Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 153: The Battle between Eagle and Wolf (6)

The pale yellow leaves were mixed with the wet soil of the riverlands, and were pressed to the ground by people, horses, and carriages. Harry Rivers handed the reins of his warhorse to his attendant, walked to a thick tree, and looked at the Bracken army moving forward.

Harry Rivers pressed his thumb on his broken and bleeding index finger, and the pain kept him awake.

Originally, according to the plan of Lord Edmure, he should have led the last Bracken infantry of less than 3,000 people to go south along the Red Fork River and cooperate with Lord Jason Mallister's army. Jason pretended to cross the river to attract the stupid Lannister soldiers to stop him, and he easily took the lost Red City, and then seized the villages along the border road, cutting off the retreat of the Mountain.

This plan will definitely succeed. The Mountain is brave but not wise, and will naturally be attracted by Lord Jason Mallister's army. He can also easily take the Red City and surround and kill the entire army of the Mountain here.

But the gods in the sky always like to play tricks on people. The situation is like the water level of the Red Fork River, which rises and changes suddenly and suddenly.

The Young Wolf Lord broke off the engagement and tore up the covenant with the Vale. Bronze Yohn, who always valued honor, mobilized the Vale cavalry and headed straight for Riverrun.

The enemy changed from the weak Lannister to the angry Royce cavalry. Harry Rivers decisively chose to give up the plan to attack the Pink City and return the same way.

From Harrenhal to Riverrun, if the Vale wanted to besiege Riverrun, Stonehedge, the city of his father's family, was a must-go place. Compared with the Mountain's troops with scattered morale and poor command, Yohn Royce's thousands of cavalry were obviously a greater threat.

He wanted to return to Stonehedge and use the advantages of the city defense to resist the cavalry of the Vale.

The creaking sound of breaking branches sounded behind him, and the servant brought a kettle of hot water, and the hot white steam lingered on his brown hair.

The squire licked his rosy lips. Even though the cold wind from the riverlands still hurt his skin, after all, three rivers flowed here, and the humid air was everywhere.

"My lord, boil the river water." The squire said. On his waist was a long sword of the Westerlands style, with the lion head of the Lannister family carved on the top of the hilt.

Harry nodded, took the hot water, and watched the squire busying around, helping the Bracken soldiers push the donkey cart stuck in the mud.

He liked this young man. Like Harry Rivers, this squire was also a bastard, the son of a prostitute in the riverlands, Hall Rivers. His whole family and even the whole village died in the war on the Green Fork River. According to Hall's description, it was Artis Arryn's army that destroyed his village, but Harry was too lazy to pay attention to his tragic experience.

In this year, how many innocent people died in the war, who cares about the Green Fork River that has been out of sight for a long time, that piece of land that no longer belongs to the riverlands and Riverrun.

"My lord," the scout rode his warhorse, trudged through a quagmire, walked to Harry Rivers, and handed over a letter, "A letter from Stonehedge."

Harry nodded to the scout. He didn't remember which family the scout was from, but the content of the letter was roughly in line with his judgment. It should be the news that his father asked to withdraw the army and defend Stonehedge.

He opened the letter and read it hastily, but Harry Rivers still accurately captured the words such as "contact Royce" and "make preparations early".

Harry Rivers pressed the crack on his index finger heavily, and the tearing pain spread from his fingertips to his heart. He frowned and looked up at the advancing Bracken army.

Edmure Tully leaned against the unloaded saddle with a tired look on his face, his eyes slightly closed, and his head raised to listen to the circling of birds.

His cavalry was making the final preparations. After hearing that Robb Stark had broken his promise, the Mountain's attack became more fierce, and the people of the Riverlands were in a panic. They were almost defeated by the Mountain at several crossings. If it weren't for the limited number of troops under his command, the Red Fork River might not be able to stop the attack of the Westerlands.

He opened his eyes and looked at the treetops above his head that blocked his vision. It was just like his current situation. The invisible pressure enveloped the Duke of Riverrun, making it difficult for him to relax.

Edmure stood up and walked into the barracks.

Lord Jason Mallister, wrapped in a white cloth, lay on a bed made of hay with a pale face. The burning matches crackled and drove away the moisture in the camp.

The Duke of Riverrun walked into the tent, looked at the weak Lord Jason, and said, "Harry Rivers withdrew his troops and said he would return to Stonehedge to guard against the invasion of the valley."

Jason Mallister turned his head, "A wise move." His tone was a little weak.

Edmure Tully looked at Lord Jason's situation, his Adam's apple moved slightly, "I should send you back to Riverrun, leave the war here to me," he said reluctantly.

"As a duke, cough!" Jason shook his head, "Compared to Hoster. You are too young and don't quite understand the ability to see the situation clearly."

Edmure lowered his head and stood in the tent in silence.

"What should we do?" He was silent for a long time, but he only asked aloud.

Lord Jason Mallister looked at Edmure and sighed slightly, "I am a knight, I can't offer more advice, but" he paused and stood up, "What do you think the King of the North, who has never lost a battle, has a chance of winning against Royce?"

Edmure frowned, "The cavalry of Harrenhal is no more than 5,000. If he relies on Riverrun and the convenience of the river, I think Robb will win."

"But if it's like before," Jason Mallister looked at Lord Edmure, "the Vale raises troops on both sides. The Twins and Harrenhal attack Riverrun from both sides. What do you think the Young Wolf has a chance of winning?"

Edmure looked at Earl Mallister silently. He pursed his lips and said, "The people of the valley have just experienced a war. Besides, this group of people still occupies a large area of ​​​​the Green Fork River. Even if it is as rich as the Reach, They also need to rest and recuperate.”

Earl Mallister lay quietly on the bed, listening to the young Duke's talk.

"Dorne's surprise attack caught the Reach off guard. Not long after the war between Garland Tyrell and Tywin Lannister on the Golden Road began, nearly a hundred thousand troops from the Reach returned to the Reach and could not continue. Support," Edmure touched his chin, "The people of the Vale are gathering an army, but it won't be a short time. Maybe we can deal with the Mountain and Royce's army first."

Edmure's tone gradually weakened. The disappointed look in Jason Mallister's eyes made him lose interest in continuing the discussion. He coughed slightly and said, "What should we do, Lord Mallister?"

Jason held the hilt of the sword on the side, "Bend a sword with a sword, we are no match for the valley," he stared at Edmure, "This was proven before at the Twins and Ruby Beach," despite the warmth inside the tent. Like spring, Earl Mallister still had cold sweat on his forehead, "Attis Arryn is a formidable opponent, the tragedy of the Twins, and the alliance with the Lannister."

He loosened his grip on the hilt of the sword, "I heard that every castle in the valley has received a call from the Eyrie. This is no joke, Edmure," Jason Mallister said with a decisive tone. "Attis Arryn, he has never wanted to let go of the Riverlands," he grabbed Edmure's hand and spoke in a heavy tone, "He wants to occupy the entire Trident."

Edmure broke away from Jason Mallister's hand and backed away slowly, shaking his head and opening his mouth slightly, "I don't understand, there are so many ancient and noble nobles in the Riverlands, Attis... How dare Aelin, he."

"Surrender, Edmure." Jason Mallister forced a smile, "We still wore the medal of honor in the war with the West, but the war with the Vale?" He seemed to be mocking himself, "We There is no honor at all, slander and false accusation, and then the Young Wolf Lord insists on becoming king, regrets his marriage and breaks his oath, this is a war without honor. I am a knight, a Mallister who practices honor, our Seaside City... Will choose to resist.”

"Lord Jason?" Edmure said in surprise, "Robb is my family, I"

"Lady Catelyn is also your family, Lord Tully," Jason's tone even sounded pleading, "On the condition of giving her freedom, give the Riverlands some dignity and let the Young Wolf Lord suffer the consequences."

Edmure froze in place, everything around him seemed to be still.

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