Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 163 Battle of the Red Comet (3)

The red comet is open in the morning sky, and its blood-red edge has not diminished at all even when it is close to noon.

The squires and knights tugged at the reins, the horses snorted and hissed as the morning dew broke, and the clatter of soldiers pulling out stakes and unloading pots and pans resounded throughout the camp.

Attis listened to Robert Royce's report, silently looking down at the rough map of the Red Fork River.

"Most of the cavalry in the north are noble guards. Karstark, Amber, and even Mormont and many noble cavalry from the Hornwood family are not equipped with chain armor. They plundered the chain armor in the castles in the west. Lots of armor, even lots of plate armor."

Robert looked at Attis, who was staring at the map with his head down, and continued, "The northern cavalry is mostly in a compact formation, and there is basically no tactical coordination between light and heavy cavalry. Robb Stark relies on the scout cavalry that is widely dispatched. , coupled with his flexibility, he defeated Davon Lannister."

He pointed to the location where the Church of the Seven Gods was before and moved his finger slightly north, "This slightly rugged mountain is where our army and the Northern Army fought when the red comet first fell in the early hours of yesterday morning. Robb Stark and It’s not clear how he uses cavalry tactics, but he is very familiar with his scout regiment. Amber’s cavalry, as well as Blackfish Brynden Tully, are both scouts, and they are very capable of detecting enemy situations.”

"Last Hearth, the castle of the Umber family, is close to the Great Wall and is the northernmost castle in Westeros. Like the Night Watch, they are probably good at detecting," Wilma Royce looked at the silent Arti Si, "Heiyu has been a Blood Gate knight for more than ten years and knows our army well. There are at least two thousand cavalry in the Riverlands participating in the breakout of the northern border."

Anda rested his arms on the long table. Like Attis, his eyes were fixed on the map. "Although there are dense bushes in the Red Fork River, it is mostly a plain. We should not think about using dense bushes to defend ourselves from the beginning." Distance is the sign of cowardice, and it’s time to lure these Yankees into a decisive battle on the plains!”

John Royce looked at Attis. He was very satisfied with the performance of his three sons. The Royce family has always regarded themselves as military aristocrats, and the training of their children has always followed this tradition, but the latter remained silent. looking at the map.

A picture emerged in Attis's mind. The northern cavalry formed a neat phalanx in front, and the scout cavalry were constantly sent from the phalanx in all directions, trying to spy on the enemy's situation. The Tullys and Bracken's riverland cavalry formed the rear army, supporting each other with Robb's center army and even the Umber family's forward army, so as to supplement the support at any time.

His sight gradually moved away, and the scene overlooking the entire army emerged, and the overall marching formation in the shape of a ladder appeared in Attis's mind.

"Trapezoidal phalanx," Attis muttered softly, "Robb is a genius." He sighed slightly.

The voice was so light that the surrounding valley officers did not even hear it, and the chaotic quarrel continued.

"The people of the Riverlands are also very cunning. Bracken's bastards performed a show with us, but who knows if it was a Tully conspiracy. The northerners went back on their word, and the Three Rivers people are cunning and cunning!" Harold Hatton refuted Weimar said, "Besides, they are illegitimate children. You know, these illegitimate children."

"Use conspiracy and trickery to take down Robb Stark's head?" Anda Royce still had the same attitude. He shook his head, "Father, even if you get revenge like this, you won't be able to win."

Weimar looked at Attis, "Due Stark, let me fight, and I will cut off his head."

Robert Royce and Bronze Yohn looked at each other, but unanimously chose to look at their lord, the Duke of the Eagle's Nest who had been immersed in thinking.

"The trapezoidal phalanx," Attis raised his head and looked at the nobles who seemed to have taken the fruits of victory, "Greatjon Umber is the front army, Robb Stark is the middle, and the river The ground army is the rear army.”

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what Attis wanted to say.

Attis walked away from where he was standing and walked around the long table, stroking the edge of the map with his right hand.

"Before, he fought against Davon Lannister's 10,000 West March troops. I guess he also used this formation, but with fewer troops." Attis took a long breath and looked at his vassal with a deep look. noble,

"If the front army breaks through the infantry defense line, the center army and the rear army can take advantage of the situation to strengthen the front line and inflict heavy damage to the enemy. If the force is slightly reduced, just like when he first entered the Western Border and faced Stave's elite, the cavalry did not break through the infantry in time. The camp was forced to retreat," Attis paused, "but the center and rear troops in the rear can quickly dislocate to protect the two wings of the front army in the retreat direction."

Attis turned around and turned his back to the vassal. "Using the natural mobility of the cavalry, he quickly opened the distance from the infantry in the west." His eyes were sharp. "When the enemy had tasted the fruits of victory and stopped to rest, Another sneak attack."

He slapped his palm on the chopping board of the tent, making a loud "bang!"

The valley nobles looked at each other, seeming to sense the irritation in Duke Attis's words.

"We exclude Robb Stark's military strategy from the perspective of cavalry tactics, from defeating Jaime Lannister and breaking the siege of Riverrun to a surprise attack on the Golden Tooth, defeating Stafford Lannister and preventing After gathering the remnants of Jaime's army, he then pretended to attack Casterly Rock, forcing Davon to move, and selected a location to defeat the last 10,000 troops in the West." Attis turned to look at the nobles, "Lord Robb Stark There have been more than a hundred battles, big and small, and you can achieve such a victory against the elite Western Army. I ask, who of you can do it?"

Bronze Jon's frown furrowed inwards for half a minute, and he remained silent.

Harold Hutton held his head high and looked at Artis, who was interpreting the tactics of the Young Wolf master, with burning eyes.

The three Royce men bowed their heads in shame.

"I can't do it, but no one can tell me how Robb fought. Our cavalry in the valley is the best among the seven kingdoms, but we can't study cavalry as deeply as a fledgling wolf cub!" Attis looked at a group of people. The nobles' tone of voice rose slightly, and their sullenness was evident in their words.

Seeing everyone's stunned reaction, he sighed slightly and lowered his head, "He is still a northerner. Please remember that the Bracken family may only make a decision after the outcome of the battlefield is known. This is the behavior of some nobles in the Riverlands. Tradition, the tradition of being 'late', and what we have to do is to win comprehensively."

At this time, even the most prestigious Earl Yohn Royce did not respond. He led the valley to pacify the thousand-year-old mountain clans, annexed the Green Fork River, and completely defeated the Blood Gate. The one who attacked and defended the alien power was not the Earl of Runestone City, but the guardian of the Arryn Valley. , the eagle of the Eyrie.

Weimar pursed his lips slightly, lowered his head, and said shamefully: "We are indeed not very capable, not as good as Robb Stark."

"Cheer up, don't change your previous attitude of winning!" Attis said after hearing the words, Weimar took a half step back slightly, and closed his mouth helplessly, "I pointed out Robb's use of cavalry tactics, and "I don't just want you to see the gap." His eyes became firm, staring at the stretching Red Fork River on the map, "I also want to see the fighter planes."

Harold Haddon looked at the map, and his originally relaxed brow began to frown, "The Young Wolf Lord used a surprise attack to disperse the Kingslayer's Western Cavalry, and then..." There seemed to be clarity in his eyes, and he looked at Attis, There was a hint of surprise in his tone, "After that, we fought against infantry. This kind of trapezoidal square formation is very effective against infantry!"

Ignoring everyone's surprised gazes, he lined up the small flags on the chopping board one by one and murmured, "Three square formations or more, arranged in a trapezoid, with the front, middle and rear supporting each other, assisting the front army in charging, and protecting the two wings of the front army. , conduct a night attack after feigning defeat, this is a template, a routine! "

"The premise of all this is the maneuverability of the cavalry!" Harold pointed at the square formation he had set up, swallowed, and looked at the crowd.

Anda looked sideways, "And we are mostly cavalry. Robb Stark still adopts this tactic, which means" He looked at Attis Arryn, who stood silently in front of him, the noble officer in the camp. Looked at the Duke as well.

After a moment of silence, Attis gave the order, "Use this formation. What Robb wants is flexibility, but only for infantry. It still emphasizes the uniform and compact formation of the Western Infantry. What we want to do," he pressed his hands on Desktop looked at the nobles and said, "They are more flexible than him."

Attis stood up, straightened his back, "Cut off the connection between the three armies, attack on both wings, and let Count Eustace Hunt of the Golden Tooth City lead the infantry to block the northern cavalry from the front. The purpose of the cavalry attacking from the flanks is not to defeat them, but to defeat them." Cut off the head and tail." He looked at somewhere on the map and pointed here, "It's right here."

Harry Hewen looked at the Northern Cavalry advancing enthusiastically, and even his own cavalry were inspired. What's more, some knights took the initiative to petition him to join the Amber family's vanguard.

The bastard just smiled and nodded to him and ignored his request.

The return horn sounded, and Brynden Tully's black trout banner stood side by side with the Tully family's silver trout banner. The famous scout commander of the Riverlands broke away from the busy reconnaissance and returned to the Riverlands. A fortress that can be pulled out at any time.

Edmure Tully seemed to be nervous every time he saw his uncle. He stamped his feet on the dry earth, panted, and approached Brynden Tully to listen to his discovery.

Harry Rivers looked at the hesitant Duke of Riverrun. This noble Tully seemed to be more of a bastard than himself. He was very observant and timid.

Even in his hidden consciousness, Edmure Tully was worse than himself, a dirty bastard.

Harry Rivers approached Tully's uncle and nephew, and the sound of their conversation reached his ears.

"Eustace Hunter mobilized the infantry of Golden Tooth City and pushed them to the forefront of the army in the valley." Blackfish's voice was hoarse and slightly tired.

Edmure's urgent voice followed, "What do you mean, Valemen?"

"The cavalry is retreating. We can't see any trace of them except for meeting the scout cavalry in the valley. They are obviously deliberately avoiding our scouts." Brynden Tully looked at Harry Rivers, who was approaching, and nodded slightly. , "Sir Harry, I admire you very much for leading your troops to repel Royce's flank attack."

"Excuse me, this is the duty of the Knights of the Riverlands," Harry said, turning slightly to greet Edmure. "It is the duty of serving the lord, after all, it is all for Riverrun."

Edmure Tully maintained his smile with some embarrassment, "Of course, I, I thank the sergeant for his loyalty, ahem!"

"The key to the Vale lies in the cavalry. This needs to be discussed with Robb," Brynden said solemnly. "We have to maintain our formation and be alert to the Vale cavalry outflanking us."

Harry Rivers nodded slightly. Only by participating in Robb's command could he see that the Young Wolf Lord's illustrious military exploits were not unfounded, and that he was indeed unique in the deployment of the army.

He clenched his fists. His father's orders were obviously completely in favor of the Valley, but what he held in his hands was Brecon's most elite cavalry team. If the Valley failed,

Harry thought of his father's dissuasion. Lord Bracken seemed to have seen through his illegitimate son's thoughts. "Alas," he sighed and shook his head. Everything was done according to the original plan. He would not change it without authorization. In this way, even if he failed, it might not be his responsibility. The illegitimate son could not disobey his father.

The horn screamed from different places in the camp. This was the third order to break camp today. The river cavalry seemed to be accustomed to it. Maybe at the beginning, they were quite dissatisfied with the young wolf's arrangement of marching at night, but after getting enough rest and following Robb to victory, this sound almost disappeared in the camp.

Harry Rivers stroked the scarlet warhorse emblem of Bracken on his chest, which did not belong to him. He supported his attendant with his hand, turned over and mounted the horse, and took a long breath, "Move! Move!"

He kicked his legs lightly, and it seemed that the Bracken cavalry square was also marching in the rhythm of his horse. The river cavalry quickly pulled out the wooden stakes that fixed the tents, put away their own cloth and equipment, and followed him in a team.

Brynden Tully did not even have much time to rest before he leaped forward. The black trout flag was somewhat reluctantly held up by the flag-bearing soldiers, swaying. Brynden put away his tired look. A qualified commander would not leave the weak side to his army.

"Still the original formation, forward! Forward!"

Duke Edmure ordered loudly, and after seeing his uncle's reluctance, he hurriedly shouted loudly, and everyone formed a team under the call of the Duke of Riverrun.

The bugle calls of the Northern Cavalry, which were already far away, gradually faded away. Their march was so hasty that the Riverland Cavalry, who had less combat experience, could only barely follow the Northern Cavalry and serve as a support.

At the same time, Blackfish looked at the veteran scout who had followed him for many years, "You need to be careful. Duke Artis Arryn is an excellent commander. He must have a trick up his sleeve."

The scout did not complain about the frequent reconnaissance operations. He rode his horse and whipped it again, running everywhere to scout the movements of the valley.

Eustace stroked his sword and listened to the scout's report.

"The Northerners are in front," he waved his hand slightly, "you will be the canyon knights sooner or later! Cheer up!"

The crescent falcon flag stood in the formation, silently looking into the distance.

Today's first update

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