up." Attis said.

The young man stopped and turned around in confusion. He saw that although Attis was wearing cloth armor, he still had the refined appearance of a nobleman. He said disdainfully: "Of course you don't understand why." He didn't intend to take care of himself. , continue to move forward.

Attis roughly understood this kind of look, it was the kind of look that showed a commoner dissatisfied with a noble lord.

"Can you tell me?" Attis remained polite and approached the young man.

The young man turned around and said two words impatiently, "No money."

Attis was stunned. He was now confused, "As long as you show your identity in the tournament, you usually don't ask for money. This is the rule." After saying this, he understood the twists and turns.

The young man's disdainful eyes were immediately clear, and he looked at Artis with disdain, "Are you the young master Aylin who was so popular? Let me see your family armband."

Attis did not respond to this embarrassing question and said directly: "Those in charge of archery competitions for civilians will charge money, right?"

The young man looked at Attis as if he were a fool, half-smiling but not smiling, "How dare they accept the money from the noble master?"

Attis responded to his gaze with a smile, "What's your name?"

"Angei, what's wrong, Lord Aylin?" The young man looked at Attis provocatively and even whistled.

The man in blue robe behind him suddenly drew out his sword and put it on An Gebo's neck, "Sir, I can kill him with one sword."

An Gai stood up straight in an instant, gasping for air, looking down at the sword body that glowed white.

Attis pressed his hand slightly, and the blue-robed sword disappeared from Angebo's neck. An Gai was slightly relieved, and he looked at Attis with fear.

"Are you confident in your archery skills?" Attis said provocatively, imitating Ange's previous tone.

Angei raised the short bow to his chest, his face darkened, "No one can compare with me, Lord Aylin."

"You met today." Attis reached out and took the short bow in his blue robe. The delicate blue stripes looked particularly bright in the sunlight.

Angei looked enviously at the short bow in Attis's hand, but quickly restrained himself. "Anyone can brag, let's compare?" Angei took the initiative to walk to an open space. He seemed to have arrived at his home court. He confidently raised the short bow in his hand and looked at Attis with a proud look. .

Attis came to him and asked, "How?"

"I'll go first, you learn a little bit." An Gai stepped forward confidently.

He opened his bow and nocked an arrow, "The first arrow hit the bull's-eye." He shot an arrow and hit the bull's-eye.

Then he quickly opened his bow again, and the two arrows were connected. "Both arrows hit!" The two bull's-eyes hit again. The wind shook slightly and made a concussive sound.

"The last arrow." An Gai smiled slightly and pointed his bow to the sky, "Ai Lin, this is art, the art of the young man in front of you, the art of arrows." An arrow was shot out with a "swish", the sun was dazzling, and everyone Looking at the sky, he didn't see where the arrow was flying.

"Hahahahaha!" The blue-robed man's laughter did not affect Angai. He only saw Angai smiling confidently, looking at Attis, counting with three fingers, "Three, two, one! Right in the middle!", his fingers moved. Aiming at a target in front, the arrow fell, hanging low from the sky and hitting the bullseye.

Like an actor in a theater, An Gai bowed gracefully to everyone. The blue robe suddenly lost its voice, and they looked at the scene in front of them in surprise.

Attis also looked at this scene as if he were appreciating art, and he was the first to applaud.

An Gai was very proud. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's your turn, Ailin."

Attis handed his short bow to the blue robe and walked up to An Gai. "I promise it's fair. I'll use your bow." An Gai frowned, confused, but still handed the short bow to him. Gave it to Attis.

"The noble master likes to put on airs when shooting arrows." Attis smiled and stepped forward, opened his bow wide, caught three arrows, and stood still, as if taking aim.

"Ha!" An Gai laughed secretly from the side.

The blue-robed man looked at his young master nervously, feeling blocked in his heart. He was not sure whether the young master could perform more amazingly.

Attis felt the slight movement of the air, and the sunlight floated on the surface of the arrow, turning golden powder.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and everything around him seemed to be still. The buzzing sound of mosquitoes, the noisy voices, the nervous swallowing of the blue robe, and the chuckle of Ange were all rejected by Attis. His pupils shrank slightly, and the figure of mosquitoes flapping their wings slowly was captured instantly.

After a few seconds of stillness, the arrows were shot out.

None of the arrows hit the bull's eye.

"This is your archery, right?" Ange chuckled and approached him with disdain.

Attis turned around, with a smile on his face, "Don't worry, Ange." He approached the target, and Ange followed curiously, and the blue robes followed closely.

Each tightly tied arrowhead only penetrated the target slightly. Ange looked carefully and saw that there were mosquitoes flapping their wings "buzzing" on each arrowhead, and their wings were fixed on the arrowhead.

Ange was silent. He looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. "This is impossible."

"Seeing is believing." The blue robe muttered before Attis.

"Thank you for your thin arrows. It gave me this opportunity to show off. The workmanship is very good." Attis replied. He guessed that Ange made such thin arrows for the purpose of practicing the skills he just demonstrated.

Ange remained silent. He turned his face away, sighed lightly, and stretched out his hand, "Give me back the bow."

Attis did not return it to him, but asked, "Where did you practice these archery skills."

Ange replied impatiently, "What's it to you."

"You are a genius, Ange, you only need some training, and you will be more powerful." Attis said.

Ange looked at Attis, his eyes seemed to be red, "Damn! It's so embarrassing!" He covered his mouth and tried to snatch his short bow, but Attis easily dodged it.

"I won't give you a short bow." Attis smiled triumphantly.

Ange looked at him in shock. He was used to the rules of the outlaws and didn't expect Attis to be such a rogue.

"You! You are not worthy of being a noble!" Ange was anxious. He pointed at Attis and cursed.

Attis shook his head pretending to be helpless. He said bluntly: "Don't you look down on the noble lord? There is no such thing as worthy or not. They are all drunkards."

Ange took a deep breath, "You have no honor, you!"

Attis was happy, "You can take your bow, but you have to defeat me first, and follow me to do things."

"Why!" Ange didn't consider the benefits he could get after being recruited by a great noble, and said angrily.

"You said no one can compare with you in archery, but you lied, didn't you? Where is the honor?" Attis laughed.

Ange's eyes were blank, and he looked at Attis in disbelief.

"As long as you beat me, you can take the shortbow." Attis said, "And since I am the only one in Westeros who can beat you in archery, you can only learn this skill from me. If you don't follow me, you will never be able to beat me."

"And there will be rumors in the streets in the future that Ange, who claims to be the best archer in the world, is a fake." Attis added fuel to the fire.

Ange was angry, "I am not a fake, but... I am just not as good as you for the time being!"

"How to prove it, your archery just now? Follow me, you can prove it at any time." Attis said calmly.

Ange was silent again.

"I will give you fifty silver deer every month." Attis said.

"Okay." Ange answered directly without any hesitation. "I mainly want to learn archery." He added hesitantly, as if he wanted to make himself look more honorable.

Attis nodded with a smile.

Ange changed into the appearance of Arryn's personal soldiers, with a blue cloak behind him, but he did not choose the heavy plate armor, but chose the light and well-fitting exquisite cloth armor.

This episode was soon overwhelmed by the grand scene of the jousting the next day. There were people everywhere, knights in uniform, and servants carrying knight equipment.

Artis raised his lance and broke the opponent's shield with ease. A knight from the Reach fell off his horse. He raised his shield and enjoyed the cheers of the crowd.

The familiar white knight Barristan came down from the platform. King Robert clapped his hands and cheered. His father danced happily, and Queen Cersei, who seemed to have no intention of watching the game, stared at him with a rather vicious look.

Artis didn't care. In the next game, he would play against his old acquaintance, Captain Barristan of the Kingsguard. He had to show his full spirit to ensure respect for this great knight.

"Sir Artis Arryn from the Eyrie!" The referee pointed with his big hand, and everyone cheered, "Eagle of the Vale!" The voices of people surged like a tide.

"Kingsguard! Great legendary knight! Sir Barristan Selmy!" The cheers from the crowd were even more intense than when Attis came, and their eyes were fixed on the two knights facing each other on the field.

This matchup was the most anticipated by everyone. There were countless people who had grown up listening to the stories of Sir Barristan since they were born, and the same was true for the 16-year-old Attis.

One was the legendary White Knight, and the other was the most popular Eagle of the Valley recently. The bets on this match even exceeded 5,000 gold dragons.

Barristan nodded slightly to himself. He put on the mask, and his handsome white helmet and armor shone brightly.

Attis put on a blue robe, raised his spear slightly, and pressed down the warhorse under him.

"Start!" At the referee's command, Attis went out instantly, without choosing to accelerate slowly, and sprinted in an instant. Barristan was not panicked. He slightly accelerated and pointed his spear forward, as if he only wanted to win by the power brought by the sprint.

The two horses collided, and the spears hit each other's shields steadily, breaking with a sound.

"Second shot!"

Attis quickly took the spear sent by Ange, grabbed the horse's mane, and attacked in an instant.

Barristan turned a beat slower, galloped on his horse, and the two spears intersected. Attis slightly pushed to the side, and Barristan's spear missed and was hit in the chest.

"Alas." Barristan sighed lightly, and his body had already fallen from the air.

The sound wave instantly rose, "Eagle of the Valley! Eagle of the Valley!"

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