Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 198 Difficulties and Responses

Evan Arlin walked into the dim hall. The dim light of the candle only illuminated a corner of the room. Duke Attis looked through the documents and letters spread out under the candlelight.

A simple and even scribbled map was spread out on the table. The complex lines and various cross marks in the middle of the lines could be vaguely seen.

He stayed aside silently. He would not choose to speak actively before getting the Duke's instructions.

"Your father, Quinn Arlin," Attis piled the extra letters on a corner of the table, took out a few of them, and pointed to the clear details on them, "The convoy that hauled stones in Seagull Town, the food and accommodation of the craftsmen, the maintenance of the camp along the road, gravel, clay.

Attis looked up at Evan Arlin, "The golden dragons from Seagull Town are endless, all thanks to your family."

Evan Arlin smiled and bowed his head slightly, "My father and I are both members of the clan, and we should contribute to the valley. "

Attis looked at Evan who lowered his head, and his heart was filled with praise. Perhaps Evan's gorgeous and luxurious attire would annoy some nobles in the valley who adhered to tradition, and give people the impression of a nouveau riche, but this was what Attis wanted. As the eyes of the eagle, Evan Arryn was destined to serve the Eagle's Nest. His loyalty and ability were the first priority.

The Duke pointed at the flat map, "The narrowest part of the Blood Gate can only accommodate one person and one horse. The valley army is mostly cavalry. It is very troublesome to recruit troops and rush to support. The construction of Arryn Valley Road must be implemented," Attis tapped the table, as if to emphasize the importance of decision-making, "but now there are many troubles."

Evan Arryn saw the Duke's slightly frowned brows, and secretly speculated that the Duke might be in trouble with funds again. He raised his head and said, "Father has accumulated a lot of money in Seagull Town. If the Eagle's Nest needs it, it can be taken anytime and anywhere. "

He thought of the loan agreement his father had signed with the Grafson and Shet families, and made a decision in his heart. He believed that Duke Attis would compensate for these efforts sooner or later, and the compensation would be more generous, far beyond the compensation measured by gold dragons.

Attis laughed out loud, "After all, you didn't participate in the construction site, so it's normal that you don't know." The Duke's finger slowly pointed to the castles along the scribbled lines on the map, "The canyon knights and conscripted soldiers come from the jurisdiction of each family. The current valley road connects a limited number of castles. We don't have the ability to make the entire Arryn Valley look brand new, so we plan to widen the road between Xinsu City, Yuemen Castle and then Blood Gate. "

"At first, at the Gates of the Moon, most of the land belonged to the Eyrie, and some problems were not exposed." Artis looked at the large area of ​​Arryn Valley land where the road was expanded with a worried look on his face, "But in Hearth City, on the Valley Road, there is no need to worry too much about the money that was originally the most worried. Jon Grafson has managed the Twins very well, and the spoils of Saltpans, Harrenhal and even Riverrun are enough to last for a while."

"But the land along the road belongs to wealthy knights and local lords." Artis murmured to himself, "but I really have no reason to invade." He looked at Evan Arryn, his eyes moved slightly.

Evan Arryn saw this and understood, "Duke, I will try my best to do whatever you ask. "He looked at Attis, whose admiration made Evan reassure himself of his thoughts.

"Building roads, widening the valley avenue, reinforcing the Blood Gate, plus the current tournament prize money, the expenses of the Eagle's Nest are huge and should not be continued," Attis did not even mention the expenses of the valley army stationed abroad for a long time, which was another astronomical figure. "I will not levy heavy taxes, nor will I encroach on the real estate witnessed by the Seven Gods of the wealthy knights of the Arryn Valley, otherwise it would be tyranny, even under the rule of the Mad King, this has never happened."

Attis looked at Evan Arryn, who he had promoted and incorporated into the decision-making center of the valley, "I hope to reclaim this land by legal means, and you, the name of the Arryn family of Seagull Town, and the reputation of the 'Golden Eagle' will negotiate with these valley knights who have been conferred in the valley, and acquire and merge them under your father's personal name. "

Evan Arryn's pupils swelled slightly, and he swallowed his saliva as he looked at Atis's expression that would not allow him to be refused. "I'm afraid that the knight territory along the entire Valley Avenue is not something that one family can afford." He did not lose his mind. For something that is almost impossible to do, he would not easily ruin his credit, especially in front of his lord.

"The Arryn family who went far away to Seagull Town has been doing business for generations. Your ancestors even served as the Minister of Finance of the Iron Throne." Atis saw that Evan Arryn was still standing, and pointed to the chair next to him where Nestor Royce had sat before, motioning him to sit down. After Evan Arlin sat on the chair, his mouth slightly raised, "He even had a hand in the inheritance of Eagle's Nest and the Valley."

Evan Arlin's heart suddenly tensed up, and a heat surged up his face. His palms and forehead even sweated faintly and became sticky. He stared at the Duke's face, not daring to miss a word.

"It's just a long-standing history, not worth mentioning," Atis laughed softly, and Evan's tense heart relaxed immediately, secretly relieved, "You and your father have been dealing with merchants for too long, haven't you been exposed to some foreign habits and customs?"

Evan Arlin didn't understand what Atis meant, but just listened quietly, not knowing how to respond.

"The nobles in Seagull Town who deal with the Free Trade City are different from the nobles in the Erin Valley." Artis remembered that Bachelor Cologne had records when he served the Grafson family in Seagull Town before serving the Eyrie City, and added Roy The most representative aristocratic styles in the three valleys of Si, Corbrai and Grafson were compared. Although the works are referred to as Runestone City, Heartstown City and Seagull Town, the meaning is very obvious.

"Compared to others, you know how to unite better," Artis looked at Evan Aylin with some deep meaning. "Don't think too complicated. Think of this as a ship merchant's ocean trade. Ask your crew to discuss it." Get up and bear these huge costs.”

Evan Aylin roughly understood what the Duke meant, which was to let the Aylin family of Seagull Town take the lead and use their contacts rooted in the trade of Seagull Town for many years to jointly bear the cost of annexing the knight's territory, but he was still unsure because the Duke did not He was not informed of the profits.

"Duke Attis, if these lands cannot bring profits, it may be difficult to find businessmen willing to partner." Evan Aylin frowned and asked Attis.

But Artis did not answer his question directly. "Sir Quincy Cox of Saltworks Town is old and was recruited by Darry City to fight with our army at the beginning of the war." He looked at Evan Ai Lin's hesitant eyes showed no rush to explain, but just slowly narrated, "Sir Quincy was too old and did not choose to join the army himself. Instead, he sent his son and grandson to respond to the call. It was just bad luck that their commanding officer The officer was Edmure Tully who was too complacent and wanted to fight across the river against the Vale Cavalry."

Artis's eyes became clearer and clearer, and Evan Aylin's brows gradually relaxed. He had a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure yet.

"Sir Quincy's children and grandchildren all died in that massacre. Anda Royce took the lead for the valley and almost annihilated the most elite cavalry in the Riverlands on the east bank of the Green Fork River," Attis said calmly. He looked at Evan Aylin, whose face was gradually filled with joy, "Sir Quincy's daughters are all married, but his eldest son also has a twelve-year-old daughter."

Evan Aylin's breathing gradually became rapid. He tried hard to suppress the joy in his heart and kept his face calm.

"If you help me solve this problem," Attis leaned behind him, "you will marry the daughter of Saltworks Town and become the future lord of Saltworks Town." Before joy could well up in his heart, Attis continued: "He The constraints that restrict the development of Salt Farm Town in the Land and King's Landing will also be lifted, and you will have a franchise in Salt Farm Town and become the second Seagull Town in the Valley."

"As for helping your accomplices," Artis sighed slightly, "I think you can satisfy them at the port of Salt Farm Town."

The words spoken by Duke Attis were like the crisp sound of a golden dragon sliding down the bottom of a bowl. Evan Aylin could not suppress his inner excitement. He pulled out of the soft chair, half-knelt on the ground, raised his head to face the Duke, and opened his mouth. But he hesitated and couldn't say even half a sentence.

"No need to thank me," Artis said, "I know your situation in Seagull Town. You have to give up your business in Seagull Town and transfer the property to the Schetter family and Grafson. After all," the Duke bent down and helped him up. Evan Ayling's hand, "You can also pay off your debts to the Grafson and Schetter families."

"I" Evan Aylin was speechless for a moment. He could not suppress the excitement in his heart, "Duke Attis, I"

"Stand up," Attis patted Evan Aylin on the shoulder and looked at the crescent moon golden eagle pin he placed on his chest, "I cherish my relatives the most, even if you are far away in Seagull Town."

After hearing this, Evan Aylin's face gradually calmed down, and his eyes as he looked at Attis gradually became firmer. He knew that no words of gratitude could repay this kindness. Only feedback from actions was the most real. Evan nodded gently. , "My father and I will do our best."

The sentence is short, but becomes much more sonorous and powerful.

Attis nodded slightly and waved that he could leave.

Evan Aylin took a long breath and wiped the dried sweat on his forehead. His task became onerous again. In addition to identifying the villages and monks near the God's Eye Lake, he also added the important task of contacting his father to prepare for the annexation of the land. .

He gently nodded to An Gai who was standing aside and walked towards the bottom of the tower.

After Evan Aylin closed the door of the living room, Attis gradually relaxed his strength and lay tiredly on the back of the soft chair.

"These lands." Artis suddenly laughed when he thought of the Royce family who had hoped to use a marriage contract to replace the land reward of the Green Fork River. "I am not the only one who is worried. I promise so, but it is impossible to do it." There are too many landless knights gathered in the Royce family. It is impossible for Sir John to be unaware of the price paid. Now that the engagement has been cancelled, the knights in Runestone City may be even more resentful.

"It's perfect to use these lands to alleviate conflicts." Attis rubbed his eyes, sleepiness gradually spreading.

This chapter was very difficult to write. I checked some information and wrote down the contradictions and solutions that I forgot to mention before.

The conflict is a bit complicated and requires too much mental energy. I will update it today.

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