Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 181 Stannis's Strategy

Stannis stroked the smooth surface of the battlements. In the distance, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and rainstorms and thunder were brewing.

"That bastard," Stannis said, his calm tone was out of tune with the sudden thunder in the distance, "Robert's child, have you settled it?"

"Place him as a servant beside me," Justin Massey replied quickly, smiling, "I promise that he will not appear under the blessing of the Seven Gods."

"Seven Gods." Stannis repeated the words of Earl Justin, and Davos knew very well that there was probably disdain in it.

Ever since the ship that the Duke and Duchess of Steffen Baratheon were on sank in Shipbreaker Bay, Stannis hated the Seven Gods who took away his parents. This attitude has not changed much until now. In Davos's view, King Stannis only maintained the most basic courtesy to the Seven Gods, and there was not much piety beyond that.

Although the king trusted Davos very much, this kind of heart-to-heart talk only took place for a moment, and Davos' judgment was also based on hearsay.

But the attitude of the Church of the Seven Gods towards Stannis was real. Renly's coronation was supported by the Church of Oldtown, while it was difficult for Stannis to even invite the monks of the Seven Gods to coronate.

The Onion Knight stood aside, staring at Justin Marseille's pink cheeks. Davos always thought that if Earl Justin was equipped with the red nose props of the troupe, he would definitely make a name for himself in the trading city-states of the East Continent.

"Anywhere, I guarantee that he will only follow the chores and work in the dark kitchen without seeing the sun." Justin's forehead was slightly sweaty, but his smile made him look very calm.

He said the wrong thing again, Davos looked at the unremarkable Earl Justin and thought regretfully in his heart.

"That's not a squire, but a cook who does odd jobs. A squire should receive regular knight training, not what you said, which is totally against the rules. After all, you are an earl. Have you forgotten the rules of knights? Even if he is a bastard, he is Robert's true son, and he is different from the group of incestuous lions on the Iron Throne." Stannis's hard face seemed to be made of iron, and he replied coldly.

Justin's smile became less calm at this time. He opened his mouth slightly, and there was a trace of panic in his blue eyes.

"I cough, a squire must receive knight training and do odd jobs, but a squire must also know how to handle food for the knights. "

Since he is regarded as a squire, he should follow the normal rules, Davos thought to himself. He knew that the king had always regarded this bastard named Edric Storm as a shame to his wife's family and his own shame, but Justin obviously only interpreted this point, but did not know the king's true thoughts.

This illegitimate son of Robert might be regarded as a disgrace by Stannis, but he would not bother to target a boy who had nothing to do with the throne. Justin's arrangement would most likely be regarded as flattery by the king.

King Stannis called him Earl, which was actually not wrong, but Earl Justin's Stone Dance City had long been destroyed by the Lannister army, and this small castle in the king's territory was destined to have this fate.

"I leave this boy to you. I don't want to ask about it anymore. The shame of the name of illegitimate child is destined to accompany him for life." Stannis left his arrangement lightly, his head slightly raised, looking at the rolling clouds in the distance.

Justin left in embarrassment, and Davos stayed where he was.

The king was silent for a moment, then said to Davos: "You are the first to take down Storm's End."

Davos seemed a little ashamed when he heard this, he lowered his head slightly, "This may not be glorious"

"This place belongs to me, who cares how the master gets his things back from the thieves?" Stannis said disdainfully, obviously sneering at whether the means Davos emphasized were glorious or not, "There is no need to blame yourself, Davos, your identity is different from before, you are no longer a smuggling criminal, you are a glorious noble, my hero."

Davos frowned, he knew that Stannis would not easily promise rewards, even if he was a meritorious person, Stannis would regard this as a manifestation of fulfilling his obligations in most cases.

"What do you think of the future situation," Stannis turned his head to look at Davos, the thunder in the distance became louder and louder, the rain accumulated in the black clouds was swept by the hurricane, and hit the walls of Storm's End from the boundless sea, "What do you think?"

Davos took a deep breath, he had been waiting for this question for a long time.

"We have taken Storm's End, and most of the lords of the Stormlands have surrendered to us," Davos said. "The royal fleet has not suffered any losses, and it seems that Tywin has no intention of invading Dragonstone and the Stormlands in the south. We have temporarily reversed the disadvantage." He thought again of the Battle of the Hills commanded by King Stannis, which must be destined to be recorded in history.

"For now." Stannis repeated his words, without any emotion.

Davos nodded lightly, "Lannister and Arryn are united, and Renly is destined to withdraw from the stage of fighting for the throne"

"It's not a fight for the throne, it's the struggle of the true king to eliminate the usurper, there is no such thing as a fight." Stannis corrected, without a smile.

Davos nodded and said, "After Renly leaves, Highgarden will find another way." He paused slightly, with hesitation in his tone, "We need to try to win over Highgarden. If the Tyrells join forces with the lions again, I'm afraid our chances will be slim."

"How to win over?" Stannis's blue eyes were like the deep ocean. He looked at Davos, "Mace even married his daughter to Renly, and became a queen in name only."

Davos pursed his lips hesitantly. He was not sure what conditions would satisfy Highgarden.

"At least," Davos said, "we must ensure that Tyrell will not support King's Landing before heading north to King's Landing."

Stannis chuckled lightly, "If Garlan Tyrell's army was still at Bitterbridge, I might consider this issue, but the southern army is in disarray and has returned to their respective castles. They are just a group of cowards and a rabble." ”

"Recruit the scattered armies and gather them together again." The heavy rain has swept over the city wall. Stannis and Davos's clothes were stained with rainwater. They walked towards the tower. Stannis continued, "This It will take a long time. If we go north to King's Landing now, the most troublesome thing will probably be the lion's tens of thousands of troops and the eagles who are killing and looting in the riverlands."

Davos took a deep breath, "No matter what, our army is still not enough. We can only protect ourselves, and it is difficult to seek kingship." He spoke very slowly. Davos knew that this was not good news to cheer people up. Over and over again, there are still these clichés of insufficient military strength and insufficient strength, and before King Stannis regained the Stormlands, this kind of rhetoric was everywhere around the king.

"Tywin is sure that I dare not go north," Stannis said, with determination in his eyes. "His army of the West is wandering the Golden Road, deliberately pretending to be suspicious."

"Deliberately?" Davos frowned, not sure what Stannis was emphasizing.

His king thrust his right hand out of the tower window and let the rain wet it. "He needs time to recuperate. The self-proclaimed king in the north has almost emptied the West." Stannis breathed in the chaotic wind under the heavy rain. "He is just trying to force his army on the Golden Road, pretending to be powerful."

"If I were Tywin, I would just move the army back to the west, let Tyrell contain us in the south, push Arryn to the front, and use the high and thick walls of King's Landing to delay time and wear down my strength." Stannis His eyes blinked as he looked at the rainy scene, seemingly disturbed by the rain streaks.

Davos roughly understood what the king meant. "Going north to King's Landing means falling into the lion's mouth and making someone else's wedding dress. It's not cost-effective at all."

Stannis's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the Onion Knight, "The lion is waiting for the opportunity. At this time, the army in the valley is returning to the valley to reorganize. It is destined that there will not be too much power left outside the Blood Gate. As long as Dorne is persuaded If they continue to harass the Reach, then Highgarden will not be able to set foot in the north." There was a hint of meaning in his eyes. He had not considered how to use the Florentine family's variable, but it would not be difficult to temporarily restrain the Tyrell family from moving north.

"Half of the tens of thousands of the Lion family's army are mercenaries, and they cannot be truly loyal to Tywin. This kind of bluffing action cannot defeat his arrogance without exposing it. Several of Cersei Lannister's bastards are there, and in one fell swoop After taking it, the Seven Kingdoms can only regard me as their king." Stannis withdrew his hand, a cold chill spread through his fingers, and he even trembled a little.

Davos looked at Stannis's always determined expression and felt slightly uneasy, but he couldn't explain it.

"Work in the Stormlands first," Stannis said. "Trouble the south, and then take advantage of the opportunity when the Valemen return to the Vale to reorganize, and attack King's Landing directly."

There is basically no time to update in the past two weeks, and the quality is difficult to guarantee. You should wait until mid-January to see it. It will be updated around the 15th.

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