Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 182 Unexpected Disaster (1)

The ship docked quietly at the edge of the port, and the reflection cast by the huge rocks completely obscured the ship. The sunset had already set, and the ironmen who went out to sea to fish also returned one after another, returning to this offshore island where violence and madness thrive.

"No one is docking here. Are you going to Park City or somewhere else?" The captain said in a hoarse voice to the strange passengers beside him. He kept twitching his red nose, which was probably caused by years of drinking. Still affected by the cold and humid air from the Iron Islands, I got wind chill.

"It's enough to get here." The strange traveler covered his face in a gray cloak. The red-nosed captain couldn't see what he looked like at all, but for a sailor like him who made a living at sea, as long as the copper plate was in place, he could Don't care about anything.

The captain shook his head, "The ship must set sail immediately. If you want to go to Pike City, you should go to King's Harbor, which is close to the castle, and here?" He yelled disdainfully, "Who wants to come to a place where birds don't shit? ?”

Not even the storm could be avoided. He thought of the frightening storms during this journey. How could any guest choose this route? The captain touched his nose and muttered in his heart.

If it weren't for the money, the captain stared at the passenger's thick cloak and swallowed slightly.

The passenger didn't respond. A pair of eyes appeared from the gray cloak, looking far away.

The red-nosed captain was most impressed by his blue eyes.

The passenger took out a bag of copper plates from his cloak and shook it gently. The sound of the coins colliding with each other was like a heavenly sound to the captain.

The captain's red nose twitched, a smile spread on his face, and he reached for the money bag, "Have a safe journey. Find your relatives and go home as soon as possible, and I won't give them away."

The twittering compliments were forgotten by the traveler. He strode away into the distance, leaving behind him the shadow of the huge rocks on the coast.

He opened his cloak, revealing an unfamiliar face. His facial features had no edges and corners, making it difficult to identify. He was just like a piece of paper. His blue eyes disappeared and were replaced by a pair of dark brown pupils.

He raised his head and looked at the dense clouds in the sky, where dark shadows curled up.

"Storm?" He seemed to be asking, taking a long breath and stepping on the exposed rocks densely covered in the Iron Islands. The fine gravel was hidden inside. The soles of his shoes rubbed the ground. The sound of the gravel sliding between the rock cracks and the soles of his feet was clearly audible.

"My goal is the northern border, the Neck, the coastline surrounded by the vast pine forest, not the riverlands. It's a lunatic's move for you to provoke Seaside City!" King Balon's high-pitched voice sounded in the Blood Castle of Pike City. The vast main hall echoed.

Shavon Botley sat in front of King Balon, his face flushed, "Jason Mallister is our world enemy, he killed my brother!"

Shavin and his Quickfin were summoned to Pike City as soon as they returned from Seaside City's defeat. They rushed over from King's Harbor without stopping. When they met King Baron, they cursed him without even offering him a drink.

He did not take off the half-helmet that was unique to the ironborn and the long sword that he ripped off from a river knight in Seaside City, but came in a military uniform, which made Balon even more dissatisfied.

"Sooner or later, the ironmen will pierce the enemy's eyes with iron hooks and pour their flesh and blood into the sea, but you must distinguish the target!" King Balon waved his right hand, "You are so shameless, the strong ironmen will The trophies of the defeated are shown off to show off the ancient ways, but you are clearly the defeated."

"Your son, Theon Greyjoy, has taken Winterfell, and you have avenged it, Lord Balon," Shavin said loudly. "Kingsport also needs revenge, to Seaside City, to Jay. Sen Mallister's Revenge!"

Balon Greyjoy moved from his seat near the fireplace and approached Shavon Portley. "Tell me, how did you lose to Jason Mallister?" His eyes seemed to match those of a pair. The stringed crossbow arrows were aimed at Sha Wen.

"There is something in my report." Shawen faced King Balon's gaze, closed his mouth, and took a deep breath. "We attacked at night. It is rare for Haijiang City to neglect the defense of the coast. Damn it! This is obviously the best opportunity. , we can take down this castle that has trapped us for decades in one fell swoop.”

Shavon Botelli shook his head, "Kneeling coward, I didn't expect Mallister to be a kneeling coward!" He gritted his teeth and slammed the table with the hand holding the cup handle, "Leonor Cobb Rui's valley army came and killed us, and we almost couldn't even get back to the ship."

"The Eyrie is not our enemy, Shavon," Balon Greyjoy lowered his voice, but the sound waves rippled in the spacious main hall. The hoarse and low voice reminded Shavon of Aeron Grey. The scene of Joey praying at the beach made him feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart. This feeling of fear and resistance always made him feel very uncomfortable.

Balon continued, "You should set off from King's Port at any time to support Asha." He pursed his lips and looked at the silent Sha Wen. He knew that the leader of King's Port was unwilling to fight for women and had never been. Looking down on his daughter, although Asha's performance is better than that of most Ironborn warriors, "Roose Bolton and his northern vassals want to rob the North with me. They may threaten the Neck and the coast at any time." fortress."

"The army in White Harbor followed our strategy of taking the Bay of Cailin. If the assistance had not been timely," Balon Greyjoy stopped speaking and still stared at Shawen. "Don't anger any third party, Shawen. We are not enemies with the Vale. Attis Arryn may not want us to take the north, but compared to Roose Bolton." He paused slightly and shook his head, "According to the current situation, the Vale and the Riverlands Without giving any aid to the northerners heading north, we only need a few troops to trap them to death in the Neck."

"Where's the lion? How could Lannister be so kind?" Shavin asked in confusion.

Balon raised his head and laughed, "Old lion? If he was kind, Roose Bolton should take the king's fleet north and return to White Harbor, but Attis Arryn and Stannis would not agree easily. He looked at Shavin and suppressed his smile, "Lannister is so exhausted that even if he wanted to help Bolton, he would have no time to do so. There is the Trident River in between. Besides, Stannis's army is still looking at him, so they won't pay attention. to us.”

"Don't let the Valley focus on us, Shavin. According to my plan, I will not allow you to act privately." The protruding edges of Balon's face were like thorns in the thorn bushes, facing Shavon Botley, the lord of King's Port, The sharp black eyes remained motionless, staring closely at Sha Wen.

Shavon nodded slowly. He did not have any dissatisfaction with Balon's instructions. Shavon had fought side by side with Balon Greyjoy for many years, and he even knew many of King Balon's habits very clearly.

"Your heir is still unclear about his movements in Winterfell. It's time to bring him back. It's too far from the coast and our strength has no time to take care of it." Shavon Botley said, and he mentioned Theon again.

Balon took a deep look at Shavin. Shavin had never shied away from this issue. He was an Ironborn who adhered to the seastone tradition. His obsession with this point even surpassed that of himself and Victarion. Shavin had always supported Theon Greyjoy, whom he had almost never met and was a hostage in Winterfell, never supported his idea of ​​Asha taking the throne.

He did not respond directly, "Asha will bring him back," he coughed slightly and said to Shavin: "I need your sailors and longships to help Victarion, and there is no room for loss in the Gulf of Cailin. "

Shavin frowned slightly, and Balon keenly caught this. He continued: "I know you have objections to my sending troops to fight in the north, but you can't understand the fate of Robb Stark, and no one can I know that the eagle and the wolf will break up. After all, we are still favored by the Drowned God. Aeron should have told you."

"The barren north can only give the Iron Islands a little wood!" Shavin Botelli gritted his teeth, "but we can obviously get the gold in the west."

"The price you pay is not as simple as it is now, Shavin!" Balon no longer spoke calmly and scolded Shawen sternly, "Bring me your longship and help my brother, immediately! "

Shavin took a deep breath and lowered his head slightly, "As you wish, King of the Iron Islands and the North." He pulled away from the long table and strode behind him.

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