Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 165 Battle of the Red Comet (5)

The sounds of fighting in the distance became increasingly chaotic and intense, and the sound of horses' hooves hitting the ground gradually became disordered. One could even hear the wailing of the Northern cavalry and the painful screams of horses.

"Father." Little Jon Umber frowned tightly, staring into the distance, his legs clamped tightly around the horse, "Sound the horn, quickly get the central army to support, we speed up!"

The Northern cavalry could not help but look at the chaotic battle situation. The ice wolf flag had long disappeared, and the cavalry's horses were running around on the battlefield. Many horses had their legs chopped off, and the horses were kneeling on the ground dying. The mottled bloodstains were clearly visible even from a distance.

Little Jon held the reins with a little more force. He was very clear about this kind of melee. When it was difficult to distinguish between the enemy and us, he could not rashly lead the cavalry to join. He could only follow the original plan and attack the flanks of the valley infantry as much as possible.

He squinted at the rows of slanting spears in the valley formation, "Blind the horses!" Little Jon ordered in a very urgent tone. Most of the cavalrymen around him were under his direct command since they went south. After hearing Little Jon's order, they quickly covered the eyes of the horses under their crotch with black cloth, and their movements were very neat and fast.

The easily broken spears were left in front of the infantry square, and the wood chips were even trampled by the two sides in the melee and flew everywhere.

"The enemy has no slanting spears, charge the whole army!" Little Jon pulled the reins suddenly, and the horse raised its front legs and neighed loudly.

The Northern cavalry sped up so fast that the horses under their crotch could not even stop their bodies from leaning forward quickly.

"Hold on!" Creighton Redford shouted to the shield-bearing soldiers in front of him, "These horses will die if they encounter the spears, hold the shields!"

The archers behind him pulled the bowstrings and shot meteor-like arrows at the charging Northern cavalry, but this did not seem to hinder Little Jon's charge. Instead, after several falls, he moved forward more calmly.

Little Jon Umber looked at the indifferent Vale infantry, and a sense of uneasiness emerged in his heart. At first, it only occupied a small corner, but as the cavalry gradually approached, the Vale infantry still used traditional interception methods to fight against the cavalry, and this sense of uneasiness gradually magnified


the spear mercilessly pierced the neck of the warhorse, and blood was splattered on Little Jon's face, but he had no time to react.

The tips of the second row of oblique spears reflected a faint light in the sun, but at this time they were covered by a shadow, and the closer they got, only the cold sharpness was left.

The spear tips became larger and larger until they touched the eyes.

The spear pierced Little Jon's head and went straight out of the eye membrane. The brain juice mixed with the blood, leaving only a dead body.

The horses whimpered and howled, and the spears pierced their flesh.

The cavalry broke away from the reins, and the few seconds of falling from the air to the ground were the last scene in their eyes.

People and horses fell, and blood and flesh flew.

The wailing distress horns of the front army sounded several times in the distance. Rickard looked forward uneasily. His eldest son was still in the front cavalry of Great Jon.

He looked at the young wolf, "Your Majesty, we..."

Robb frowned, and he looked at Daisy Mormont on the side.

Daisy also looked at Robb in confusion. She didn't understand why Great Jon Umber, who was supposed to pretend to be defeated and evacuate, issued so many distress horns in succession.

She even thought it was a trick by Greatjon Umber to confuse the judgment of the Vale, but according to the thinking of the Umber family, it was most likely not done by Greatjon.

"Your Majesty!" Lord Rickard Karstark's voice became a little louder.

Robb no longer hesitated and nodded, "Prepare for support."

Rickard got the affirmation, then left Robb's side and ran to the cavalry column under his command.

Robb still frowned, and quickly speculated about what happened in the front army.

Daisy Mormont tilted her head slightly, and the blue and white crescent falcon flag was like a burning light that hurt her eyes, and her eyes trembled slightly.

"Your Majesty?" Daisy's tone sought certainty, as if she hoped to find an explanation from the king, rather than facing the unknown situation.

Robb also looked there, and surprise and astonishment flashed in his eyes.


The sobbing military horn sounded from a distance, and the Northern cavalry in the central army square looked sideways. The crescent falcon battle flag stood solemnly in front, and several knights rode back and forth in the array of the Vale cavalry with flags. From a distance, it looked like a blue sky with clouds staggered.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

The military horn sounded hurriedly, leaving Robb's Northern cavalry with no time to think. The Vale cavalry had already charged forward.

The Vale cavalry drew their crossbows from their backs, raised them in front of them with one hand, and watched the Northern cavalry who hurriedly turned their horses' heads and ran back.

The exquisite chain mail was hidden in the exposed armor of the Vale cavalry, providing two layers of protection. The half helmets revealed a young and vicissitudes of life. The wealthy knights and old nobles who could fight on horseback in the Vale sent all their living forces to support Duke Arryn's expedition.

"Kill!" The solemn sound of killing came from the side of the Northern Cavalry, accompanied by the rumble of the ground caused by the horses' hooves. The sharp arrows of the crossbows were like wild beasts that pounced on them swiftly, piercing the flesh and blood.

Panic spread in the central army.

After the first round of crossbows, the first batch of cavalry quickly turned around and turned sideways along the Northern Cavalry phalanx. The original cavalry formation, which was like a sharp dagger, instantly turned into an opening fan, and the second batch of valley cavalry rushed out from the opening fan.

They had already put their arrows on the bowstrings, and the taut bowstrings were suddenly retracted. The arrows were like meteors, falling on the Northern cavalry who were still savoring the blood caused by the crossbows.

The first batch of cavalry that formed a fan shape was not idle. They took advantage of the moment when the Northern cavalry parried the arrows, retracted the crossbows, put up short bows, and continuously shot arrows at the Northern cavalry formation.

Robb looked at the Northern cavalry who were in a mess and didn't know how to deal with it, and shouted loudly, "Turn the horses around and run to the rear army! Sound the horn! Blackfish and the others should have heard the horn! Quick! Let them support! Go and attack the flank of the Vale people!"

Artis Arryn stood in the distance. The two batches of cavalry in front of him had been sent out, and the thousand cavalry behind him would be the final sharp blade.

The Vale cavalry wore silver plate armor with a few chain mails, and the horses under their crotch only showed two eyes. The half helmet was put on the horse's mouth, and the chain mail was put on the horse's back. They were the best Vale horses, growing in the richest river valley. The horse trainers in Runestone City trained them, the money in Seagull Town nurtured them, and the river valleys of Moon Gate Castle and Hongge City grew them.

Looking at the Northern Border Central Army that turned around and was about to leave, Attis nodded slightly.

Weimar immediately drew out his long sword, "Canyon Knights!"


The long sword stood in front of him, "Kill them!"

The rumbling sound of the earth became louder at this moment. The most elite heavy armored knights in the Vale picked up the armor and riding skills hidden in the Blood Gate for many years, and launched the most shocking charge against Stark, who was just starting out and even exploring cavalry tactics.

The golden sunlight seemed to cover the blood-red light of the comet with a dispensable long gown. The gorgeous appearance concealed a blood-red scene. The blue cloak danced in the wind, and the silver armor revealed a cold glow.

Artis Arryn kicked his legs lightly and the warhorse galloped forward.

If the red comet had eyes, it would see the blue beasts rushing into the silver river. The knights of the valley were like beasts, biting Robb Stark's formation madly.

The ice wolf flag was cut off by the long sword, and the blood left by countless corpses could even form a long stream, just like the red comet in the sky, looking at it from a distance.

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